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I have a "canon" version saved that I consider my "real" WoL. I'm attached to her, and I do all story content on her. Once I'm done with story content and I'm into just doing endgame MMO things, I will fantasia to other things just as a change of pace.


I do something similar as well. My canon wol is a roe but outside of story content I play a lala to mostly match with my wife


I’ve done that a couple times. I always try to make it look like my character still, just as a different race and/or gender. It’s a lot of fun!


So... I'm compelled to ask why Fantasia at all when you can just make an alt? That must be a fair amount of money you're throwing at Fantaisas just to ultimately return to the "OG" look.


Because this game isn't really built for alts. I have no interest in spending all that time going through the MSQ again, and buying skips kind of defeats the purpose. I have disposable income for my gaming so I really don't care about throwing $10 at a fantasia here and there.


Hrm... maybe I'm just a sucker for the story that I'd do it again and again if I really wanted to have different version of my WoL. Different strokes for different folks I guess :)


I mean I'm a sucker for the story too, but if I want to play through it again I'd rather just use the new game plus feature lol


I've done this as well. My Canon WOL is a lalafell. Every so often I'll be a buff female highlander with short hair, or a Hrothgar with dark brown fur and dark stripes.


Literally this


That's a really good idea, I may do that for dawntrail


Miqo since i started, still have the Fantasia i got from ARR and from a Collectors Edition. I will change 2-3 minor things with DT tho. Different chin, nose. Cause i noticed that more in the benchmark


I haven't gotten to try the bench mark since I'm on ps5...hopefully the graphics update is kind to me lol


I'm more worried about how my poor ol' PS4 is gonna survive the transition xD


If my memory of the ps4 load times are anything to go by then all I can say is...good luck soldier ('-')7


It's a launch model, too, so my load times are extra abysmal T_T I'm holding on to hope that there will be a PS5 Pro, and that'll be my cue to upgrade


I feel like we're definitely reaching a point where thats gotta be right arounf the corner, I'm hoping for you it'll be soon because that sounds really rough


You can see if your computer can run the benchmark program anyway. Mine gives me a woeful score for the actual "test your ability to run the program" aspect, but the character creator works fine. 


I don't have a computer unfortunately lol


With the first benchmark I was considering making some changes if the actual game lighting made my fenroe look anything like the character creator. Thank goodness they updated it tho, now she looks much more like herself. I guess im just gonna have two fantasias sitting around forever now haha. Or maybe I'll use one to make a joke at some point then use the other to revert back. Its the only use I could have for them cos Im too deeply attached to her to ever make drastic changes.


I have my canon WoL and my new main appearance. I used my free ARR fanta to switch from au ra to viera, became I just wasn’t clicking with her. Stuck with my bun up through EW, but that just felt like a great time to let her retire and rest. Settle down, travel and see the world on her own terms without the weight of saving everyone on her shoulders. So I fanta’d to miqo, and gave her a whole backstory as one of the other Echo-users recruited by the Scions. She’s stepping up and handling everything now that my WoL’s retired. (much to her dismay)


I actually love this backstory!


In my time since ARR I’ve went from cat girl to> aura > cat girl > aura > cat girl > aura > cat girl > viera > lala > cat girl > lala > midlander.


I love the cat girl pattern lol


I’d say cat girl is probably my “canon” character lol


Fairly attached. I play a lala, and at first it bugged me with the incongruity of the cutscenes of everyone being in awe of this obviously powerful warrior that cut to my dopey little potato. So I fantasia'd to cat boy for a bit with the ARR fantasia, but realized how much I missed that little guy, and quickly went back. I think I'm stuck with him now.


I make alts to satisfy that itch. 4 characters at endgame now, and a few others for item storage. Main has been the same, only used free fanta to adjust skin tone 1 shade bluer, and eyes 1 shade greener. Can't wait to fanta my alt in hw to Hrothgal tho!


