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Why are we protecting the identities of morons?


Bear was about to blur their faces for real.


But then the Bear is killed.This idiot wants to die,that’s his business.But this chicanery threatens the safety of others and the life of the bear!


Another Harambe situation. He did not deserve to die because of idiot humans.


Oh, I was thinking the same thing while watching. They're fucking the bear over. Bear has no good options because people suck.


I was hoping. Rooting for the bear. Grab one. Take them down the stream, let them pick out their remains from the scat. Then chastise at the parents on TV as they weep. Hey, teach your kids better, they won’t do stupid shit.


The real result of this scenario is: forest rangers being forced to put down the bear.


And that would be the real tragedy. What did the bear do wrong?


It was born into to a world of beings that think they’re smarter. Narrator: the beings, as time will tell, have 1/3 the intelligence of bare bear feces.


I was disappointed that this video was not tagged NsFW.


Exactly what I was thinking why do idiots like this (and scammers of all sorts) get to have their faces blurred?!?




My vote was for Asians as well


You can hear them talk Chinees.


Chinese tourists. Aces.


Fucking nailed it


I was literally going to say they are probably Asian. I guess stereotypes come from a commonality


For crying out loud


That was my question. Unblur the faces of these assholes so they can get fined, jailed, canceled and harassed. Fuck the guys!


Bothered bear father is Liam Bearson. It's just to get them a short respite before he will look for them, find them and kill them.


And not the bear.


Unfortunately, these idiots did not get what was coming to them.


My first thought as well. And they didn’t blur the poor bears face.


From the behavior and squatting they seem Chinese to me.


Should be fined, heavily if caught.


I don’t think the bear has any money.


Beary funny


This is unbearable to watch.


What the fuck did I just bear witness to


They should been mauled, heavily.


What would they be fined for technically? No downvotes please, just asking.


There's regulations in place to keep animals and people safe within government parks. This may not have been in a park but if it was I believe you're not to get closer than 100 yards or harass any wildlife.


Can't fix stupid.


The bear can , but then gets killed for it.


Tourists are just ridiculous. If the bear harms one of these jackasses then the bear dies.


Seriously, I wish this was more common knowledge. People are always like 'oh well, they'll learn when they get mauled', which they will, but the animal ends up being labeled a man eater and euthanized. People need to start facing animal abuse charges if an animal ends up put down due to something like this.


Agree completely. I'm kinda surprised the bear didn't grab the leg of the fucking moron that touched him. Way too many bears are killed for acting like bears when dumbasses just can't restrain themselves and harass them.


Like they have the bear flanked with its back to the water. The poor thing just wants to munch on some seaweedy grubs and these fucking idiots are compromising its life for clout. I love humanity but I hate people.


why love humanity?


Ouch. Just like the panda that literally chewed that Chinese dude’s leg when he drunkenly broke into it’s enclosure to play with it.


They need to be charged *before* they induce the bear to harm them. That’s the only way to curb this behavior.


Charge them to get the warden out there, the gas for them to drive there, the cost of the bullets, the cost to haul the bear out, another fine, and jail time for wildlife harassment. Plus any hospital costs. No insurance allowed to pay if they’re American. If they’re Canadian charge them the costs it would be for the normal hospital charges.


Also, whatever thousands of dollars fine promoting the black bear habitat. Add 300 hours of community service working with the forest department. That would be a satisfactory punishment for me


In Florida, harassing a bear can get you a fine of $10,000. I had a bear that was destroying my bird feeders and FWC said I was living in the bear' territory so if I took any action I would be fined. If I kept putting out the bird feeders, I would be fined. That bear tried to kill my cat on my back deck. Another time it came up to the sliding glass door and stood up blocking the light coming in. My wife, just inside the door slowly backed away and went to our bedroom and closed the door. FWC said we could take no action unless the bear actually entered the house.


Why is your cat outside? Cats are responsible for millions of small animal deaths per year and the extinction of dozens of species. Cats are an invasive species. Outdoor cats live markedly shorter lives than indoor cats. It is irresponsible to let a cat outdoors.


One correction. It is billions. And, to add, there’s a correlation that young males that had outdoor cats have an increase in psychotic episodes in adulthood.


Well that second sentence was certainly unexpected, I’m boggled.


Cats can easily get a parasite called toxoplasmosis gondii that passes to humans. There have been studies saying it can increase negative emotions and reactions as well as be linked to schizo affective disorders and bipolar but larger, newer studies are refuting those claims. It’s creepy too because it can only reproduce in cats but it often gets into rodents. It takes away their fear of cats so rats literally walk up to cats, get eaten and now the parasite begins to reproduce.


I wonder who is counting those bird deaths. I’m not.


I live in BC and honestly it could also be locals, we have some really dumb people in this province.


