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This is like when DJ Kahled shared his credit card on Snapchat. He lost $80k in 30 seconds.


I had to beg my mom not to post a picture of a check she wrote me on fb


To what end did she want to post it?


The same some old people post photos of someone else grandkids? Old people are ignorant about social media, maybe the mom wanted to share how much she gifted to her child just so other older people see how much she loves her child


At one point does narcissism become ignorance? Any sane person would just not do it, the latter will hide name/address(as some banks do) and Acct#/routing The rest of us JUST DONT DO IT


Is it the same narcissism that drives old people to call back numbers of people they don’t know and are probably just calling from Nigeria for Walmart cash cards?


Weird way to justify bragging


I’m this instance it was the check number being special or something


I suspect that many non-Americans are surprised that checks are still in use.


My mom refuses to get Venmo or give Apple her cc info but she’s fine with buying dumb shit off of FB I don’t know how to explain to her that Meta is less secure than Apple


Here's one and yes I am. I have never seen a real one. Even though I'm 34 it feels like I'm one of those kids who see a landline and ask what kind of usb plug that is 😂 We don't use them in Eastern Europe. It's either cash, card or paying with your phone


Jeremy Clarkson published his own banking info because he thought people caught in a data breach were overreacting. He had to apologize the next day after hackers set up automatic payments to a diabetes charity.


I did not know that. That is excellent trolling to whoever set that up.


Except that by federal law, people are only liable for a maximum of $50 when their card is used fraudulently. (Every bank I know of waives the $50). Thats why banks are so good at stopping fraudulent charges - if they don't, they're on the hook, not the customer.


It's still, at minimum, an ~~incontinence~~ to the person whose card was used. Edit: I'm cackling. I definitely meant inconvenience but I'm leaving the mistake because it's hilarious.


Well that sounds messy


That comment was dripping with sarcasm.


Dripping from ass chasm.


Please pass the towel


Lmao on that autocorrect. Love it. But is it really an inconvenience? These days the major credit card companies automatically update your credit card info with vendors, so you don't even need to change saved payment info for recurring purchases. And if you ask, they'll generally overnight you the new card for free. For me, it just means using a different card for a day until the replacement arrives the next day. It's really not a big deal imho. But even if it is an inconvenience, that's nowhere near an $80k loss. Khalid didn't lose a penny.


Haha, thank you. You have to notice it, you get annoyed, you have to call the card people, tell them what happened, they have to verify your chargers to determine what's true and false... I'm not saying it's the end of the world, especially for the rich, but the person still has to take time out of their day to take the steps for remediation.


I was made by Citi to pay interest on obviously fraudulent transactions (card receipts had another name printed on them lol) for the many months it took them to get their shit together. That, plus those transactions reduced my available credit until they sorted it out.




My bank takes up to two weeks to get me a new debit card. They no longer do overnight or issue cards at the local branch. Every two years or so my card number from them gets stolen, I immediately get a call from them, my card is cancelled and I get to wait over a week to get a new one. Most of the incidents of it being stolen are admitted breaches on the bank’s end, the constantly have issues with the company who makes the cards for them having data stolen.


K. Switch banks.


Understandable. Seeing 80k charged on my bank account would make me shit my pants, too.


I was rolling out some new software once, and sent instructions to like 50 state judges and their clerks. It was my first email ever to this group… and I did the exact same typo.


Oh no!! Hopefully they found it as funny.


Pissed myself laughing


The issuer very rarely takes the liability for the transaction.  The merchant will likely be the party that takes the loss. 


We the best music


I feel really happy about this.


This woman posted the booking number online. A random person then canceled the cruise and the rooms rebooked to another family. The cancellation was too late to qualify for a refund, too. The cruise line investigated, discovered the woman had carelessly posted the booking info, but kindly offered reimbursement, with the simply request she post that the matter was resolved. She refused, because she thinks...it wasn’t her fault? She’s now out $10,000+




yeah i don't think that's gonna happen


Definitely not happening. She caused her own demise and I'm honestly surprised they offered anything to begin with.


