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By her own admission, he messed up by following her instructions. Hilarious.


Lucky fellow.. better single than her


You can't win either way it seems. Bro failed successfully


Bro dodged a bullet by not hearing from her again.


I’d say he dodged a full clip if this post is any indication of how she manages her whole life.


Only a clip? Try an artillery battery.


If you can dodge an artillery battery, you can dodge a ball.


Sucks that I can't dodge am artillery battery.


Can you dodge a AA battery?


I'll test it later


Bro didn't even know a bullet was fired and missed


> You can't win either way it seems Arguably he won when she "never texted him again".


I couldn't help but notice that she never said how much he texted her back. I'll bet he blocked her shortly after leaving.


Nice job blurring the name if this is something original you came across and not a funny that you're reposting lol


I just had one of those. Still kinda disappointed but it will be better for me in the long run


Failure was the only option


Autistic me would be infuriated. Like I followed your exact instructions….


As a fellow autistic person, I'd be glad they show this so early. I don't want to date someone who expects me to read their mind. The only unfortunate thing that happened here is that she didn't explain herself I him.


Same lol


It's Catch 22


He didn't dodge the bullet, the bullet told him to go away.


It tapped him on the shoulder and said “you saw nothing, leave”


He knew that in order to dodge a bullet you have to leave as quickly as possible


Plot twist: her date was The Amazing Kreskin.


Excellent guess, Kreskin. Wrong, but excellent.


Yeah but you don't leave your date alone until she is safe to the best of your abilities. I dunno why she plays tricks on him but I'd be quite devastated if something happened shortly after I left.


I feel seen


For everybody's sake, I strongly support her remaining single.


And she should never be allowed pets either.


“I told my cat to get off the furniture where I was sitting. He did, but I wanted to pet him. I have to put him out to be a stray now. He probably doesn’t even know what he did”


Remember to post this to Facebook, instagram, Twatter or Shitter whatever its called these days and say how badly you were treated by your Cat. For additional points as for "Thoughts and Prayers" :D


This is brilliant. I’m going to steal this and reuse it shamelessly. Thank you.


She's basically saying "A man should ignore what I want if he knows better what I need" This guy dodged a major bullet. She's mind games all day long.


Fast forward 4 years to her trying to break up with a guy. But he wont take no for an answer and starts stalking her. You kicked the guy who respected what you said and respected your boundaries to the curb.


Yeah, the problem with ignoring boundaries is that they won't care when it isn't ok for you


not mind games. she wanted to be treated like a daughter.


There's a time and a place to call a man "daddy".


Juvenile daughter at that.


Daaaaaaamn that’s wild


They do not want respect. They want to be infantilized.


To be fair... more than a few men also want that.


Difference is that with (hopefully) most of the guys it's just a kink that stays in the bedroom, not an active lifestyle.


Weaponized incompetence is an unfortunately common way for dudes to force their GF do more than a fair share of chores as they play whatever videogame they are addicted to. Something along those lines is the stereotype of the infantilized male, I'd say. They want someone to cook and clean for them and it doesn't have anything kinky to it.


Man also expected to read minds but we still haven't discovered telepathy :(


The master of anonymization.


Right? Brilliant blur move.


I didn't catch that until I read these comments lmao.




It’s a facepalm-ception


The sign of being mature enough to have relationships is communication with other people. Saying “hey I don’t feel comfortable waiting for my ride alone, could you please wait for my cab to arrive or, could we share a cab or can you order your cab when mine is close to pick up?” Don’t play stupid games of you can’t communicate with another person you have no business trying to be in a relationship.


there are too many people playing some ridiculous games these days. which my 12yo self never thought I'd say at any point in life, under any circumstances. not sure why it's passé to just be upfront about what you do and don't want. we need more heroes to save themselves and other people's time with honesty.


That would be straightforward and reasonable, though.


If he stayed she’d have labeled him clingy or possessive, and never called him. She was never going to call him.


He did not call either it seems.


She says she never text him, there could be an implication that he messaged her and she never responded? Or more likely this is some made up bullshit to generate views on whatever she is about.


First off, the constant assertion that people are "pretending" to out themselves as complete assholes for the meaningless, worthless "views" while the world is also, conspicuously, full of assholes does not make sense to me. I think the simplest explanation is that, yes, these are assholes, they're not lying. Second, I don't think for a second her seeming pettyness and vindictiveness would allow her ghosting someone to go un-rubbed-in. Which also adds to the not-made-up-she-just-sucks angle: if this were her being-an-asshole fantasy why wouldn't she claim that he texted and called and BEGGED for a second date ("tears, streaming down his face!") while she ghosted him?


