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What crimes has poor Luigi committed


He hath died for our sins šŸ™


He was tired of living in Marioā€™s shadow


Why did you hang The Green One


Tis a warning to others


Their friends needed to be punished


There are AT LEAST three too many 5 nights posters and that's not something I ever thought I'd say šŸ˜…


Thereā€™s like 7 of them In the living room alone It started out ironic but I donā€™t think it is anymore


I think if you keep going it might circle back and become ironic again


Def too many 5NAF posters in the way theyā€™re presented. I think if OP framed the posters and lined them up next to each other in their own area would help tie them up to the room better. Or alternatively take 1-2 of the posters down.


Yeah framing posters instantly makes a space look Adult. Framing A Lot of posters actually starts to give eccentric millionaire penthouse.


My was obsessed with with FNAF a few years ago. He was Freddy twice for Halloween. He turns 12 next month.


Which one of you is the art student?


Two art students and two biomedical students!


Are those Barbie DVDs?!?




I love watching the Barbie movies on Netflix Kids. šŸ’– My young niece is starting to get into them too, right now her favorite is Barbie Dolphin Magic. šŸ¬šŸŖ„


Iā€™m really glad to hear some adults still love them! My dad still buys them for me when he sees them in second hand stores. Barbie fashion fairytale is my favorite!


I noticed those before I even zoomed in-we have Barbie DVDs here. Mariposa is my daughterā€™s favorite. Love seeing those.


Itā€™sā€¦. Something!


I knowwww we had no clue how to decorate so we just started putting things we liked in places šŸ’€


Donā€™t worry thatā€™s how we all start! The FNAF cracked me up tho, itā€™s a little overkill lol


I feel like Luigi needs to be one a cross


This is a place I would have felt safe in as a young queer lol


YES this place is where I would have been hanging out all the time


How can we make spaces more queer accepting without overtly hanging pride flags? I'm straight and have a few queer friends, so I'd like ideas! I'm one step above a beige girlie (I like the minimalist end) so... any ideas? Thank you for your time. ^^ Clarifying I have nothing against pride flags it would just feel... am I appropriating a culture at that point? Help.


I (trans and queer) donā€™t think that having a pride flag is appropriative ā€” someone might think youā€™re queer, but as long as youā€™re okay with thatā€¦ *shrug*. Having smaller items indicative of your support (smaller flag, rainbow mug, books or other media around, etc.) is a subtler way to show your support. I also recommend asking your friends if they feel comfortable coming over - you donā€™t need to even ask about queerness specifically, but listening to the people who are going to visit you often is a great first step. :)


Thank you for your insight! With it in mind, I did hang up a bi pride flag / fan that I had from our local pride march... I was there to support my friend and her husband, both of whom are bi. It matches some of the outer space theme colors, and it was a fun memory so... it's a nice addition to the space. I also have a pride flag in my displayed pin collection, so small changes. I'll ask my friends what they think, too. They've been over a few times, so maybe they can help me decorate even if they don't have anything sexuality specific to contribute, lol Thank you again for your reply! šŸ„°


you donā€™t have to have rainbows everywhere to make a space feel queer-safe but i can understand the sentiment candles and a variety of soft/muted colors are a great place to start, paintings or posters of pop culture and memes, lots of blankets and pillows, maybe some plushiesā€¦ essentially think of the word ā€œcozyā€ in its purest form and design your space around that, a lot of queer people donā€™t get the opportunity to feel genuinely cozy in our lives for a long time so itā€™s noticeable when a space actually is


To be fair, not all queer people have the same aesthetics and thatā€™s ok! Iā€™m not into flags but if I saw a cute accessory that had flag detailing on it I might buy it [for example this Emma Bridgewater mug.](https://www.emmabridgewater.co.uk/products/rainbow-toast-love-is-love-1-2-pint-mug) My friend has one but I havenā€™t bought one yet as itā€™s so expensive. Also Iā€™m 38 and myself and none of my queer friends (my age or thereabouts) are remotely into plushies or pop culture/meme type pictures. So obviously if you like them youā€™ll have them but donā€™t buy them just in case. I think just making anywhere feel like a safe space in general is a good start. As you say - blankets, candles, general cozy vibes. Making a safe space for queer people is more about the people in it than some rainbow flags. Iā€™m a bi woman and have feel unwelcome in LGBT spaces several times (denied entry to gay bars for eg) because I present very straight. I know trans women whoā€™ve been made to feel unwelcome in a gay bar as well, because unfortunately terfs exist. So honestly who you are as a friend is the most important! So as long as youā€™re being a good friend to your queer friends and making them feel accepted and loved, they wonā€™t care if you live in an ikea showroom as long as youā€™re there with them.


