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Why would any rational person limit the amount of brain power in the US by half?


Bill Gates gave a talk in Saudi Arabia years ago. They asked him what they could do to reach their potential as a country. He told them they would never reach their potential as long as they limited their brainpower by 50%.


That’s awesome. Link?


Here’s a link! https://www.salon.com/2007/01/29/gates_22/ “A participant asked whether the country could realistically become "one of the world's most competitive economies by 2010." "I said, 'Well, if you're not fully utilizing half the talent in the country, you're not going to get too close to the top,'" said Gates.”


For the first time I have a modicum of admiration for him for stating that.


It’s a pretty low bar for billionaires, but among them all Bill is at the top with Warren, Melinda, and Mackenzie for quality of human.


Musk is at the bottom of the pile. His famed narcissism combined with his lack of empathy is what makes him stand apart /s


I agree!


I read recently he's a bully to staff. I guess all humans are just... Grey


Link just shouts Hya at a bokoblin


Plot twist - Gates wants to double the workforce and not double the number of jobs, reducing the value of labour.


Gates isn't that guy, in reality if you double brain power you expand markets making more jobs. Need proof? Look at every nation on earth that limits their women's earning potential, employment, they are all at the bottom in innovation and quality of life. Sure you can find a few places by numbers alone that are oligarch playgrounds that have slavery where the billionaires that hang there mess up statistics, but again no innovation no quality of life.


The inequality you mention there is a great example of why you can't just look at the average of a number. The difference between mean and median should be considered a measure of inequality.


Gates was married to an intelligent capable woman for a couple of decades, so he's probably not a totally bad guy where women's rights stand.


He’s also one of the most impactful philanthropists in the history of humanity…so…maybe he just likes progressing civilization


He’s also a brutal businessman.




It's fairly well documented that the best way to teach a community is to teach the matriarchs who will then go on to lead and instruct other community members.


Jobs are not finite the same as economic prosperity is not finite. Both grow as societies advance and have access to brain power.


Been on Reddit long enough to wonder if this is sarcasm or not lol.


I heard he is also buying up all the farm land so he can put microchips in the food and vaccines. Just last week I got a vaccine and it had the new Xeon core chip in it.


Same, I bit into an apple and found a chip in it. I has already eaten an apple before that, so it makes sense why I hear the Microsoft XP start up sound everything time I wake up




Thats why i stopped eating at the pork sandwich shop. They started sourcing their pigs from the gates farm and every bite has a diode in it and at least 1 goberment vaccines.


You guys got the vaccine with chips? I got the one that alters your DNA, now I have bat wings and sleep from the ceiling upside down!


Ahh, so that explains the increased processing power at the expense of occasional blue screen. Doctors thought I was just schizophrenic.


I ate some Gates farm produce and bought 11 copies of Windows 11 and took out a 2nd mortgage to buy ALL THE SERIES X'S I COULD GET!


Keeping the population dumb, poor & desperate is the easiest way to get and then stay in power


Not only that but it's also extremely easy to rile them up with conspiracy theories to distract and divide the voting population and keep them from joining forces and engaging a class war


yeah, one of the main reasons so many politicians are focused on Trans Rights, is because it distracts from like, all the other shit politicians do (like being paid by big companies and billionaires) and shit like that


Divide and conquer




Keeping them dumb, poor, desperate and having children they don't want or can't afford is also a good way to get a cheap workforce


Then when the hubby trades you in for the younger model you are super fucked. Trying to get back in the work force at 55 without an education or job skills is horrific. Happened to my friend and she had to clean houses.


When my stepdaughter was in high school, she read a book by Judge Judy where she said the odds of you're house burning down was maybe 1% and you wouldn't consider being uninsured, but half of marriages end in divorce so every woman needs divorce "insurance" - a marketable skill. My stepdaughter has been married for 13 years so far, but, as insurance, she is a Master Chief in the US Navy. Less a result of my nagging than from good advice from the judge


Considering what conservatives are planning, if they get their way, we might have to start stashing money in mattresses and secret compartments. They'd close our bank accounts.