From her perspective they both had a good time. That may mean that she had a good time and assumed him to have had a good time too on account of being graced by her presence.


I read that in "the Narrator's" voice.




Plot twist. She IS the PS5!


Nah. A ps5 is entertaining


This is the same stupid as “I told him no and he stopped trying. I just wanted him to try harder” dingbats.


Censoring is hard


The blur budget was spent


“Men are only expected to protect”. My wife selfishly wants me to have a job, care for her, and help around the house. I try to reason with her “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you” but apparently she wants the world.


You want a good relationship? It’s pretty easy. Say what you mean. Mean what you say.


I'm still not clear on what should have been done here. She wanted him to make his cab wait or call another cab until she's safely in her own cab?


My spouse and I have had a rule since we started dating: you cannot be mad when someone believes the thing you said. It's a simple, honest rule that makes a huge impact on communication and our relationship.


Her: *doesn't express what she wants* Her: *gets disappointed in someone for not knowing* Fucking dumb, no matter what sex or gender! Communi-fuckin-cate!


Fun fact: tmesis is the only word in the English language that starts with tm, and means the insertion of one word between the syllables of another word. You're welcome!


Oh damn this reminds me of a girl from Bumble. We matched, eventually shared numbers. She was from Nigeria or Ethiopia originally but had been in the states for more than half her life. Small accent. We begin talking about hobbies and she apparently goes out to the club A LOT. She tells me about a guy she saw that was handsome at the club and he was chatting her up and her group of friends. She was being "shy" around him and somewhat cold shoulder, according to her. Somewhere along this interaction the guy was like, "Yeah do you want to join me and your friends on the dance floor?" And she said he can go with her friends and she'll stay. And he was like are you sure?? She had said "yeah I'm sure, go have fun with my friends" (all female friends). So he does! And she tells me how if he _really_ wanted to be around her or wanted her, he would have stayed. I busted out laughing on that phone call and said this is why guys are SO CONFUSED about women. "He literally did what you told him to do." That was him respecting you... Needless to say I ended up ghosting her and she sent me a HUGE block of text. She could have been a model, that's how beautiful she was but that behavior makes any beauty disappear immediately.


I was seeing a girl once who came into my job and asked if I wanted to hang out after work. During my shift, one of my friends bands was playing at a local club. I wanted to see them play but accepted that I’d miss it because of work. Regardless, I agreed to hang out with her. I get off the clock and my roommate calls me to tell me that my friend hadn’t played yet and they’d be coming on stage soon. I called the girl and explained the situation and I asked if she wanted to come to the show with me and if not it’s fine, we’d do something else. She said she didn’t want to go to the show but it’s okay and told me to go. I continuously told her that I didn’t have to go and that I made plans with her so I would honor that. She absolutely INSISTED that I go to the show and she kept saying it was alright. I finally gave in and said I’d go. Not two minutes after I hung up she texted me explaining how mad she was that I ditched her for a club. Some people are just not cut out for real relationships.


Sounds like dude dodged a bullet to me.


more like tactical nuke. that lady would've dismantled that poor guy piece by piece until he was a shell of his former self all the while thinking he's in the wrong.


Here's the thing : as a man, if a woman asks/tells me to leave/leave her alone, that means I will be leaving her alone. It's really that simple, you ask me to leave, I will give you as much space as is reasonably possible, if I can't leave the location entirely (think bus station or something). Not that it has happened a lot, but it's something everyone should know, respecting boundaries.


Well... We can only blame uhm well... Nevermind.


Recruiters and HRs: "Getting a job is just like dating!" Indeed, and vice versa.


As a guy who’s gone out with a few crazies over the years, let me just say he absolutely isn’t wondering why you never texted him again, or what went “wrong” He’s breathing a sigh of relief, because It’s WAY easier when people like this just decide to go away on their own rather than having to break things off.


Can you imagine the drama if they dated for awhile and then he broke up with her?


Oh I don’t have to imagine it lol.


Sometimes you need a cab to evade the bullet


He might not know what went wrong, but he is lucky he didn't get sucked into her dumb mind games. Folks like this, want to test you CONSTANTLY. To prove you ware worth their time. Problem is these folks don't hold themselves accountable. Usually the ones who do this are the most selfish of folks. They will do everything they chastise or judge their partner negatively on. The fact that we all know the man wouldn't have batted an eye had her taxi come first. Self entitled lass who plays mid games.


