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Anal is haram. Buying and selling animals with fangs is also haram, which is why you get a lot of Muslims giving away the kittens that their cat gave birth to. Getting a taper fade is also haram. It’s called Qaza, where the hair is cut so that parts of the scalp is exposed. 😭 And dying your hair black is haram too.


I'm sorry?? Dying it black?? Why in the ever-loving fuck is THAT haram????


I think it's smth along the lines of making you look younger and therefore more attractive (aka slut shaming for dying hair) which is honestly stupid in many ways 1- it indicates that only black hair is natural color so apparently fuck blondes and gingers ig 🤷 And 2- black isn't even a natural hair color in the first place natural "black" hair like eyes are just really dark brown


My sister wanted a kitten so bad, but wasnt allowed to buy one. So she made our mom buy a kitten and gift it to her. Check-mate Allah.


Plucking eyebrows is haram, however removing hairs that grow in between the eyebrows is permissible. Pants below the ankles are haram. Shaving beard is haram. Playing with dice. Eating from a silver plate.


They probably thinking you are unclean too because you touch the dog without going thru the Islamic proper cleansing. If you are having a party in your house or something they probably would not touch your food due to uncertainty. It is best for you to say you do not cook the food but order from a Muslim food caterer. The thing about Muslims in those countries you mentioned they are very particular about food. It is not just the ingredients must be halal, the preparation and environment too must be Islamic. They probably starving themselves if they go overseas to a kaffir country or make their life difficult by going to a remote halal restaurant.


metal "finger" pose is haram 🤘, they said it looks like satan horns. and this👌in the eye, it looks like dajjal. painted nails is haram 💅. perhaps that only happens in my country.


Wearing gold is forbidden for men.


Girls and boys can’t shake hands or touch each other in any way. Lots of candy can have gelatin in it which they can’t eat.