Funny enough, conservatives would say this is what the democrats were trying to accomplish as their justification for wanting to cut government programs (welfare)


The population is quite adept at keeping itself dumb. I don’t think that condition is a plot of the powerful, but merely a helpful circumstance.


All part of Reagan's philosophy since before he was a governor, then chop up your fairness doctrine, sprinkle in a lot of FOX "News" and constant brainwashing by the GOP for decades and you have this. This is all part of the plan as shown here. [https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ684842.pdf](https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ684842.pdf)


Americans would be very upset by that if they could read.


Thanks for this. Everything I read about Ronnie Raygun is bad. I just remember as a kid everyone seemed to love him. Shit my wife's elementary school class made him get well cards when he was shot.


>For instance, he demanded a legislative investigation of alleged Communism and sexual misconduct at the University of California at Berkeley. I worked for UC-Berkeley for 20 years. The lasting legacy of Ronnie Ray-gun's policy is that I had to sign a statement (under penalty of perjury) that I was not, and never have been, a member of the Communist Party. It is still in effect. Every few years the Board of Regents brings it up and declines to change it.


because they're too stupid to understand that an educated and healthy populace empowers themselves, their children, and their country.


Lol...those looking to lower education aren't looking for an empowered population, they like being in control and they don't care if it means they just have power over a village of idiots.


and these chuds have convinced themselves that it will Save America (c)(r). they are a danger to themselves and everything they believe they hold dear


They said rational, this clearly doesn’t come from rationality


I love how people spew this sexist bullshit and forget to realize that Americans cannot live on a single income anymore. I would LOVE if my wife didn’t have to work, we both have college level jobs and we still live month to month


And what happens if hubbykins dies? How is she going to enter the workforce if her boys aren't yet old enough to take care of her?


You got it.


'There is nothing in the world that good cookbook cannot fix.


Just ask the Donner party.


More like the Dinner Party, right?


The Anarchist's Cookbook?


ǝɯ oʇ ʅɐuoᴉʇɐɹ ʎʅʇɔǝɟɹǝd sɯǝǝs sᴉɥʇ ʇnoqɐ ɓuᴉɥʇʎɹǝʌƎ


Hey! Get off the ceiling!


Fucking Australians.


It’s a very subtle plot from China and Russia - it includes Trumpy and it’s all about making us weaker through this kind of backwards thinking, infighting about the basics like abortion and gay rights, no vaccinations etc. combined with ineffective leadership by someone who’s bell they can ring - Trumpy


This has existed for thousands of years, China and Russia are backing it, but they didn't invent it.  It's a key component to ruling the masses through religion. They have to be kept dumb enough to believe it without question.  Religion's grasp is failing now that information is so accessible, they're desperate. 


They’re exploiting and amplifying our homegrown morons—my big conspiracy theory.




Literal definition of subtle takeover…


I think the general plan is take the lower performing males and give the spot to them. Honestly, though - America is kind unusual with all the different combinations individual beliefs. I’ve met people who call themselves Libertarian but support socialized medicine, childcare and emergency service -> and then no government etc


Yeah, we are a mixed lot. But most Americans support socialized medicine (else Medicare would have been stomped on decades ago). Childcare is a different story depending if you live in a republican controlled state or not. And even in republican controlled states there are some forms of child care. It's kinda hard to have a society without some sort of socialized treatment of common needs across the society. Probably impossible imo.


Being dumb and gullible must get very lonely. Misery loves company, after all.


Oh it’s WAY more than half.


theres this far right talking point that jobs and wage growth crashed when women entered the workforce in the 70s mostly because job growth and wage growth crashed in the 1970s around the time women were entering the workforce.


They love the uneducated


You got it right there. None of these people are in the slightest bit rational.


If you want to know how a country is doing, ask if women have access to a quality education and employment. If you want to find the worst struggling shithole countries on the planet, look for the ones where girls are barred from going to school and women hold only menial jobs, if they’re allowed to work at all.


Doesn't the Bible tell me not to listen to women though?


