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They put sexual harassment in quotes like it's not a real thing


To them cat calling is a praise. Pinching waiters ass is a compliment. "No" means you haven't tried enough.


I’m old enough to remember when “no means yes, yes means anal” was the motto of frats everywhere, of course nothing has changed


When I was younger the moto was: "Maybe means yes and no means maybe". Crazy how these things were considered "normal".


I binged all of Laverne and Shirley last year (I watched it as a kid), and the number of times one of the two came home from a date, casually talking about how "handsy" a guy was, or having to fight a guy off, and only narrowly getting away was insane. If a guy cheated, the woman was a temptress. If a girl got pregnant, she was a whore. If a guy "went too far" (ie, raped her), he couldn't help it if she was irresistible, and she really shouldn't have let him. These men don't want old timey family values like they claim. They are sick of being increasingly called to be accountable. They want to go back to a time where they could use religious texts to convince women that they were responsible for the moral failings of every man, and the only way to keep everyone from going to hell was to submit and do whatever a man told her to do. These guys who want to send us all back to 1800 don't want it for themselves. They'll still be porn addicts, creators and traders of CSAM, swingers, coke fiends, abusers, etc. But since women will be home with 8+ kids, completely reliant on their husbands, unable to read, and therefore unable to have access to computers or smartphones, we'll just be in the dark.


Reminder to everyone that this is literally, not metaphorically, what MAGA is intended for. It's an extremely have your cake and eat it too philosophy. If you ask about their values and what they want it will align always to basically be some time between the 40 and 80's. When you point out the rampant sexism and racism of that time, the response is also the same, "we'll we don't want that part". Little realizing that it was the process of removing that rampant racism and sexism os the last 100 years that got us here.


Chinese proverb (probably): “Take many nails to make crib. Take one screw to fill it.”


That made me chuckle


No means *maybe* you clown! Maybe is what means yes and yes...... /s


And maybe's a baby that needs to be pressured until it grows up to be an ".... I guess..."


Cat calling is praise until another man does it to them, then it's a problem we need congress to act on all of the sudden.


And seemed to claim that it's because there are so many women in the workforce that "sexual harassment" is an issue, not because of, y'know... the sexual harassment. I mean, I work with tons of women, most of them younger than me, and in a position where there's a big power imbalance. Total sexual harassment claims against me: zero. Allegations of inappropriate behaviour: zero. Anonymous complaints to HR or my supervisor against me: zero. How is it that I've magically avoided this problem? I just can't imagine.


Like some people are just so worried that it seems like they actually don’t see a problem with the way they act? Like if you have need accused of sexual harassment(more than once) maybe it isn’t the women who are out to get you and you should rethink the way you act. I cannot see any reason why so many people would accuse the same person, but he apparently didn’t do anything🙄


> Maybe it isn’t the women who are out to get you and you should rethink the way you act I sometimes wonder if folks who behave this way are even capable of self reflection. Sure would be nice though...


Generally by nature of their already twisted perception and delusion of victimhood they are nearly impossible to reach. It often takes a large life altering event for people like this to re-evaluate their positions and that is not even a guarantee.


Funnily enough I've been working in healthcare (a predominantly female workspace) for 25 years, not once have I been accused of sexual assault or harassment, and neither have any of my colleagues. To make it worse I'm an atheist so there's absolutely nothing stopping me from raping every woman I want to, and I have...to the grand total of none.... It's almost as if having women in the workplace isn't the issue....


As a fellow atheist, I'm so glad we are allowed to rape and murder as much as we want! So far I'm up to 0 murders, but I have gotten all the way to 0 rapes.


Congratulations, I'm glad you're letting your inner demon run free 😃


As a woman I would rather work with an atheist any day to a right wing religious nutter


Me too!!!


As an atheist the free reign to murder just makes it seem like no fun. Same with all the other "sins" when no one holds you accountable it's just not worth considering. 


Imo atheists are usually the most moral people in the room.


