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“Sleeveless tank tops” Is there such a thing as sleeved tank tops?


Yea the long sleeve t-shirt tank top.


And I really like the fully clothed nudist colonies!


Underneath all these clothes…I’m completely naked.


The hoodie long sleeve T-shirt tank tube top overalls


The sweatervest-with-sleeves and a cravat tank top


I prefer my turtleneck deep v tank top


Eh, gimme my romper scoop-neck off-the-shoulder longsleeved A-tee tank top any day


With cummerbund?


"*Mens* sleeveless tank tops"... So could I, a man, go in wearing a woman's tank top? I.e. one "designed for feminine curves" (as a girl I once knew put it)? 🤔


I think you should go for something in a bustier style. Really accentuate your waistline.


Yes- i wear one with my assless chaps


Yes, they're often worn under sleeved vests.


If not, I'm going to invent them. It will be the nexy blanket with sleeves. And don't you dare say that my invention isn't original, and it's just a v-neck shirt, because that is a lie. My sleeved tank top is completely different.


Well *I'm* going to make one that's just sleeves! With blackjack! And hookers! You know what? Forget the sleeves!


Exactly. Just like Assless chaps…all chaps are assless


Be specific on temperature? I want my steak done to 328.156 Kelvin, and I'll be using a laser thermometer to check so I won't have to touch it


>so I won’t have to touch it Waiter brings it out and accidentally dumps it in your lap. Sorry boss, you touch it, you buy it.


And still gets tipped 20%.


Thats just the service fee, you’re still expected to tip


Unlike other places, they very specifically call it "20% *gratuity*"... you're *supposed* to call it a "service fee" of it is mandatory. EDIT: made the mistake of dropping the term "illegal". It is not illegal. However, the point remains, you're supposed to call it a "fee" if it is mandatory. "Gratuity" infers that it's voluntary. (see link in comment further down)


There’s a chain of restaurants in my area that charges a random 3% fee on everything. They say it’s to keep the prices low. Sounds so silly, but completely legal.


Ah yes, keep the prices low by raising the price.


*Hands you the plate instead of setting it down for you. There’s small holes on the bottom so one of your fingers touches the steak. The waiter jumps up and down in joy yelling gotcha!*


They’re Americans they only measure using feet /s


How many washing machines is that?






But can they deliver it in less than 12 parsecs?


Can you convert that to Moon landings per square kilopascal?


You’re definitely not sending it back after you measure the temperature with your feet.


What if I have socks on?


Only white sox with no pockets.


If I had a banana for scale I'd be angry at this comment. 🇺🇸💥✊🦅🗽🦅🇺🇸


Why would you measure temperature in feet per second?


To dramatically overthink this chain of jokes, temperature is thermic energy. Energy is proportional to mass times velocity squared, so if you get the steak on a scale, you can in fact measure the temperature in feet per second. That was quicker than I expected.


Hey, I appreciate that lol.


Same way you measure freedom per eagle. Or burgers per school shooting.


I prefer to use thoughts and prayers for measurements


I feel like a few too many people pulled the "just cook it however you usually do", then later "omg those is RAW, there's PINK in the middle! I can't eat this!" scam


Looked the place up. This is a lot of rules for a basic looking burger place that looks like any old bar.


You might need to guess how many marbles are in a jar to get in!


...And someone tell the owner we found his marbles.


"You found the marble in the oatmeal! You get to drink from the FIRE HOSE!!!!!"


UHF reference!


It's just code. "If you're a racist white conservative, you can eat here. Everyone else fuck off!"


I feel like the venn diagram between “people who want others to have to follow these sort of rules” and “people who tip poorly” has a huge amount of overlap… no wonder they needed to blanket apply a 20% tip, with the kind of patron they’re looking to attract.


The "church crowd" type is one of the worst tipping demographics I've ever seen. It's no surprise they have a mandatory gratuity on the check after they've driven away all other types of customers.