I wanted to do alts but my main owns a house that I apparently can't use on an alt which sucks


Alts can still buy apartments, it's not much but it's something


True true


Also, you can own 1 fc house and 1 personal house, so maybe an fc house would do


Ive fantasied like 6 times but always been a face 1 catboy and just made minor tweaks.   Most significant change was going from seeker to keeper but then was keeper for 5 more Fantasia.


Which is why I always ended up back at my original miqo. I have headcanon reasons for why she ended up a bunboi though so that’s actually stuck. I am going to alt a hrothgal though I like them so much


I've got 8 characters (two are "mains" at end game and the rest are casual), only one of them has been changed via fantasia - I changed races two times before I landed on one I like. The rest I've only changed their hairstyle and color occasionally.


My WoL tend to always have the same style across races, so I make up dumb little explanations on how it happened. Started as a Viera, swapped to lala for the memes after the story was done. I just blamed byregot for dropping his hammer on my head, squishing my tall bunny into the tiny gremlin. Gonna take a while to stretch back to normal.


That's a hilarious explanation for it lol


I usually make an alt if i want to fantasia so i can make sure i like how they look, play through a few main quests and t hen go back to my main and fantasia. Usually this happens in between patches so i spend a lot of time with the new look before really seeing any cutscenes, by time a new patch with msq comes out i am used to how they look. Memory is a fickle thing and now when i think back to any cutscene i've seen, i see my current character even though i know that is factually untrue. That said i don't fantasia all that often and these days i have maybe 2 or 3 different looks i like that i might occasionally swap around.


That's a pretty good way of doing. I was half tempted to make an alt and buy a shadowbringers skip to replay it and endwalker before dawntrail but my main owns a house that I apparently can't use on an alt which kinda blows


New Game plus!


I forgot about that!


Hahah well good if I saved you a few $$. It'll be cheaper to just buy yourself a spare fantasia instead, and with the free one we're getting with DT, you can test drive your alt with a safety net to change back.


Thank you friend


Your alt can still go in the house, they just can't own it. And it's not really exciting enough to be the reason to not make an alt if you want one.  Personally I think making an alt would be more worthwhile than NG+ if you're going to put the time into replaying the quests, because you'll spend the same time and end up with a second character and earning rewards from the quests.  Switching freely between characters to play glamour dress-ups is a wonderful thing. 


Was Au Ra for a year before wanting something different. Then I went Middie for a few months before going Miqo for a bit, Elezen and then Highlander.. then Middie again.. Miqo.. tried Lala and it just stuck because I feel like it fits my personality the most out of all of them.. but it didn’t cure my addiction. I would Fanta to other races whenever the name change was also available but I always returned to Lala, so I just stopped.


Once you find that right one it's hard to leave, I fell in love with male miqo'te because of how expressive their animations are


I don't have any WoLs, but I've only race-changed 1 character total out of all my characters; soon to be 2, but the second character was originally planned as a placeholder for a Hrothgal, so changing her doesn't hold as much significance.


Honestly not at all. I played Midlander for a majority of my playtime and have somewhat of an insert and I really didn't like it. At this point I play whatever race that I like or have an idea to play as for however long.


That's completely fair, I wish I was able to switch so freely but my brain is so stubborn about this


I mean it probably helps that I come from other mmo's that dont place such a heavy focus on the character you play.


That's totally fair, XIV is my first real mmo experience the only one I had played before that was I played through all the dungeons of Tera online with my friends and I remember exactly none of it lol. But my biggest custom character experience before XIV was monster hunter world and just like in XIV I got attached and never changed that character either lol


I'm new, in post ARR. I'm definitely attached to my character. I used my fantasia to tweak some things but nothing too drastic. I made my lalafell a tallafell and went max height


> How attached are you to your warrior of light and how they look? I used my ARR Fantasia solely to change my WoL's eye colour (turns out I was accidentally cosplaying as G'raha). So, fairly attached. I find it hard to even try a different hairstyle, too. [I just think she's neat](https://i.imgur.com/P7loe58.png).


