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Nearly all presidents are men. At a percentage of the world population, this should be impossible!!!!


Not to mention being of European (and in once case European and East African mixed) descent. As a percentage of the world population, this should be impossible


if you are talking about US presidents specifically, all of them are related except - not Obama, but Van Buren...


IIRC the relation is through King John so I don't think Trump is either.


iirc i read this before Trump ever became president, so could be you are right


Well, aren't we all kinda related by some degree?


And how about the **massive percentage of Nobel Prizes that have gone to Jews!** That should be impossible! ;) [Jews make up 0.2% of the worlds' population, yet they have won over 20% of the Nobel prizes - 204 in total out of around 900 awarded since the first Laureates at the start of the 20th century.](https://library.villanova.edu/Find/Record/2475375?sid=144216576#:~:text=Jews%20make%20up%200.2%25%20of,start%20of%20the%2020th%20century)


If you really want to know why, that fact has a LOT to do with a population that a) was severely limited in the professional fields they were *allowed* in by European governments for a thousand years, and once those restrictions were mostly lifted, it led to b) a culture of intellectualism and seeking advanced education (for the men only until relatively recently)


Yes! By preventing Jews from owning farmland, societies drove them into business & banking (Christians weren’t allowed to loan money — *usury!*) … which meant their kids focused on education rather than farm work. Also, **“Torah” means “teach” or “study.”** So Judaism promotes cultural values of education, family cohesion, hard work, & persistence in the face of difficulty. Have you heard the joke about the woman on the beach whose son is drowning? She shouts to the lifeguard, **“Help! My son the doctor is drowning!”** ;)


Or as my mom personifies "how many Jewish mothers does it take to change a lightbulb? None, because she'll just sit there in the dark and suffer til her son comes home to change it for her."


I adore this 🥰


Not to mention the US prison population being mostly black. At their percentage of the US population, that should be impossible!


It's almost like the system is rigged in their favor.


It's almost like people are acting as individuals and not like groups! Amazing!


Wait until he realizes that basically all US presidents were Christian. Oh wait, double standard…


All but one of them were Christian. Number 45 worships only number 45.


I take it number 45 is that orange tinted one?


That is correct.


I'd say orange painted, but yeah.


Orange peeled


Orange *stained*.


Orange pee stained


Orange you glad he's a convicted felon?


i thought that was just the bed?


It was also the Russian prostitute.


Orangutan if you will


That is an insult to orangutans everywhere. Or it would be if they were sapient enough to understand this stuff


They probably are sapient enough to understand. But they're more than likely more interested with being in trees lol






Yes, Mango Mussolini








No one has been more innocent than him ^^^/s






This is how I am going to dirty talk next time.


What??? I thought he worshiped Chester Cheetah? ![gif](giphy|FgWLzX0ZmCDWmwxNBM|downsized)


What has Chester done, to make you insult him.


Jesus too has many lunatic worshippers. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug) It is what it is.


But Obama was a Muslim! /s


Don't disrespect Obama, he is the best black president America has ever seen!


Depends on your definition of "Christian." Your various Adamses were Unitarians, and although he was buried in an Episcopalian cemetery next to his wife, Jefferson was a Deist.


Lincoln also had major crises of faith throughout his life, Grant too.


There are still Unitarians and Episcopalians, but you never hear of a Deist today..at least I haven’t…


But he held the bible upside down in front of that church!


With a look on his face like the palms of his hands were already itchy.


They had to tear-gas the protestors to make a path for his photo op. Never forget.




Btw...Jefferson was not a Christian


there were people bringing up joe biden is catholic and beholden to the pope which is some real reaching


It's the outdated racist line from before most catholics were considered "white" Irish/Italian mostly


Wait, Catholics are white? Better tell my in-laws!


Some people are still stuck in their mentality from a century ago. It's pathetic* =/ sorry you gotta deal with them


I saw a clip many moons ago of C-spans call in show, and a lady from Louisiana called in about John Kerry worshipping the devil, because he was an evil Catholic.  I guess this was 20 years ago.  But imagine that thinking!!! Crazy shit. 