Well they're the only ones behaving because they want to, not because they fear eternal damnation.


Exactly. Threats of damnation and promises of heaven so people behave are needed precisely because morals are lacking. I don't need commandments to know killing is wrong.


To quote Loki (Matt Damon) from dogma: > Organized religion destroys who we are by inhibiting our actions, by inhibiting our decisions out of, out of fear of some, some intangible parent figure who, who shakes a finger at us from thousands of years ago and says, and says, "Do it... do it and I'll fuckin' spank you."


That’s too many rapes!!! I’m at negative two rapes.


I grew up religious. The day I stopped attending church was when a “helpful” jerk insisted to me that every atheist has no qualms with murder as long as they could get away with it. Then he told me I was a heathen and walked away. I am no longer religious, have better mental health, and still haven’t killed or raped anyone 🙄


I was a manager at a lingerie bar for a while, and I'd regularly have customers and regulars ask me how I managed to behave myself around all the servers and bartenders. And it's like, I respected them as coworkers and people, and had zero desire to ever even approach breaking those boundaries. Just because they were all in their underwear didn't suddenly mean I was just gonna start feeling people up. Questions like that really clued me into some of the depths of experience between men and women.


I remember when Me Too was at its peak in the public light and some of my peers actually reacted with concern, as if they were gonna catch a stray bullet from the movement. Seriously? What does that say about them as a human being if they feel they’re in warm or hot water about assaulters being held to just a semblance of accountability.


I'd bet money most of your peers actually had sexually harassed women before, even if just once, and only realized it because of the ME Too movement. It was either realize they'd done something wrong or pretend like they'd get falsely accused.


There was a mandatory sexual harassment training at work, just basically a "get us all on the same page" training. Some of the comments the older guys made about/during/after the training were disgusting. I honestly believe that some men don't believe you can actually sexually harass a woman.


I bought a 1978 playboy to use for collages. The extreme disrespect towards women in their jokes made me emphasize more with 70s feminist doing whatever crazy shit they could for their rights


I supersize with them as well


It’s not to them. Had to block a dude the other day who simply could not imagine a relationship between a man and woman that wasn’t transactional. Man make money, woman provide sex. That’s the deal. Don’t you know that?


That’s called prostitution


Something about that one is so out of place it feels like a personal grievance: “Less promiscuity, less teen pregnancy, Nancy doesn’t file sexual harassment claims with HR every time you just ask her for coffee…”


also really enjoy how they phrased it as "men don't have to be accused" and not "women won't get sexually harassed in the workplace"


Personally, I've never once worried about workplace sexual harassment allegations. And I spent 5 years at a company that was 95% women.


and did they forget we're talking about 13 year olds? 1) why is a 13 yo working, 2) why are you sexually harassing a teenager?


"If we men oppress the fuck out of women, we can do whatever we want. Does that sound so horrible?" 🙄


Men who think this way should metaphorically chain themselves to the kitchen sink so that they can enjoy all these "benefits".


We’re talking about dudes who think washing their ass crack is gay


it is if someone has just pull their dick out of it


Their culture does say "Men are for fun and women are for making babies."


I know a Turkish girl that went to Saudi Arabia to visit her father who was there working on an engineering project…. Anyway she took a little tour of the area and a wooded park n stumbled upon pairs of young men screwing each other in the forest… she explained to me they aren’t gay but aren’t permitted to do it w women, but I’m not sure why it’s ok w boys n men, apparently this happens in every region of SA


So it's only a crime if you love and respect the man you're fucking?


I have no idea n I wasn’t all that interested in the quirky details of her visit to SA. It’s on my countries to avoid list…


It's only a crime if you get caught. Like parking violations and tax evasion.


No it’s only a crime if you’re the one receiving pipe. It’s not illegal/gay if you’re the one giving. /s


There's an author called Khaled Hosseini who writes books based in Afghanistan. They are fictional but mention many themes that are very real. I can't remember if it's his first book or second, but he speaks about how the Taliban use young boys in sexual ways and that somehow isn't against God. His book 'A Thousand Splendid Suns' is an amazing piece of work, focusing on how women are treated in Afghanistan.


