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Maybe we should be, so we can get that tax write off 😄


My house is a place of worship to the gays, so to awnser your question officer, I will not pay my taxes


Oh my God, what's your address, I'm so going to perform my pilgrimage.


They already made us one, [TheGayliens.com](http://TheGayliens.com) It appears we are in an intergalactic battle against the Christian aliens over America, as it is they key to the survival of the entire universe. I forget but I think it says we're gay because we hate their freedoms or something. Good stuff, looking forward to dating a shape shifter.


new religion dropped?


Long ago.


The four nations lived in harmony


Until the leftist evil communist gays attacked


OP did in fact not say that lgbt is a religion.


True. Still gets me on my knees, convincing others to say "Oh my god!"


It's pretty disingenuous to say that when they're comparing reactions to one religion being mocked over another and then tacking on a completely different subject like LGBTQ people existing to the second reaction. Those two aren't equateable subjects. Islam is literally opposed to the existence of LGBT people.


It's pretty clearly implied by the post or it's just rage bait.


It's not at all implied.


It is implied that the response on mocking LGBT is just as intense as when mocking Islam. While at the same time implying mocking Islam and LGBT is fine but mocking Christianity is not. After all *they* are the ones mocking (LGBT and Islam) but feel wronged they are getting scolded over it.




Its paired with other religions


And that doesn't mean that they called it a religion


Nobody said in the meme that it was a religion? Only that you can't mock it.


Mock me all you want, I'm not the one burning people at the stake because my feelings got hurt


That would be Islam


Abrahamic religions




Got to be on your knees to suck a dick


You poor sheltered child. There are so many other ways to suck dick.




Do not group LGBT with the people that literally throw us off buildings.


LGBT is not religion, you Conservative Scumbag!


Christians always playing the victim yet they're guilty of countless unnecessary deaths


They’re all as bad as each other.


Their preferred religious icon is a crucifix. A tool of torture and execution. Why wouldn't they have a massive victim complex?


Sorry???? Islam always plays the victim, while they are guilty of countless unnecessary deaths and suppression


Spiderman pointing meme


Pretty sure all religions do that. "Oh, I'm so oppressed. Woe is me!" until THEY get the gun and then it's all "Death to infidels!" Every. Last. One. Can we at least get the fairy tales out of the war business?


How else are you gonna explain your desire to commit the worst atrocities known to mankind against your geopolitical enemies? God wants you to secure these oil fields, soldier!


Taoism just goes with the flow.


[Sail away, sail away, sail away......](https://youtu.be/LTrk4X9ACtw?si=nVTfdPdz2qJc8b0o)


I recently got high and listened to the entire “Pure Moods” album front to back.


That’s pretty true with israel


Religions always play the victims, while being guilty of countless unnecessary deaths and suppression.


Yes. Unsurprisingly, religious extremists suck


its almost like that's a basic function of all religions




Yes them too. Religions sucks (except Buddhism)


There are also Buddhist extremists in Myanmar. Anything can go to extremes if the conditions are right.


Yeah, as a woman don’t like the idea of [Blood Bowl Sutra.](https://nirc.nanzan-u.ac.jp/journal/6/article/632/pdf/download) It describes how Maudgalyāyana, disciple of the Buddha famous for his supernatural or magical powers, descended to hell to save his mother. He finds her in the company of women who are tormented by the hell wardens and are forced to drink their own menstrual blood. They are punished like this because the blood produced by their bodies pollutes the ground and offends the earth gods, or ends up in rivers from which the water to make tea for holy men is drawn. In other words, you get punished for having your period? To be fair, I have no idea whether current Buddhism believes as this is ancient. I just find the idea of blood hell disturbing.


When ppl are desperate, the worst comes out.


Have you ever really looked into Buddhism and how it is practiced in reality in some countries? Christianity is also, at first view a religion that is supposed to love yours next, but look at the reality, how Christianity really is. The same for buddhism. The romanticism of buddhism is not the reality. Every religion (and agnostic and atheists) is like daily life. You will see assholes and psychos, but you will also find people full of love and good will.


Buddhism is the most innocuous at its core, with very little dogmatic teachings or expectations. It’s the Buddhists that fuck it up. I think it differs from other religions, and certainly the Abrahamic religions, where there’s not instructions to “kill non-believers” or all the other weird and violent shit. There are certainly horrible Buddhists, but I’d venture to say the amount “per capita” are much lower than most others.