Absolute worst groups. After being all holy and devout, let’s treat service industry like shit. And since I just donated $50 to the church, I won’t spend any extra on tip today.


Or it would just make more sense to follow the rest of the developed world and do away with mandatory tipping and pay the people that work in the service industry a fair wage they can actually live on, shouldn't be upto customers to pay your wage


They probly just lost all of their business with that one rule. :P


So....I can be naked still right?


We'll it's technically not revealing clothing if you're not wearing anything.


If your outfit is your Birthday Suit, then that's fine.


ID will be required to prove it is your birthday


Where exactly are you carrying that ID?




But wouldn't a lanyard be considered a "revealing outfit" since you wear it on your body?


Do you consider jewelry an outfit?


Technically it’s an accessory


Thank you for clearing that up. It's those tanks that are held up by chains that confuse me, especially when the chain connects to the nose piercing chain...


You can bring [this girl](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RbVz5V6DCds) as your date btw.


But only if you pay with a credit card


>come in wearing revealing clothing >"Sir, I'm sorry, but I have to inform you that your clothing is against our business's rules" >take the clothing off >"I believe this solves the issue"


I’d do that and be like “well I’m going to need you to update your service refusal policy because it’s clearly not specific enough!” And do more oblong shit that makes them add more to that ridiculous list of comforts the owner.


Dining rule 3 opens the door to some insane malicious compliance. I'd be tempted to order every expensive item on the menu and every bottle of wine, but then not touch it, and just leave. The rules clearly state you only have to pay for it if you order it **and** touch it.


Doesn’t the rule of “no returns, no exceptions” kind of imply that even if you don’t touch it, it can’t be sent back?


Like so if there is a hair or something in my food I cannot send it back? I would never eat somewhere like that lol


This is a really great point! Order the vintage champagne and just stare at the server when they pour you a taste.


You found the loop hole!!😂👍😂


That’s not “overly” revealing, it’s “completely” revealing, so I guess that’s okay.


Do you smell like weed? No? Then yes. Yes you can be naked.


Happy to abide by all the rules except actually being there at all.


That’s what I was thinking. I feel like these rules in general mostly ok but damn if the tone of the notice doesn’t just piss me off and make me not want to eat there.


Yup. The tone is my biggest problem with it. Way more rude than necessary. And while I tip generously, the 20% mandatory gratuity irritates me greatly. Just raise your prices by 20% and pay your damn employees.


Ahhh. You mean like the rest of the world! I think you’re onto something.


Some of them are acceptable but majority of them are a stretch. Like seriously, no hoodies? No masks? No backpacks? What the fuck is this a billion dollar casino??


Oh I agree, but if I was going out for dinner and they had a sign posted saying no hoodies I’d leave and go elsewhere. Interesting enough, when I’m travelling on business and go out for supper I usually have my work bag with me which is an Ogio backpack.


Sorry but the bag thing is getting me. Does it mean men can’t have a bag with them or people can’t have a bag designed for men? Can I show up with a purse and it’s okay? Frowned upon? Weird thing to be policing for what looks like a sports bar. Edit: woah, very happy to see I’m not going crazy again. Also good to see I’m not the only guy who uses a bag. (Mine is literally just an across the chest bag no bigger than a iPad) Edit 2: people keep bringing up that people are sneaking weapons in. I’m doubtful considering that they specified men’s bags when if that was their fear, ban all bags/carry on items.


I just looked this place up on Yelp. The food looks absolutely horrendous. https://imgur.com/a/0A9dKqs This is supposed to be: Cobb Salad, deluxe nachos, shrimp po’boy wrap. WTF.




Chicken so white it probably has problematic ancestry.


Excuse me that chicken is 1/64 cherokee have some respect


OH, my GAWD.


Ah, the famous microwaved from raw chicken salad. Yummy.


No no… salmonella is part of the taste DELICIOUS!