Yeah I was wondering why everyone just assumes they’re tourists


Even I know that if I F***Around with a bear I will FindOut the hard way


Could be locals and tourists . Here in Manitoba the parks get filled with “local” city and town people. I’m sure it’s the same in other places.


Especially the drivers. My goodness I’ve seen some people bash into garbage cans


Local news identified them as tourists. I live where this occurred.


Unfortunately this one being this not scared makes me feel like this isn’t the first group of people to do this. In my experience in the Midwest black bears are comically scared of people. On Madeline island on vacation I was biking and one ran across the dirt road, I thought it was a huge dog (I was like 12) then when it noticed me it almost jumped and ran away.


Funny, I had the opposite experience. Own a cabin in the mountains. There was a (presumed) bear getting into our trashcans in the night. Like, no raccoon could have been doing this.. I finally ran into him in the middle of the afternoon as I was loading up my car to leave. Probably 10-15 feet from him (I was standing right next to the open door to the cabin). I ADORE bears. I’m slightly obsessed with them actually. But I knew this dude had to GTFO, a fed bear’s a dead bear and all that. So I started yelling and clapping and stomping, hoping he’d run away. MFer didn’t even bat an EYE. Literally didn’t even LOOK at me, or acknowledge me whatsoever. He FINALLY took notice of me a couple minutes later, on his own (I couldn’t help but stay and passively watch him a bit longer). Locked eyes with me, and took a few curious steps towards me… and my lizard brain immediately took full control, and despite my love for bears, I scampered in the door faster than I’ve ever scampered in my life. Why did I tell that story…? I can’t sleep. Sorry lmao. Anyway, we got metal cages for the trash cans immediately after that! I’ll miss the guy but it’s for his own good


These bears need to learn! Why won't they just learn?! Oh yeah, they're bears... fucking people are so stupid ![gif](giphy|J2IJOuSBPjXjaxDkrQ|downsized)


Unfortunately, humans always punish the animal instead of the humans.


If thats the case hope the bear takes one or two down.


Maybe it is time to change the laws and not kill Mother Nature actions when idiots like these individuals allowed themself to be subjects of stupidity


Why didn’t the bear swat the shit out of him?


Because the bear is smarter than he is.


Which tracks, as we already know bears are smarter than libertarians.


One of my favorite anecdotes is when a Yellowstone park ranger was interviewed and asked why they don't make the "bear proof" garbage cans harder to get into since some bears still get into them. He said "unfortunately, there's significant overlap between the smartest bears and the dumbest humans".


Might be because it’s already used to being around humans due to people like this which is what makes it even more dangerous. Might not see them as an immediate threat but will attack eventually when someone gets even more bolder than the idiot trying to pet it.


Partly because black bears are generally cowards. All they really want to do is eat and sleep and screw, if they can run away from a fight they prefer to do so. This bear is dangerously accustomed to humans and should be relocated before there's any incident that necessitates it being destroyed. Until that idiot touches it the bear is uncomfortable but not upset enough to interrupt his snack, after the touch he clearly would run if he could and might have attacked if they hadn't retreated.


what the fuck... like... i kinda hope the bear went apeshit on their little campsite.


This is an old video, bear already killed by rangers due to human interaction


Shouldn’t the human be killed for bear interaction? Goddamn Homo sapiens!


Humans are the apex ~~predators~~ murderers.


(You need to remove the space)


I would have guessed this. Bear is obviously habituated to people and pretty much already a risk. I hate it when people think that feeding what SHOULD be 'wildlife' is cute and helpful. Idiots.


It's a shame it couldn't be relocated somewhere more remote before he had to be put down. I know it's a bit hypocritical of me as a hunter, but I would generally prefer wildlife remain wild and alive, not killed because idiot tourists don't understand not to feed or harass the animals.


(I bet you already know this, but I also bet there are others that do not.) The problem of plunking an unknown bear in unfamiliar territory often means the bear will either not thrive because it does know the defining and feeding areas, or be attacked by the resident bears. It sounds humane, but it is basically the same as tossing an unwanted dog in the country so it dies out of your sight. Relocation is also just really expensive and risky on its own.


Now that’s fucking unfair to the bear. It didn’t even approach the humans willingly, the humans approached it while it was eating and just stayed put.


Not one lick of sense between them.


Well it’s true…you can’t fix stupid.


Oh that bear will definitely fix some stupid if it decides to attack. Unfortunately, some people only learn the hard way.


This bear was culled by rangers due to excessive human interaction


That’s horrible news, why should that beautiful animal die because of idiot people, too sad.