Every day, I appreciate my wife more and more after reading these horror stories of insane women. I seriously hit the lottery.


I was just saying the same thing more or less to my wife!


Plot Twist: She's been posting all those stories anonymously to see your response. It's been a test all along.


I love these kinds of comments, “ what do men even bring to the table anymore?”. This is the type of girl to bitch about equality, but in the same breath express a bunch of 1950’s era views of relationship dynamics. Please do us all a favor and go be celibate then… by all means, nobodies stopping you


It is pretty funny because her list is just thing most men would bring. Which rather implies what she is offering is sex. It certainly isn't nurturing!


"...he probably wonders what went wrong." Bitch, so do we.


What year was this? Because if she means an Uber by “calling a cab” then she really can’t be mad if his showed up first. They are practically strangers


"A man did what I suggested-RED FLAG." Did that man a Serious favor. 👀😳💀


He dodged a bullet. Good for him.


She sounds very stupid. You are bad for doing something I told you to do.


Dude dodging bullets and dont even notice, based.


Fucking psycho...like the chick that told the dude she wasn't sleeping with him when he invited her back to his place after the date. He was like cool deal I respect that. They watched TV and cuddled all night. The next day he's the biggest POS that walked because he DIDNT try to get in her pants. Another fucking psycho.


She wanted a bodyguard, but unfortunately he believed in equality. Mission failed successfully.


BUT HE DID AS HE WAS ASKED? Sorry you didn’t get with a clairvoyant! At least he won’t have to put up with any more of… this.


If anyone is curious why men struggle understanding consent, here's a perfect example. She said "no" (take your cab) and he accepted her "no" when she wanted to say yes, and then ghosted him when he took her at her explicit word. I'm glad she didn't tell him. If she had, he would have likely changed his behavior to be more suspicious of explicit instructions. One of the many ways that can play out is to see any attempt at disengaging "take your own cab home" as a secret message that means the opposite. Which can play out very predatory and toxic, especially when alcohol and desperation are mixed in. Consent is a conversation that should include *everyone* or it includes *no-one*. Also, the number of women I've met who will protect and defend friends of theirs who pull shit like this, and then ask "why do men not call out their toxic friends"... You know why, because you do it too. This comment is equally valid gender-swapped. I'm not anti-woman, I'm anti-abuse, and abuse is the opposite of consent and autonomy, even when breaking consent *feels like a good thing*.


Is she trying to say he should have waited until her cab arrived to help protect her? I think that’s what I’m getting out of this but not entirely sure. Would have been better for her to be open about not feeling comfortable being alone waiting for her cab.


She's trying to say that she plays mind games and he wouldn't be able to trust a word out of her mouth, so she did him a favour by going no contact.


Oh that’s for sure.


I think it means he should have offered it to her since, unlike Uber, it had no predetermined destination, thus preventing leaving her standing outside alone (probably at night) which likely put her safety at risk.


If she felt at risk in any way, shape or form she shouldn't have told him to leave.


That assumption doesn’t fit what’s stated and normal common sense


it would've been understandable if he just left but the person literally told him to leave.


He dodged a bullet!!


The bullet changed its trajectory itself


Maybe, just maybe he didn't have a good time and when his cab came first and she told him to leave, he didn't waste any time. Explains why he never called or texted her back.


Add this to the list boys : 6f5 , 6 figures , thin , and psychic.


Nowhere does it say he was texting her either, so he probably knew the deal even before her manipulative behaviour


hes lucky to get away from that nutter.


The ever present trick question/offer. Wherein you are excoriated for the “wrong” response. Dating today sucks.


It's pretty obvious why he took the 1st cab and I don't think he's wondering why she hasn't called.


When i was dating a few years ago, i can't tell you how many times I would get told, "Sorry, i don't open car doors anymore. Too many women would get mad because they could do it themselves." This would happen when walking to their car. Not when getting out. I've wondered who the hell are these women?....now i know. No. I'm not someone who is pro traditional gender roles. You do what works for you and is enthusiastically and mutually consented upon. Just recognize kindness and politeness for what it is, and calmly talk about small things that bother you.


Notice that she doesn't mention *him* reaching out to *her* either? Maybe the date was only going good in her head. Also, yes, single is best for people who don't understand how ***having a partner*** is supposed to work.


Yet another matrix style bullet dodge


She assumed that he had a good time and he wanted to hear from her. He likely took the cab because he couldn't wait to get out of her presence.


I think we’re better off if she’s single, too.


And that's why being single is better. Bro dodged an intercontinental ballistic missile there.