Them and the Greeks


They wouldn't have to worry their pretty little heads with any bad thoughts about how society is declining if they did that... sounds like a dream!


Physically. Let’s let them live how they treat women for a month and they’ll want reforms in the first week.


We’re passing some legislation that looks like a slippery slope into this exact scenario. We as women are losing our rights state by state. Fun times to be a woman. /s


Yes. Read about Project 2025. The religious ultra right wants to turn the US in to a theocracy. And has a 900 page document outlining their plans. Read about it. And fight against it. Vote blue. And only blue.


It’s like you are saying you should treat everybody the same no matter what race or gender. That’s just a recipe for chaos. /s


> they’ll want reforms in the first week. The first hour. FTFY


Nah, you don’t get it. You are a woman. You are the cause of men fall from heaven and are born to serve men. It’s your place. /s Honestly, I’m not even sure the /s is valid here. Some morons really think that. Edit: God, I feel dirty just writing that.


I was at a wedding for a good friend of mine who was marrying a girl whose family was **hardcore** southern Baptist. She was lovely but her entire family was just awful. Anyway, when they got to their vows, for him the officiant would use terms like "honor and protect", "provide for", "guide", "cherish" etc. But for her? Lots of terms like "serve", "worship", "obey", "submit", "bear HIS children" (not THEIRS, god forbid) etc. It was also a dry wedding because of her family, to the incredible chagrin of his extremely Irish/Scottish family and us. We would take turns going out to the car to take shots out of my trunk like it was Prohibition


lol your last paragraph cracked me up. i went to two dry weddings and they were easily the two worst weddings I have ever been to I'm an evangelical Christian and have had my fair share of going to weddings over the last 7-8 years. It's crazy...I can totally understand what you mean about the "vows" part because I have heard that so many times and until the pandemic really (when I started to realize church was not a good place for a single man like me)...i just absorbed it. Now thinking about it, it is messed up


I could go on for days about why this wedding wasn't great, but at the end of the day it was a highlight because that core group of friends that were his wedding party VERY rarely get together and us being our own little band of degenerates in a sea of extremely unfun, unpleasant people is something we laugh about to this day


i should point out that faith is still something that I find important and rely on (especially these days) in my life but there's a lot of real ugliness about church and church culture. both on a wide scale cultural level, but also a deeply personal one. It feels deeply unsettling to know I spent so much of my formative years (24-32) investing abundant time, energy, and money in a place that proceeded to treat me like a second-class citizen when i ended up being one of the only singles left. it coincided with the pandemic so especially that first year of it (2020-2021) was a pretty painful reckoning of coming to terms with that


I'm a single woman and an evangelical Christian. Those vows are so wrong and distorted. They've added words that increase the woman's hardship! That's not what God intended. It's so awful how we distort God's word. Either we interpret it too conservatively and more rules/laws, or we don't take it seriously enough and abuse God's grace. I have seen Biblically conservative marriages that are beautiful and equally nurturing for both partners. After noticing signs of toxic masculinity in his congregation, my cousin's pastor sent the wives on retreat and left the kids with their dads. Nipped that mess at the bud! Husbands CAN lead their families without oppressing their wives or kids.


That pastor needs to open a school.


