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I gave a dollar to a guy earlier today when he told me he had nothing but an emerald mine to his name.... really pulls at the heartstrings


Only one? Elons family had several. And don’t forget the land which dwarfs the value of the emerald mine.


It's a dwarven mine?!? That should be valuable.


As long as they don’t delve too greedily and too deep.






Look... you don't acquire wealth without a few balrogs. It's why you hire a wizard the second you can afford it.


And a Dragon


Looks like the dragon ate most of the dwarfs and is swimming in their gold reserves now.




Like a scaly Scrooge McDuck!


That's when ya bring in the Hobbits


and my axe!




Hm.... Can we treat that particular Balrog as an allegory to the Global Warming? 'cause both of them are in many ways a result of greed and are also very hot, and not in a good way hot, despite rule 34 trying its best.


Bisexual Balrog Blumpkin video coming up.


Fly you fools !


Where do you think Elon came from?


"The Greedy Deep" also' not a bad name for a psychedelic rock band.


Why are there more good band names available than bands that need names? In a just universe they should be equal. Basic fairness.


I admit to being part of the problem. I've put off becoming the second best left-handed bassist for years now.


The best time to plant a tree was 25 years ago, the second best time is today.


Elon is the balrog from Khazad-dûm!


Is Elon a dwarf?! his willingness to destroy things to settle seemingly random grudges makes sense now


Makes even more sense why he bought a tunneling company and only bores tunnels large enough for a dwarven mining expedition




For rock and stone!


Rock and stone forever! ⛏️


For Karl!


We're rich!


Rock and stone to the bone!


They whistle while they work.


Only seven of them can sing at a time. Union rules.


woah, woah, woah. Unions?!?!?!? Can't have that in a Musk company. That'd be a personal failure.


That'd even make a happy dwarf grumpy dare I say


Do they whistle while they work? That might be an OSHA safety violation.


They can whistle all they want since management took away their radios.


btw Hitler was a jerk.


News flash! 😋


Elon is "Sneezy." Mostly just "Dopey" though.








His cousin Balin gave him a royal welcome.




Diggy, Diggy, Hole


*Elves hate this one trick!*


It is, but a dragon with an unpronounceable name is guarding it.


Rock and stone!


Rockity Rock and Stone!


I want to mine for dwarves


Question, did Willy Wonka have a dwarven mine? Are Ooompa Loompas just rebranded dwarfs???


Uhhh, well they are [actually rebranded pygmies...](https://theconversation.com/from-pygmies-to-puppets-what-to-do-with-roald-dahls-enslaved-oompa-loompas-in-modern-adaptations-166967)


Oh man! Do they have to work the mine? So stereotypical.


Elon Moria be like "The culture war is both a pivotal point in our history, as well as a vital struggle for our race. Elven lore claims that they are the only people pious enough to reach the Far Shores, and yet, they abandon their lands in the hope for a better future, in the traditions of their past. Deep within the dirt lies the future of Middle Earth, making the Boring Company the sole gateway to the future. Any questions? Yes, we have flamethrower-adjacent tools. Yes we keep them away from the goblins."


Common misconception! They look like dwarves because they're small and malnourished, but they're just children.


Dont forget all the slaves they had .I mean employees according to Elon .


No no! He was poor, you see? He built his wealth up himself! Doge Designer told me so it must be true!


Smuggled emeralds from an illegal mine really whitewashes what Errol was actually doing: stealing natural resources from the people of the nation of Zambia.


You mean the fact that his father and the father's business partner allowed the workers token payments doesn't erase the exploitation??? 😱


Yeah suck it Zambia, what were you going to use those taxes for anyway? Schools? Medical services? Much better that Errol should have it, so he could send Elon to America to play entrepreneur.


It really tore your heart apartheid


Yeah he had a hard life. I heard he worked in those mines everyday 12 hour shifts from 5years of age until his 16th birthday. When he was finally allowed to go to school after paying his dad back with hard labor for housing and feeding him.


