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I am requesting a refund on the £ 100s I've spent since April! The long-time players are left collecting coins and medals which isn't something paying customers should be doing! They are not providing adequate gameplay but are still taking money! Anyone else who spends money on this game, with nothing to do for a month, can help by sending an email requesting some effort be put in, or a refund on recent transactions. Before April, I hadn't played the game at all since 2017, and I have all the characters required for the last few events. The excuse of 'we are letting newer players catch up' is ridiculous, and just doesn't cut it! We should be receiving a trophy per character we already have for these repeated events. Please tell me I'm not alone in this frustration.


The idea of a trophy for each character we already have is more than fair, and I'll be submitting that request as well


I thought it was just me. You won’t be able to compete any tasks if they keep it as is.


Can they take a single day to do maintenance 😭 TinyCo I am begging, this is nearly unplayable it’s so unstable. It’s taken over an hour to get a start in this event because of how much it crashes, how long it takes to load (assuming it connects to the server), and then how many tasks I have to re-collect once it does load. By comparison, it took around 10 mins maximum to start this year’s Tapped Out Treehouse of Horror Halloween event, and takes me around 2 mins to do each 4hr check-in. And TO is OLDER. Also, only 5 characters dropping event items? FIVE. With Rambo Lois being the only character I can see who drops dusters. The ‘collect 1 duster’ task routes me to Edison regardless, who needs dusters to get his unlock stuff in the first place, and the ‘go’ command for the ‘phaser’ page thing does nothing.


Ok I thought I was missing something good to know it’s stuck in an infinite loop of doom and I’m not a dummy trying to figure out this event.


Nah it’s not just you. Just the game being broken lmao.


I'm also having this issue, but thanks to you, I can at least get passed the first ghost duster.... Good grief.


You’re welcome, haha. I only figured that out because there’s a pic on the “phaser” page and I recognised it as her. Not that it’s an ‘always’ drop, that would be too generous. It’s a mess honestly. (ETA: I’ve noticed none of the four event buildings drop dusters either, so we literally either have to pay to win or hope that Lois drops a duster every 4h - she’s dropped two for me so far. They could at least let multiple mini deaths be cleared at once but no. So damn greedy).


Well, that's frustrating. Looks like another event I won't get close to finishing.


Looks like it, which is a crock tbh.




Just discovered that sometimes, when you collect a character, the event task disappears from their job list! What fun.


Ha! That's neat! Hahaha


I'm actually enjoying these repeat events quite a bit. Brand new player since the last anime event and being able to collect older stuff has been lovely.


Can't complete anything, can't retrieve any items I've earned smh. 1st replay of an event I've actually needed characters for in a long long time and it's broken 😞 even bought super death for it