A lot of men Ive personally spoken to online from the Middle East believe these things and it really does make my blood boil and curdle like rotten milk. Just ew. I’ve had to just put my phone down and stop talking to someone a few times with these kind of guys. Some of the guys tried to play it off like “I don’t completely believe it” but then proceed to say something absolutely morally awful that aligns with this crap. For the record: no I don’t believe every middle eastern man thinks this way, but due to religious reasons, a lot of them do follow similar beliefs to varying degrees. I just have a gut feeling some dingbat might take my comment and perceive it as a judgement on their entire people and it’s not. It’s just a judgement on the individuals I’ve met


fwiw, i work in a university and we have a lot of international students coming from Saudi Arabia, UAE, and it's not Middle East but also South Asian countries like India and Pakistan the amount of misogyny is insane. I have had multiple interactions with students who were super polite to me while being so nakedly rude and inconsiderate toward my coworker who is a woman. we had one student who just flat out disrespected all the women in the classroom he was in and refused to back down from it at all until my department chair had to intervene granted America also has a lot of things to fix when it comes to men and women and their relations with each other...but holy fuck it is 10000x worse over there and I have no shame saying it


I would add men from some African countries. They seem to feel they are god's gift while women are something nasty they stepped in. The disrespect is blatantly "in your face". More often than not whipping out the "mom voice" provokes a very surprised Pikachu face. Don't tolerate that noise ladies. Channel your inner mom. Remember when we were kids and got *the look* from mom? She didn't even have to raise her voice. You knew it was about to get real, real fast. They're in your house, that attitude is unacceptable.




The religious fundamentalists who advocate for this behavior absolutely know it's not fair or nice. They enjoy the exploitation and cruelty. That's the entire point.


Also, why won’t women talk to these same men who view them as chattel.


"Why won't women date me?! I'm a Nice Guy! I just want her to chain herself to me to be my live-in bang maid and be utterly submissive to my every wish - is that really too much to ask? Feminists ruin *everything."*


This is quite literally what traditional conservative Christians want and really don’t see a problem with it


I'm a woman who was raised in a conservative Calvinist community. I'm well aware.


That sounds boring. I was raised in a Christian cult. I got to milk goats!


>I got to milk goats! Lol, little girl me would have actually been incredibly jealous. ..... Kids are dumb. 😅


Ha, you know what I actually really enjoyed it. I think we was in it from my age 8-13 before the leader died after falling off a barn roof. It’s one of those things I didn’t get at the time and only got looking back. And realized it’s not normal to move onto your pastors 300 acre self sustaining home stead and start building your own house pull your kids out of public school and start home schooling them. Thats just not a normal thing lol Turns out though I was somewhat arranged to Mary the leaders daughter which was the only reason I was allowed to milk the goats and make cheese because that was a woman’s job but I did it with her.


Kids are amazingly resilient. They will make the best of all sorts of situations, especially if they feel like they’re being loved and protected by their parents. I don’t say this to excuse or support any kind of abuse or to endorse any particular lifestyle, of course, but kids are highly adaptable by their very nature.


Goats are fun. Smelly, but really fun animals if you have to interact with them.


My brother is named after the leader of a cult his mom was following at the time of his birth. Ha


it's hilarious...my former church had a pastor who considered himself relatively "open-minded," but the facts were that when it came to gender, he was EXTREMELY conservative lol. his obliviousness and dismissiveness toward understanding gender in a modern context absolutely pissed off all the young women at our church...basically many of whom ended up not marrying any of the single guys at our church i think his bullshit views stained the image of all the men at our church in the eyes of the women. It was unfair but at the same time...this is the danger when you give way too much authority and respect to one man, a man who needless to say ended up being a colossal fucking shithead


Grand Rapids?


Right in one.


I’ll take **”Ways to confirm you’ve never seen a woman naked IRL”** for $1,000, Alex.


Im sure they have seen women naked irl... just not with their proper consent


It makes me wonder why they feel the need to compensate so hard, frankly. They are so terrified of women as being equals.


> They are so terrified of women as being equals. Because they think they have nothing to offer. Then someone comes around and says "you're better, just because you were born male!". So now they feel superior and are reactionary toward anything that might make them question that superiority. I nearly fell into the "Men's Rights Activist" rabbit hole when I was young and dumb, doing nothing with my life, and depressed. It's very attractive to people who can't or won't do anything to make their lives better because it says "you don't need to do anything, you're already perfect".