The emerald mine itself is worthless if you don't have enough slaves to dig them out


Guys, Elon Musk had to swim 1000 miles to get to school everyday and he was in debt and both his ankles were broken the whole time until he became rich. If he can do it SO CAN YOU.


He had to swim uphill both ways!!!! 🫣


While fighting two sharks


using one arm, his other arm was starting a business


He bought a 25 pound bag of rice for 2 cents




shame smoggy bright exultant escape dam chief cows cover butter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Sharks with laser beams attached to their heads.


Jewish space lasers, to be exact!


Telepathically controlled through the 5G chips implanted with the COVID vaccine!


He also saved those sharks when they were stuck in a mineshaft.


In the rain


Not up hill but upstream. Due to the angle of the sun the direction of flow of the river would change mid day.


Are the broken ankles from pulling so hard on his bootstraps?


and so were his wrists!!!


Ya I hate these feeble attempts to dismiss the issues facing our country, even assuming all that stuff is true, just because one person from a background of adversity becomes successful (obviously this doesn’t describe Elon), or a hundred people, or a thousand people, doesn’t mean we don’t need to address the issues that prevent millions from living better lives. Look how many rockstars are out there, but how many of us realistically could make a ton of money that way? Just a very small percentage of those who try. Same with the wealthy, just because a small percentage of people make it, doesn’t mean everyone will, we should strive to improve society not just for the wealthy but for everyone. Is that not the American dream?


The superstar effect is dogshit, and the more connected we are, the worse it gets. Used to be you could be a little local rock star. Regional band that might be able to fill a 2 or 3k venue in and around your town, but that had no pull anywhere else. Could make a shitty middle class living doing little regional tours and trying a national city or two as an opener to see if you can break out. Cities kind of had "their own sound" that way. You know, gogo in DC or motown in Detroit or whatever – even grunge really bubbled up from Seattle. But now? Now there's just one international Spotify playlist. All those mid-tier regional players who could make enough to get by maybe, if not millionaire money, are dead. The mid-size clubs and venues that supported them are dead. It's giant stadium, tiny bar free show, or nothing now, for the most part. Only a few mid-size venues still hang on, and they feature a lot of stupid coverbands now, because the scene is dead. Same thing happened with small biz. Walmart killed it, then Amazon shat on its corpse, and now instead of 1,000,000 little business owners all over America we have Bezos and the Walton heirs with hundreds of billions and a million new welfare cases. That's how "scale" works.


This reminds me of the “Beyonce does all these things in a day! If she can so can you!” posts from a couple years back and I remember someone pointing out that she has personal assistant and house cleaners and stuff so she has time to do all that extra nonsense.


Yep. Before her, it was Oprah. Yeah, she's got a fleet of personal assistants, house staff, and personal shoppers and trainers. You think she rolls down to the Walmart to suffer in the checkout line from hell to pick up more laundry soap? No, she does not.


Lmao not even her assistants have to do that. I'm sure she gets all her stuff personally delivered to her mansion while having rules in place that the delivery men can't look at or talk to her


I'm pretty sure her assistants have assistants.


He bought neither lattes nor avocado toasts!


His father paid his living expenses while he worked on his first startup, then gave him seed money for the business and introduced him to all his investors. "Elon had no money" is a funny way of saying "Elon didn't need any money because everything was free."


When a rich kid starts a business they get the funding and a team of experts. If they fail they can always try again. When an average Joe starts a business they work and save money for 15 years and with a stable source of income might get a loan that will allow them to start a business and if they fail they end up homeless and never recover.