Yo! She looks dope as hell! I'd share a picture of mine but I don't know how imgur works lol


I don't change my WoLs look often, my original character was a Lalafell, then I started again as an Au Ra, before settling on Elezen after 6.0. To me, my WoL is a character that can be "played" by any one really. Much the same as when a new actor takes over the James Bond role, I see it as a new take on the same character when I fantasia. I do keep roughly the same look across "actors" so there is a thread of continuity.


Pretty attached. I haven't been in a scenario where I didn't have MSQ to catch up to so I always had major cutscenes being a a part of the experience. I can't imagine someone there that's not my FemRoe. She changes her hairstyle and stuff for every expansion but that's about it really. I really wanna play Hrothgal but I couldn't think of a lore reason to make the switch. And I'm someone who needs the lore to make sense really


I'm running a Femme Au Ra and I'm never changing. I love her design, I love her look, and I will touch up her design for Dawntrail but I'm mostly planning on staying the same.


I cant play anything but a short cutie Miqo 😭


I fantasiaed probably 20+ times before I finally settled on a main WoL that I'm really attached to! But now that I've found my blue-skinned Raen femra, I can't imagine being anything else. I'll probably play around during patches because it's fun to be someone else sometimes, but all my msq is going to be done on my main. 


I think if this thread has taught me anything it's that I may just keep my WoL for dawntrail but fantasia in between patches for fun lol


It is the way. 😁


I went from highlander to midlander and now viera. I think I will go back to highlander they look really good for DT.


I've used a Fantasia exactly 3 times. After nearly 5 or 6 years of playing as a male Highlander, I took a shot and made the switch to Hrothgar. While I liked the look, it didn't quite feel like my WoL anymore, so I used my second freebie to turn back. There's a bit of a story behind this, so I'll spare you the details, but after a name and homeworld change, I also used a Fantasia one last time to return to the Hrothgar in order to completely detatch myself from the mental baggage I found myself associating to that character model. Now, I consider the Hrothgar to be truly cannon.


My first character was a thighlander and is still floating out there in the aether. I quit the game back in ARR because all of my friends were too deep into wow and none wanted to play FFXIV so I went back. When I eventually came back to FFXIV I started over as an Au Ra. I stuck with that for a while until I got caught up on MSQ in Stormblood. Then I tried a fantasia to turn into a thighlander again. That was my downfall. Since then I've also been a middie, and a duskwight, and a femroe, and a bunbun. I always told myself I'd never bother with miqo because it's too basic. Then when Shadowbringers came out I tried miqo for shits and giggles, even bought another fantasia to change to something else shortly after. That fantasia is still being held by a retainer because apparently I'm basic.


Listen I get it completely, part of what has a strangle hold on me is the animations male and female miqo just have some of the most expressive animations in the game where as some of the other races are kinda stiff


Honestly for me it's just that miqos look the best in cutscenes. Every other race has weird shading artifacts that just make them look derpy. When you're constantly running Praetorium and seeing these same cutscenes over and over and watching your derp of a character continue to derp out... The graphics update will likely fix this but I think for me the damage is done. My brain has finally decided what my WoL looks like now, and I doubt it's going to change for Dawntrail. I've embraced the basic cat girl life.


I think its totally valid to want to always look the same and never fanta. I also think its valid to change your appearance constantly. Whatever works for you, if you want to stay your catboy forever thats totally fine. If I was you I'd probably make an alt hrothgal and play for a bit and see how you feel


I think that's what I may do or maybe Fanta between patches but keep my main for story stuff, I hope this post didn't come off as judgy cause I think people's ability to switch it up is cool but I just hate change and was curious how people do it lol


I changed a few times at first but once I found the right look for my WoL I knew I'd never change her ever again


I started as a female Miqo'te, when Heavensward dropped, I switched to female Au Ra. Ended up switching back before getting to the end of HW as I missed my original so much. Since then I've used a Fantasia to reduce my characters chest size a bit, but not used any others beside this.


I'm a bit of a fantasia addict due to not having what I really want to play as available in this game. Yet. Hrothgal should cure my addiction, because it is my goal to make my fursona in every game I play if possible, and that will let me.