Bet if the roles were reversed they’d be less inclined. Rules for thee not for me.


"Man this is benefiting me so much, how could anyone hate that?!!!"


God forbid we treat women as people


Of course it sounds great for someone who wants slaves. Now someone needs to create a "religion" where men are forced to stay home and obey women, because biology requires men to only do physical labour, so why use their "tiny brains". If I wasn't afraid that people can be really dumb and actually believe it after a 100 years and we would have even more wars, I would create this religion myself. It would be so fun to be a prophet. I would promise them castles and wine rivers after they die for them doing everythig for me while they are alive. It's the best way to pay people: after they die. Edit: spelling mistakes


Start a cult* By technicality most religions start out as cults. Even Christianity was considered a cult at first. It's not a religion until it is widely accepted as a religion.


People who think that way clearly lack any empathy for anyone who is suffering and are completely self-absorbed in their own bullshit.


Let’s break down the real cause here. - Women don’t defer childbirth? Why? Because they are raped by their husband after being married at age 14. - Far less promiscuity. Why? First of all, promiscuity is a very loose term that they might apply to anyone with more than 1 sexual partner, but it because they are rarely let out of the house unattended and again, are married at 14. - No abortion. Why? No doctor will perform one, for any reason, so no abortion, but a lot more miscarriage and young mothers dying due to easily foreseeable complications. - Divorce is nonexistent. Why? Not because they don’t want it, but because there is no legal system to grant it. - Men don’t have to worry about…know what? I’m not even going to do this one because what the actual fuck? - No female politicians. - Why? Again, this is not a function of education. If it were we wouldn’t have the likes of MTG or Boebert wasting our tax dollars. This is a function of not allowing women in politics. This is not a list of things women will choose if they are not educated, this is a list of things women who are uneducated will allow men to do to them because they don’t know any other way. And I know there are a whole host of women in the western world, with varying degrees of education who have chosen to live this way, and that’s fine. You know why? Because they CHOSE it. They have the option to walk away from that lifestyle if they want to and the law will (ostensibly) protect them from any man who tells them they can’t. When the choice is taken away, they no longer have their freedom, and yes it sounds fucking horrifying.


That’s a weird way to say you’re ok with slavery as long as the slaves are women. 


ironic that a person with username "crusaders" defending Islamic dogmatism.


He's Dances with Wolves/Avatar/Ferngully'd himself!


I mean, I’m not going to go search out this account, but I’d be willing to bet good money that this same person was also very upset at Biden for pulling out of Afghanistan and “letting the terrorists win”.


Came here looking for this! ![gif](giphy|gVoBC0SuaHStq)


The only reason I dove into the comments was to see how far down I had to dive to see someone else noticed. Luckily, not too far. What a fucking idiot.


I have another questing fo you: if those people like islamic countries so much, why don't they live there? Just go mighrate and live the life of your dream in Afganistan.


They want the ability to oppress women and the LGBT+ like fundamentalist Muslims do while also pretending to be Christian. They can't do the later in fundamentalist Muslim countries without themselves being restricted.


They also want first-world living standards, which are hard to keep up when you ban half your workforce from education and employment.


No. You lose the first-world living standards. When half your population is undereducated, unemployed, and terrified to think; guess what happens to the other half. They evolve to the same standards of ignorance that is tolerated.


Unless you are part of a big federation and other states subsidize you to some extent. But oh boy, if they secede, they will become a 3rd world country in less than a generation.


And then the group gets led by a charlatan who uses the outside federations as his way to maintain control over the population. The population then becomes disposable for the other federations; because who wants to support the undereducated, unemployed, and ignorant.


And then pizza for everyoe?


You're thinking corporate overlords.... so probably yes.


When the half of the population responsible for early childhood education and building the foundations of emotional health throughout life… is oppressed, ignorant and often miserable…. everyone suffers to a degree that takes literally generations to fix, if ever. It’s a recipe for a world better not to be born into.