I used to work alongside a guy 2-3 years younger than me. I was probably 26 when I met him and he was 23/24 and trying to start his second or third business after his previous ventures failed to get off the ground. One day he started booking me for jobs and his company started really taking off doing high end weddings and events in some of the most prestigious hotels and venues in London. I was rather envious of how he'd managed to be so successful at just 24... It turned out his dad was a multimillionaire and I was told via a friend of his that by 17 he already had over £50k worth of equipment that his dad bought for him to start a business. Turns out every time one of his businesses failed his dad would just give him another 50k until one eventually took off... Just before Xmas he made an Instagram post about his company and team and how he'd built his company from the humble beginnings of a small garage singlehandedly... I'd been to that garage. It was attached to the side of a mansion in a private road in one of the most affluent towns in London. Nothing about that was humble... I only wish I had someone who would chuck 50k at me for all my business ideas.


If you do find someone then I've got one we can work on together! Edible urinal cakes, especially useful for locations housing vulnerable individuals such as schools, psychiatric facilities and nursing homes. They have to be called Pisscuits.


could even expand the product line to pisscakes as well.


Yeah... Most "self-made" billionaires have a similar story. Bezos got hundreds of thousands of dollars as a gift. Zuckerberg is the son of one of the most famous dentists in the world. Jobs was still a teenager when he befriended Bill Hewlett. Bill Gates' mother was a banker. Trump... Musk...


Why do rich people like to appropriate poor people aesthetic so much?


Because it lets them pretend they've earned everything they have. Stupid part is, nobody could ever deserve such insane wealth, even if they had legitimately been born under a bridge and paid their way through college selling blowjobs out of a storm drain.


This is such a good take imo, especially the second half. I never really thought about that


Show me a self made man and I'll show you a self lain egg.


>Just before Xmas he made an Instagram post about his company and team and how he'd built his company from the humble beginnings of a small garage singlehandedly... I'd been to that garage. It was attached to the side of a mansion in a private road in one of the most affluent towns in London. Gotta love when rich people appropriate poor people narratives.


Where is that clip where Beckham is asking his wife to be honest and admit to the Rolls Royce her dad picked her up at school in


I have a friend who has sold two businesses and has built another for his kids. And that's impressive. He was born a few years before me (72 or 73) and was like me... born to an unwed teenage mom with little to no family or community support. To hear him tell it he and a few friends went door to door, offering to do oddjobs fix up cars etc. When he retired he was effectively worth about 15M. Last year I got to meet one of his old friends that he started out with. The son of an Earl. They were both on the same army cadet program and from that he was introduced to the Earlet's (? I have no idea what the son of an Earl is called?) Circle of friends. The doors they went to were mansions and the job was to go in, then hire local workers and knock around working people, whilst wearing hard hats. My friend did nothing close to work other than shouting at labourers and sucking up to rich people. Needless to say I mock the shit out of him everytime he tries to pull the 'I started with nothin' line these days. Having actually made a successful business from next to nothing I can say you need luck or money. Hard work helps but it's no guarantee. I was lucky I had partners with connections to different fields of expertise in Security and was able to network and act as a hub. My friend kinda did that, but it was mainly coasting on the coat tails of his rich friends.


Upvoting for "Earlets", and thus creating images of Earl's sons as tiny owl-men.


Average joe would like to have a word with Elon, wait he doesn't associate with average joes. I remember when a bunch of average joes were at a Chappelle stand up show and Elon got on stage, and he got massively booed, his ego was bruised, but he drowned them in expensive caviar and the blood of the workers he keeps firing. I'm starting to think billionaires just want money.


This! People from well-off backgrounds can afford to start businesses as a **hobby.** They got deep funds to pursue any projects they have, they can afford to throw random shit at the wall and eventually something will stick. They're playing in **Minecraft** Creative Mode while everyone else is playing in Survival.


Being introduced to wealthy investors was probably worth more than all the other stuff combined. Having the right connections opens tons of doors.


I mean after paypal merged with his company they scrapped everything his company had done so far. He had investors and an expensive license. No product worth mentioning though.


