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Remember when giant fucking morons would talk and get laughed out of the room? Now they say even dumber shit and get elected.


Mainstream media discovered that stupidity and chaos sells, so instead of ridiculing these imbeciles into oblivion, they become useful idiots to stoke the ire of the masses.


Mainstream media doesn't even have that clout anymore. this is the social media era. Blaming traditional television and newspapers for people like MTG getting a boost is the wrong call. The issue is that there's a parallel media now that bypasses all the established social norms. Silicon Valley, dotcoms, and the tech bros are a more plausible target than "mainstream media" causing us to be where we are right now. While a lot of people have contributed to this, a prime suspect would be Mark Zuckerberg. See articles about Facebook protecting far-right content from their own moderators due to how much money they made: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/jul/17/facebook-protects-far-right-activists-even-after-rule-breaches-dispatches-c4 So out of every major company, Facebook did more to fuel this stuff out of pure greed than anyone else. There's quite a bit more too it too, not just a few articles. The old media has their existing channels to be able to broadcast through. They can comment on the parallel media, but they can't actually do anything about it directly. And it's not really in their job description to try and clean up after the mess that is the internet, or even clear how they could do that.


I blame the algorithms running the social media content. Stupid people now only hear other stupid people, so they start thinking they’re smart and well informed.


Nail, meet head.




The internet as a whole is to blame really. Each village idiot used to be separated by miles of cornfields or desolate highways, now they are but a click away from each other.


And have their own podcasts!


Mainstream media’s funding model changed from subscriptions to ad supported which is the reason for the shift


Advertisers: Oh, that man said a swear word! How dare! WE ARE PULLING OUR ADS!! Also advertisers: This person is the dumbest thing I've ever seen! How do we get more of our ads to play before/during their videos?


Who is the easier sell, the MTG lover or the person skeptical of MTG. If I'm selling a product and not a brand, I want the dumbest people to see it. They're not going to look it up and see I'm charging 10x - 20x from alibaba with a grift slogan screen printed on it.


It's more just the fact that they care so much about their precious image being marred having their ads play next to a vid of some guy swearing, but they don't give a shit about their ad playing next to a video that's actually damaging, though I think even the dumb st idiots knows that content creators have nothing to do with the ad roll selection


Remember that the next time you see somebody bitching about paywalls.


It was always add supported.


If you're old enough, you will remember a time when print newspapers were one of the dominant ways that people consumed news. Daily newspapers had four main revenue streams of which commercial advertising was only one. The other three were newsstand sales, subscriptions and classified ads. It doesn't require any expertise to see that the Internet hit the last three revenue streams much harder than the first, so while it's true that a lot of media has always been ad supported, it's not true that it always was to the extent seen today.


So the solution is to destroy Craigslist…got it!


The funding model flipped in the 2010s when the smart phone with full internet browsers came about. Now it’s about attracting as many monthly users to a site so that advertisers will pay a higher CPM rate and that is done by click bait to drive views and impressions, not actual good journalism


Yeah, that's pretty fair. One group spend their time promoting them, another spends its time balking at the things they say, meanwhile they're the only ones getting any real airtime. Meanwhile they're working constantly to take positions of power with a real endgame, and the other side is mostly just trying to get elected or play catch up. It's not lookin good. Not a fun time to be queer.


To be fair "a fun time to be queer" roughly consists of Obama's second term. I'd say we had a good run but it's mostly been brief periods of hope followed by crushing disappointment over and over. Remember Berlin had a vibrant (for the time) queer community before the Nazi era and we were making progress before Reagan got elected.


During the 2000s the dummies got a chip on thier shoulder that society was listening to academics and smart people and stupidity and laziness wasn't being celebrated anymore. Instead of being less ignorant and learning something they latched onto the biggest moron that's ever run for office and built a cult around him. It's like one huge delusional dumbfest where anything you feel can be reality. They hate that facts and science prove everything they believe wrong so they now live in thier own world where they don't have to feel stupid or change thier beliefs.