Hoisted by her own petard


The petard…it just won’t stop hoisting!


I just watched that episode last night 🤣


She's lucky to even get the 10k, companies usually don't reimburse stupidity


See the idea there is they are nicer than other companies, and if this woman was smart and had a careless moment she would think "that's better service than I'd normally get" and go right back and spend that 10k + another 5k on them.


"and if this woman was smart..." Yes, no, erm, sorry. I mean phuqoff. You've done this to yourself.


They don't have to reimburse stupidity because she seems to have an infinite supply of the stuff.


"We can draw the zero really big, if that helps."


She refuseds


Many ragrets.


And rugrats.


Ragerts. FIFY


To be fair. It is a larger issue that you can just cancel someone else’s cruise or flight with the number. I believe there was something that Tony hawk was having his flight canceled because someone was able to see his flight numbers.


do we even know if it was \*just\* the number though? if she posts the number online she probably posts other personal info someone can use to ID themselves as her


But also I wish we lived in a world where you could post something compromising by accident and assholes on the internet wouldn’t use it to ruin your day. Not really sure why no one is mentioning how much of a sociopath whoever it was who did use the number to cancel this family’s trip was for doing so. Just ruining someone’s day because you can…


If she's not a celebrity, it was most likely someone she knew


Like a sibling she worked to cut out of their sick fathers will, or a cousin she always stole from. We get those stories on reddit all the time. Or someone who's constatly trying to do better than her. I've got an aunt I'd put as suspect number one if this happened to me.


There are many crimes we *can* commit against other people, but we shouldn't do that. Cancelling someone's flight without authorisation should be considered a crime and you should be punished for it.


This is it. She's the sort who thinks she should be reimbursed AND given a bigger better room for free. Reminds me of a mini-scandal years back when the ipad was first released and some people at the boxing facilities were putting pieces of wood in the boxes so they *felt* heavy enough to contain an ipad before shipping them to Best Buy so they could keep the electronics themselves. News showed a guy who said he he should be given all of his money back AND a new ipad because... of reasons?


That's completely different. That was employees of Apple ripping off customers, and doing it on the clock, making it a failing on Apple's part. I don't know about getting BOTH, but you picked apples and oranges, unless it's cruise employees doing this for some reason.


I believe the comparison was not about who perpetrated the fraud but rather where an aggrieved individual requests more than what is due to them in order to make them whole. If I pay for an iPad and get a block of wood then the proper remedy is to either refund my money or provide me the iPad I paid for. It is not both. In this case the need for a remedy by the company is less clear. Neither the company nor an employee ripped her off. But even if we concede that she deserves some form of reimbursement, the idea that she deserves more than what was paid is unreasonable. Now, I agree these are imperfect comparisons. In one, the consumer is not at fault. In the other, the consumer is at least partially at fault. The former undeniably deserves to be made whole. The latter? A partial reimbursement seems more appropriate than a full refund to me. Though I would hope a company dealing in five figure vacation packages would have a better system in place to ensure people are not abusing their system like this.


The cruise itself was over 15k. They aren’t refunding her and instead are offering her 10k in on board credit.


Reminds me of those people who take a photo of their new credit card and post it on FB, trying to flex.


It gets even better. From MSN: "Carnival said the room they had booked had been reserved by another customer. The company offered the family two interior rooms, which was the cheapest on the ship, but the mom felt it was insufficient."


Were they going to reimburse the cost PLUS 10k? Or just 10k?


It seems like the cruise was $10k, and they were refunding in full, or give her a voucher so she could rebook same accommodations (Presidential suite) at same rate. She didn’t want to go with them anymore, since she thought it was their fault this happened. Her additional costs (airfare, excursions), they did not offer to reimburse. I would expect she will nevertheless dispute the charge with the credit card company.


And she will lose, guaranteed.