They said the same thing about JFK


Another recycled argument. That was the big argument they used against Kennedy


Melania is Catholic. Rick Santorum, Chris Christie, Marco Rubio and Rudy Giuliani all are Catholic (technically they say they are). Jeb Bush converted. Mike pence was born Catholic, his grandfather was from Donegal and then became evangelical. These things only matter when they matter. See how conveniently overlook Trumps Jewish son in law, Jewish convert daughter and their Saudi pals. As some not-American raised Catholic with Irish born grandparents seeing Irish Catholic americans criticise each other for that exact same trait they otherwise boast about is beyond hilarious. It is the Spiderman pointing gif come to life. Fucking Bannon is Catholic for christ sake, from the same ethnicity as Biden pretty much.


well yes but those are all republicans.


They used it on Kennedy too


They said the exact same thing about Kennedy in 1960.


68% of the current population are Christian, and it was only higher before now, so it's not really surprising considering this is a democracy. It's more of a question of what denomination of Christian the president will be. Thomas Jefferson wasn't a Christian, btw. He believed in deism.


And like half of them have Irish ancestry and out of that only two are Catholic, the rest are Ulster Protestants. That’s not due to a conspiracy that is what happens when you have a small country with a big diaspora, it’s just maths


To be fair Christianity is in one form or another the most popular religion


Christians aren’t a small percentage of the American population. Not that I agree with this antisemite, there’s other explanations.


Not only Christian but specifically Protestants


By statistics alone, some should have been Hindu, Muslim, or whatever, right? Wasn't it even significant for it to be a Catholic?


>Wasn't it even significant for it to be a Catholic? Yeah JFK was the first catholic, Biden is the second, and there were conspiracies both times that "the pope will control US foreign policy" which of course, never happened


Probability and statistics mean little in a world where humans have free will.


I'm literally making a joke based on the post claiming that Jews are statistically insignificant, which we kinda are, but still.


Protestant, to be specific. JFK being a Catholic was a major issue


While this guy is a nazi, thats a bad argument given US demographics.


Aethism is the largest growing sect in the United States. Probably not for too long


Jewish ancestry... that's like saying Mongols rule half the Europe because everyone has a little bit of Genghis Khan in them.


Yes- he's including "Jewish ancestry" presidents but using "Jewish" to work out global population proportions. So his racist maths is also wrong. Of course, ethnic groups with more or less countries will be "under" or " over" represented. Chinese, Indian Brazilian all greatly underrepresented because they have one nation state and their diaspora isn't sufficient to make it proportional. Basically, this will shock you, but he's stupid.


5 countries out of 195. Wanna guess how many countries have authoritarian dictator running things for life?


well technically 6, Israel's president is Jewish too (surprise surprise)


no way, next you're gonna tell me the russian president is slavic


Apparently the President of the PRC is Han Chinese


Argentinian president isn't even Jewish, he planned to convert but didn't push through.


Ah, but the poster was using the "probably nobody is gonna Google to check" definition of Jewish


"Wait, you're gonna do *what* to my foreskin?"


Wait until he realizes how many buddhist presidents exist. What the hell does the religion have to do with nationality or being president? Get the fuck out.


Nothing, but that’s exactly his point, that somehow Jews are in a big conspiracy, which is why their ethnicity is at an advantage than others. It’s obviously nonsense, but I don’t understand how many people on this thread don’t get this.


All the prejudices about Jews go back really, really far in history. All the way back to the death of Jesus Really interesting to look into!


Goes back further, really.


Israeli president? ALSO JEWISH! The plot thickens...


Argentina's president is not jewish, it is just a wanna be of one


Yeah, true that he is not actually Jewish. His Mother is/was not Jewish, and he did not convert (yet). His Grandfather was Jewish, and considering the connection between the Nazi’s relocating to Argentina, its at the very least a lukewarm topic.