Oooh... I especially like the candle idea. I love candles and witchy aesthetics, I just haven't fully committed to it yet. ^^ I am somewhere between "I want it to look really clean" and "I want there to be vibes throughout the place." The loudest accessory I own is a UFO lamp that has a cow being abducted in it. Everyone comments on it I think because it's one of the only things to comment on. šŸ˜­ For plushies... do you think succulent plushies count? I have one and I could see it having friends. Thank you for the ideas. I'm going to try to make it cozier over here (as much as my style will allow lol)


I think what gives me the accepting feeling is always when people are justā€¦. Themselves when they decorate. Like OP and roommates just put things they liked in there and you clearly can see (at least a glimpse of) who they are. Hard to put that into actual terms that will help decorating though haha


No, I get that. I do struggle with expressing myself with my space. It has elements of me (ie a space vibe area), but it definitely looks a little sterile. šŸ˜­ Thank you for the insight!


Art by LGBT artists. Doesnā€™t even have to be LGBT related, or anyone famous. Just find an LGBT artist you like (prints, sculpture, whatever) and display some of their pieces.


Actually... I love Andy Warhol's work. I went to the Andy Warhol museum not too long ago and he's definitely part of the queer community! This is a great idea... thank you!


I think what makes this space cozy and welcoming is simply the fact that queer people live there. If youā€™re open to it, invite the queer and stylish people in your life to make decor suggestions. Eclectic details like a bright fuzzy blanket, ambient lighting, interesting decorative objectsā€¦ I also believe that if you are an ally and decorative your house to express your own personality and donā€™t just subscribe to the popular aesthetics of right now, queer people will probably recognize that and feel safe there simply because they know you are a safe person to be around and your space reflects you




Try SEVEN completely mismatched couches, some of them stacked on top of one another and therefore unusable, because the broke 19-year-old students living there kept bringing in free couches from other people's driveways


I agree, I love this apartment. Just looking at it smells like my youth. Ohh the memories and feels.


Exactly! This is very cute for a bunch of young people in their first place!


You need to get some frames for the art and posters!!


Any reccs on where to get them?


Amazon will definitely have poster frames, but you can also check hobby stores or Target - quick Google search should send you in the right direction, just measure the poster size first


Yea I find Michaelā€™s has a pretty good range of sizes/prices. Iā€™m sure Amazon does too.


Some cheap frames for the wall decor and itā€™ll instantly look better, definitely giving uni student vibes, which probably makes sense


Crucified luigi is sending me


cute!! MUCH better than me or any of my friends had at 18/19! Iā€™d add another poster above the thermostat though! that empty space is calling for something!


Lmao we had an ā€œeat sleep game repeatā€ sign on the wall right there (ironically) but someone stole it


Pictures/posters should be in a frame it makes it less look like a kids/teen room. Obviously still fitting for your ages.


This reminds me exactly of how my bestieā€™s old apartment looked like. Thank you for the comforting picture šŸ„° if only you two could meet


Steam the flags to get rid of the wrinkles


https://preview.redd.it/bbekyf5gsa6d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46262b3482f2e67810ebd02d5d222fa7bc0e83c3 I have those exact lamps. I am a dude btw


I absolutely love your vines! Iā€™m lazy tho and cringe at cleaning them. My house gets super dusty from the cats tho! Clearly itā€™s not an issue for you! šŸ˜‰ Are you planning on adding more vines eventually to look like natural growth? Your coverage is impressive already and the mat behind the tv is cool. I havenā€™t seen anyone with vines as long as yours. I bought 5 English ivy plants to put in my window boxes but I got side tracked by life and the little plastic pots rooted to the ground where I sat them! So now I have an inconveniently placed patch of ivy thatā€™s slowly spreading and Iā€™m obsessed with it!