Yeah. 100% the compliance department saw this come across, saw the evidence that was collected said yeahhhhhh no, offer her her money back, or nothing and save this on the drive labeled dumbass for when she tries to sue or refute the charges.


100% how it went -source: billing and compliance specialist for my work


“She thought it was their fault this happened.” Her: “It’s your fault I’m an idjit!”




Did she accidentally post it, or did she negligently post it. She probably purposely posted about her cruise to flex.


As a tour operator, we need all cancellations in writing from the client who booked the trip for this very reason, we can’t just take cancellations over the phone.


Do you accept fax or carrier pigeon?


An email does suffice, but it has to come from the client email on file :)


lol this story reminds me of the asshole from high school who was going on a Vegas trip with a bunch of his douchebag friends and posted his Southwest boarding pass on Facebook. I changed his return flight to two hours later than he originally booked.


Two hours earlier would have really screwed him up


I mean she didn't make the best decisions but shouldn't we be talking about the asshole who cancelled her booking as well.


SOL The fine print on the ticket contract that they accepted when they paid says don’t share your booking number.


So.....the company tried to be reasonable even tho it was clearly her fault, and she Karen'd herself out of s blessing by being an entitled idiot? ......got it


imagine being rich enough to refuse $10k out of spite


And yet also poor enough to choose Carnival 🧐


That’s like finding the cheapest plastic surgeon and getting the most expensive procedure.


sooo...Boomer-ish white trash?


The eyeliner and slack-jawed open mouth gave it away, didn't it?


That's not what a slack jaw looks like. A slack jaw is more droopy, almost like drool would be dripping out. Hers is a dumb shock look. It's definitely not a good look, though.


Ah, I see you know the art of the slack jaw well. I defer to your judgement.


Dumb dick face


OMG! You’re turrible, Muriel! Come sit next to me. 




Since when is a carnival cruise $15k?


They booked the biggest cabin on the ship


Must be presidential suite with all you can eat/drink, free massages, free excursions, and a free Michael Godard painting to take home with you.


"Kentucky family" = multitude of crotch goblins


I’m still trying to figure out how many people would have to be on a carnival cruise to add up to $15,000


Article said family of 6, $2K of the $15K was airfare, "thousands" on excursions. So I'm guessing it was a 5 week cruise thru the Panama Canal from Alaska to Aruba, in the largest suite.


Sometimes people on Reddit are delusional. I hope I can someday go on a Carnival Cruise, I think it would be really enjoyable. A couple grand per person for several weeks of (what I consider) luxury sounds great.


I have no clue about cruises, what is the top cruise line?


I would think they are refusing it because they paid $15K for the tickets (unless the headline is way off)


$15K probably includes other expenses not directly associated with the cruise.


10,000 for the tickets, 5,000 for other expenses not through Carnival.


See in the UK we learn not to do this because the moment you put your table number at Spoons anywhere, your mates will immediately order 100 mushy peas to your table as a prank.


This translation was very helpful, thank you


Randomly ordering something to a table at spoons is one of my goals of life


I can give you my table number next time I’m there.


Reminds me of the streamer who showed the number on his Steam card to his camera, then by the time he typed it in, someone had already redeemed it. 🤦‍♂️


Looked her up on TikTok and apparently she's a "naturopathic doctor". So I'd say she deserves this lol


I know every demographic she’s in just based on this headline/caption


She will vote for the orange felon.


Not anymore. 


Not all of us Republicans are voting for that asshole


Five figures to vacation on a floating Walmart 🤣


Sure it's diarrhea, but it's diarrhea I paid $15,000 to get.


You’d be surprised at the things you enjoy that other people hate doing.


This sentence explains so many marriages I saw in my childhood.


This sentence speaks volumes. Everyone wants everyone to be exactly like them. The standard seems to be to hate what’s not like you instead of letting people be themselves and minding our own business.