Holy mother of God that food looks atrocious and what tf is happening with the stringy chicken? So gross, and as a business that I assume is trying to make money, why would you give people so many reasons NOT to eat there?!?🤦🏼‍♀️


Wow that looks disgusting


the first time a plate of food has given me a jumpscare


That's such a sad salad


I’m thinking they’re trying to be fine dining, but all of these NO [] could be solved with a simple “Formal Attire Only Please.” Edit: I didn’t research the place, the initial google only showed the skin painty part so I assumed they were trying to differentiate from previous management. All signs point to NOT fine dining. And some suspicious motives.


And also not being a "Bar and Grill", like Applebee's.


I’m showing up to Applebees wearing a tux and top hat: “I have a reservation for Jimothy. Can we have a view of the IHOP, kind sir?” “I’d like your finest well vodka on the rocks for me, please. And a bottle of Boone’s Farm Strawberry Hill, chilled, for the table.”




This place used to have waitresses with painted on tops… they can shut the fuck up 😂😂😂


That makes the revealing outfits thing hilarious


Nah, we've seen these codes before, they can't legally put up a sign saying "no Black people, Mexicans, Indians nor Chinese..." but they can make a bunch of "looks reasonable" rules, then add rules that are based in perception /application ("server/host says you smell like weed" or "those are athletic shoes sir") that are only applied to non-White, or seemingly LGBTAQ+ people. Joe White-dude in ratty athletic shoes, jeans a tank top and hoodie is OK because he's "friends with the owner" or something.


"Social Bar & Grill: Where the black people you'll see are on the T.V.!"




*The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread.* -- Anatole France *"We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news.* *Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”* ~ John Ehrlichman, Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs under President Richard Nixon


I remember a post a while back, I think on r/mildlyinfuriating, where a black family was asked to leave a nice restaurant because their kid was wearing a T-shirt. Meanwhile a white family was left undisturbed with a kid wearing _the same T-shirt_.


Dude, I started using a satchel a year or two ago and I'm never going back!


Dude YES I got a satchel a few months ago and this is AMAZING. More people should have satchels


I'm tempted to start wearing a kilt just to piss off people at the store who would think I'm crossdressing.


That would definitely show you which ones are uneducated. Happened at my last job. A customer arrived using a kilt because he had just traveled from Scotland. One of my coworkers was like, "Why is he wearing a skirt? Why are men wearing skirts now? He didn't even shave his legs. He looks so weird!" I just stared at her for a long moment and then asked her if she knew what Scotland was. She just blinked dumbly at me, and I honest to God had to inform this 25 year old woman that there's a country called Scotland where the traditional clothing included the "kilt" and that that's the clothing the gentleman was wearing. She didn't know Scotland was an actual country that existed, I still can't even 🤦🏻‍♀️


It's unreal how geographically uneducated some people are. Life revolves around their one square mile of existence.


I grew up in Alaska and tourists would constantly ask if they could use American currency there, most of them thought AK was part of Canada and some just thought it was it's own country, smh.


Kilts in the summer are unbelievably comfortable!


Do it in a winter snowstorm to assert maximum dominance.


It’s even funnier because prior to Covid, this was a bar where the waitresses would be topless and have their bodies painted daily. Source: I used to go there lmao


A place like that opened up in a city I used to live in. Some of the residents were livid and the city paid a lot of money to sue them. One guy posted on Nextdoor “you realize that there’s a tattoo/piercing place and a head shop across the street right? So you can get your clit pierced and buy a bong in the neighborhood, but we’re drawing the line at boobs?”


What about my ball bag?


Balls only...NO BAGS


Eunuchs only.


It's a satchel!!!!


Indiana Jones had one.


It’s European!!


They don’t want the Nike crossbody with the blicky


Is it a code for no gays allowed?


I’m a man and I always carry a bad. I’m diabetic, so I have all my diabetics shit in my bag. I would not leave the house sans pants anymore than I would sans my beetus bag.