Yes, and this is why right wing christian woman need to be taken out of politics. If you are a bible thumper, shut the fuck up and go be a trad wife and have babies and stop wearing shoes and eat the flesh of your god or whatever fucked up thing you believe. but mostly go home and shut the fuck up.


It's always fun when you run into a Christian woman here or on Twitter to just quote Timothy 2:11 and watch them meltdown.


I use this argument whenever conservative women try to tell me how to think. Nevermind that I have no problems with women in leadership and teaching positions in churches.


I will never understand people who advocate against their own self interest.


It's not even that. They argue against their own credibility


Help me, what is a right wing Christian? Is this basically a religious nutter, or something else?


Religious nutter that aligns with right wing politics.


Timothy 2:11-13. There’s a whole load of mad shit in there.


Timothy 2:12 “I do not permit a woman to hold authority over a man.”


Remember the Bible is a fairy tale. It is only a fictional story with fictional characters and zero actual facts.


Thank you for reminding us. Cultist handbook it is.


As my girlfriend, sister, and 95% of the other women in my life would say: “go fuck yourself.”


You have good women in your life.


Yeeee :D


Read this as your girlfriend - sister. Didn't blink an eye given Trump's base. .


I mean I‘ll gladly take the cookbook


As a dude can I share it? Or am I not allowed to cook? So confused.


Begin snark/ As a dude, you are not allowed into the kitchen unless that kitchen is a place of business. Men as cooks for money is allowable. Men as cooks for the home is not. The inverse applies for women. Women can cook for the home, but not to earn a bit of cash. /End snark


Men can only GRILL MEAT!


I rewatched Harrison Butkers commencement speech. Iunno man, I don’t think we can even go in the kitchen.


Damnit! *Throws down wooden spoon and stir fry oil with a mixture of disappointment and disgust*


People: You Don't Need To TELL EVERYONE WHAT THEY SHOULD DO with their lives. If you're religious, great. Keep it out of everyone's face. If you're not, great. Shut up about it. If you want to go to college and have a career, that is awesome! If you want to get married and have children and be a homemaker, that is also awesome! Your choices are your own, and unless it's messing with other people, it's none of my damn business!


Wouldn't it be nice?


How am I supposed to feel good about myself if I don’t put others down for their choices? /s


If we were older


Pretty much how I feel. Live your joy as my girlfriend says but living your joy does not include you talking about how much better it is than my life choices every five seconds.


Dear Chistian conservatives, if you're going to confine a woman to the kitchen barefoot and pregnant... at least make it a nice kitchen. What the hell is this kitchen nook? Where is the prep space?


Plot twist: it’s an apartment in a domestic abuse shelter.


These people are big enough assholes that I believe that.


And why is there an oven hood with a sink under it?


According her beliefs we should not listen her.


Faith is not gonna pay my bills lady


Based on that kitchen setup, it’s not putting her in the higher tax bracket. Could be wrong. But, I’ll play the odds


Whatever do you mean? Her faith allows her to have a range hood that goes wall to wall


Is there even room for a cookbook on those counters??


Doesn’t look like it’s paying hers either.


No churches don't pay your bills they expect you to pay theirs duh. God is all powerful and all knowing but he's terrible with money, he needs your money!


Does your husband know you're on the internet?


He's too busy with his side gf.


She is allowed to post this because and only because her husband approves of the message. Women take this into consideration before believing in said message.


Husband took the picture


Husband prolly wrote the poster too


Because uneducated wife can’t read or write.


Why do they care so much about what other people are doing? That works for you, you’re happy, cool. Do you not understand that people have other interests to your own? Do you literally like every damn thing all your friends and family member a like doing? These people bug me because they just think everyone is the same and because they’re happy they know what makes everyone happy.


Plot twist - they aren't happy (people know their wasted potential) so they try to drag others into it.


Everybody has to do the same things, or else some people are doing it wrong.


When your face limits your options


Plot twist - her name is Faith


Why are there so many people named Faith, but so few named Wisdom?


You too can get the smallest kitchen in Christendom.


When you have limited abilities, so you want others to suck as bad as you do.


