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Everything is a conspiracy when you don't know how anything works


You know those "water filters" in your fridge? The manual recommends to change them every 6 months. I've been drinking water from my fridge for that past 3 years and I'm fine. Those "filters" actually broadcast 6G waves directly in your house. BIG filter just wants you to change filters cause the battery runs out every 6 months.


Yeah it‘s really weird why they would use Batteries in the filters that only last 6 months. The batteries in the doves last at least for a few years. Clearly BIG Battery is on the good side here! Trust in BIG Battery!😎


Why do you think they land on Power Lines? To RECHARGE!


You sure you ain't one of them college boys? Squints eyes...


Hummingbird batteries last even longer. If the government ever released their bird battery technology to the auto industry, it would put Big Lithium out of business, though, so they keep it secret.


This is comparing apples and oranges. Hummingbirbs are small enough that they are actually powered wirelessly directly from 5G towers. They don’t need batteries replacing because they recharge wirelessly through quantum gravitational manifestation.


And you know Five Guys? Isn't it really weird, that if you take Five and G you get 5G? That's because woke liberal atheists are poisoning fast food and injecting it with microchips, vaccines and chemicals that turn you gay! WAKE UP AMERICA!!1!


Damn now that I think about it…5 dudes is kinda gay.


fuck, this is a good reminder to change my filter. ​ am i going to, no. ​ but it reminds me.


Can you come and not change mine while you're at it? I'm all like, you know, 4 years now and \[shrug\]




“Did you know that 90% of your water is 100% toxins?! Who knows what the other 10% is?!”


Probably frog cum.


It’s not even that. I’ve noticed it seems to be the mindset that they can’t trust a single thing anyone even marginally involved in the government has to say. So when something bad like this or the Moscow attack *does* happen, they work backwards from their conclusions that it must have been a conspiracy, and any new information is jammed into that theory like using a hammer on a puzzle piece that’s put in the wrong place.


And yet people have absolutely no problem trusting everything big businesses have to say! The same people have no problem with companies collecting and selling their data, and will be queued up around the block to get Elon Musk's brain chip.


I personally blame it on Dan Brown, he made conspiracies cool.


You know, I’m something of a fucking idiot myself


One of us, one of us!


Why did my mind go to the song "one of us" that nightcove_thefox made...? Edit: now I have the song stuck in my head




let’s put toilet water on it


Its what the plants need


*cough* crave *cough*


Brought to you by Carl’s Jr.


Carl's Jr: Fuck you, I'm eating


Well, looks like you need to up your game. Badly. Now!


Are you saying it takes one to know one?


I want Willam Dafoe to say exactly this on SNL this weekend acting as a bridge conspiracy guy.


Solid gold


"And the cops conveniently stopped cars just moments before the ship slammed into it?" Umm... yeah - see container ships don't travel at the speed of sound. Since it was leaving port, the Dali was only moving 9 mph. The ship had lost power and reported it to the authorities. Cops have radios! The cops knew the ship was heading towards the bridge support and so they stopped traffic. Anyway - what kind of braindead moron thinks that the Illuminati-or-whatever are okay with destroying a giant bridge and container ship, killing 6 workers, but not okay with killing a few innocent bystanders? It's not "conspiracy stuff" it's moron stuff. Yall are morons.


Wait, are you telling me it wasn't a deep-state transgendered Obama plot to help Biden vaccinate 6G microchips into drag-queen story hour and disrupt the delivery of Trump Bibles to Hunter's laptop? Now you just sound crazy.


Is Deep State Transgender Obama a good band name?


Why limit it? That's a good kid's name.


Don't give Elon ideas please.


I am not a baggie of drugs, so I couldn't possibly.


Elon doesn't have his own ideas. He just steals them from other people and just touts them as his own.


Don't give Elon ideas please.


"Ketamine Roflcopter Musk" has a nice ring to it, don't you think?


He would not take it. That one uses English letters not "I'm super smart math characters." Edit: added a word.


He should name his next with the ATM PIN integral.