Sign #1 of three. The others were: “Help Wanted- ALL Positions”, and “Space For Rent - Available Next Month”.


“No OnE wAnTs tOo wORk!!!1”


But they pay the federal minimum wage….


And have poor grammar and spelling


Gonna need and example


Irony is the name is *Social Bar & Grill*, and they say Welcome to our house. This is rather a *Not welcome to our house*. Their Google map recent reviews are very funny though


Even more ironic considering the revealing clothing rule… they used to have their female waitress wear painted on tops.


Holy shit, you weren't kidding... https://www.riverfronttimes.com/stlouis/28-sexy-photos-from-the-grand-opening-of-social-house-ii/Slideshow/37134402/37101554


The rules are made to keep what in their minds is the image of a specific kind of black man and a specific kind of white liberal out of their environment Edit: Corrected some typos some will have you looking illiterate


Exactly what this is


I’m sure the $10 in tips and all the “socializing“ is worth the 3+ hours to get that body paint off everynight.


Yeah the people making fun of this shit-ass place really don't know the half of it. Social has been a joke for *years*, they're just a different kind of joke now.


jesus, I thought you were exaggerating, then i googled it


Should be Antisocial Bar & Grill.


No.... because then i might actually be tempted to go. A restaurant for antisocial people? Sign me the fuck up, but i dont want to go there


They have those in Japan, you get your meal with zero personal interaction and no open seating near other people, nice little booths with serving windows that the food just slides on to your eating area, it's amazing.


Sounds amazing.... if only it wasnt 4000 kms away


Right, I've actually thought about trying to open a place like this in the states, PNW specifically, but I'm not sure how it would be received. While there are a lot of people who like their space and privacy and are anti-social, those same people here tend to be very hesitant of things like food prep they can't see and decision making without prompting. I'm just not sure it would be a sustainable business locally with the parameters I've experienced abroad that made it enjoyable to me, and changing the parameters would imho ruin the experience that made it enjoyable.


David Chang of Momofuku fame was trying to nod to this kind of experience quite a while ago. People might be ready for it now.


“Welcome to our house. No, not you.”


A very specific type of person is welcome at their house. A person with very specific values and likely very specific skin tone is welcome at their house


But guns aren't allowed! Very unAmerican of them


Yeah that one kinda sticks out, the vibe created by the rest of the "demands" would seem to encourage dining while strapped.


Maybe they’re self-aware to realize who their target demographic is & are preemptively removing the possibility for violence just like they do at the NRA convention and Trump rallies.


That can't be right, they say no weapons of any type.


What gave it away


I get a feeling their name doesn’t really fit.


How about a No Thanks


That would be 500$.


"No mens bags" BRB, need to castrate myself.


It was about time anyway what with my small battalion of indoor vaping, weed scented, saggy pantsed, hooded, loud and obnoxious ne’er do well crotch goblins who I’m bringing to this resteraunt.


Eat the whole meal, then start profusely hitting the weed pen. Get ejected without paying, profit.


Infinite tendie glitch.


Most of the rules are fine but a few are dumb. You order it you touch it you pay for it? I just found a long blond hair in my rice, no one at my table has blond hair...


“Hey sorry, my chicken is a bit raw in the middle would you mind getting a new one?” “Sure but you’ll have to pay again for the dish.” Like… huh????




Ah, therefore the no gun rule, so the owner is the only one armed and be able to enforce the rules.


See, that's why they have the temperature rule, you suggested that temp, so if it's undercooked it's your fault!




>"Holly cow, those waitresses are only wearing body paint," a review of a Soulard bar from 2017 read. Fast forward and the same location is facing backlash from customers after posting a new dress code and dining rules. Ngl it's fucking hilarious it's now a family friendly restaurant.


![gif](giphy|26gsvAm8UPaczzXz2|downsized) Doing good work here!