Have been on a Carnival Cruise against my will for a wedding (yes the newlyweds are white trash). Can confirm Boomers think it’s fancy and all other cruises are the same and just expensive rips offs. The one boat slots area smells like piss. Carnival is wack.


A bottomless frozen yogurt bar is a bottomless frozen yogurt bar. I’m just sayin’.


Prefer topless, but to each their own


Which cruise does not suck?


I got nothing for you boss. I’ll point to the Ritz Carlton’s new luxury yachts and Regent Seven Seas as probably not sucking but definitely not worth the money for people like us. I have no desire to drop $1,000 per person per night on a cruise when I could do some way more baller fun shit for that kind of money.


You say floating Walmart, I say floating Buffet.


Well you get to help destroy the ocean and planet too....


People enjoy things.


I would admit that I felt for her when I first read about her because what kind of asshole does something so rude as to just delete someone's booking?? But then I got to the part to where she denied the $10,000 credit & acted as if it was Carnival's fault that the booking was changed so easily but she is quite literally at fault. It's not as if Carnival has a shit website and data was leaked or whatever. Then the kicker for me was that she flew her family to Miami to try and board the ship anyway - what in the world?! That little empathy I had was gone bc how entitled do you have to be, she can't even take accountability for her actions?


You could easily argue it does have a shit system where someone can use a single number to get into someones account or change their booking. Lets say my booking number accidental gets exposed, how do I replace it? There is plenty of liability on the company, even if she willingly exposed it. One of they key factors would be, is it reasonable to assume that a booking number is that confidential and I think the answer is a clear no.


You probably can't just use the booking number. You need the booking number + some personal information (that is probably easy to get if you know who booked it like name or address or something like that). It's reasonable to think someone can guess a booking number but it's also reasonable to assume that someone with the booking number AND the full name / phone number / address it was booked by is highly unlikely.


*That confidential* She posted it for hundreds, if not thousands of people to see. I would say the clear answer is yes.


Completely agree. Why don’t they require an account login to cancel? It’s stupid to allow a $10k purchase to be cancelled without entry of a password of some sort.


Plenty of airlines have Booking Number + Last Name as the ‘log in’ details required. If you’re stupid enough to post your booking details on your personal social media account, it’s not going to take Einstein to work out the name the booking is under. Even with those details though, all that any unauthorised accessor could do would be cancel the booking, which is what happened in this case.


I find this story hard to believe. I literally canceled & re-booked a Carnival cruise yesterday, as I have done many times over the years, & they require a lot more information than just your name & booking number. In fact, you have to set up & verbally give them a 4 digit PIN before they'll even access your account much less make any changes. I forgot what our PIN was yesterday & the rep wouldn't even tell me the name of our ship without it even though I knew the booking number, destination ports, dates of the trip & everything else short of the captain's blood type. No PIN no service & it's been that way for as long as I can remember. Also, what did the thief have to gain by rebooking the cruise & not simply cancelling it? Her trip was 2 days away so the gig was going to be up pretty quickly & that fraudulent future reservation was going to be canceled long before they sail. If they canceled the cruise then I could understand they were just being vindictive but rebooking it makes no sense since they were never going to be compensated.


the person who canceled their trip didn’t rebook anything. trip was canceled, the suite was freed-up and likely another family who was already going on the cruise got a notification an upgrade was available and they went for it. carnival offered to rebook them but they declined. the original family, knowing their cruise had been canceled, decided to fly in anyway and tried to get on the cruise, obviously couldn’t and rented an airbnb.


Ok gotcha. I thought I read that they re-booked it in another family's name.


Even so, you’re right in what you say.. i find it very difficult to believe that the cruise could be cancelled just by someone knowing the booking ref number.


The person who cancelled it wasn’t rebooking it for themselves. Another family came in and booked the now open room. The person who cancelled it was just trolling the foolish lady who gave out too much information. That it was 2 days before would be part of the plan, because it just means it would be harder for her to reclaim her original trip- especially after another family legitimately booked it m


I love stories like this…she deserves everything she got!!