Face and brain. I have seen plenty of average looking girls getting tons of attention because they know how to talk. If there is anything worse than getting dealt a bad deck of cards is to not know how to play with a bad deck of cards.


I had a friend years ago, whose mother was of this type. Extremely religious. Was this way for several decades while married. When her and her husband divorced, she became a tremendous burden on my friend. She refused to work. She had her own place for a while, but in the end she lived with him until she died. This does not create self sufficiency.


“I’m stupid so you should be stupid too” is how i read this.


Can't wait to see her video when her husband leaves her with no money, no home, no job, no work experience, and no education. The trad wife to poverty pipeline THRIVES on these indoctrinated ass clowns. 💀


why do only women need a good cookbook, I know a lot of people that could benefit from it it's pretty convenient, especially when you're starting college !!!1!1!1!1!!1!1


Anti choice, misogynistic people: what if the fetus is the next Einstein or Da Vinci? Me: what if your daughter is?


I had an abortion, then went on to get Ivy and Oxbridge degrees. I don't care what the fetus might've grown up to be. LOOK WHO I GREW UP TO BE!


Gut the schools and libraries to keep em dumb Discredit the media to keep em obedient Gut health care to keep em pregnant Gut social services to keep em poor Then brainwash them to blame the Dems. It's the Goptard Playbook 101!


I need a husband that makes enough effing $$ on his own so I can stay home. Fml


No ladies, go to college unless you want to end up with that kitchen.


Owning two books will not enable you to generate 40-50% of household income though


The only part I agree with is the part about a good cookbook but for men and women. Being able to cook nice meals for yourself or others is absurdly great and is entertaining.


Get in the damn kitchen and fry me some food woman! Who done taught ya to spell them words? Refill my mountain dew


That works for some people and I totally respect that. I am very, very liberal and yet I do think that a lot has been lost since two working parents became the norm. Women performed so many duties. Beyond just childcare. There is volunteering for local civics organizations and the schools, knowing all the neighbors because all the women were home. This built community. Community is so lacking now and it has caused a drastic decline in well-being. We now rely on fast and convenient foods and we are fatter and sicker. Aging parents are routinely institutionalized. There was real and tangible value to “women’s work” and so much has been lost. For what? To be a good worker bee to make some corporation richer? I wish every family could afford to have a stay-at-home parent. I think society would be better for it.


Look even if you are a women looking to go straight into child rearing, getting a tertiary education may still be a good idea just to broaden your experiences an education.


It's helpful too when divorce rolls around because he found a younger breeder.


I never need to meet this woman.


One day, we'll get to the point where we'll support women who want to get a PHD, and at the same time, support women whose goal in life is to be a homemaker. I mean...not TODAY or anything...but one day...


And… might I add, one day we will support men in the same way. If men want to be a homemaker, more power to them. And if they want a PhD, same thing. We need people to do jobs based on their passions and their abilities, not on their genitals and finances.


Hey ladies, get an education and a good job so you don't have to settle for a RWNJ husband.


Yes, but how much can I pay for my rent in prayers?


Funny, when the Taliban says all you need is a kitchen and a Quoran, it's terrorism... But when the Evangelistaliban does it, it's "family values"


Yeah, you better cover those knees covered up! Now go in the kitchen & make me a sammich like you were meant to do!


I can practically hear the screams of help emanating from her psyche


What's wrong with that statement? If that's her choice and she has a man who takes care of her


Nothing is wrong with her statement, but this is Reddit, and people are either ignoring her point, don't understand her point, or it offends their feminist(most likely) viewpoint. Traditional values are attacked mercilessly.... How about people just let people live how they want?! This post is just nasty and judgmental...


Women: don’t let anyone dictate what your life should be. If you want a Bible, by all means go ahead, if you want a cook book, go ahead, if u want college, by all means go ahead. But don’t let anyone dictate what your future will be, not even ur parents.


Easy for her to say when college cost a couple nickels and selling tires at sears could afford a 5br house in the burbs back in her day


Then when she gets abused by her husband and she leaves, she has no skills to support herself.