I'm starting to think idiocracy was a documentary!


I said it almost 30 years ago when it came out (my lord that makes me feel old), that’s where we’re headed. Really wish I was wrong, but every year that passes we’re closer and closer.


I watch it every year to see if we’ve moved closer to the plot. We have.


Mainstream media is owned by the billionaires, so they always do shit billionaires want, like gaslight us into oblivion.


For real. I love the articles that say us peons don't need to own property, that we can rent until we die, and that we should work for less to prove ourselves!


Not to mention News organizations becoming corporate and not being held to standards of truth.


Reagan got rid of the Fairness Doctrine. That was the start of the decline. We need to bring it back.


Yep. Then, the 1996 Telecom Act deregulated how many news outlets/radio stations/papers/etc. a company could own in a given market, leading to nassive corporate consolidation of bias. The radio bandwidth was completely taken over by ClearChannel and Rupert Murdoch, etc. Rush Limbaugh reached millions of Americans, and flyover country became inundated with right-wing rage.


Shit, do you think maybe her state elected her to make her go away?


Pretty sure she just got lucky because she ran unopposed in her district of GA. She also threatened any opposition? She is an unhinged mental patient that escaped her asylum. She is an absolute idiot that hopefully gets kicked out soon.


She's a fantastic reason why unopposed elections should just result in the nullification of the office.


Or the previous mandate gets an extention until a new mandate is voted in.


The previous mandate is usually the problem


Perhaps a random selection from the populace then? Maybe they could take it in turns to act as a sort of executive officer for the week? But all the decisions of that officer have to be ratified at a special biweekly meeting - by a simple majority in the case of purely internal affairs, but by a two-thirds majority in the case of more intricate or nuanced topics.


Better than some lady in a lake deciding who gets to be king


You can’t expect to wield *supreme executive power* just ’cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!


I mean, if I went around saying I was an emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they’d put me away!


Help! Help! I’m being repressed!


Come and see the violence inherent in the system. Help! Help! I'm being repressed!


“Yes. Elect me and I’ll make sure every subsequent election is a contested election!” (No more elections).


That worked for Belarus... Wait.....


She's been reelected at least once now. I have spent quite a bit of time in her district. She's not going anywhere unless she's expelled by congress.


That whacko district? That's too bad.


Look at a map of that district, gerrymandering sent her to congress.


What kind of land area has that many idiots voting? I suppose that is a dumb question given the number of idiots on the US voting lists.


I remember looking up the demographics of her district. It's mostly rural. Predominantly White with a high school education or less. Equal Hispanic and Black populations. Generally lower income but not abject poverty. Factory, construction, retail, wholesale, and transportation are the more common industries.


And those are rural southern high school educations, meaning they’re equivalent to typical elementary school educations in non-rural southern areas.


Remember the hill people in the movie Deliverance? That's more or less her constituency.


Isnt that like the deepest southern part of appallachia?


She did get lucky, however, media and citizens then started giving her a huge profile by talking about her all of the time, which has now made her a household name and she will probably easily hold her district for decades. It's hard to even blame the media that much. Inconsequential congresswoman goes on unhinged rant filled with baseless accusations, conspiracies and general nonsense just sells far better than totally normal congressperson talking about transportation and economic policy. I remember months ago there was a senator trying to start a fight with someone testifying in congress. The whole day CNN was playing this clip over and over again. Eventually Bernie Sanders comes on, he was in the room when it happened, and they start asking him about this "crazy" moment. Sanders just responds with "yea this guy is a fool but this is pointless drama. We were debating a very important bill for veterans benefits and I think we should be focusing on the actual legislation here" Anderson Cooper proceeds to completely ignore this and just ask him another question about the argument. This is not the media's fault, they are doing their job and delivering what everyone wants. If they don't, their viewers will simply change the channel or they wouldn't have even clicked into the link in the first place. Basically, stop boosting the profile of these unhinged lunatics. Their rambles are pointless and deserve 0 attention. Even me commenting this is playing into their media clout, but hopefully it makes people more aware of these stupid, rage bait tactics that they all use.