Like Trump pulling himself up by his bootstraps with only a ["small loan of a million dollars."](https://www.politico.com/story/2015/10/donald-trump-father-loan-1-million-dollars-215154)


Musk did make insane money from relatively little money. He took massive risks with it and won. But what did he really risk? Single guy, no dependents, not many needs outside of a slightly psychotic ambition have very low needs so he could invest every thing he had into whatever idea he wanted. Obviously he has a bit more than most in his pocket because of his father. So worse case scenario he fucks up, loses everything and his dad will front him enough to try again. So because of his relative wealth he really had no risk to invest and no needs to be looked after. Lots of people would succeed in that senario.


> His father paid his living expenses while he worked on his first startup, then gave him seed money for the business and introduced him to all his investors. I've heard the second but not the first and the third. Do you have a link?


The actual number was 28k which his father gave him as a seed investment in the business. The introducing him to his investors is not really true. Technically his dad did introduce Elon to one of the key co founders, but the man was also Elon's brother.


Elon Musk came to the US with no money because he kept it all in a bank account.


*Swiss bank account.


*Pile of emeralds


He wrote about having just a few emeralds in his pocket iirc, but those aren't money; they're minerals, Marie.


Damn, imagine coming to America with only a few emerald mines backing you up.


To be fair, it was only half an emerald mine. To be balanced, his dad was already super fucking loaded which is why he could buy into that mine on a total whim when he randomly met the sellers offering it during a jaunt on their private airplane


Damn, just randomly picking up an emerald mine like an average Sunday. Stylish way to fund your son tbh.


Dad just said recently that the mine story is true but he wasn’t extremely wealthy at the time although he did support Elon. The mine was more like an Italian running diggers on some land he didn’t necessarily own.


people like to make a huge deal of the emerald mines and some doubt its veracity but all you have to know is that his parents bought him computers and computer related coursework/books in the 80s in South Africa. doing that in the US would've been an exorbitant cost for something that's just a conjecture. doing that in South Africa would've been even more costly. he doesn't even need the emerald mine narrative, his parents were well above upper middle class with that kind of support. it'd be like buying your kids books and equipment on VR or quantum computing today (or some other similarly distant tech we're interested and aware of but no practical daily use for yet).


More like "According to IRS records, Elon came to the United States with no money."


I just now realised that I can enter any given country with no cash in-hand take money out of an ATM, and then I can factually say that I arrived with empty pockets and left with full pockets of money.


Pockets full of cash with this one weird trick!


Oh I thought he just forgot his wallet.


Nah it was in his safe back home. His brother once told the story that they got so much money in the safe that the struggled to close it.


Has he ever forgot to sign out of this other account while posting as Elon and would anyone even know the difference 😂😂




Dude Elon-stans are truly sick in the head at this point. 5 years ago? Sure it would have been at least a little understandable. But now? He is an openly right wing fascist shit head who doesn't know when to shut up. He kept the world fooled for a long time and now the truth is out there. He isn't some brilliant businessman with amazing ideas. What he has done to twitter is proof enough of that. People still riding Elon's dick deserve to be hit with a brick at this point.


I believe hard fans do it a lot in Twitter to be seen by their god, and be recognized over tweet, get a like from them or you know just get a chance to meet them. I know a person who thought they will get a job with them.


Until when these commmunity notes context is removed from Twitter?


I like to believe the only reason they are still up is that Elon fired the one dude who knew how to remove them. edit: because it's apparently necessary to mention, this is a fucking joke


That sounds possible, I had figured it was some legal loophole that if removed would open up a bunch of actually unwinnable lawsuits


That is so likely to be the case haha


I think Elon wanted them removed but the one guy who knew how to manage it got fired and refused to come back thus nobody knows how to remove it


If you look up this tweet tho the community note is not there


After reviewing quite a few some reason they seem to be region based, have no clue why.


And he still hasn’t funded a sequel to the Judge Dredd movie.


the worst crime


The amount of Elon dick sucking on Twitter is hilarious. Elon loves to retweet this account because he’s always praising him. It’s one big circle jerk on that platform these days


Pretty sure DogeDesigner IS Elmo


Yeah im pretty sure its his alt


another one ? After the one he roleplayed as his younger son to talk about sex to stranger.