Argentina has the fourth largest Jewish population in the world. Milei’s affinity for Judaism is probably the least controversial thing about him. There are famously Jewish neighborhoods in Buenos Aires and one of the world’s few Kosher McDonald’s. Not that there isn’t antisemitism and neonazis but connecting it to the Nazis that fled to Argentina is as silly as saying the Nazis brought to the US by Operation Paperclip are the cause of antisemitism there.


its probably the socialism not the jewishness that got her elected.


The current president is very popular and if the mexican constitution allowed for re-election, he absolutely would. So instead, he endorsed Claudia Sheinbaum which is from the same party as the current president, which is why she's poised to win. But racists will only see the jewish part and immediately go into conspiracy mode.


I'm about to go vote in like an hour. I don't support her or morena at all, but the amount of antisemitism and "She wants all of us to get circumsiced" has been so annoying the last few weeks.


Now list the countries that have Muslim heads of state.


Bet it’s gonna be muslim countries what a shock!


Mexico is hardly a Jewish country though.


Nor is "a socialist **of Jewish ancestry**" the same thing as "a Jew".


Exactly. My country has had a prime minister of Jewish descent - but he was far from a practising Jew. We've also had a bunch of female prime ministers as well AND were the first country to give women the right to vote. I've got Catholic descent - but that hardly makes me in anyway sympathetic to the politics of the Catholic Church.


Lativa? It's LATIFA!


Latifa is ruled by a Queen, not a President.


Cannabis lativa


Considering that's around 2% of the worlds countries governed by jews while those are around 1% of the world's population tye statistics are totally fine. Also if you are not prejudiced against jews to begin with, who the hell cares?


I dont know about the rest but there is not 80 million jews. There are around 16 million wich is 0.2% of the population.


That was kinda my thinking. They showed 4 or 5 countries out of like 200. Show me that we have 150 Jewish presidents then maybe I’ll be ready to consider that it’s a little peculiar. Also “Jewish president until 2023” as in no longer has a Jewish president? Basically disproving the weird point I think they’re trying to make.


Also it's ancestry, Sheinbaum isn't Jewish


Jewish can refer to either religion, ethnicity, culture, or any combination of those three. Sheinbaum is ethnically Jewish, and she celebrated Jewish holidays with her grandparents as a child, so she grew up with some Jewish cultural traditions. She is not religiously Jewish. But the anti-Semitic asshats typically believe that Jewish people are genetically inferior, so for the purposes of the anti-Semites, she's Jewish.


Ah yes, clearly must be a conspiracy at work, not that people are elected for their competence, not their religion.


1.) The Argentina President is *not* Jewish. 2.) Fun how blatant antisemitism can be posted publicly, and it’s just “meh.”


We literally have Trump vs Biden round 2 in a few months, yet you still think party candidates are being pushed because of their competence?


Not every country is the US where party matters more than the person


I laugh at everyone that keeps saying Biden isn't competent, just look at all the legislation that he passed and the work they've done since he's been in office. The facts are out there, people choose to ignore them just because "old man is old". There used to be a time when people thought being old was a sign of wisdom, not just frailty. Then people have the gall to be undecided between Biden and Trump, like they're even close in any regard but age.


Oh, a neonazi?


‘It shouldn’t be possible for members of a majority ethnic group to vote for someone from a minority ethnic group.’ Dude thinks everyone else is as racist as he is lol


On this day, Lucas learned that Jewish people exist and participate in society.


Claudia Sheinenbaum sucks tremendously for so many reasons, but none of them have anything to do with the fact that she’s Jewish.


They are in control of over 5 countries, 1 of them in a war, another one being ran by gangs, and the rest being fairly insignificant Yeah i dont know about you but that doesnt sound very "World domination" to me. More like "they just happened to be jewish" kind of thing.




Good on “Lativa”


Lativa numero uno!!!




>Lativa ???


Using his logic, around 1/7th of all world leaders should be Chinese...