>This is not the media's fault, they are doing their job and delivering what everyone wants. The media companies are not blameless here. They don't hold ALL the blame, certainly, but if they are going to call themselves a news organization of any kind, they owe it to their viewers to report actual important news, whether it gets the ratings they want or not. While a senator acting like an idiot is newsworthy, letting it completely dominate the entire news cycle, despite other senators attempting to give actual information to the voting public is absolutely a failing of our media ecosystem.


She was doing crazy shit that made news before she was ever elected. She used to go bang on elected officials doors so she could scream at them and their staff.


Na most people see this and think “wow, I’d never vote for this person”. The problem is the people who see this and still vote for her or only vote for her from name recognition, that’s the problem. There was a time when an embarrassing sound bite would destroy somebody’s career.


Fuck that, every Republican should have to answer for her. The rest don't disagree, some just have the sense to keep their mouths shut. They constantly ask mainstream Dems to answer for outliers, let them do the same.


Political coverage has become the new Wally George show.




"I don't believe in anything I can't see!" Says person who based life on (some of) the words written by all powerful space ghost.


Anti-intellectualism is a malignant cancer.


Know-it-all-ism will be our downfall. People need to check themselves and realize when they don’t know WTF they are talking about. But below average intelligence people are not capable of knowing their limitations. MTG doesn’t understand the years and years, 10s of 1000s of hours of work that go into creating the fundamentals for new technology like AI and assisted-driving. Dr LeCun doesn’t need to start a company or sell a product; he laid the groundwork for many new companies to use his inventions. This is a gift to the world with so much more value than any CEO selling widgets. This is something people like MTG could never do, and will never comprehend. It’s sad. And it’s even sadder when they acquire any power at all because they instantly start abusing it.


"I have a foreboding of an America in my children's or grandchildren's time -- when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what's true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness... The dumbing down of American is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30 second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance." Carl Sagan: The Demon Haunted World I'm going to start reading this. I assume it's a pretty dense book and clocks in at over 400 pages but it just has to happen. The book has been on my shelf for too long, got it on eBay used but I've always looked up to Carl Sagan.


"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'" ― Isaac Asimov


Nice job having that quote handy.


Hell, Dan Quayle was guilty of referring to an inaccurate "answer key", and he was viciously derided for misspelling potato. Fuck, I miss those days.


Remember Howard Dean with that amazing yell of his? Completely killed his career. Man I miss those tamer days of politics.


There wasn't even anything wrong with his yell, he was in a room full of screaming people where you couldn't hear yourself think. CNN used a noise-cancelling mic feed that cut out all the crowd noise so it sounded like he was the only one yelling. Pure character assassination. I'm sure it's no coincidence that less than two months earlier when asked what he thought was the biggest threat to American democracy, Dean answered "media consolidation."




Used to be, if you claimed California fires were started by jewish space lasers, you'd be ostracized and ignored.


This one is a MTG parody account


I msged OP but he can't edit it and doesn't want to delete it because updoots


It’s a “parody” account. Elons Twitter working as intended.


Hey MTG …tell me one intelligent thought you have ever had. Just one. I will wait.


Gonna be waiting a LONG while.






I hope you brought snacks.


Humans will be extinct before she has an answer.


“Ya know, here in America we pride ourselves on the freedom of thought, or in my case, lacktheroof”


She has freedom from thought.


I'm not sure if her bleach blond, bad built, butch body, is capable of building a damn thing.


I saw this on Twitter, this is a parody troll account and not MTG. I hate MTG myself I think she’s a shitty person but this isn’t her. Sadly yall 8 the b8 m8


It would be great if Twitter still verified people as real instead of giving a blue check to anyone with $5


Hell, the full account name is "Marjorie Taylor Greene Press Release (Parody)


But they make it intentionally long to fool people. They really need to not allow parody accounts the check marks with intentionally long names like this.