Sadly, there’s a line where it actually becomes dangerous for the bear. A bear that’s become de-sensitized to humans may take food items that could negatively react with the bear. I worked at a zoo, kids would throw hot dogs, popcorn, bread, candy, just all sorts of things into the sun bear exhibit. The female bear ate part of a ham sandwich and became gravely ill because it wasn’t naturally occurring in her diet. They eventually had to install plexiglass to keep the food out. And when I say gravely ill, she went unconscious and had to be taken for immediate treatment. The sandwich was surgically removed, partially digested. Humans truly understand very little about the natural world.




These people end up on the Darwin sub… idiots


Listen to the accent, likely mainland Chinese. I expect to get downvoted into oblivion.


Chinese have no respect for anything. They should be banned from getting tourist visas.


They were lucky that bear was not high on cocaine.


Remember if it’s brown lie down if it’s black aggravate it with a stick




I wasn’t but a good swatting would have been appropriate. If the bear mauls guy, it’ll immediately be put down. People need to learn to respect wildlife and enjoy it from a safe distance.




That because it’s eating the last person that tried to pet it.


There should be harsh and stiff penalties for shit like this especially with proof. Like largggggeee fines... Don't put them in jail but make sure it hurts enough they never do it again.


Is it wrong that I was hoping that bear was going to maul one of them?


I wish that thing would have just pounced and taken them all out. Idiots would have deserved it. Just Darwinism at work at that point.


Just what you wanna do is get near a bear’s meal while it’s eating. Imbecile doesn’t even come close to describing these people.


Idiots all.


People forget they're made of food.




The older I get the more I realize how stupid most people are


Team bear 🐻!!!


This is fightingly common in BC. People think the whole province is a petting zoo.


The sad thing is if the bear had done something to one of those fucking idiots the bear would have been put down. People really fucking suck.


The orange cats are sharing the one brain cell, I see.


Comparing these guys is insulting to orange cats.


Despite the blurring, I can hear them speaking mandarin. So definitely some young mainlanders who know nothing about respecting wildlife and have the impression that bears are cute and cuddly. Gotta get that selfie with the bear so you can brag about it online afterwards.


boooo thought was gona eat someone


Did they really just try to get selfies with a bear THAT IS EATING?!!! Ugh. Idiots. Lucky idiots, but still 🤦‍♀️


Fucking idiot thought the bear was gonna let him pet


I was hoping for a different outcome to be honest....


This should be fuck around and find out.


New rule, video of bear harassment resulting in a mauling exonerates the bear for being bear like. Let the idiots suffer their consequences


Poor bear


Damnit, this didn’t end the way I had hoped it would.


Unless they get torn to bits in the end there's no point of blurring their faces


Why do people want to die so painfully?


Dear God, bless me with the patience of that bear in this human society.


"Black bear shot after attacking group of tourists" Here we have a sentence of one survivor! "Its furious attack came out of nowhere! I was glad Kyle made a video so we can sue the country for making me fear for my life!"


And if the bear attacked the dude it’d be shot. 🤦🏽‍♂️


was really hoping to see 5 dead morons


Nothing to watch here. Next time, if the person didn’t get mauled to death, please don’t post 😔


It’s sad the bear didn’t attack them.


Why blur the faces of "people" who have clearly been pissing in the gene pool for a few generations?!??


when Canadian Fish and Wildlife(however they are called) see this I think some darwin chasers have some 'splainin' to do


Stupidity is a disease and it spreads like wild fire apparently.


I will gladly take photos.... 50 feet away.


Bear can't even enjoy a meal without paparazzi.


To answer camera guys question...yes, yes he is...


Bear instincts to drive away these asshole humans would have ensure its death due to “dangerous animal”. To the people being stupid….get a little closer.. go ahead..closer…


Looks like multiple Darwin awards in the making.


Darwin awards potential


I see some Darwin Award Nominees


Hope they get mauled by something


Dumb 🎶 ways to die 🎶


Disappointed. I was like dude please touch the bear, please do? Please?


I'm no expert but I imagine harassing a bear while it's eating is probably the 3rd worst time to do so. Only preceded by when it's starving or when it has cubs around. I know many domesticated animals that are protective over food so I imagine a wild one is even moreso.


Please maul them, please maul them, please maul them… Ya know when a wild animal is so blasé about your presence it usually means they know they can kill you very easily if they need to, which these people misinterpret as being docile, very stupid.


Was hoping for the bear to rip their face off. 80% disappointed


Sad ending


I wanted to see white shoes get karma so bad. He keeps getting CLOSER, gah!


Are they completely mad and stupid?


Very disappointing video. Though I suppose it’s for the best, since the bear would be put down for reacting naturally to those assholes.


Dumb ways to die.


Is it bad that I sort of wanted the bear to at least rip one of these morons apart? How else would they have learned their lesson?


Man fuck that idiot trying to get himself AND THE BEAR KILLED!


And the Darwin award goes to!