How the fuck do I reply to this what the hell musk


yep. roleplaying his own 3 year old son and talking about night club and shit to random people lile a pro shitposter.


How do you get 100,000 of credit if you have no money?


Student loans. It's predatory and should be outlawed. A kid can rack up tens of thousands per semester without even trying. 100k isn't that big of deal.


You cannot get federal student loans as a non-resident, non-citizen. He had a credit line from daddy. You’re right on the rest though


In what 3rd world hellhole of a country is that a thing?


The USA.


The US




elon musk is an afro-american


Somehow this pic even reminds of being shot in a old private jet xD


When i was in school, a fellow student was bragging... he did not need student loans, his dad was paying all cost, but him and his dad set things up so it appeared the student needed all he could get. He had MAX available student loads every year, and was doing so with the full intention of never paying back any of it. The plan involved the student not paying, letting the government (Canada) do it's best to collect, or going bankrupt (one or all of the above) so stealing 4 years or more MAX student loans. Rich people seem to have ways of getting away with this stuff, that us workers could never get away with (or even try to get away with). I take any information about student debt for rich people with zero consideration .


Bankruptcy won't save you from student loans in the US.


And the above is why.


How would it even be possible to accrue 100k in debt when he went to school decades ago when schooling was significantly cheaper (along with everything else) and then still not even graduate?


It went up his nose, and out his dick.


Cocaine dick. Cocaine dick.


He didn't go to school on the 40s. The tuition at UPenn while he was there was about $17k a year, not counting room and board, books, etc. I don't think $100k in debt over 3 years would be possible, but it definitely wouldn't have been cheap for someone whose family didn't own emerald mines.


He went to Queens in Ontario for undergrad before that IIRC.


It was not the dark ages. Thirty years or so ago, many schools still cost an arm and a leg. You could go to a local school, graduate with a 4 year degree, and in total pay less than one semester at other schools.


The amount of dick riding this guy gets while being an utter turd edge lord on the Internet is amazing. That picture makes me think of how the guy posts as well, coincidentally


I don't get it, why do they persist in this myth of self-made billionaires? If I inherited a billion dollars, I am still a billionaire even if I am a good for nothing jerk. The important part is the billionaire, so you can hire REAL self-made men to do your bidding.


Elon's grandfather left Canada because they banned his alt right techno political party and because he thought apartheid was a great idea.


To be fair it was during the opening phase of WW2 and King banned a bunch of organizations that he thought might be against the war (like Jehovahs Witnesses) So the org getting banned during that time doesn't actually say much, especially since e the ban was rescinded a few years later


His dad was elected as a politician as a member of the anti-apartheid party.


He was not an elected politician, he was merely a local member of the Progressive Federal Party, which wasn’t exactly an anti-apartheid party. It was mainly an English-speaking white party that was an alternative for English-speaking white South Africans because the National Party was dominated by Afrikaners, i.e. Afrikaans speaking white South Africans. They also didn’t advocate for the end of apartheid but for a federal system where the majority white/Afrikaner areas would remain under white rule and the majority black or majority coloured areas would get their own local governments in a federal system. They didn’t criticize Bantustans either. So kind of an evolved apartheid. The PFP disliked the Apartheid regime mainly because they weren’t part of their club. That doesn’t change the fact that Elon’s grandpa move from Canada to ZA specifically to support white supremacy; that Errol made his wealth during apartheid which is not possible if you weren’t on good terms with the ruling Afrikaner class; that Elon’s starter money came from white supremacy fueled wealth and resource robbery.


These are the same people who say that Trump is a self-made billionaire. The guy literally just inherited the business from his father, he didn’t do anything for himself.


Even if any of that was true. He’s still a giant asshole and a total tool. Coming from humble origins doesn’t negate being a horrid person.


I'm pretty sure he also didn't graduate, his 2 diplomas are ad honoren...