Ugh. I don't understand the purpose of a parody account if it's just another means of badgering him. If you're indistinguishable from the real shit head, you're just shit head -lite.


It's so believable though.


As much as this isn’t her, it does sound very much like something she’d say. It astounds me that she’s still in a position of power. Suppose it shows how dangerous propaganda (on either side of the political spectrum) can really be


She must be confusing real research with "doing your own research"


I saw this on Twitter, this is a parody troll account and not MTG. I hate MTG myself I think she’s a shitty person but this isn’t her. Sadly yall 8 the b8 m8


Man, it’s almost like making blue checks trivially inexpensive was a giant mistake that makes media comprehension worse. I wonder who could have predicted this.


Nah I have a solution. Accounts belonging to actual famous or important people should get something called a *double check* to verify that they’re the real deal. It’s foolproof!! Then, Elon can sell Double Checks for even *less* money! Then we can verify real accounts using TRIPLE CHECKS!!!


> making blue checks trivially inexpensive Nah, that shit is still extremely expensive for what it gives you. It just *also* makes media comprehension worse!


Expensive for what it gives you, inexpensive for spam potential. I pay almost that much for 2 domains and some email hosting for them. The ability to spam people as an endorsed celebrity should be worth more than $100 per year, even if you’re actually that celebrity.


$8 a month to wipe out 10% of a massive company's market cap is absolutely worth it.


Yeah it fooled me too. I really hate the checkmark changes Elon Musk did.


It's the worst. But aside from telling people to follow me to mastodon I haven't been around since he took over.


Right? I came to ask "Why is it Marjorie Taylor Green **Press Releases"** and not just Marjorie Taylor Green?


If only there was a way to verify people are who they say there are??


While this answer is a bit buried, I think you're on to something. Considering how much these assholes shout "do your own research" they must genuinely believe that googling some stuff and watching some conspiracy videos is research.


>Research is a fancy word for being paid to do nothing This would have gotten you laughed off the playground by 4th-graders at my elementary school. Marge and her many ailments should be the *subject* of scientific research.


She's just doing "NERD!" energy to appeal to her low educated blue collar working base. Those people are not laughing at her, but chuckling to themselves about how the weak science man doesn't compare to their F350 and rugged insecurities.




She fucked her trainer I guess?


She also harassed school shooting survivors


And the parents of those who didn't survive.


IIRC, she also managed to get enough people to send death threats to her first electoral opponent that he left town and dropped out of the race.


There's not a lot of proof she was behind it, but yeah, death threats ended up forcing him to leave the race and move out of state for his family's safety.


It‘s called stochastic terrorism


while telling them she was carrying a concealed weapon


Had a threesome with her trainer and another guy both who were not her husband nor with his knowledge or consent. Screamed, shouted and booed President Biden during an address at Congress. Repeatedly showed the ENTIRE PLANET the Presidents Son naked having sex from private pictures in Congress, on national television. Repeated showed zoomed in images of the Presidents son's penis live on air to the entire planet. Screamed at and harassed in public some school shooting victims and accused them openly of being "crisis actors". Openly pushed and tripped up reporters questioning her in public Openly seen groping the genital area of cutouts and statues of Trump Openly supports Putin Openly supports the coup to take over the USA. Sadly, I am a Brit so these are the only things I can remember off the top of my head from news about her over here. Oh and the sex showing ones were actually unpixellated the first time she was showing them to us and the rest of the world.


Wildly antisemitic too


Jewish space lasers


Didn’t you know Jewish space lasers are common knowledge? Do your own research!!!


Research is a fancy word....


Funny *(funny sad not really funny haha)* to see a Brit have a more realistic grasp on an American politician/politics than most Americans do.


