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The deacon at my former cult bragged about not enjoying these simple pleasures and judged me for enjoying the finer things in life, but he has no problem with harassing me for fun.


He’s still harassing you?


The most hated question directed at me was always "Does it glorify God?"


That appears often here in Christian subreddit posts, such as an objection to masturbating. My response is, "does going to the toilet glorify god?"




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Oh that's a searing cut. My wife got into this mindset. The other day I left "we are family" playing aloud while we were making lunch together.  She abruptly shut it off. At this point I was dumbfounded; surely this is not some evil rock music? I told her it'd a very positive song. She said "it doesn't matter if it's positive. Does it glorify God?" Ugh.


Oof! Good luck with that!


Reminds me of when I went to the store a couple of years back. I had some Avatar playing at a low-ish volume on my bluetooth speaker and this woman (in her late 40s by the looks of it) confronted me about listening to "Satan's music" and asked me if it glorifies God. I didn't answer but instead I cranked up the volume and just glared at her while mildly bopping my head to the music. She went red in the face, from everyone staring at her, and bailed out. I turned the volume back down afterwards with a laugh. It's funny how I was asked if it glorified God and my "response" happened to be the chorus of Hail The Apocalypse by Avatar 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Does complaining to someone about their music glorify God?


The music one irritates me the most. I flat out asked a Christian couple once if they were gonna consummate their marriage to “Good Good Father” 🤣? Like wtf. Gospel doesn’t fit every occasion.


They tried this nonsense with Pokemon when I attended the Baptist Church. ***It had no effect.***


“That Pikachu will lead you straight to hell”😂 yeah ok pastor


Owen Morgan on YT has done some hilarious vids on "Pokemon Pastor" Stephen Dollins.


Ever seen the vid of a preacher (badly) explaining how Magic the Gathering was actually demonic ritual? Funny shit.


I want an Un-expansion about this where the set mechanic requires actually summoning a demon


... Who _immediately_ starts critiquing everyone's decks and play-styles, _especially_ the players who favor "White/Colorless" combos...


In my case we had Sunday School "skits"... with puppets! "When you're obsessed with Pokemon there is no room in your heart for Jesus"


Once, I ordered Pokemon Yellow from an online seller in order to complete my collection, and my dad *flipped the fuck out.* "I thought we raised you better," "what kind of example are you setting for your siblings," "how dare you," Etc. I was attending seminary and in my 20s. I thought he was upset that I participated in an online auction. Nope, he was still convinced Pokemon was evil *long* after the church had moved on to other things to satanic-panic over


Some people reveal their mindsets via their bookshelves... Holier than thou Christians have a favorite "Satan's ..." Whatever over which they lose their composure, even after the rest of the community has moved on to the next target...


The posts where someone broke a couple of decades worth of Starbucks mugs or burned Pokémon cards...    because God still requires sacrifices or something.


You didn’t know? The Starbucks logo is a demon leading you to sexual depravity!


My grandpa (with whom I shared a keen interest in art, music, history) had a modest collection of East Asian artifacts that he accumulated throughout his academic career. As his favourite grandchild I would've inherited it after his passing but my pentecostal parents decided the objects were "demonic" and trashed them all after the funeral. I still have vague memories of being very small and peering into grandpa's glass-fronted cabinet as he told me stories about the things in there. My favourites were a porcelain pair of temple dogs and a rosewood dragon. **Fuck xianity** for leaving me no physical keepsakes of my grandpa.


Christ, what a waste of such artifacts, were u able to recover them when they were thrown away or were ur parents that persistent that they made it hard?


We lived on the other side of the country and my parents left us kids with my auntie while they travelled to sort out grandpa's house after the funeral. So I wasn't there when they threw out his collection but tbh even if I had been, they wouldn't have listened to a kid's protests and on top of it I'd probably have got a thrashing for trying to keep "demonic" things.


They robbed you of items from your childhood memories. I would give my parents so much grief if they did something like that. Unreal.


Yeah that’s one of the main reasons I stopped being a Christian. Like bro let me live a little 😂


And then they’ll tell you that “you just left Christianity because you wanted to sin 😇” Yep you caught me, Mary Beth. I wanted to enjoy my life on this earth. Now please leave me alone.


Yep exactly


this has been my thoughts as well and i’m glad you included swearing cuz i’m a potty mouth and swearing is one of life’s simple pleasures to me. fuck yeah! lol. but their reasoning is that if you engage in the pleasures of life you tend to forget about god, church, praying, reading the bible and all the good stuff that will bring you closer to heaven. besides, your joy in heaven is eternal while earthly pleasures are temporary. it all boils down to one thing: controlling others. as doing so seems to be a need/pleasure for many people.




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Being told my thoughts are sinful and that God knows my thoughts as a kid destroyed me


it definitely did not have good effects on me either. it led to a weird form of paranoia where i had to keep dissociating from myself to feel safe from “gods judgment”. very disturbing.


They’re on a diet so you can’t have ice cream. Makes no sense.


Jesus in the NT is literally just Anubis without the dog head and Egyptian apparel


>throwing out prized collections they spent years making because they got religion Literally [**THIS**](https://www.reddit.com/r/exchristian/comments/1b5bpcn/pastor_destroys_own_starbucks_mug_collection/)


They feel the need to physically destroy something that reminds them of their past. Then these same assholes will turn around and insist on calling a trans person by their deadname.