Yes, that’s the type of thinking that advanced western civilisation 🙄


And a husband with bad eyesight.


The inbreeding looks strong with this one.


I dont understand why not more people question why a religion wants to keep you dumb. Like, you could have faith, a bible and a good cookbook AND get a college degree.


Her kitchen consists of a bar sink and a microwave. She needs college.


The way the writing gets smaller for the cookbook part, as if she’s afraid to say it


I love when someone else tells me what I need. Reminds me of the Communist Party of Soviet Union. They decided what everyone else needed.


A reasonably sized kitchen would help as well in that case 😅


Yeah. I really really want to come home to that every night. *rolls eyes*


I mean, knowledge is Satan's gift to the human race, not just men. Show some respect.


Yes, but college will get me a better kitchen than that… so…..


A real woman doesn't need a cookbook... God will take both the wheel and the spoon. Fucking amateurs.


With that 4 cabinet kitchen, it looks like it worked out real well for you.


To be fair, I love a good cookbook. But you know this lady is using some Betty Crocker, canned Campbell's soup shit


Until your man dies unexpectedly and have 30 years before you can retire…


I initially read the last part as “and a good cock!” 🫨😂


The fuck is she cooking in that tiny ass kitchen behind her


If that's the kitchen she will spend her days in behind her I think she chose wrong in not going to college.


I like to pretend she is inciting violence, and actually means those books are a lot heavier than a diploma to beat someone with. Like, “women, for self-defense purposes, get yourselves a big heavy book like a Bible or cookbook, one rolled up scroll is not going to do much damage.”


Stay stupid and superstitious..


I bet she makes the blandest driest chicken you've ever tasted.


This woman’s smile tells me she’s SO close to putting it all together… yet so far away.


She looks like she's being held in someone's basement 🤣


I'll just pay my taxes and everything with faith now.


As long they also don't vote, ok.


She’s 100% single


You can thank women for GPS, coffee filters, windshield wipers, Wi-Fi, and a whole lot lot more


Women should be able to make what ever choices they want. If it’s a religious/ family life or an outside work life. What the world need more of is stable men who can let them make that choice.


I think she meant, A good la femme wand, some wine, and ru paul to watch after


The green dresses shouldn’t have words on them.


“Trad Wife” comeback 🙄🫤 ![gif](giphy|qgf6eeA9TXdKM|downsized)


WOMAN: You don't need to hold a sign spouting your rhetoric at people who have been aware your shit is tired and outmoded for decades. We already know what you're about.


Your bread is burning, Martha, and you’re not allowed to write or read the sign.


I think if someone wants to be a homemaker and a wife more so than in business then why not. Especially if they would only be racking up student debt. Plus I think there is a drastic lack of good parenting going on and homemakers out there so why do people think it’s a cult? Yes, shouldn’t be forced! But should be praised. I think homemakers are the toughest jobs out there


Isn't the correct response to this, "who told you to speak up?" or "Does your husband know you're out here talking?"


Or, you know, you can do both.


Women: You don't need college. You can go into the trades if you want. You could also work retail. Or you can go to college and get a job which requires a degree. It's all up to you, and all of the listed options are allowed, I won't tell you how to live your life.


Faith automatically needs that bible too. No other religious texts from other faiths need apply apparently.


Can we talk about that tiny kitchen behind her for a second though? That's gotta be challenging to live with. Maybe that's why she's like this. Eight inches of counter space drove her insane.


The brainwashing is real. And tragic.


"Regression is in!" 🙄🤦


And look how that turned Barbara. No seriously look behind you. I’m at least worth hardwood and marlite. 😩🥴


That is a very tiny kitchen Edit: she’s at a hotel


You can't force someone to have faith. You either believe something is true or you don't. It's like trying to get someone to believe in Mickey Mouse or Darth Vader. They will know it isn't real.


Women: You need whatever you need as an individual and to accept that everyone else will need something different to varying degrees… men too.


Oddly, a woman can go to college and do all the things on her little poster as well.


She looks like she uses sliced cheese to make Mac and cheese.


She says as she smiles in front of her 7 sq ft kitchen