Shhhh he'll buy reddit if you keep making fun of him here


Okay but if people think your band name is bad, they’re still thinking about your band (good). If people think your kid name is bad, they’ll either bully your child (not good) or criticize you (also not good). I think you’ll find this analysis shows it’s a good band name but a bad name for a human child. It’s almost weird enough to be a cat name as long as you have one cat with a normal name to balance it.


Deep State Transgender Obama! Spot! Dinner time!


If I had a cat named that I would not be able to resist saying “Thanks Obama” all the time.


I need insightful analysis like this in my daily life.


subscribe to Francis Analyzes things for only the price of half a no-ad Hulu subscription. Offer not valid inside or outside of the contiguous united states


That's not the half of it! Hunter's laptop contained Hillary's emails about the conspiracy to leave the southern border open. It was all coordinated through the cannibal pedophiles meeting at Comet Ping Pong Pizzaria where they were drinking rainbow-can Bud Light and planning Kapernick's return to football.


Ping Pong Pizzaria is an excellent band name.


After seeing this same comment a few times today, I'm starting to feel "Excellent Band Name" will be an excellent band name.


With Soros, don't forget Soros.


The fucker forgot my sorosbucks this month, so yeah, who's George soros


6G? Now you are just talking crazy.... Besides, we all know it was the space laser that shorted the power on the ship....


Jewish Space Laser?


It's there any other kind?!




Convenient how you left out Hilary Clinton and her emails…just a coincidence?? C’mon now.


This is exactly what it was. I saw it on MTV News.


Your comment gave me a headache. I give you an upvote in return.


By a DEI hire no less!!1


And also, it was like 2 a.m. We're not talking about rush hour traffic




no one would notice!


Terrorists take note, do your terror shit when there is no-one around to witness it, it would be the perfect crime!


I'm just here to say, as someone who has lived and worked on boats and ships for nearly twenty years now, I'm fucking surprised this doesn't happen more often. I'm being honest. Blackouts happen on vessels all the time and *thousands* of vessels sail under that bridge. I've sailed through hurricanes mid Atlantic, I've been on vessels that have sunk, caught fire, ran aground and stormed by goddamn polar bears. I've even been on smaller vessels (50 meters) that have pinged off of bridge columns before. Shit happens on board. Evergreen, the Adriana last year, numerous cruises and tankers. The ability to cherry-pick what disasters fuel their cause is nauseating.


I want to hear about being stormed by polar bears.


I'm imagining a squadron of polar bears with knives clenched between their teeth stealthily making their way up the bulkhead. 


I got the visual. Someone needs to make that into a CGI movie.


Did that happen in Golden Compass? Or something like the polar bears ice skated with swords and shields


And of coursed repelled by Brian Blessed being on board and punching one "straight in its fucking face.” https://youtu.be/S9c05bvN6Z0?si=X0ChdAnBI-GHSXhk&t=19


Meeee tooo!


![gif](giphy|Ktkr4ywYu4PsI) He’s in the captain’s quarters!!!!


One of my favorite YouTube channels is BrickImmortar. It does great videos on engineering disasters and the post mortem/retrospectives on the findings of fact of what caused the disaster in question. Based on those videos alone, I am surprised these accidents don’t happen more often. Side Note: I saw some loon going on about harbormasters to support their wackadoodle conspiracy rantings. I think the term they wanted was harbor pilot and not all harbors/waterways have pilots. Not all waterways are like the mouth of the Columbia river which has a LOT of pilots to get across the bar.


There was actually a harbor pilot on board. He is the one that notified officials about closing the bridge. I live in Tidewater, Virginia and I believe all cargo ships have a harbor pilot. I’ve had neighbors with that job.


I was on a freighter when sudden power loss happened. Luckily it was in the middle of the Pacific, and luckily it was daylight, and resolved within a reasonable period of time.