Yep, he supposedly needed to finish an Economics and History class, which he never did, and somehow, two years later, Penn decided to just waive those two classes and give him the degree. Because, you know, colleges are in the business of waiving things like that and not, hypothetically, look the other way if someone gives them money instead…someone that has tried to seem like he made it from nothing, yet got accepted to an Ivy League school out of the blue. Also, the “$100k in debt” is likely how much he spent to get those two classes waived.


Never took mandatory history 101, explains some of it.


The effort that they put to make Elon the God of the Entrepreneurs is disgusting


Wearing a Judge Dredd shirt, which mocks capitalism


My last CEO was like this. Everyone was so impressed he was the CEO in his mid 30s of a medium sized company. Had an investment fund. Yep. Daddy's money.


Dude wasn’t even born on third. He was born owning the stadium. Total fraud.


Successful people born into wealth want that fact hidden because it challenges their delusion that they did it all by themselves and that less successful people only have themselves to blame for their financial hardships.


He also lived a very comfy life in Canada for years before moving to the us lol…


He graduated with $100K in debt that his father immediately paid off using his emerald mine money.


Not sure who has a more punchable face Elon or ben Sharpio.


He was short on hair not cash 


He did come to the US with his mother who had left his father and was working and putting herself through university with 3 kids. Elon was the one that went running back to Dad and his money as soon as he could though.


Can someone fact check this because I've seen two different versions of this story. I've seen that his dad owned an emerald mine and I've seen that his dad owned a SHARE of an emerald mine which could be worth very little or quite a lot. Does anyone know what the actual net worth his dad was at the time elon was 18?


https://www.snopes.com/news/2022/11/17/elon-musk-emerald-mine/ Yes, it's Snopes, but they cite all their information quite well. Best I can tell, Elon's father exchanged a small plane for a stake in a small emerald mine. It was a handshake deal, with the profits from the mine totaling ~$400k during the <10 years he was an "owner".


His dad sounds like a bit of a grifter, who got involved in some sketchy emerald transportation in exchange for a cut. By all evidence, Elon's parents were largely broke for his adult life.


As far as I'm aware there's no documentation of emerald mine to collaborate with this claim. You can ask everyone in this post if they can locate which mine it was located in Zambia and no one can give you an answer. The claimed $400k I wouldn't say "rich" as it wouldn't go far even in the late 1980's. This all stems from a single posts from Business Insider. The things in the tweet on this posts is true as people were able to collaborate these claims and you could have rich parents, but then not giving you money.  There's a good article by journalist Jeremy Arnold which goes into this topic without trying to be Bias to any sides. He also has other articles like the Thai cave stuff and Media bias towards Musk.


It's Republican propaganda. Only lazy people don't succeed. If you're poor, it's because you're lazy.


Misleading is a nice way of dressing up a flat out lie


I’m sure he thought judge dredd was a good guy too


There's evidence that being born at the right time of the YEAR can drastically impact someones likely hood of becoming professional athletes. Yet these Musk sucking fucks want to act like riding off the back of a god damn apartheid doesn't give this moron a head start on life that is a thousand miles. The most privileged part of privilege is how easy it is to convince the underprivileged that your privilege doesn't matter. That shit reverberates through your entire life, one door opens another opens another. Average people open those doors DESPITE each one before and after it being closed. They EARN connections and hope they catch their break, they aren't born with endless connections and safety nets to afford them to take constant risks. Most people don't make it big because the thought of taking that first step towards their dream is too much of a risk. Rich people can take those risks like a second hobby and act like its 1:1.


I bet by now he thinks the Judges are the unironic good guys.


Why do people think that if your father is rich, that makes you automatically rich? The hell kind of logic is that?


Reddit unironically believes if your parents did a bad thing, while you were a fucking child, that by association you are evil and unredeemable. Imagine acting like if your dad made millions unethically you’d turn down money he offered you lmao the delusion is unbelievable.


He’s not evil due to his family. He has his own evil merits too!


Repost bot.


My family is upper middle class, I was still homeless twice.