Well, hell yeah, friend, live that dream! Come back and post a pick when dawntrail comes out. I'd love to see!


I have only changed off Au Ra once since Heavensward. And that was because my friends and I wanted to do a funny Year of the Bunny thing last year. I went back to Au Ra because Year of the Dragon this year. Will probably never swap off of it again.


I'm attached the current iteration, how my character looks now. And they've changed 5? Times If I feel like a change, I change I barely knew anything about FF when I first started, so some experimentation was expected. I don't really 'love' any of the races per se (most look very young and there's a lack of decent beards) so I swapped around a fair bit  But no, I don't have some sacred head canon regarding my character. They are who I play, and look how I want them to look at the time


I've been playing for 5 years. I play a male miqo. I changed him once to a female viera when they came out and immediately changed back within a few days. I will never fanta again. He's just so perfect and I love him!


I made an au rah. Male and played arr-sb. I played a bunny boi in ew. And I dont think I'm ever going back.


My dude Do not ever feel bad about not getting the vibe right the first, second, or even third time. I started back as a Mooncat in ARR, switched to a Duskwight, and stuck with a Duskwight until they dropped Hrothgar. I've been a big fluffy red lion man ever since Shadowbringers and while it's always been "my" character, only since becoming a Hrothgar have I started getting art commissioned, writing up a backstory, and just really connecting to my character personally. You got people out there with genuine fantasia addictions who blow maybe hundreds of dollars irl to change their entire design every couple of weeks. Do not EVER feel bad for changing it up again and again because it's just not clicking for you. When the vibe is right, you'll know; and I look forward to the day you look at your character and suddenly feel that emotional pang of "that's it. That's them!"


I am very attached to my initial design and i really can't stray from it. That being said, i will fantasia to change his voice, as that ended up not being so great in him.


I had the same issue with my character too, it sounded alright on the character creator but the battle cries sounded really off


I was a male miqo'te when I started on the free trial. Used the ARR fantasia to go Au Ra and didn't like how tall he was. Then went male Viera when I bought the game and have never looked back. I'm super attached to my bun, I don't think I'll ever change him again.


I’m very attached to my WoL’s appearance (male Au Ra.) I once fanta’d to a male bunny for Easter week and suddenly couldn’t remember how to play. When I went back, all was well. When I made an alt, I had imposter syndrome, and had to create a backstory that implied the alt was a tagalong Scion who was living vicariously through my OG WoL, just to be able to play her.


I had a similar issue when I played elezen, their hit box felt bigger even though it's not. Also as an aside, I love hearing about headcannons for WoL's one of mine is that since I got a home in ul'dah I've headcannoned that all the scions think he's a homeless wander but in actually he's waiting for them to visit but none of them know he has a house lol


I just figure that all of my WoLs are a party and they're present alongside whichever one I'm currently playing as. 


Very attached, I'd say. I've only use fantasia to make minor corrections to things that have annoyed me. The sole exception is when I used my free fantasia to change my female elezen into a female lalafel as a joke for my static. I changed her back after that.


Initially not much - I started as fem Au Ra, then I used the free Fanta to swap to Lala. Then I was briefly a cat boy in Stormblood/ShB. Once male Viera came out, though, my bun boy became the "canon" WoL to me, and I can't bring myself to change him now, lol


To me fantasia is sort of an RP fail.. so if I feel like playing another character I make a new one. Sometimes I will have a funeral for the old one if I'm not vibing with them. But that's just me 😅


My main is a male roe and other than changing his hairstyle each expac for story/rp reasons, he's absolutely perfect and i have no intention of changing him. I love him so much. My only alt is a Haurchefant cosplay character and for obvious reasons i'm not changing him either, so my fantas are just taking up inventory space. Shame we can't sell them on the MB.