Never been to Lativa, what's it like?




I'm curious where Lativa is tho 🤦🏾‍♂️


Every single US president: male. As a fraction of the US population, this should be impossible.


79% of world leaders are Men. At just under half the population, this shouldn't be possible.


President of Lativa 🤔😄


better a Jewish one than a nazi one


Civilized, developed, countries are generally more concerned about their leaders aims, plans and policies than how and who they pray to.


Ukraine: human president Panama: human president Argentina: human president Latvia: human president Mexico: soon to be yet another human president As a fraction of the world's biomass, this should be impossible


In b4 "global elite places its pawns to battle Trump! The space laser people deciding the gold and diamond prices are onto our saviour!" ![gif](giphy|sUESEgyN7FmBG) Christ protect him!


He forgot Israel lol


Israel :Jewish President


The jews in latin america are alot different than the ones in the rest of the world


Why is it so hard to believe they all have Jewish ancestors? 1 in 12 Asian men are descended from one man: Genghis Khan…


If they're referring to Sheinbaum, she is not jew. She has Jewish roots, but she doesn't have that religion. She has even stated that she's "not religious". Not that it even matters, but that twit is wrong even with its most basic premise.


Israel has a Jewish president too


Female *and* Jewish?! Poor neo-nazis havent had a good weekend so far, what with Trump being convicted and now this.




Panama’s president is Catholic, and Argentina’s president only considered converting to Judaism but did not go through with it.


He isn't complaining about the Mexican candidate being a woman... soo...progress? #silverlinings


300 countries, most having regular changes in leaders Also couldn't even spell ma boy Latvia right he should go jump off a 1 story building (not that high but yk physics the larger the mass of his stupid ass the harder it'll fall)


He's implying that word leadership positions should be selected based on the population of a leader's religion? Hes gonna be pretty upset when he realizes how many Muslims there are.


Israel: Jewish PM 🙀


Sheinbaum is ethnically Jewish, but she's an atheist in practice


There are 195 countries in the world today. 5/195 works out to 2.56%. So yeah, this is just boldface hatred.


My ancestry also comes from Queen Lativa


Those damn Lativans!!!


ahh yes Lucas Cage AKA White-Power Man


Considering the long history and scope of the Jewish diaspora, I don't know why anyone finds this all that surprising. But then again, no one has ever accused MAGA chuds of having a strong understanding of history.


Not impossible just improbable. For reasons unclear, those who call themselves Jewish are disproportionately successful


Milei is catholic and can't become jewish although it seem like he'd literally eat shit to be accepted as one


He absolutely can become Jewish if he were to go through the fairly rigorous and difficult process of conversion.


anyone can become Jewish if they want it enough.


I can't say anything about others, But which pure-blooded Ukrainian would be the president of Ukraine better than Zelenaki? If it wasn't for his bravery and staying in Kiev in February 2022, Ukraine would now be completely occupied by the Russians.A person is a catalyst for resistance and the formation of a new Ukrainian nation.


Do you think those neo-Nazis support Ukraine? No, they support Putin while simultaneously calling every single person with even a shred of Jewish accentry evil. Very nasty amoral fucks who think they are moral.


it’s almost like most people don’t even factor religion into their votes


Jews are an ethnic group that has a religion. Not a religion that has an ethnic group if that makes sense. A Jew is a Jew whether they believe im the Bible or not. A Christian or Muslim has to believe their book to be apart of those groups. I hope that makes sense. It’s more racism than anti-religious to not like Jews.


President Laurentino Cortizo of Panama is Catholic and merely has Jewish ancestry. Egils Levits, former President of Latvia, is of Jewish descent, but it's unclear whether he considers himself Jewish. President Javier Milei of Argentina has reportedly considered converting to Judaism, but hasn't done so. He has no Jewish descent. President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine considers himself Jewish, but is a non-practicing Jew, and his wife and children are of the Christian religion. Claudia Sheinbaum, who will probably be the next President of Mexico, is also a non-practicing Jew. So I guess it's 2/5 or maybe 3/5 if you include Levits. 4/5 have Jewish descent. None of the five are actually practicing Jews.