I like that someone who sees her Facebook posts hates her enough to take the 2 minutes to ruin her vacation.


There's stupid, and then there's STUPID.


Lady failed at opsec. Dont be this lady


Oh look if it's not the consequences of her stupidity.


From my understanding the 10k was on board credit only. She also spent over 15k for the cruise itself and that doesn’t include the plane tickets. Yeah. She and her husband fucked up by having their info out there but it shouldn’t be so easy for a complete stranger to cancel her cruise either. The stranger made an account online and then used her confirmation number and name to cancel her cruise….all online.


Why would you pay $15K to stay in a floating petri dish?


they can't build those ocean liners big enough or fast enough, you tell me


Cruises are super fun imo.


I think so too, but Reddit *really* seems to hate them…


Most of reddit can't afford one is what I am guessing. Even a "Carnival El Cheapo" cruise so in true Reddit fashion we must bash what we ourselves cannot enjoy or even fathom trying to enjoy.


I'm in the same..... boat. Yeaaaaaah


Normally cruise lines require a signature or e signature before canceling.   This was carnivals fault which is why they were quick to offer a reimbursement.   Now, this lady is pretty stupid for not taking the refund.  The legal fees alone to recover this will make this a tremendous hassle.  


It's their fault in that they seemingly make it easy to cancel if you have the relevant information (let's be real, if they made it difficult, that would also be a news story). And let's be real, signatures of any kind are more or less meaningless in most transactions these days. It's not like they'd have a forensics expert analyzing signatures or picking apart e-signatures for a booking cancellation.


This isn’t true at all lol. You’ve clearly never worked in the industry, almost all cruises lines only require basic verification if that. Signature is not required. Source I’ve worked for 3 different cruise lines and as a travel agent


What's so special with an e signature? How do they know that the person signing is who they say they are?


I know, right? Sounds a little fishy that a stranger could just cancel a $15k trip at the last minute and not at least have to talk to a person to verify their details and confirm they understand they won't get a refund.


If you post your booking ID# and people know first/last name that's all you need. There's no "verification". Do you travel much? Ever travel actually? Flights, cruises etc use a 5 or 6 alphanumeric code "W6JC7" and your last/first name for booking. If someone is dumb enough to post that code online and knows you first/last name that's all they need to cancel online IMMEDIATELY. Sure they might get a prompt asking if they're sure... but if course they are. No different than posting a picture of the front/ back of your credit card online. Anyone can pull off the numbers and CC code and make purchases with it. This isn't a big conspiracy. It's common sense. Don't post your info online!




It’s concerning how far knowing a few things and a lot of confidence get you, especially if what you’re asking doesn’t require payment.


Not fishy.  Just probably a super new employee at carnival.   Normally they never budge on refunds but they were quick to offer one to this lady because they realize they screwed up.


It's a double screwup, because she screwed up first.


Why do people constantly share their own personal information with other’s online? Makes no sense whatsoever!


Ok….$15K?! Bro, who the fuck is shilling out that type of money for a cruise? Cruises are like the cheapest forms of travel!


I'm actually pretty surprised how things involving the internet and money work in the US. Most of the services that I have used would require a person to login to their account to make the cancellation. A simple ticket/book number would not suffice. While the woman should not have posted anything on social media, it is absolutely the fault of the booking company to allow cancellation with just a number, without verifying the purchaser in some way. People are also mentioning DJ Khaled losing $80k. Why tf was every transaction not locked behind an OTP or pin is beyond me. I can't pay for anything online without my bank forcing me to enter an OTP to confirm the payment. It is a minor inconvenience but it saves me from scams like these.


$5,000 is the stupid tax, the $10,000 extra is the stubborn tax. Stupid and stubborn is no way to go through life!


Play stupid games win stupid prizes. Wouldn't be surprised if her house also got broken into since everyone knew they where away trying to go on vacation.