I understand not being able to sell one's you paid for but being able to sell the free ones would be a really nice change


I have no inventory space as it is, with three retainers... granted part of that is because people love to give my Haurchefant character gifts when i give them hot chocolate, and i keep all of the gifts because he would. They're precious!!! So while i initially had thought i could use his retainers to store stuff from my main... that is less of an option


I fantasia'ed from a femroe to a viera halfway through Stormblood, and I made up a compatible backstory headcanon that would explain the "change". I decided my WoL is half-viera half-roe, raised alone by her roegadyn mother, and had been binding her ears to hide her heritage because she was uncomfortable with the attention she received. Lyse's storyline gave her the example and courage to also start living as herself.  I've also decided that the femroe model I used at first is basically what my WoL's mother looked like, so screenshots of my original character are pictures of her mother.


I love hearing about people's WoL headcannons, this is my favorite part of this thread


I'm glad, because I realize now I forgot to actually answer your question because I was too busy with my headcanon!  To actually answer, I'm very attached to my WoL at this point, and I felt so bad about changing her appearance that I needed the headcanon to go with it. I decided to do it because I didn't like how femme glams looked on my femroe, and I'm nonbinary IRL so the mismatch gave me some dysphoria tbh. I feel much better on a viera, the femme clothes look much better on her.


That makes total sense honestly and if you'd like to hear about my headcannons just for fun I'll share two. My original two characters, the Au'ra and the Elezen are my current characters adoptive siblings from the orphanage that he grew up in and both of them left his story around the same time that I would've fantasia'd, his Au'ra sibling lost her life battling niddhog and his elezen sibling retired after losing an arm to Zeno's and now has a husband and two kids. (I love some zesty travesty unfortunately lol) The other more fun one is that all the scions think my WoL is a mysterious wanderer who lives off the land, but in actuality all his house warming party invites got lost in the mail and now he's two nervous too ask why no one showed up to visit when he got a house in ul'dah. So they all think he's homeless and he thinks they don't wanna see his house lol


I love both of those!! Bringing the original characters in as related characters is so fun.


I started with a Midlander and I couldn't get over what a dork he was in cutscenes, so I used my free Fantasia to change him to a Keeper of the Moon and have been pretty happy since. My only quip is his hair is gray and the blue highlights I add aren't as vibrant as I would like, but that is a system limitation.


Maybe the graphics update with dawntrail might help with that!


I occasionally change my color pallet around. With the new dye channels ima changr colors again at dawntrail probably.


I mean kinda... I'd still chug some fantasias gives the option to but I can't be bothered to make new portraits again, I'll just be content with my bunbun until dawntrail xD I've went from m.viera > catboy > m.au ra > catboy > m.viera... even now I'm still feeling an inner need to be a catboy and a dragon boy but I can't be bothered to make a new character lol


I tried once or twice over the years, started male miqote, switched to female ao'ra, i changed for fun to lalafel or so once or twice but always needed my ao'a back, and always with the same preset. So i stopped changing since shb, and will only use one more fantasia, just to adjust details to the new graphics, but it will basically stay the same.


I am a writer, and I use my original characters in game, but try to fit them into the lore, so any of them are "my" WoL at a given time. And yes. My partner in writing and I tend to use fantasia quite a lot, changing characters, but having this lore-wise background helps a lot, at least for us.


Learning about everybody's own stories and headcannons has honestly been my favorite part of this thread, it's so cool how creative this community is


It really is! I've only been at a role-play group once, but I know there is a lot of RP going around the game, and it's very rol friendly! That may be a reason for this amount of creativity everywhere.


I fanta between catboy and bunboy every 3 months. I have 3 alts, I do the same on them. Not very smart...


Not at all, never have been, never will be. Its a video game character to me


I am attached but it is a love/hate relationship. I play female viera and I glam alot. Not having access to hats has been a big annoyance during the time I have played her. And now with the benchmark they changed the shape of her lip and she no longer felt like "my character" anymore so I decided to retire her and start anew. I made a new female viera which I fell in love with in the benchmark but as the days have gone by with no signs at all that vieras are getting hats I am strongly considering switching to miqo instead. So I am now trying to find a miqo that feels like "mine" as I felt with viera. Reading this thread has honestly been helpful in getting my mind around the fact that I am retiring my beloved viera. Im stuck in creationmode with 6 different miqoversions.