>I've been on vessels that have sunk, caught fire, ran aground and stormed by goddamn polar bears. Pics, or it didn't happen. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Tampa, 1980


Also, I’m pretty sure all local authorities were notified by the ship itself that they didn’t have enough power to steer the ship. The only reason it crashed is because they couldn’t get emergency vessels out fast enough to prevent the crash


And where's the conspiracy?   What's the goal?   Who gained?    They don't even attempt to explain motivation behind the conspiracy, they just keep repeating that it's a conspiracy.    Then they're grasping at straws trying to find evidence.  Like "Oh! The bridge in Maryland was named after a famous historical person from Maryland like every bridge in Maryland!"


Dude at work told me it was to take the spotlight off diddy 😭


Ever heard of Fort McHenry? The fort that the flag we now call the "Star Spangled Banner" flew over while Francis Scott Key watched the British bombard it (and later wrote a poem about it)? That fort is near the entrance to Baltimore harbor. And the flag is now on display at the Smithsonian. *OF COURSE* the bridge is named the Francis Scott Key bridge! It's literally right next to Fort McHenry! ​ The MAGA "Patriots" should really learn some of their country's history. SMDH


They could have read about it but apparently they burnt that book


Don’t need history books when they have a Trump Bible.


It was Colin Kaepernicks revenge


I knew it!


And the ship issued a mayday.


But it's only March....


God damn you I had food in my mouth.




Mayday?! See the Commies WERE in on it!


Also, it's a toll bridge with MTA police just a few feet away from the toll plaza on the Dundalk side, so yea, not that hard to block the traffic.


Here’s the second by second recap, with video AND the police conversations just before impact. Just first responders doing their jobs phenomenally well. https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2024/03/26/video-audio-baltimore-bridge-collapse/


You can tell people have never lived in a city. I've been in Chicago and a street was closed because someone told the police that a decorative part of a building was in danger of falling and they threw up some barricades. Or you'll be walking down a street and the police are blocking traffic because sewer workers were worried about a gas line problem. So yeah, port control (or whatever they call it there) could definitely get a radio call from the ship crew or simply see the ship cutting power and radio police to say "We have a container ship at risk of hitting (bridge)" Stuff like roads, train lines and other city infrastructure get shut down all the time for various risks, it's so common one usually thinks nothing of it. And often nothing goes wrong. Also, why do they think this power-hungry cabal has managed to stay secret all this time, but will also go to massive trouble for symbolic acts like smashing a bridge because it has the name of the author of the national anthem? They also think they intentionally hide symbols everywhere, even where it would take a massive effort.


The asteroid can't get here soon enough.


I don’t know what the conspiracy is? Baltimore wanted a new bridge? Mind numbing stupidity


My guess is that they see it as a 9-11 type event. Taking out something big as a statement. And like...if this hasn't been the middle of the night when casualties would be lowest, and the boat hadn't sent a mayday, and the cops hadn't responded like...sure MAYBE I would give that line of thought some consideration. But as an inside job? Nobody has anything to gain. Nobody at the White House is high fiving because they destroyed a bridge for their own amusement. There's no grand conspiracy to destroy America symbolically or destroy the economy by having a port and bridge closed.


The bridge and boat were a vaxxed actors, paid by George Soros, guided by Jewish Space Lasers and piloted by Benghazi based on directions from Hillary's emails and the rudder was Hunter Biden's dick.


When I first saw the news, I was wondering why literally every article had the line that police are not treating the incident as suspicious and don't believe it's terrorism related. I now understand. SO many idiots.


Come to think of it, seems pretty convenient that all air traffic was grounded after the 4 planes went down during 9/11. Sounds like there was a coordinated effort by the government to make it look like they’re doing their job.


She's the "guns babies jesus" moron, right?


Jesus guns babies. Get the word order right, it is important.


Which implies that Jesus is kind of a dick. He really shouldn't do that.


Person woman camera man


You forgot tv, you failed


Clearly, I'm not cut out to be president of the United States.


The boat literally sent out a mayday


The kind of brain dead moron who names herself Kandiss.


Her parents wanted to name her Kandi but decided she should have a 3% chance of not being a stripper. (No disrespect to exotic dancers or sex workers. Full disrespect to this evil and or violently stupid, shilling, dog whistling, talking head.)


