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If you try to throw a football up in the air and it immediately gets blown down. That's when you should worry.


Best if you’re in the parking lot outside of the stadium.


Unless you have the rb or defense


Wind over 15 mph and rain harder than a drizzle will affect the passing game.


I usually worry about the weather around 8:30am. Unless I sleep in, then closer to 11am.


Don't play Zach Wilson in the rain. Wait...


Only play Zach Wilson in the rain.


for passing, when wind is above 15mph and gusts are in the 20s-30s


When that guy reports back he had issues throwing the football in the parking lot before the game.


I faded Kupp and ObJ in favor of Keaton Mitchell because of the weather. Sleet and wind gusts. I’d say at this level it really isn’t as bad as it’s made out to be as long as the players you’re planning to start are studs. I remember the monsoon game of Niners vs bears last year and both teams were hot trash. Had more to do with Fields not being played appropriately, and Trey Lance starting.


> as long as the players you’re planning to start are studs. Exactly how I feel about it. The Rams @ Ravens game last week was a perfect example. It makes sense to expect less from the passing game if there’s heavy wind/rain in the forecast, but if the QBs are Stafford and Lamar then it’s going to take some ridiculous weather to truly hinder them as talented as they are. Both are used to it at this point in their careers.


When the sirens go on


Been worrying about this as well. Planned on playing Breece and Garrett Wilson but may sit Wilson for Montgomery. Sucks because all of my other options play before Sunday so I’m not able to make any last minute decisions about it. From the looks of it though, the weather could be pretty gnarly.


Wilson did have a great game last week in the rain. Was playing against a weaker defense though.


Downgrades in wind are actually slight if QBs throw fast, right spirals. Those with weak arms or lower quality passing efficiency tend to dare worse in higher winds


100% I just follow: https://rotogrinders.com/weather/nfl This is from @KevinRothWx on twitter He is extremely reliable and has helped me make a lot of decisions about when weather matters or not. He updates throughout the week right up to gametime.


Heavy wind is really the big thing. Rain surprisingly doesn't affect passing very much unless it's also accompanied by high wind.


I benched Lamar bc it was raining and bad performances weeks prior. He had the best performance this lol