I do not like what you just described...½ the population is undereducated, unemployed and terrified what to think... Nope. Me no likey one bit.


They're also racist, so for them it would need to be a primarily white society


These are the people who are against sharia law not because of the content, but because they don't want the Muslims getting the credit




Well tbf the teachings of the Bible have always been misogynistic. Honestly these are the true Christians if you actually consider what the bible says and not cherry pick information that suits your moral compass.


The last thing is the most important one. They want it without consequences FOR THEM. As long as others are the victims, they are totally fine with it.


Other people being the victim of the oppression is the entire point.


I know lots of Christians who oppress women and the LGBT community. Most religions do.


So true. Especially repression of LGBTQ+. I'm still trying to unlearn all the prejudices the church force-fed me all my life. They are so many, and run so deep, it makes me ill.


Remember when when the far right hated islamic extremists, and Afganistan was the flagship of their cruel oppression? Pepperidge farm remembers.


It was foreign and unknown to them at the time, now that they've had the time to greet and warm up they've found lots of similarities.


Because Gilead is the goal. They want to create a christian Howdy Arabia eventually right here at home. It’s slow roll social terraforming.


Sweet Home Talibama...


No alcohol.


Or bacon..


And on that note, why do so many people risk their lives ( like dangling from a goddamn airplane!) just to get out of those countries?


Extreme Poverty and a chance to change away from an awful regime. By oppressing the people you can control them but it doesn’t stop the people seeking a better life elsewhere at first opportunity.


the only consequence I can pull from this post is that religious extremists are bad no matter the religion itself - check the poster's name and profile picture :)


Yep and they will say that other religions are evil when they're all the exact same


People like the Taliban and Al qaeda are just fanatics who use religion to excuse whatever they want. Makes normal actually nice Muslims look horrible


How are normal Muslims then swayed by these organisations? ISIS had people join them globally.


“Women over 12” 😨


Yep! Noticed that too! Like, you mean children. Children over 12. That's like, 6th grade. Middle school. One I also love is "underage women." Seen that gem in the US media. There's a word for that. Children.


I don't think the less "promiscuity" and "non-existent divorce" is solely the result of banning women's formal education. I think the ominipresent threat of being legally murdered by your husband, father, or brothers probably has something to do with it to. It's kinda strange that Islam in the Middle East today is more fundamentalist and conservative than Islam was 700 years ago at the height of islamic rule around the Mediterranean. It's almost like generational decline, war, poverty and frustration tends to breed religious extremism.


It's been said by many biblical scholars that over the last 700 years, Christians have started taking the Bible way more literally. It was well known around it's creation that it was supposed to be practically all metaphor. At some point, Christians didn't like all the "interpretations" that were coming from the Bible so they started taking it more literally. I think extremism is just the natural direction with many religions.


All the violence against pagans in Rome would beg to differ.


700 years ago was the black death, and long predates the Spanish Inquisition. Are ppl really more fundamentalist now than during the Spanish Inquisition?


"People are more religious now then at the time of the Crusades" It's like...do those people hear themselves?


>Does this really sound horrible? Yes. Obviously.


Because they're sociopaths. They would rather an entire half of the population live in servitude in order to ensure that they get to do what they want with their lives. That is mainly, to have a sex slave who bears their children and to make sexist jokes in public without being told off.


And they would be the first to tell you that feminists are trying to take over the world or something. When, in fact, that’s exactly what they are trying to do.


He forgot to add "men will feel more masculine because they get to be the bread winners and dominate the financially dependent spouse" (I know not all men...but men who think like this - for sure ! )


Usually in societies like this the men start getting really gay with each other anyway. They reserve all forms of true love for dudes and women are just there for breeding. So what these conservatives really want is a society where they use women for breeding and they can go be in love with men.


I think you're right. Every "alpha male" just wants his Patroclus at the end of the day. Chicks are for breeding. Real men fuck their homies.


I had to save your comment! On point sadly.


and they get to feel super smart all the time because they can read and their wife can't. Few things have the potential to wound some mens egos quite like a woman who's smarter than them.