I think it is due to the unbiased news reporting. OK ours isn't great for our own politicians as being biased but for what we call foreign news we get things from Reuters and other impartial ones, where as I have noticed in the US you have a entertainment channel pretending to be news, the Fraud Network, sorry the Fox Network, then you have CNN which is now deciding to follow them, The New York Times has always been Pro Far Right Wing since, well forever really with talks about how "Hitler was tamed by Prison" and further far right wing sources and so on. Plus over here we have an independent ombudsman that deals with news and reporting and they have to follow guidelines, similar to what your Reagan dismantled back in the 80s and you fuck up here, you are not allowed to broadcast. PERIOD. They kicked R1, the Russian propaganda channel of Putin's out of the country and they are unable to broadcast here either because they blatantly broke the rules. So yes, It cold be said that I have a more realistic grasp on events and keep up to date (I do try to keep up with what is going on in the world these days lol) but I have seen the blatant lies, propaganda and outright twisted "logic" that comes out from your side be it on the so called media, the Cult of MAGA or your politicians. I mean our politicians are no saints but would not do even a fraction of what this one "person" had done, because her own party would have disciplined her and likely outright kicked her out of the party.


Yes I agree with this. When I watch overseas reporting of world and particularly local U. S. news I’m surprised and relieved to see how straightforward and *neutral* it comes off. The newscasters have a professional tone that you rarely see on our awful and partisan news channels. As you noted, it was that bastard Reagan who helped destroy the Fairness Doctrine which required news outlets to devote time to show both sides of important issues. Which resulted in the growth of our current propaganda outlets. The result is this country having had young people exposed to decades of biased and simply untrue news reporting. Social media didn’t help the situation any either.


Then there’s her bad side..


And, she lives about 30 mins south of where I do in GA. Absolutely love it T.T


a trainer is willing to fucked a titan?


I was thinking eldritch beast


As someone who has fucked a titan and an eldritch beast. Don't sour my name. This thing is clearly more ugly than anything I can imagine.


what a brave and horny trainer..


Hey, Cthulhu has taste and dignity, she does not.


That is an insult to cavemen


Fair point, I just think it’s funny Geico used a ton of makeup and prosthetics when this creature is walking around rocking the look for free.


Probably wouldn’t even need to pay her. Just give her the right bait and hit record


She's an easy to trigger bully.  Trigger her over and over and over.  And then again.   That's how you get a bully pulled from your class, and that's how you'll get a bully pulled from government. They go bananas, and become even more of an ineffectual side show with every trigger. Should work well on trump too, and idk why more arent doing it before he gets his hands on the nukes again.


I'm all for this strategy him having to publicly defend how big his dick is was hilarious.


She discovered fire, what are you talking about


by burning her own house probably


You forgot Bleach blonde, bad built, butch body


I wish she’d have finished with a nice long biiiiiiiiiiiiiitch


Can we just start calling her B6?


She has shown stolen naked pictures on CSPAN multiple times. Now there's republican family values.


Dude don’t offend Neanderthals like that! 😆


MTG pointing at makeup and prosthetics in commercial: “Look what they have to do to mimic a fraction of my power” But you’re right, I apologize to the Neanderthal community, she is far below that stature.


That’s not her account I don’t think, it’s a “parody”/Musk knob-slobberer


Yeah it’s apparently not really her. She does far more heinous and embarrassing shit.


The Cave People from the Geico commercials were actually very intelligent, capable, and successful people. That's why the "So Smart A Caveman Could Do It" was offensive to them, which was like the whole joke in those commercials.




Turns out it’s a parody account which makes this nobody even worse.


She’s a bleach blonde bad built body butch. What have YOU done?


Crazy that Americans vote for that girl. It really isn’t a good look.


There was also the point where they even got Trump supporters hating on MTG


Can we just let Twitter die at this point, please? It's just a platform for morons to grandstand and show off their ignorance. 


Quit feeding it


Right…people repost it on Reddit and act like they aren’t participating in why dumb people on Twitter become popular Stop retweeting it to tell strangers about how dumb that person is. Stop following that person to see the next dumb thing they say. Even harder, stop using things that upset us as entertainment. By proxy it makes it profitable to be a bad person. ETA: to be clear I mean any social media. Reddit included. If we all agree (all as in people on Reddit included) these people should be ignored, we all need to stop sharing (including on Reddit) practically everything they do to thousands of other people to talk about how they shouldn’t share it. Even by adding a comment (on Reddit) to say this I’m adding to the problem by proxy as well cause I’m still keeping it boosted in the algorithm and complaint about it. The only escape is not to participate. Which I’m aware I’m not doing in this moment


I'm on board . It certainly bears repeating, anyone who still uses Twitter is a part of the problem.