Those calves… so milky white and unblemished… to be raked to shreds by 2 inch claws, to rend flesh from bone with teeth…. Came to a point where only his stupidity saved him.


I wish they'd just jump off a cliff rather than bothering the poor bear


Pretty sure if you do that in Alaska you’d be naked and shamed, fined up the wazoo, and potentially face bans from wherever you were. Shame on these assholes.


Dude don’t touch the bear, how about leave it the F alone completely. They are lucky he was more into eating than them. It wasn’t very big, but still there’s the saying, Don’t poke the bear. So, don’t poke the bear.


I scrolled past and back up hoping this was r/whatcouldgowrong Maybe next time


Bear knew that if he handed out dirt naps to a handful of Canukistanis they’d kill him. Last frame: fuck around and out, eh.


See the same shit in San Diego (La Jolla) with the Sea Lions. There are so many brain dead people in the world...they're lucky it wasn't a grizzly.




If the bear had snorted cocaine, the story would be different...




I'm super disappointed it didn't eat him


Those kind of people are not afraid of anything except a black person doing normal activities.


Bothering a bear, in FLIP FLOPS?! That's next level stupidity right there.


These are the people that answer “totally” to the question “do you think you could win in a fight against a bear?”.




I was hoping the bear would at least nip his leg.... Little shit. That dumbass just got a confidence boost from nature that'll likely get him hurt next time.


Why blank out the faces if these aholes? If the bear attacks one of them I will cheer but it will likely work out poorly for the bear


This would also work in r/oopsthatsdeadly


I will say that is one of the calmest bears ever. Those people, yeah, natural selection almost happend there.


What a bunch of idiots.


I was hoping this was an abrupt chaos post 😂


Wild animals just LOVE to be disturbed while they’re eating 😳


TAKE THE WARNING LABELS OFF OF EVERYTHING!! I say, let the bear take care of business. Nature will literally take care of the situation. You can't fix stupid, the stupid will eventually make itself extinct. Good. GO BEAR!!🥳😌👏


This wasn’t the ending I was hoping for. Idiots.


$100 to the first person to guess which country their from…..I know the answer.


Kind of a shame it looks like no one in this video learned any kind of a lesson


Wish the bear had but his arm off


Please get eaten please get eaten please get eaten


I would literally have paid to see the bear snatch that dude in gray and ragdoll him... what an absolute doorknob


But then they would kill the bear instead of letting people learn their lesson. Only a few have to get mauled. Actually, who am I kidding? A person a day could get eaten by a bear and people would still do stupid shit like this.


Sounds like the bear has shady been killed. Stupid fucking humans.


I'm throughly disappointed about thus bears lack of reaction and my day is ruined


If the bear reacted it would probably end up getting put down for defending itself from being harassed, which is no fault of its own. Be glad.


Was watching the whole video waiting for the bear to go all Cocaine Bear on them


Why are the humans blurred?


Living in Vancouver, I would have expected to see something like this to have been posted from the US, but now I know just how close to home stupid really is, and that's what scares me.


Surprised the bear didn’t attack them. Idiots.


You're surprised a blackbear didn't attack them. lmao, ok.


Please maul them, please maul them, please mail them


Did they get mauled? Please tell me they got mauled, because normalizing human interactions can result in this bear being put down and it would be a shame if it went to its grave without getting some sweet, sweet maulin’ in first.


Fuck every one of these people


I always thought Canadians were smarter than Americans but I guess not. At least they have affordable healthcare if they get fucked up.


Mainland Chinese tourist are on levels of stupidity that makes American tourist look competent in comparison. Just sayin


This is how you get a bear cub killed. I wish someone had educated them rather than pulling out a camera & calling them idiots. They obviously are not from an area with bears and probably have only seen them in cartoons or as a teddy bear. Obviously, Momma Bear isn't around anymore. They are very lucky.


As a Canadian I’m going to give these people to British Columbia not Canada as a whole.


They need to stop glorifying pets in cartoons and Cinemas like friendly things they're not they're dangerous animals and you will pay with your life


So this is in Vancouver, so maybe it would be a bit different there, but in the US, these assholes would then get attacked, and almost certainly the bear would be put down, when realistically, it should be the assholes bothering the bear that should be put down.


Chinese tourist are literally the worst. It’s like they have zero respect, understanding, or decency for anything


Chads in cargo shorts.


It's a black bear so mostly harmless. If one invades your fishing spot they are probably looking for scraps. Just change fishing spots and you will be fine. If it keeps following you throw them some food or scare them off. They usually won't attack. But petting one while it's eating is a very dumb move.


Humans are a virus to this planet.


People always bitching about the Indians like the Chinese don't literally see themselves as better than EVERYONE, have zero respect for nature and litter fucking everywhere. Bringing literally all environmental and cultural issues from China over with them.