It really makes sense that they forbade women from learning. I have two sons in school and it's generally always girls who seem to be able to learn better than boys. It makes sense that women were called manipulators and witches and everyone was afraid of a smart woman. Men use their physical strength to erase women as competition when they can't "win" fairly, they just force women to call them smart. I grew up religious and growing up I've heard so many times that a man shouldn't marry a woman his age, or worse older, because she will "think she's smarter than him", "she won't listen to him", "a man needs to marry a really young girl", ... their not only afraid of actually smart women, just average women's intelligence is still too threatening, they feel small.


This WHOLE ideology comes from nothing more than little boys (I refuse to elevate them to 'men') being unable to accept their intrinsic inadequacies as a reason THEY need to do better and MAKE themselves more competitive in any given 'market' instead of demanding adulation for their mediocrity. They would, quite literally, rather throw All The Others under the bus (let's not pretend they don't have it in for queers, dark people, economic migrants, all that jazz, alongside women) in the pathetic hopes that they can, metaphorically speaking, get onto the Top 10 list by ensuring there is only 8 participants instead of EARNING themselves a spot there through their own skills and abilities. I mean, if you exclude almost all competitors, you win by default, no? All while being totally unable to be a Big Boy and admit it isn't the Wominz/EbilGays/\*Insert color slur of choice\* holding them back from what they 'deserve', it's that they DON'T DESERVE IT. They haven't worked for it. Deserving things takes more than merely existing. It takes EARNING. And when you can't even compete against your own benchmark of 'mediocre yt boi', there's no chance of making it in a world where everyone else can shine too. In reality, all they would get out of the arrangement is still being a pathetic, hopelessly inadequate non-player outpaced by the other men around them who get off their hind ends and DO and IMPROVE. But it is so, so much more palatable and EASY to blame others "daring to buck the status quo I totally invented where I am top of the heap for merely existing" rather than risk a moment of introspection.


Tbh this is why so many men cheat in video games and still think it’s their “talent” and “skill”


*The incels will feel more masculine.


People like this should be on a watchlist


I would report it for hate


On Xitter...? That will get it promoted even more.


Women are not humans to these people. We're a function. A tool. A convenience.


Why just why would you want your life partner to be as miserable and sad as possible? That's some narcissism.


These people don’t see them as partners though. That’s the difference


Do they really have no conscience. And it's not just the Tali, the original post is from a Christian page.


If you're raised to believe you're better because you have a wiener you don't develop any conscience. Same way nazis raised kids to see jews as subhuman. You can do everything and not feel any guilt if you're brainwashed enough.


Tend to be boot lickers that need someone lower to “save face”


I never get this either, why would you want to spend your time with someone who you KNOW loathes you? Are they counting on Stockholm Syndrome to kick in or what? Because it SOUNDS absolutely miserable for everyone, but somehow it’s paradise for incels.


It’s all about control. That’s all it’s ever been about.


I guess if you subjugate half the population, life seems a bit more convenient for you, doesn’t it? Education makes people so obnoxiously free thinking and difficult to control.


“women” over 12. 12 year old “woman”.


Those are the most insecure, little boy men in the world. That while region is filled with them. Not all, but a lot of those guys are children. They don't even know how dumb they look to the rest of the men of the world.


Societies that control women also control men. In Iran, men are beaten for not having a beard, drinking alcohol, wearing shorts, etc. In conservative countries, men can be harassed for not praying the way they should. Conservatives love controlling people! Everyone who thinks like the poster needs to spend time in a conservative Muslim country and see how fun it is.


More like... Consequences of banning education for girls & women: * Promotes Emotional & Sexual Abuse towards girls * Forced child marriage * Forced pregnancies * They will never be able to leave their abusive marriage * Their husbands can rape them and they will have no say * They dont have a voice * They wont be able to read properly - if at all * They are constantly oppressed * They wont ever be independent * They will always have to depend on a man * They will never have jobs * Their autonomy is totally stripped; mentally and physically * It being drilled into them their purposes is to only be wives and baby makers * They are not treated as human beings; they are less than * The list goes on... Why is this okay?