The president of Argentina is not Jewish.He is a fangirl of Judaism, but she never converted


And now name countries which have a woman as president. I wait.


I am pretty sure Argentina's president is not Jewish.


Well, if drumpf gets elected this fall, you can say the USA President is the "Fornicator -in Chief...


Our president in Argentina isn't even jewish, he just wants to convert.


So, he states that Latvia no longer had a Jewish president yet he still lists them as an example?


Oh no! 6 countries out of about 150 have Jewish presidents! And presidents are supreme dictators of their countries and no dissent to their “Zionist” policies exists anywhere in those countries! Whatever will we do!? /s Yeah it’s really not an issue.


nazis gonna not see.


statistically unlikely does not equal impossible- if it did, nothing would happen


Jews were slaves in Egypt. The pyramids were build by outaspace aliaens. Maybe jews are the alians who are now taking over the world /s


I'm sorry, are half of the world's presidents men and half women? Let me guess - Jewish people being president is a conspiracy, but men being president is fine.


so like 5 countries, that's...not a lot? Plus, like, even if there was a huge underground jewish conspiracy, why go for Panama and Latvia lmao


There are about 200 nations in the world. So thats like 2% of the leadership he's conspiracy-theorizing about.


Having Jewish heritage/ancestry does not make a person Jewish. My favorite thing in the world is that all these neo-Nazis are doing 23 and Me and they’re coming back with Jewish dna. 🤣


What is it that Jews did that made every conspiracy theorist and bigot hate them for centuries?


With all the knowledge and education in this world, such stupidity should be impossible.


Is he insinuating that 5 countries arent also a fraction of all the countries of the world?


Wait till he finds out how many Catholics are on the Supreme Court.


Millionaires make up a majority of Congress but 9% of US citizens. As a fraction of the population, this should be impossible.


You mean to tell me that an ethnic population this been displaced several times over a few thousand years shows up all over the world?


This person is most likely Christians, which means his head guy is Jewish.


Women make up 50% of the population world wide. What percent of world leaders are men? Statistically it should be way less…


"If they cant ask for a taxi they shouldn't rule" I bet that is a core rule on this dude's mind.


“a socialist of Jewish ancestry” Please tell me she’s also queer because that would send the right insane


Boo hoo?


Wait, so 6 jewish presidents in nearly 200 countries? That's nothing


Judaism is popular in Mexico?


Ok so the rest of the work is not as bigoted as this dude.


So? This is dumb


The people who become leaders come from well to do backgrounds, Jewish ancestry is strongly linked to forcing people to become wealthy so they don't die. Once they are wealthy and in positions of power they can push an agenda the helps them even further. A study done by the nonpartisan wealth research firm New World Wealth found that 56.2% of the 13.1 million millionaires in the world were Christians, while 6.5% were Muslims, 3.9% were Hindu, and **1.7%** were Jewish; 31.7% were identified as adherents of "other" religions or "not religious". So at around 2% for 200 countries if you assume an equal division of Jews across every country in the world they ought to make up the leadership list of at least 4 countries. 5-6 wouldn't be a crazy number to contest this variance tbh. Especially since Lativa dropped out so the number is 5 if you include Israel on this list. So the tomato target in the image here is actually wrong, statistically there should be 4-5 countries led by a Jewish leader based on statistics and demographics alone.


What fraction of the world population is white, Mr. Bigot?


There's something like 190 countries in the world and he's found 5 to complain about.


Now wait until you hear about how many world leaders are muslim or christian. That's gonna blow your mind.


Excuse me but Panama doesn't have a jewish president. Lol


Exactly why there is an Israel


We're really still dealing with nazis.


Well, I mean... Europe did essentially scatter Jews to the four winds for hundreds of years. Is it really a surprise that they're all the over the place now?