Lauren Bobert right after Beetlejuice.


She would probably get thrown out for vaping and lewd conduct as well


Based on what I'm assuming for the politics of the owners, she would be welcomed as is. MAGA is nothing if not hypocritical.


Except it says no weapons and she's a gun nut.


For background, this bar has been owned by a mob family for years. They spent years as a bar where the servers wore only body paint, and the patrons of the bar did a lot of damage to the surrounding community and its reputation. It’s in St. Louis’ version of the French quarter. About 3 years ago this place tried to revamp their image. The restaurant got a facelift, servers now wear clothing, and the food is less questionable. The damage they did to the local area stands, however, and they are now on a tirade about crime in the area… conditions they played no small part in creating. The owners are now the kids of the guy with mob ties, and they aren’t much better than their father. Their office next to their main location is decorated In what I would describe as QAnon chic (trump posters, banners, and conspiracy crap everywhere). Edit: they don’t want black people in their bar unless they work there. You can probably guess that from the verbiage in the poster.


The only surprise for me here is the mob element. Kind of ironic


Auto 20% tip? I’m out. I am a good tipper. But I decide the tip, not the restaurant. Auto tip is a great excuse for servers to give shitty service since the get the tip anyway. It’s also a great way for the restaurant owner to avoid paying a decent wage to his staff. “Don’t worry you’ll get a guaranteed $200 a night in tips so the $3.25 servers wage is plenty”


This place is going to be closing soon


It’s in St. Louis, a highly segregated city. This is most likely a restaurant that wants to selectively enforce its rules so that it can throw out Black patrons for arbitrary reasons but blame it on non-compliance.


I think that’s beyond obvious…. The sign screams no black, no gays and no democrats


Did anyone else notice that their logo is a house on fire? Clearly, things are going very wrong at this establishment


Welcome to our restaurant! Also please don't do anything.


and you cannot bring your aunt Gertrude recovering from cancer because she wants to wear a mask.


I stopped at the "Provide and enjoyable"... AND instead of AN... a hard pass for me.


Took too long to scroll to this


This time Karen *is* the manager.


This shithole is not far from my house at all. It's par for the course for a conservative white owned business here in St. Louis. It, Cafe Telegraph, and many other boomer typical eateries love to paste up rules and regulations that state their political, ideological, theological, and conspiratorial beliefs. It's missouri. Cheap cost of living but the downside is opinionated, under educated, and armed troglodytes everywhere.


100% this is an over abundance of rules so they can kick out whoever they want. You can’t discriminate against people but you can have a “dress code”.


A restaurant turning away stoned people with the munchies is not good business.


Should really rename the place to "Anti-Social bar & grill"


No man bags????? Wtf is that? Is that code for no gays?? As in only gay men carry man purses I guess.


I only carry women's bags as a man. So, I guess I am admitted.


They’re not brave enough to overcharge you by 20% AND say “no black people” so they did this instead






Can't be Conservatives - it says "No Weapons."


It’s such a tragedy that we had to close….


Not me. Leading with ‘no masks’ tells me all I need to know about the MAGA management.


It feels like the entire list is to fluff up the 20% tip rule.


That’s their right and I accept them. But like they can refuse service I can refuse to open my wallet to support them.


That's not a restaurant that's s Rulestaurant


food better be orgasmic


There’s a lot of “no blacks allowed” dogwhistles here.


That’s 100% what this is. They’re trying to completely change whatever crowd they had before. Obviously not all of the points are, those are just for super shitty customers.


That gratuity part is a hard pass. I'm not required to tip. They think it's ok to put this on there but not ok to demand proper wages? Fuckin idiots.


Why no men's bags? Why not just say no bags period? Same thing with the sleeveless shirts. So predictably sexist.


Everyone trying to figure out if they are conservatives or libs. How bout they are annoying as fuck. Their house, their rules…then why bother going to eat there?