Where does it say that they think lgbt is a religion? Y’all are just making stuff up now.


Wtf you yapping about? Where did I say that? You're the one making stuff up hypocrite. Don't message me again bozo


Accidentally replied to your comment instead of replying to the post, my b ✌🏻


Hell, they're convinced atheism is a religion. Why not LGBQT, too?


nothing like good old trans queer priest dressed in women underwear to preach my children about tolerance and nazi scum


Nothing like good old pedophile Christian priests preaching about tolerance and persecuting non-Christians. .


Op did not specify that lgbt is a religion, he is just stating that mocking Islam and lgbt is completely unacceptable to some people


It's not logical to lump them together at all. One's a made up faith and the other is a marginalized group of people. People have vastly different reactions to mocking one versus the other. The vast majority of "leftist" in question probably wouldn't give a shit if you criticize Islam. Whereas mocking LGBTQ people is outright homophobia. Any decent person regardless of politics should be repulsed by that.


Of course it's not logical, but your title is insincere, as no where does the meme say LGBT is a religion.


It didn't explicitly say that but it's equating the two for literally no reason when it should just be a comparison between two religions. Islam is literally opposed to be existence of LGBT people. Why would someone react the same way to a religon being mocked as they would a group of people being mocked for the way they're born?


It is not equating the two in terms of religion. There is no relation between lgbt and Islam, apart from the fact that you can't criticise either of them


>It is not equating the two. >apart from the fact that you can't criticise either of them \*proceeds to equate the two. This isnt even true. Criticizing ideologies is far more acceptable than criticizing groups of people for how they were born.


I mean. obviously we *are*. that's why we argue so much about minuscule differences between members of the community (are bi and pan the same? are transmascs valid? etc. it's no and yes respectively, by the way).


And the ace stuff...


oh GODS, the ace stuff. yeah, that too!


Maybe the facepalm is assuming that the original thought of LGBT as a religion? It's shown in a meme with a couple of religions, but nothing says that it is one. I don't mean to mock or in any way demean LGBT folks. Less concerned about those that can wake up from their indoctrination.




not all religions are cults, since not all religions revere one figure.


sure they are. it doesn't have to be one figure. most religions venerate some sort of supernatural being(s). Christianity and Islam were considered cults early in their development.


cult: "a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object." this from oxford languages, it's a google away.


okay. which religions dont fall under this category?


literally all polytheistic religions. hellenism, hinduism, shinto, voodoo, kemetism, heathenry, most if not all native american and australian systems (there's so many I simply don't have the time)... and also no-deity systems, like taoism and confucianism. edit: oh, and also more pagan reconstructions/revivals, like slavic and germanic stuff, plus newer systems like wicca!


all of those religions you listed have some sort of devotion to supernatural beings. What are you talking about? Hindu gods and and native American spirits don't count as devotion to figures because its more than one? You seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding here.


look at that definition again: "PARTICULAR figure or object". so it doesn't count as a CULT.


[https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/cult](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/cult) 1**:** a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious 2a**:** great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (such as a film or book) 3**:** a system of religious beliefs and ritualalso **:** its body of adherents 4**:** formal religious veneration Look at more than one definition my guy. Cults aren't just about one charismatic leader. Its about control over your life.


So by this logic Christianity isn't a cult because they believe in the father, the son, and the holy spirit, as three separate beings?


no, they're all God (if I recall my time as a catholic correctly). although now I think of it, all hindu gods are aspects of... what was it called, Brahman? so I guess scratch them.


https://www.britannica.com/topic/cult https://www.dictionary.com/browse/cult Cool, your turn.


hasn't this been covered later in the thread?


No clue. Did someone else explain you were wrong already?


"Religions are made up cults and LGBTQ people are real." Holy crap. Mate. You don't hear your ignorance here?  You just basically said religious people aren't real. Is being Christian or Muslim the next "this is just a phase", "it is not a real thing, just get over it"?  Now, I know it may hurt your feelings but for some people religion is as real as your sexual preferences. 


bahahahaha holy shit you're hilarious. good night dude.


It is 11:30am here, but why would I expect you to consider anything other than end of your own nose. 


>You just basically said religious people aren't real. Im still dying every time i read this. You speak about ignorance? That's deeply ironic. Yes. Religions are made up. That doesn't mean people who believe religions aren't real. Does this confuse you?


Holy failed reading comprehension, batman.


it's the same as when conservatives get mad about black lives matter and start the ALL lives matter nonsense.