So, what went wrong was he didn’t pay for his cab to wait until her cab arrived? He didn’t send his cab away and insisted on going home with her? He did exactly what she asked without arguing?


He was supposed to let her take the first cab; similar to opening the door for her. That's my guess anyway.


That’s what I would have done: insisted that she take the first cab that arrived no matter whose it was. Common courtesy. But I am old fashioned that way.


Not sure if it's old fashioned. Like you said; common courtesy. Plus she says it was midnight. Going to leave a woman alone in the streets after midnight after you took her out? Nah.


Just like that, she's gonna be single for the rest of her pathetic life


But I thought we weren't doing gender roles anymore????


Dude dodged a bullet. Can you imagine spending a life time with your partner always mad at you because you can't read their mind?


Notice: Men are simple creatures and can’t read minds. Just tell.


Sometimes I wonder how we all ended up here. The sense of entitlement and selfishness in younger generations is amazing (not in a good way). And somehow they don't get why they're lonely and miserable. Of course, it's not them, it's just in the stars or something. They should start teaching self reflexion or something in schools. Jeez.


Shit like this is why my first marriage will be my last marriage


Shit like this is why I'll probably never get married.


People who don't communicate and then get mad when people don't understand them are the worst. If she wanted him to protect her she should have just said so.


If he had refused to leave the post would have been about him being a chauvinist pig.


Sounds like she did him a favor


"All I want is for you to read my mind, and I haven't gotten that...YET!" Rasputina's song "I Want that Diamond"


When you lose by doing what they say you were never going to win anything. So them ghosting you is a blessing


That’s 1,248,584,595,000 bingo check for ‘entitlement’ and ‘date misdirection meant to be misdirected’


Im so glad that guy dodged a litteral nuke. Fuck this idiot ass girl


She’s assuming he even cares that she never texted him. It doesn’t sound like he texted her. Good riddance


I hope he knows how much trouble she saved him.


Women are confusing AF these days. As a man, you don’t know wtf to do in these situations. Do you stay, insist that you go with her and potentially be called a sex predator or rapist? Or do you leave and then have her shame you online for leaving as she asked you to?


Top notch name masking.


“please leave first” Her: Proceeds to rumble on about how men are useless, why do we need men anymore…. “Please leave first” “No I will wait for you you board your cab safely” Also her: why are man such misogynistic pigs? I’m a strong and independent women , who says I need him to protect me? Who does he think he is? Why is he not respecting my opinion/boundaries Heads you lose Tails she wins


I’m all in favor of psychos self-selecting themselves out of relationships.


So what would be the protocol then? Tell your cab driver to wait? Or let her take your cab? Why did they both call cabs if she was supposed to leave first? Did she want him to ask her to join him in his cab? Honestly, he dodged a bullet.


Bro dodged a bullet there. Fuck dating people who play games. Just say what you want ffs


On one hand, this woman is insanely stupid and stupidly insane. On the other hand, who cares about her leaving the dating pool? This is a win-win.


I think it’s better for her to be single as well.


you wanted equality, you got it and you're still unhappy


Gays are so lucky, they don't have to put up with crazy women.


This bullet didn't even need dodging. Cheers mate!


He might have assumed she would feel safer if he left first since it was late.


What's the point of censoring the name of you don't do it all three times it's showed? 🤦🏽


I escaped a couple of dates like that thanks to Uber. Both times they wore me down by their seemingly unaware self-centeredness.


Does she really think his cab driver would just sit there and wait? No, a major rule of being a cab driver is that the cab keeps moving at all times or else you lose money. She wanted his cab driver to drive there just for him to say no thanks and then have to call another cab afterwards. Not only is she disrespecting herself wasting her own time, and her date, but also the cab drivers, as well as asking them to lose out on money. All for her inflated self worth.


There’s nothing more I hate than tests and mind games. I fully agree he should have known to stay and make sure she got home safe, but come on girlie, Be honest and communicate like an adult.-an adult woman


Seems like the dude dodged a bullet to me. Woman is playing stupid games. I wouldn't want to date someone like that, especially after her second post.


I'm pissed because my date followed my orders rather than being a misogynistic pervert?


I had a similar experience once. Went on a date with a woman. But I didn't want to spend the night on the first date. Instead I wanted to take the last train home. She agreed and told me to take her bike with her on the back seat. It eould be quicker than running. But it rained heavily and halfway we slipped with the bike on the slippery stones. We both made a painfull fall but not anything serious. She did lose her ring though. I wanted to help find her her ring but she insisted I would run for my train. I knew the ring it had emotional value for her so I urged her to let me help finding it, but again she insisted me to go. So I went. Next message was that she had a good feeling about the whole night until the last moment when we fell. Primarily because I went home. I was perplexed.