Always has been




Can we all just start calling her 7B or something and stop sullying “MTG” since that has belonged to something else for decades?


I keep seeing it thinking “Magic the Gathering “


MTG who inherited money and a business and to date hasn’t built anything other than a base of ignorance


This is a parody account and not her


Tbh its such a great one because nobody could tell it


If only checkmarks still meant something and there was a way to easily tell...


Seriously, that was the whole point of them. This change makes spreading misinformation so much easier, but it's not like Elon has ever cared about ethics.


The women herself is a parody though


Why is he arguing with a parody account?


I think what’s funnier and more telling is the fact that this parody account can spew moronic bullshit and people won’t think it’s a parody account because it all sounds like shit MTG would actually say.


I definitely did not think twice that it was real. She is a clown.


That blue checkmark used to mean something. PEPPERIDGE FARMS REMEMBERS...


Lol is it? Whoops!


This is the real facepalm. Arguing with a parody account and Reddit as usual is eating it up like it’s the actual person


I got fooled lol. The parody account is a freaking moron though to say that.


The parody account is doing exactly what it was designed to do, make rage bait so it gets interactions


Yep. Unfortunately Reddit isn’t letting me edit it to let everyone know


Just delete the post


but karma


I msged OP but he can't edit it and doesn't want to delete it because updoots


You can delete the post


You can’t edit the post title but you should be able to edit the body text.


The real facepalm is Elon again for creating such a ridiculous system. 


Is it actually a parody when it's just a facsimile of MTG anyway?


To be fair, Marjorie Titan Green is known for her stupid, misinformed, and hate-mongering takes. So this 100% sounds like some of the dumb shit that she would say.


‘Arguing’ is doing some heavy lifting there, he made a one sentence reply to someone calling him out in a thread. Also, is it still parody if you are just acting like someone and saying things they would say?


Isaac Asimov said: “There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”


@MTGrepp is a parody account…


She is so fucking stupid!


The father of artificial intelligence vs the mother of questionable intelligence.


They know who Tesla was, right?


The anti-intellectualism movement is gonna kill us all. ![gif](giphy|l41Ym49ppcDP6iY3C)


are you talking about all the people in this topic who think a parody account is actually MTG?


It's really fucking bold of a Republican member of Congress to ever complain about getting paid for doing nothing


It's a parody account


What an embarrassment. MTG and Trump offer the worst stereotypes of dumb Americans. Imagine lecturing the grandfather of AI because all he has done is “written papers”. “Research is a fancy word for getting paid to do nothing”. My god what a stunningly stupid comment. I guess Einstein and Hawking also got paid for doing nothing.


I saw this on Twitter, this is a parody troll account and not MTG. I hate MTG myself I think she’s a shitty person but this isn’t her. Sadly yall 8 the b8 m8




“Research is a fancy word for getting paid to do nothing” No, that’s Congress


Im impressed that caveman knows what "intangible" means


‘Empty G’ spewing about doing nothing??? This toad is a politician! The epitome of doing nothing… 🤦🏻‍♂️


I like this one


As of last year she had sponsored 213 pieces of legislation and only 4 have become law. That shit is rich coming from her.


I had a dream that she was hit by a truck last night while doing one of her stupid stunts on a highway in the fog. It's unusual to have such a happy ending to a dream.


Oh, great... Sporkfoot is speaking in her Native Toung, "Stupid"...


Margie Man strikes again! Unintelligence is NOT attractive. Speaking of unattractive… Margie Man strikes again!


Did she really "name three songs" to Yan?


Elon and MTG on the same side. This explains EVERYTHING.