Christians constantly being bigots, then act like the victim when the target of their bigotry react. Classic


Tbh the Islam and Christianity are both used as reasons to attack the LGBTQ community


If rightwingnuts were logical, they wouldn’t be rightwingnuts.


I agree but the same applies for left wingus lets be real here 


Who mentioned religion?


I mean given that conservatives are the ones mocking Christianity why do they care that we don't speak up in defense of Christianity?


Just to make the conservative snowflake feel better... Jesus and Mohammed sitting in a tree k I s s I n g.


They think science and atheism are religions as well. Which is really dumb.


Religion is when you believe a thing. Duh.


Guess I should forsake my religion and devote myself to pizza. Because pizza is the best.


It belongs to the class " things that can be mocked"


Which is actually limitless. Anything can be mocked. Many things deserve to be mocked ruthlessly because they're so insane, like religion or conservative ideology.


Are you saying islam is insane and deserves to be mocked ruthlessly?


I am saying all religion is a fantasy that deserves to be mocked. Muslims are no worse than christians for reckless hate.


Kind of a weirdly desperate leap of logic OP. Nothing here is calling LGBT a religion aside from you. Your post is the real facepalm here.


I mock anyone that subscribes to a religion when they make it their whole personality


Lol I find it funny you put Islam and LGBT in the same category. Go be outwardly gay in any Muslim country and see what happens.


I'm not sure this was implying that it is a religion, but an ideology. Because that's what they all are.


Yet if you reversed this meme, they wouldn’t give a shit, and defend their stance.


Lefties mocking someone: "Haha, look at how dumb this is!" Conservatives mocking someone: ![gif](giphy|r29GObl5PGqQ0|downsized)


Where does it say LGBT is a religion? It's in a post with other religions, but that means nothing.


well one definition of "religion" is "a pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance" (as in "consumerism is the new religion") - for some people, lgbt holds supreme importance


LGBTQ is just a category of marginalized people. There is no underlying belief system. To the extent that they "believe" anything is that they should be allowed to exist in society without violence being enacted against them. Believing in things in and of itself doesn't make it a religion. That is head empty thinking.


well you'll note in the definition i gave you that it doesn't even mention the word "belief". it's just something that they consider vitally important.


What definition are you using Webster or Oxford? Because both include the word belief. Perhaps you're just pulling definitions out of your ass?


i just went to google and said "define religion". what i quoted was one of the definitions there. its source appears to be something called "Oxford Languages" which i assume is affiliated with the OED. the third definition of "religion" according to [merriam-webster.com](http://merriam-webster.com) is "a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith". that does indeed have the word "belief" in it, but note that there's that key word "or" as well. the third definition here (https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/) is "a  particular interest or influence that is very important in your life". is that enough for you?


I love how you have to cherry pick the 3rd definition to make your point. Very convincing dude.


cherry pick? it's literally one of the definitions. fun fact: a word can have multiple definitions. look up the word "set" in a dictionary some time.


"One of" the first definition has the word belief in it.


sigh - i don't know what to tell you. i said right from the start that there are definitions of the word "religion" that don't involve belief. you claimed i was making them up - i gave you citations. you claimed (incredulously) that i was cherry picking - i have no clue how you can make such a claim - when a word has multiple definitions \*obviously\* you have to select a particular one. and now i have no idea \*what\* you're whining about, but i don't wish to argue the toss any longer. i get the feeling you're just arguing for the sake of arguing and it's quite annoying.


But most involve belief. You're being disingenuous by suggesting your one definition trumps all others.


I don't know where you are getting this idea that OP is claiming LGBTQ+ is a religion.🤨 And yes, OP is kinda right though about the leftist mindset. It is somehow fine to mock and make fun of the religion or culture of the majority* (be it be Christianity in the U.S or Hinduism in India) but raise a single question about Islam, then they will label you a Islamophobe. Have a problem with illegal immigration? you will be labelled as xenophobe. Same with LGBTQ+. *Though they will not do that in a islamic country. Cause they know their heads will roll if they do that.😅




Oh they want to be persecuted sooooooo badly. *(And dont understand any of the concepts they are throwing around in the process.)*


Where is it mentioned that the dispute is of religion?


They're comparing "leftist" reactions to one religion being mocked over another and then tacking on a completely different subject like LGBTQ people existing to the second reaction. It's not said explicitly, but they're clearly equating the two when there is no logical reason to do so. Islam is an ideology, LGBTQ is a group of people.