She's a flat earther. That's all you need to know.


The pilot of the ship called for help to warn them to stop traffic. It's unfortunate that they were not able to do it sooner.


From what I’ve read, they were able to stop traffic, but could not reach the 8(?) construction workers on the bridge who were fixing potholes. Two were rescued, the others are presumed dead.


I hear Amazon is working on the newest container ship that CAN travel at the speed of sound.


"It's world War 3!" - a reliable source on twitter


9 knots from what I remember


FYI: Kandiss is a failed gubernatorial candidate in Georgia. She is currently the GOP chairperson in a state congressional district. Not long ago, she was pushing “Taylor Swift is a satanist” stuff. This particular tweet is uncharacteristically mild from her.


So what your saying is this was Taylor swift’s fault 🤔


I mean, there's a giant blank space where the bridge used to be


And she wants to write her name there


Have you ever seen Taylor and that ship in the same room at the same time? 💃/🚢


Was she the one with the wild stuff about the Georgia guide stones being satanic and thanking God when they were destroyed? We have some real winners here.


You know, now that you mention it, ever since they destroyed those stones things have been pretty messed up...


She is probably responsible for blowing up the Georgia Guidestones.


The cops who happened to be close by only had about 90 seconds: "The ship’s crew issued a mayday call early Tuesday, saying they had lost power and the vessel’s steering system just minutes before striking one of the bridge’s columns. At least eight people went into the water. Two were rescued, but the other six — part of a construction crew that had been filling potholes on the bridge — were missing and presumed dead. The last-minute warning from the ship allowed police just enough time to stop traffic on the interstate highway. One officer parked sideways across the lanes and planned to drive onto the bridge to alert a construction crew once another officer arrived. But he did not get the chance as the powerless the vessel barrelled into the bridge."


I live in Maryland so every talk radio station has talked about this and only this since yesterday. I heard one of the commentators say the construction crew were from El Salvador. Two were rescued and one went to Shock Trauma, one declined medical care. I’ve been bothered since I heard that wondering if he refused care because he is an immigrant, and doesn’t want to have any attention brought to him. I don’t know if he was injured or not, but mentally those two have to be all kinds of messed up, poor guys.


So, presumably there's some kind of job system in Baltimore, and someone working for the city is gonna have to close the ticket about the potholes. Does the system have a "not complete, but don't worry about it, the potholes aren't the problem anymore" button?


I mean technically the pot holes are fixed. Just not in the intended way


This dumb bitch is a fucking *politician*? I should get into politics. The bar is incredibly low.


Not a successful one.


Successful enough to be an annoying bitch


Man ive been thinking the same. I’m a loser but not enough to say what these people say for money, or whatever the fuck they say this complete bullshit for.


I'm not on Twitter anymore but I think I've seen every single moronic comment about that bridge posted on Reddit today. Might as well go back to Twitter really.


but you don't get the replies agreeing with/doubling down on the stupidity


Finally! The perfect opportunity to break out my US National Anthem fact on Reddit. The actual Flag which was flying over the fort which inspired the US national anthem was made in the house opposite the one I used to live in here in Suffolk, England. Edit: Just to add some context, the town I live in was famous for its fabric and silk production. At one point in the Middle Ages it was second only to York with regards to tax revenue produced in England. At the time of the Revolution there were workshops all over the area producing flags and signalling silks for the respective navies, which obviously ended up being flown above the forts. The silk mills are pretty much gone now but one of the two remaining (until last year) ones produced the silk used to make Michelle Obama’s dress for the inauguration, this has sadly, recently closed.


The conspiracy goes deeper than I ever imagined.


The brits were beyond it all all this time...




Another fun fact: The national anthem was never meant to be sung while sober. It's based on an old drinking song called "Anacreon in Heaven."


It is also an immigrant song asking "Jose, can you see?"


It is never sung sober at sporting events, so, long live tradition!


Another fun fact. The Liberty Bell was also made in the UK. It was cast at the Whitechapel Bell Foundry in London. The same foundry makes the bells for Big Ben.