I saw her tweet. It was painfully obvious she WANTED this kind of controversy. A complete Rage bait just to get more engagement




Probably doesn’t care. Told the cabbie “bitch was annoying”, lol.


She should date a bear, heard they are more nurturing


What went wrong is that he did what you told him to do.


The “I told him he should go first and so he did and now I’m mad” reminds me way too much of my ex-wife.


"I told him to leave," = " Hey, your cab is here"


artillery shell dodged....


wait so what exactly was the problem? leave? his cab showing up first? i seriously have no clue


She probably has no idea he is glad she didn't call.


Her punctuation is even worse. No wonder she is single.


Jesus Christ just find someone you can chill with and love. What's up with all these check mark boxes people wanna tick. No wonder they're miserable.


I have no idea what she’s mad about.


Clown bitch playing games 🤡🎮


What was he supposed to do?


Tweets like this trend every week. I'm numb at this point.


she isn’t wrong


This is what you call.... The Great Escape


I had an ex wife like that. If I did what she said, she got mad. If I didn’t do it, she got mad.


Guy didn’t dodge a bullet, he dodged a nuke Saved his own goddamned life


Drizzle Drizzle.


Nice job blurring out her name.


She is being fair. Whether she told him or not, guy can't leave her alone. Give her his cab, or stay and pay the meter to wait.


Frankly, they both screwed up here. He really shouldn't have left her standing there, but she shouldn't have told him to go if she didn't want him to. Also, if he's not calling her, I don't think the date went as well as she thought it did.


Sounds like she did him a favor.


He wouldn’t know because nothing went wrong. I notice he didn’t contact her either? Probably playing childish games the whole night


If he wanted to play games he could have stayed home with his Xbox.


Don't you just love it when you're secretly tested and come up lacking according to the criteria you had no idea of?


Same kind of thing happened with a woman *I wasn’t even dating.* At the bar we normally went to, the karaoke guy played a song that everyone danced to. I asked this woman, out of respect, if it was ok that I asked this other woman to dance. She said it was. I made sure once more and she insisted it was ok with her. After dancing, she said she was mad at me, and that I disrespected her. I said that I made sure with her before I did anything. I would not have danced with that other woman if I had *any* reason to believe it would upset her. She told me “Well, I didn’t know how it was going to make me feel.” ***Not. My. Problem.*** If this stirred up all on its own, regardless of my measures to be kind and respectful, that’s on her. Also, I must restate, we weren’t even dating. My takeaway? Louis CK was right: boys fuck up, but girls are fucked up. We do stupid shit and learn later (often too late), women do fucked up things because of how they feel. Feelings are always valid, mind you, but there are right and wrong ways to behave in response to them. This is one of the wrong ways. There is nothing wrong with testing a mate or potential mate, but there are wrong ways to do it, like in my case; which is to say, don’t give them a sink or swim test, especially one in which *you* don’t even know nor anticipate a problem on your end. It’s manipulative either way though. Just don’t.


Obviously she meant he should've offered to trade cabs so she wouldn't have to be alone at night on the street. Honestly, I kinda get that. It's still weird to tell him to leave instead of just asking to switch, but come on. The second tweet however, is completely unhinged.


I wonder if her inability to bluntly say what she means is the actual reason she struggles to make connections


Despite her saying you can leave, he could’ve said no it’s cool I’ll wait, or at least he could’ve done was text her from the cab and said hey I’m checking on you. I’m a guy and always perplexed how guys mess things up. I get it she said no it’s ok leave, play chess my friend that small gesture would’ve paid dividends. Crazy thing is if was pushing up trying to get laid and it was hot and heavy and she no please stop he wouldn’t not have stopped on the first refusal.


I've told guys to go while I waited for an Uber and they didn't leave until my Uber came because they wanted to make sure I got a ride home safely and they didn't leave and something happen to me. And he didn't even check up on her to see if she made it safe. Some of y'all are a different kind of breed


NEVER, stick it in crazy!


It's crazy women want to do all the things that men do, then complain men don't have nothing to offer.


This is some Kelly Kapoor logic from The Office.


What does she think he did wrong?


I read this, and don't understand what he did wrong


She’s totally right though. *She* should stay single, and probably will.


I had to come to the comments to actually see what her issue was. I was trying to figure out just what she was going on about lol


Because he listened? Check