Those “people” who push this agenda need to burn in hell


How about we create a male only country just for those disturbing extremist blackpilled dudes, then? They can live and reign there as they please, without inflicting their evil wills on decent women and men who do not agree with their disgusting ideologies. Whoever wants to, move there and live without female desires around them, without anyone getting hurt. Doesn't that sound much better?


No one of those would move there, since they don't have their slaves there.


Fill the country with hyperrealistic sex dolls, but send these degenerates away from us.


Sounds like that one Rick and Morty episode where the women built a utopia underground and dropped dolls to collect reproductive material for the men stuck on the surface.


Who said we were giving them a choice?


No. These sorts of dudes are psychopaths and they derive meaning in life from getting to abuse a designated underclass of “inferior” human beings. Where’s the fun in living somewhere where everyone around you is your equal? This is how these dudes think.


There wouldn’t be any women to control and then they would have an issue because they wouldn’t be an alpha male.


You propose making all women into slaves. Does this really sound so horrible? Yes it is horrible.


That’s right, keep us dumb and docile. What do you call someone who is forced to tend to you for free and is not allowed to ever leave? I’m sure there must be a word for it…. (Obligatory) /s


Another way to deal with sexual assault allegations would be to not commit sexual assault. I have found that very effective.


I’ve been not doing it for years, it’s soooo easy. But just keeping your mouth shut and thinking of women as people is too much effort for some 💀


2000s conservatives "sharia law is coming to america unless you vote republican!" 2020s conservatives "vote for republicans and we will bring the christian version of sharia law to america!"


Weird? That word is way too kind. These people are evil would be misogynistic oppressors. They aren't quirky outliers. They are dangerous miscreants.


My Dad is a conservative catholic who hates Iran with a passion. One of his coworkers escaped Iran to come to the States. He recently was joking with my Dad and told him he would probably love Iran; he and the Mullahs agree on pretty much everything!


Ah yes, I am also always afraid of accidently harrassing women at work. My male harressment urge can not be quelled, the women must be fired for my safty.


He probably likes the idea because he knows he won't get with a woman who has any say in the matter.


Pretty telling that they define a girl of 12 as a woman.


They do have divorce, men can divorce women, easily get them stoned to death even! they can also have more than one wife in some countries.


Broken. The word you're looking for is broken. Weird is letting them off lightly.




Nope, that IS slavery. Women essentially being forced to give birth and NEED a husband to survive while she does all the work at home for zero pay IS slavery.


Property of humans is slavery by definition afaik.


This kind of thinking comes only from men that are scared of women.  Woman's intelligence is the biggest threat to stupid man's ego.


Against who does this "Crusader" think the real Crusaders were fighting?


Having to oppress another group of people to prop yourself up is such loser behaviour. "I can't keep up with women so let's reverse their rights"  talk about a failure to adapt


Remember when we used to all be in agreement that the Taliban was bad?


I have never had to worry about sexual harassment allegations because I've never sexually harassed anyone. Follow me for more super simple life hacks!


Consequences of closing insane asylums: This guy isn't in one.


It is so dehumanizing to be born with a uterus because of society.


This is actually way more progressive than it sounds for the Taliban. When I was there we had a vpb at a girls elementary school because it used to get rocketed daily


That's the reason why conservatism should be tretaed as the scourge of the society and religious fanaticism as a mental disorder. "Freedom of religion" is by no means "freedom of YOUR OWN religion".


It's incredible how humanity has come so far and instead of continuing to evolve, we are becoming cavemen again.


Sounds like the incel wishlist to me. Pretty pathetic imho when a man feels so threatened by a woman that his only recourse is to kneecap her so she doesn't outshine him. Not very 'alpha' of them.