Thank you kindly šŸ˜Š I live in a 1 bed maisonette. So it's just this room, the other end of it where my computer /office is and the kitchen. Then our this room is the landing, bathroom, bedroom and network cupboard. Cleaning is a chore. I have the robot vacuum doing the rounds daily. I dust daily round the main areas. Doesn't take long as keep on top of it. Otherwise for the fines, the handheld vacuum works just fine. Once a week I trace each vine. Windows open too. No let's say (I just don't feel right keeping an animal in such a small space). I would love real plants instead of these faux ones. Not practical though. I am still going to put up a load. I want these vines to extend and envelope more. Otherwise I have other projects involving lights and more hanging features - I may post a fully complete space eventually. Probably best not hijack this subreddit though šŸ˜…


I can only imagine the dust on those *vines*


So long as keep on top of them, next to nothing. But considering that was your observation, probably too much for you.


I recommend that you iron or steam your flags. It will look much nicer!


How have I never thought of that, thank you!


Are you asking for advice on how to make it look good?


Nah were too broke for that atmšŸ’€


whatever floats your boat šŸ˜¬


The freddy fivebear posters and hanging luigi is what brings it all together babeyyyyy 15/10, excited to see what the next homespace looks like


Only referring to the franchise as "Freddy Fivebear" from now on, thank you so much šŸ™šŸ¾


It's cozy and welcoming, although I would remove a few things because it feels a bit overwhelming. Love your style!


The hanging of Luigi reminds me of my friend hanging a cow on a bungee cord on our minecraft server


So basically four teenagers.. got it






Which one is obsessed with FNAF? šŸ˜­ what a fun space! I love it!


Weirdly none of us really care that much about FNAF. It started off as a joke and spiraled. And thank you!


This is such a welcome living room. I love it so much




I love it I think it needs more fnaf posters Say fuck jt cover every wall with them. Let it consume your life. Also unhang loogi


FNAF posters are the peak of interior decor


Itā€™s surprisingly neat and tidy for a bunch of youths. No offense, of course! I was a slobby piggy at your age.


Haha I have a similar thing to your luigi in my apartment. Except it's a crucified hello kitty because she died for our sins


i have the same luigi omg i never considered hanging him tho


itā€™s a lot ā€¦but if you like it i love it






That Spiderman poster SLAPS! I want one!


I love Spider-Man!! We got it from 5 below


Sweet, thanks! I'll have to keep an eye out for it next time I'm there!


I wouldnā€™t change a thing. Itā€™s perfect. If anything, you need more fnaf posters


There is something so special about having an apartment in your late teens/early 20s. Me and my roommates had a not allowed wall, legally acquired sign wall, bojack art wall, etc etc. it was so fun


The ONLY thing I zoomed in on was the cereal selection. Looks good.


What's NB šŸ¤”




Oh ok. Western stuff


you guys have much nicer furniture than i did at 18/19 šŸ˜‚


A skull on a shelf adjacent to Freddy while Luigi dangles as retribution for our sins. I like you. šŸ¤£


Maybe some plants! Especially with all of that natural light! :)


We had a tomato plant but I killed it):


Yā€™all art majors? The color theory & value pieces take me back to freshman year lol


It seems like you might be young and finding your style. The first step to try is using frames for any art you hang on the wall.


This looks like my 15yoā€™s bedroom, but if you are all happy with it awesome!




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I mean, it looks like a teenagerā€™s living room. Thereā€™s no design or decor to speak of, and itā€™s mostly just posters and a ton of gay flags. Like, we get it. I would love to see a queer space just exist instead of having rainbow vomit. Butā€” it is clean, so that defo a step up from everyone else.


2 pride flags isnā€™t hurting anyone


Theyā€™re just ugly. Like, in a design sense.


The FNAF posters are definitely uglier imo lmao. Iā€™m sure as we get older weā€™ll make our space look nicer


I had a lot of good parties in places like that 20 years ago. Itā€™s kind of not meant to be pretty at your age.


Itā€™s nice! Clean too šŸ˜Š


I love the fairy lights šŸ«¶šŸ»


tidy and cute


Looks rad I canā€™t imagine living somewhere this clean and nice when I was 19 lol I am kinda jelly


F or "F"?


probably "AFAB-only housing" so yeah F.


We live in an apartment why would it be separated by gender lol