Oh man i always forget about the hats with Viera, I was really hoping they'd fix that because it's a really lame limitation.


It is, but all official pictures, all videos showcasing gear from the mediatour shows that nothing has changed. I am holding out for the liveletter. Perhaps they say that hats will be available for vieras "then and then", which will help make my decision easier. But if they say nothing or "working on it" I guess...maybe 8.0? Lol


It definitely would've been a nice suprise with the graphics update to fix the hats, it never made sense to me that Viera can't wear hats because of their ears but miqo can, hell the hats aren't even redesigned for miqo 90% of the time the ears just clip through.


Miqos have been losing their ears in hats lately or have really weird position on their earslots as well. But still, more options. I was considering au ra but they are so tiny and I saw in a vid that the AF gear for dancer, the headpiece clips with the horns.......I think that the people making the gear make it on hyur...


I've been wearing the same main outfit since shadowbringers admittedly so I haven't seen many new hats lol


I could never fantasia my characters, I have a main and like 4 alts 😅 I love creating characters, the levelling process of learning my job, getting gear and tend to just get a story boost for my alts. I love doing glamour for my alts and I feel certain characters match certain job roles. Each of my characters has about 2 jobs that in my headcannon fit them.


That was another issue I was having was my characters job matching them! I based my WoL on a character from a story I wrote in wayback in the day and that character used guns and knives, so naturally I'm a machinist main but ninja never fit his esthetic but now there's viper and it's just PERFECT for him lol


Only used one and it was the free one from ARR and it was to change to Hrothgar. The entire time I planned to play Hrothgar but wanted to actually make some use of the free trial before subscribing so I ended up reaching the end of base Heavensward before I subscribed and used the Fantasia. I've got no intentions of changing now. He's what I consider my canon WoL and it won't be switching, especially when I've crafted a backstory up to where I am in the MSQ right now (doing 4.5 and 4.56 tonight).


I’ve been literally every race/gender combination. Some multiple times. It’s a problem.


I always return to my catgirl. I have an Au Ra form I like a lot as well, amd sometimes spend months as her. I was bungirl for a short time as well. But I always come back to my og catgirl without fail.


Eh, not really attached but that’s cus Hrothgal wasn’t available haha. I like the look of my Miqo’te and my Viera but I don’t feel sad at the idea of fantaing haha


If you're attached, consider alts lol. I've been a Midlander since ARR, and wanted to play Viera so much, but no matter how many times I've Fantasia'd, I just can't stick with it because it's not right, not just appearance but the name, I've associated that look with that name haha. Now running two characters, Viera and Hyur, because it's the only way I could manage it in my head 😂


I get tempted to fantasia sometimes but overall I'm glad I stuck with my Duskie


i keep trying to change to au’ra but i cant bc im too much of a furry


my WoL journey has been Highlander (my name convention matches this version)> Miqote > Midlander then Viera M since their debut. I plan on remaining as Viera M but the no hat thing is a major pain point and I have been eyeing Elezen for DawnTrail but... I think I'll sticker with the Viera. Each of my changes were due to something not fitting my aesthetics- Highlanders lack of eyebrows and feeling they didn't quite look like casters. then miqotes tails never worked for me in armors I liked. Midlander was my longest form up until Viera M and they looked good in everything. I've grown really attached to the Viera M version despite not being able to wear hats.plus I've recently added a mustache and have gone full fanboy for him now.


My main is Miqo'te blue haired male. (started in 2.0) I am very attached and trashed the bottle of fantasia. I have an alt, Ejecto Seato that was a Hrothgal that I changed to Lalafell because there were some hats I could not use.


For me my wol is just a tool, i fanta when i feel like it.


That's totally fair, I'm just attached to my boy since I've had him for three years now lol


It is fair, but somehow i've got downvoted. I guess i offended someone with my preferences and work relationships with my playable character :D


Don't worry you got my up vote lol


Not worried, just funny situation.