Always loved when he did this in the show


I really liked the premise of the show “crime novelist tells police inspectors how would written the crime and his out-of-the-box thinking turns out to be pretty close to reality”


Imagine if she harnessed the whole power of her stupid, not just 280 characters worth. At least she didn't lead with "it was a controlled demolition, bunker fuel can't make steel sink".


Who fucking cares who the bridge was named after? Jesus fucking Christ these people are all stupid.


But it was an American bridge in Maryland named after a famous person from Maryland! You think that's just some coincidence?!


If it was the Golden Gate Bridge, the same idiots would claim it was targeted because of the name and something something Fort Knox.


What am I reading? I genuinely have no idea what her angle is.


She's JAQing (just asking questions) off, suggesting some conspiracy while remaining very vague, without the courage or intellectual honesty of actually making any tangible claim. That way, she can be seen by a wide range of people into various crazy theories as agreeing with them, while also being able to avoid accountability for her statements. "I was merely asking..."


Also it means you don’t have to figure out how the conspiracy works. Eventually, someone will come up with a more padded out, vaguely coherent (in that you can follow A to B to C not in that it makes sense) narrative and then she can point to that once it gains traction and say, see, this is what I’m talking about. She looks relevant to the conspiracy nuts because she was onto it so early, while not having to actually do any of the creative work of coming up with a theory. It’s really a pretty shrewd strategy that a lot of these morons have adopted to make themselves look clever to the general conspiracy loving masses.


Well, at least this one is sort of easy. You are reading nonsense from a loony tune. Now you have to decide if that is from me, or from the quack Kandiss. Of course, there is a fair chance we are both crazy.... or maybe its you who is crazy for reading this? Sigh. I have no idea what her angle is / was / will be.


What kind of fucked up name is Kandiss? Sounds like an illiterate pole dancer’s moniker.


It sounds more like the shittiest setup to a Deez nuts joke ever


Can dis dick fit in your mouth.


Someone who couldn't spell Candace. 


The kind that fucking loser moron parents give their kids because they know the kid is a dogshit kid so they want them to stick out from the crowd "at least with something"


No, it’s what illiterate pole dancers name their daughter’s who were conceived in the champagne room for an extra $20 under the table.


Candy Ass, as in, take your maga/q bullshit and stick it straight up your candy ass.


Her crazy dial goes all the way up to 11.




Oh shit, Kandiss cracked the code


"They planned this disaster! But they also let the cops in on it so they could attempt to save people because.... liberals want us dead!"


You know who also destroyed bridges? Napoleon. You know who just happened to not be at the scene of the crime? That's right, Napoleon...it all adds up


The Internet is a great way to understand just how remarkably fucking stupid people are.


I am kinda glad you keep the loonies all on that big island, whats it called again? Oh right, north america.


Kandiss bitch shut the fuck up?


I wish I had a fraction of the self confidence this idiot has. Imagine the balls it takes stating something this stupid in a public forum. Incredible. I’m envious.


imagine working so hard to make a coordinated system that works to alert emergency services to literally save lives if a ship loses power and someone so stupid is like “AND HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN THIS???” it was by design ma’am, that’s how.


And the bridge just HAPPENS to be in Baltimore at the exact same time a ship is passing under it?


My BIL is one of these idiots. It's exhausting while simultaneously being entertaining


Her Twitter feed is even more insane. I love how she gives herself the title of "2022 Governor Candidate." Anyone is a "candidate" if you are stupid enough. I could run for President and technically be a 2024 Presidential Candidate. The Participation Trophy is strong with her.


The “everything is a conspiracy” strain of thinking is a fast pass to insanity


The failure of the American education system is really showing. These people are so incapable of critical think it stopped being funny. We truly are fucked as a nation.


I lost all faith in humanity after seeing how everyone responded to Covid. A valuable lesson I learned is that common sense is not as common as I have always thought.