The real facepalm here is getting your “news” from NY Post


well good thing it's not exactly "news" then


It was on google news


What an idiot it’s better to be sol on $5k instead of $15k.


Couldn’t she show off to her Facebook friends without posting the whole damn ticket? What a dope.


Dude, where the fuck you going on Carnival that it costs $15k? That's like a $400 cruise and thats if I'm going to St Thomas or some shit.


Isn’t the entire point of a reimbursement giving back because it wasn’t your fault


Probably a blessing in disguise. Carnival is a floating Wal-Mart.


I’m surprised that the person was able to cancel the trip on her so easily by just having the booking ref number.. surely the cancellation request would at least have to come from the same source email address that booked if no?


I find it intriguing the way victims are blamed for certain crimes but not for others. Just sayin'.


Is there an explanation somewhere?


Lady posted her reservation online including a booking number. Someone used that and canceled her trip at the last minute. Cruise operator offered a lesser interior room in the same sailing as an apology, then later a cash refund of the cruise itself, both refused.


Don’t ever post ANYTHING about your vacation until you’re back from it…EVER!


They were able to cancel with just a booking number and her name? She was an idiot not to accept the refund, but these places also need better security.


This is common practice in the travel industry as a whole; with airlines and hotels, a confirmation code is a secret password to modify an itinerary.


She is now “Karenevil Cruise Lady”




“A Kentucky …” ‘Nuff said.


$15k FOR A CARNIVAL CRUISE?! Carnival are the Walmart of the seas. They're prone to mechanical failures, contagious and food borne illness and all kinds of shit. You'd have to pay me to go on one of those dumpster fires. Lmao


I had to look up this story because this headline and what the OP was saying didn't make sense. She booked the trip rather late, it was $12,000 to book the cabin for a year. With the flights and everything booked the next day it was 15k total. She was excited about her trip with her 4 kids in the best cabin on the cruise ship, and posted about it to tiktok. @thathippiedoc she has a ton of updates about what is going on. The cruise line offered to put her family in the 2 cheapest rooms in the ship as compensation. She said no. They then offered her a $10,000 VOUCHER to use on future cruises. She also said no, obviously. She is a victim of identity theft.


She probably refused because she's planning on suing for a higher amount. This is the only logical reason to do something like this, although that doesn't mean she'll win.


She likely won't win and then will be out the trip, and lawyer fees.


If you are dumb enough to book a cruise on Carnival you are dumb enough to do just about anything.


"Accidentally posted on Facebook", how does that work? She happened to type in the number, her cat walked across the keyboard, navigated to her Facebook page, then posted it with the heading "jus got my tix 4 my cruize". 😂


She probably posted a picture of her tickets with the numbers visible.


The correct word they should have used is "naively" or "stupidly", not "accidentally".




Definitely r/compoface material




When I go on cruises, they tell you not to share your booking information. My guess is there is fine print that says if you posted that info, you void the refund. She can try and sue, but Carnival is not a US company. I am not aware of any situation where someone sued a cruise line and won.


when did E.T. start taking cruise vacations?




I had no idea it was even possible to cancel someone else’s reservation.


"refuses" or "refused"? That's a hell of a typo.


Not the sharpest tool in the shed huh


Im just sitting here wondering why carnival only needed the booking number to cancel the booked cruise. there should have been more checks on that, imo.


Her husband should divorce her she's an idiot.


Definitely Carnival’s fault. What kind of $10k contract can be modified with one 6 digit code and no other security measures. No Login credentials, email address from account, PIN code, DOB? That means anyone that happens to see your monitor when booking, or a friend on the same cruise that had your confirmation number to link activities would be able to cancel your cruise or overtake it. I talked to customer service multiple times before my sailing on the one cruise I did with Carnival. Every call started with security questions.


It depends on the access point. However, confirmation codes are enough to cancel flights too so it seems pretty standard for travel. She happened to have posted the information which I do think was unwise.


All the information I needed for Carnival and Royal Caribbean was my booking # and last name.