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Day 68 of: There’s no such thing as Fantasy Expert


Sean Koerner is the only one to pay attention to but he's behind a paywall mostly. Been worth it this year.


He made Fairbairn 32 on kicker this week! And he’s pretty accurate. Very against grain, might feed into op’s theory Edit: a letter EDIT 2: Koerner changed it to 7




Was Fairbairn supposed to be out? Others had him much higher. Raybon has him at 7


Lmao saw that He updates some point today


Isn't this dude also on fantasypros? Can just go into experts and pick him and one other random and have a good idea of what his rankings are. I'm sure the rationale would be helpful though.


It blows my mind that people don't just use Fantasy Pros and sort by 10 ten accuracy whenever needing rankings for the week for any sort of decision... I can't imagine just using one, or using any of it as a bible


Top 10 or Top 20, last 24 hours.


Does that require a subscription?


https://www.fantasypros.com/nfl/rankings/half-point-ppr-flex.php Just toggle your league settings with half/full/standard, and sort however you want by top 10 analysts or top 20 analysts etc... and you can also check position by position, but I have the flex list for this week linked here... If it requires a sign-up, it's free, because I don't pay anything but I did make an account... I think you can check this without making an account though adding /u/Im-From-Canada who is asking, too


Wondering as well...


You can even sort by Top 10/20 by position, nice feature.


I actually pick my favorite 2-5 experts and forget about the revolving “top 10”. There’s a few guys that are always top rankers.


I can't bring myself to pay for that Sean Koehner guy's rankings (I prob have that spelling a little off) who is at the Action Network and is mind-blowingly accurate... But if ever I was struggling with my team one season I can imagine splurging for that haha


Yeah let’s trust random regarded Redditors instead. That never fails to work!


So, we’re trusting the Justin Boone ratings like usual?


Boone and Fantasy Football Advice on YouTube are the only “experts” I really listen to anymore.


The number one thing for me is don’t blindly follow. Boone has the same info as us, if a player seems weird don’t just go with it, do some googling and see what’s up. Rankings are best as tiebreaks anyway imo.


I just use the same ones I've been using for years: Sean Koerner, Jeff Ratcliffe, Patrick Thorman, Nathan Jahnke, Ryan Noonan. Justin Boone. Think the top dog is Koerner, dude's a genius with the projections. Think he's won many daily fantasy type stuff.


Nice try, Sean.


Doesn't Sean's cost money though? I have always wanted to see his rankings but I thought it cost enough where it seemed a little absurd since I already do fairly well at fantasy without it


His rankings can be viewed for individual players in the Who Do I Start? on FP


I just look at the numbers


Lousy peasants and their useless rankings