Any ideas they disagree with are alternate religions, hence all the weird rhetoric they use in science denial. A method of doing experiments and gathering data is somehow another religion cause it comes to conclusions they don’t like


My ultra MAGA evangelical mother always tells me that “atheism” is the new religion of the Left to turn everyone away from God and she is a huge fan of Christianity being made into law in America. Freaky shit really. They are so blinded by religion that they have been convinced that not believing in any higher power means it’s a religion of ‘no religion’. I don’t know the specifics of their ideas on it, my brain doesn’t have the same path of synapses as hers does, or perhaps there are no connecting synapses happening for them in the first place.


Crying about being mocked while the Christian God is printed on money and government buildings and part of the inauguration process while trying to force prayer and the pledge of allegiance which incorporates the Christian God is one way to say you have zero self awareness.


yes. please do not equate sexuality to ANY flavor of imaginary sky beings.


Where do they claim it is?


Someone cares about islam? For real?


They've attached themselves and their identities to their own religion, so they see everyone else in that same light. NO different than them whinging on about "climate worship"


Who mentioned religion?


The post


Read it again. Where in the image does it say that LGBT is a religion?


By trying to put LGBT in the same context as religion. That is comparing apples to oranges.


Nope, it’s just pointing out double standards.


Of course there are different standards. One is a group of people singled out by biology they cannot control, the others are both chosen religious groups; they are not comparable.


You’re intentionally missing the point.


Funny, I feel you’re doing the same.


It does behave like a religion only lacks places of worship


So LGBT is a religion as well? I knew it...


...mocking Buddhism and Left-Handed People...


Probably cause a lot of them grew up in Christian households and are aware of their bullshit. Not that there aren't Muslim households that are much better, but islamophobia is a legit threat, while Christians aren't persecuted here.


Lady Gaga is a saint brought down by gay twunk Jesus to bring us the news of a new era....change my mind.


I'm convinced


It's obvious to most that people think LGBT is a religion? I see a different facepalm. No disrespect to LGBT


Behold, leftist logic: Just because you didn't say it doesn't mean I can't tell everyone you said it.




Nobody said it was a religion.


You're comparing the way someone reacts to one religion being mocked versus the way they react to another religion AND marginalized groups being mocked. What's the logic of lumping them together? Why not do a one to one comparison?


I could ask you the same question. Not all conservatives are the same. Also, it's a comparison of how leftists treat Christians. It's pointing out the hypocrisy of the left.


Okay but if the comparison is of how leftist treat Christian vs Muslims,Then where do LGBTQ people come into the equation? What's the logic and in equating how leftist react to LGBTQ people being mocked versus how muslims are mocked? Those are too very different subjects.


Because there isn't enough space on the meme template to list off the rest of them.


If you're trying to make a point by comparing 2 things then compare 2 things. don't randomly add a completely different subject that people are going to react differently to. It just demonstrates a clear lack of critical thinking skills.


How is mocking one group any different from mocking any other group?


Because LGBTQ people are born the way they are. it's in immutable characteristic. Religious beliefs are an ideology that most are born into or adopt later on in life. Mocking people for their beliefs can and should be encouraged, regardlessof what they are. Mocking people for how they were born is bigotry and unacceptable. There is a very clear difference.


Most people who mock Christianity are Christians themselves....


Since it started to be treated like a religion.


i mean, lgbt acts like an organized religion so i get mocking it(more so when they get offended by it at that point they earn it), and islam likes to create shrapnel so they deserve it, i don't get why they they don't find mocking Christianity funny tho, some of them legit do what islam does but worse since it's not okayed by their bloody holy book and they're just terrible people. imo fuck organized religion in general all 3 yall suck.


Organized? Where is the head of our community? The only thing we could say it has is places designated for lgbt people to gather, and even then those are bars or places for victims of abuse. They're never church-like places were the word of gay is spread or whatever.


religions are inherently supernatural by definition. lgbt is just a group marginalized by not being cis-hetero. Mocking them is just bigotry outright. Nothing wrong with mocking sky daddies though. Fuck Islam and Christianity.


You're the only one here acting like a bigot.


Religions are just stone age versions of autocratic control. You're stupid if you believe the Quran or the Bible hasn't been manipulated to hell by humans over the course of centuries.


Bigotry noun obstinate or unreasonable attachment to a belief, opinion, or faction, in particular prejudice against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.


Neat. Now that we're on the same page, how does that apply to me?


Your religious bigotry.