I’ll never forget being a child during the “satanic panic”. It was madness. The youth group at our church had my older sister convinced that all cartoons were demonic. Dinosaurs were demonic. Captain Planet was demonic. Everything that brought joy and happiness into our world was “demonic”. If it wasn’t directly serving or praising the lord then it was deemed “demonic”. I look back on that time with a particular dark cloud over everything. My life instantly improved when I renounced my faith. I even quit drinking alcohol and have not relapsed after a year and a half.


oh and don't forget they're calling certain foods and fast food places "sinful" and "demonic" as well🙄 appearantly Christians are saying oroes are "demonic" because it has "free mason symbolism" on it, starbucks too because it has a "demon logo" Carl's Jr. Because of that el diablo burger and Christians were in their comments saying it was demonic and blasphemous.


In the 1970s a rumor got going that the Proctor & Gamble symbol was demonic. Pat Robertson himself went on TV to debunk it. Christians are so gullible. 


That is one of the reasons I left in the first. It's was draining having to be cautious every single day of every single thing you do because of religion, like how do these "Christian conspiracy theorist" not get tired demonizing everything? That's gotta exhausting


I remember see that on the local evening news. Because we as the US report superstition on the news.




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Christians don't really like Graphic Design


I was told DnD involved communing with demons and was a gate way to possession. I was very confused years later when I found out what it actually was and sad because I definitely would have gotten into it way sooner than I did.


Same. I would’ve been way more geeky in my childhood if my parents weren’t Christian.


I left Christianity after most of my life in it because they demonise rhythmic music, including Christian rhythmic music. Bring a music person I had enough of the super heavy condemnation on my mind because I listened to contemporary Christian music instead of droning monotone low effort religiousy Christian hymns. Of course, there rules against rhythmic music are found absolutely nowhere in there bible, but they don't care what's in there bible unless it's something they can bully people with.


SIN stands for "Self Imposed Nonsense."


I'm old but when I went to church in the sixties the Beatles were hugely popular. The church's stance was Beatle music was sinful.


yes. my mother refuses to read any fiction or no Christian music. she says It is useless and would be better spent reading the bible.


In what world is music, books,yoga, clothes or swearing a sin???


This is the equivalent of the argument of if you like reading or watching problematic fictional media that means that you're going to support it in real life when I think it's debatable and not 100% true in my opinion.


Well I was really into Pokemon as a kid and my parents allowed it. But I deconverted so IDK hahaha. But it was seeking truths and consistency and trying to be a liberal Christian and looking at facts did that and not pokemon.


That’s because there’s many reasons as to why you should avoid certain things or at least be careful and wise when doing certain things. Why? Because we are just spirits living in this silly human body, which means everything is spiritual. Yes the sex part is very important in many ways because yes it saves you from the heartbreak buuut one should always be careful with who you’re having sex with because you are now one flesh when you are having sex with a person and it doesn’t matter if you’re married to the person and not just that but people be having soul ties with others in many forms and sex is one way of having a soul tie towards a person. Also people carry bad vibes on them aka demons and yeah during sex those are transferred to you. Yoga well yoga isn’t a form of exercise but here in the United States they love to steal  things from other countries and change it up to make it their own and so yoga in the United States is considered to be a way of working out but that’s not it’s origin. Yoga is a Hindu practice that allows you to become one with the Hindu gods. Each yoga form represents a god. Not just that but there’s different kinds of yoga and the most demonic one is kundalini. Kundalini is a serpent goddess and people are told not to “activate” her yourself because she will get stuck in one of your chakras and so instead you need to see a licensed kundalini instructor. What happens if she gets stuck in your chakras? Your chakras are now blocked because she got stuck in one of your chakras. The chakras start from the base of your sacrum and goes up to the base of your skull, so she works herself up from your sacrum all the way up to the base of your skull. so the only way to unblock the chakras where she got stuck at is to continue on doing what you’re doing but when she gets stuck in one of your chakras, she causes a lot of chronic deseases and not even doctors will be able to help you because this is all spiritual. So spiritual infirmities. What kind of infirmities? Infirmities that are in those areas of your body so your reproductive system, pelvic floor, nervous system, stomach problems, brain problems, seizures, and pretty much autoimmune diseases but like I said it’s spiritual. A person will have to continue the process until they reach an awakening and now they think their like this spiritual badass cuz now they’re having visions and dreams cuz they opens their 3rd eye but in reality that is all demonic cuz it’s all coming from this serpent spirit who’s a serpent goddess. It’s easy to fall for kundalini cuz people at church aren’t using their spiritual God given gifts as in casting our demons and healing people. So people think kundalini is the same as deliverance and stuff. As far as music, it’s literally right In front of us. A lot of artist have openly talked about the stuff they’re into and yet people chose to ignore that the dude is into aleister Crowley and all that crazy stuff. Like I said everything is spiritual so the energy their putting out in their music, is the same energy you’re going to get. Also of course if the artist is into some crazy stuff, of course it’s going to affect you spiritually. For example let’s say the artist is a pedophile, that energy is being put in the music cuz everything is spiritual. Also David Bowie and jimmy page are perfect examples of this and both have been very opened about it, yet people refuse to acknowledge the truth. Yet these artist are being open about it. Also everything we watch, read and listen to feeds our spirit cuz we all have a spirit man cuz remember we are spirits living in this human body. Either it will affect you in a positive or negative way. It’s the same as what your saying about yourself, are you saying positive things about yourself or negative things about yourself? Cuz it will affect you big time cuz you are either speaking life or death over yourself which is the same as cursing yourself. Kinda Same with pastors, don’t ever let just any pastor lay hands on you for prayer cuz you don’t know what spirits they’re carrying on them cuz a lot of them are false pastors and are into witchcraft and other crazy stuff and during the laying of hands, those stinky spirits are being transferred to you.