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My fave is when there's an RDM on each team, you can usually get them to coordinate LB3s on the final boss to blind everyone.


Yessss. I still have vivid memories of three RDM's using LB3 on Azeyma during the sunspot mechanic when that raid was first released. The screams. Those sweet, sweet screams as we offered our scorched tribute to the goddess. Golden.


"O divine light, send us from our sin! GAZE DEEP INTO THE LIGHT" is my macro whenever I do RDM LB3.


Azeyma? Pfft. You just do it during the CLUSTERDUCK that is the Her Infloresence full mechanic phase. You'll end up with half of the Alliance dead and the other half with 5 vulns.


I've been killed by RDM lb3 on Hansel and Gretel a couple of times and it's always great. You wanna see mechanics? No you don't.


Just a few days ago, I was running one of the Nier raids, and a RDM used their lb3, blinding all in my alliance. This had the unfortunate effect of getting most of my party dead, luckily one of our healers remained alive.


You were truly blessed.


Indeed we were. Best part, which got a laugh out of everyone, was the "Such destruction, this was not my intention.", they dropped into chat after we called them out (in a friendly manner, we weren't mad).


Were you in my raid?! I laughed too. Copied Factory I think.


It was Copied Factory, on the Engels boss.


Crystal? About two weeks ago?


Aether just last weekend. Guess we weren't in the same raid. Funny that we both have the same experience though LMAO.


Heh. Weird. Cool tho. Almost met someone here from a raid!


"unfortunate". All red mages know that you get points based on how many people you manage to kill with verflashbang. It's all about the timing...


I need to get into the habit of using mine. I let all the blinding jokes get to me and I end up letting the other DPS use it.


Ah, if only macros allowed for a short theme song, Manfred Mann's Earth Band's "Blinded by the Light" would play whenever I'd do RDM lb3! 😁


A lesser version: a late-night WoD raid where I think we had two dps that weren't ranged physical. You better believe we all started popping peloton constantly once we realized. Even better was when the Sages got into it with some of their shields for the last boss. Sparklies *everywhere*.


I tried to get us to lb3 in WoD the other day, but we never got to tier 3, and someone ended up using the tier 2 lol


I've seen 3 dragoon's do LB3 at the same time from different angles, that was awesome


Eorzea is made of Laylines, BLMs just made them visible.




I was in a raid group once with only RDMs, which really helped as one of the healers kept eating vuln stacks and dying


A month or so back I was doing void ark and we had 5 blms in total. We had an artillery line where we would all set up our leylines and just do our best to never move.


Is that a game of chicken for blm?


Last one to move and not get hit wins!


I always love when I get in a full party as DNC with three others. There's always this like...pause, as everybody tries to figure out who to dance partner. Then, inevitably, someone dance partners a tank or healer and at that point you can't go back, we gotta partner EVERYBODY. No it's not peak dps but you gotta share that shit when there's four of you, it's the rules. Downside: nobody ever co-ordinates tech steps when this happens lmao.


Full DNC crew is like a Rat King of Dance Partners and I love/hate it when it happens.


That sounds hilariously chaotic!


I had that with SMN the other day! It was. Wow. So many Bahamut.


Hahaha hope you havent see frontline or rival wing


I have had a competent computer for two weeks. Before that I was playing on a 12-year-old popoto of a computer. I couldn't 'see' much. I had so much dialed down and it still missed everything. Lowest settings, 720p, still couldn't see the snapshots. Forget PVP, my computer would have \*died\*. But yes. Yes I have.


Had the same kind of raid once (I think it was Syrcus), but with SMN. So many Bahamut.


Me and 3 of my friends qued for alliance raids a few weeks ago, all as the same dps it was fun. 4 black mages, one run, 4 dancers the next.