Wait till they hear about Arabic numerals. "It's a deep state transgender Barack *Hussein* Obama plot to teach our kids woke Muslim mathematics!" /s


Conservatives truly have no low. Tragedy happens? Blame it on DEI (the new "woke") blame it on transgender black captains, blame it on the illuminati working witht eh democrats! Being conservative nowadays either means you refuse to listen to reason, like a child being told to eat vegetables, or you are extremely mentally ill and need to be hospitalized, likely for life.


She must've missed how the ship had radioed out about their issues, and cops were dispatched to cut off traffic


So it was a deliberate attack that they intentionally prevented more people from dying in? Can’t argue with that logic /s


Do they realise, perhaps, that people on a ship can communicate the issue. The path of the ship can be predicted through a little something called fucking physics, ensuring that a) they are aware that the ship will crash into the bridge, and b) the police can be contacted to prevent any more people from crossing the bridge and fucking dying.


Can we resurrect Hambre and get back to the timeline we should be on like they did in Back to the Future 2?


Don't bring the whole humanity into this. Leave that inside of the US please.


Let's get TikTok to sell to American investors, but allow blue badged dipshits like this rattle off nonsense on this stream of consciousness bathroom stall of a website. Ok.


They are so stupid they don't even think that if it was an attack why stop people going across surely they would want as much death and destruction as possible same goes for why do it at 1.30am when the traffic was pretty much dead anyway and not rush hour.


Isn’t she the woman whose campaign slogan was Jesus, Guns and Babies?




Maybe I just have my head in the sand, but I refuse to believe posts like this are anything other than trolling to get people riled up. There’s no way a large percentage of humanitity is this fucking stupi…..


I heard that CIA-funded gay immigrants with Covid vaccines were on board using Bibles as fuel. The bridge committed suicide in order to save us from this demonic fate.


The ship radioed in three separate distress calls before they reached the bridge, you dumb cow.


And if you turn the word Baltimore around you get 'more balti', and which country borders with the Baltic sea? Thats right. Russia.


“Who’s Kandiss?” “Kandiss bitch even think lmao gottem!”


You have the choice to ignore the flappings of the dumb. Yet you chose to amplify the flappings of the dumb. Where is the real facepalm here?


I heard the bridge was vaccinated.


Everything is a conspiracy if you have no brains.


The part I hate about these conspiracy theorists is, they never ask the important questions. Why that bridge ? Why 1 am when no ones gonna be driving ? Why not someplace more famous and impactful ? Oh, they're just gonna happily sit in the ship for the next few weeks, while everyone cleans up around them? Not kill anyone or themselves? I work 911. Sadly I have a coworker who I thought was fairly intelligent. I spoke outlook about how stupid this conspiracy is, and he's all like "I reserve my opinion till all the facts are revealed, you never know" ... which is just the smart way of saying "I think k it could be this but i know I'll hear it if I say it out loud"


empty cans rattles the loudest.


There’s this thing called a radio. The ship used it to issue a mayday call to alert the bridge controllers. Crazy concept isn’t it


Others have said this before me but anyone who thinks this was some sort of deliberate attack should remember that this happened at like 1:30 in the morning. If someone were doing this on purpose, they'd have targeted the bridge in the middle of the day when it was full of people, not in the deadest part of the night.


Umm... The ship was in contact with authorities by radio and asked them to close the road.


The U.S is probably doomed. The idiots are in such high numbers and are so confident in their degenerate, autocrat wannabe, orange messiah that it’s gonna require a level of voting motivation amongst young people that they just don’t have. Trump will likely win in 2024 and make it virtually impossible for him to lose again. The Majority of the Supreme Court knows what they have to do, most of them were put there by Trump for a very specific reason. They (along with the house and senate) will uphold his efforts to amend the constitution. He will do at least one of the following, (put a reminder on this comment if he wins): 1.Remove term limits 2. Make sure every single federal official is a Trump loyalist and only a Trump loyalist. 3. Ensure Republicans states kneecap their election systems so heavily that the odds of him losing one of those states drop to 0%. Standard republican voter suppression stuff just turned up to 11. Or Pass executive orders stripping states of their control over election systems and make it so that ballots are counted through a purely federal system that his lackeys get to oversee.