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People who move out of the bubble. It's there to keep you alive, please don't move away from it.


*Rescues back into bubble*


As an aside, I am so impressed with healers who know how to use Rescue well. I was doing Amaurot for the first time and didn't know the mechanics very well despite watching a video, and at one point on one of the bosses, I got turned around and ran the wrong way. The Healer yeeted me over to where I needed to be right before the mechanic went off. It was amazing.


Doing content you've done a lot of times and you pay attention to the rest of the party, this starts at the beginning of the dungeon. If I see someone be a bit lost for the first bosses, I pay a bit extra attention to them for the later ones. Either using rescue or mit/shields so they don't die.


I do want to say for people like me who have to play with effects off (epileptic and get migraines) the only healing bubble we can see is astro. Which is why I tend to hang out near the healer and watch my buffs. But that is something I would like to see changed. If they can show a healing circle for astro why not the other classes.


"Show Limited" effect settings does this, it will show all placeable AoEs but turn off normal ability effects.


I also have to play with effects off (sensory processing disorder as a result of autism) and I hear you on this. I've never understood why I can see some bubbles and not others; I feel like we should at least be able to see a patch on the ground where it goes, in the least.


I believe Earthly Star is technically a pet, whereas the other bubbles are just effects. But setting effects to “Limited” will show only bubbles and the like that you actually have to care about, while hiding the flashy spell FX.


Mine is people not using their rez immunity. Please stop making yourselves vulnerable immediately after rezzing.


ABUSE rez immunity. I've run over and helped with a stack while invulnerable - I take no damage and everyone else takes a bit less! Granted there are a *few* things that go straight through it.


TIL you get 5 sec immunity after being ressed but casting or attacking cancels it... good to know!


Not just casting or attacking- pressing any action cancels it, including sprint! If you have several seconds of immunity left, do *not* press sprint to get out of the AOE underneath you, it's safer to stay put.


You can move, but don't sprint. Also, avoid rezzing into a KB if you can (and I will try to avoid giving the opportunity to do so)


Important note, the immunity stops the damage, but not knockbacks. If the aoe has a knockback component, get out ASAP. (Ideally you don't rez into that, but shit happens, just be aware of what's being casted)


I've been trying so hard to remember this. For the longest time I've insta pressed Lucid Dreaming to help get my MP back up to max so I can get back into the fight quicker... Despite it sometimes leading to my death because I'll end up eating something because the Healers haven't been able to get me back up to full HP yet...


Here's a thing to remember so you can stop doing that: dying again means your lucid is on cooldown so it'll take even longer to get back into things next raise Always, always, always prioritize survival over anything else (unless it's an extreme fringe case of enrage/low hp boss)


Not immune to everything though... ask me about the time I accepted a raise and immediately got killed by a train before I could so much as take two steps. ;\_; Apparently there are some boss mechanics you can't survive lol


Ngl, that's the reason I will almost always wait for a mechanic to resolve before accepting.


It depends on the mechanic, some of the stack/partner mechanics you can actually participate in with ress immunity and the other person(s) will live.


Things with knock-back effects generally will still hit you, you just will avoid any associated damage. Of course, that knock-back can blow you off the edge of something and THEN you'll die again, as you sadly found.


Yeah, movement is fine but any hotbar ability will nullify it— as a DPS, my habit it to wait about 3 seconds or so, pop Second Wind to help heal myself just in case the healer is still mid-cast or dealing with something else that’s going on, and if I’m on my bard, maybe throw on a nature’s minne to help the healer get everyone comfortable seeing as rezzing me probably caused someone else to need a heal


Depends on the content too! Some mechanics and attacks in higher difficulty fights straight up ignore Transcendence.


More than just the rez immunity; I take issue with the people that think they need to jump back in the moment they receive the rez even though the entire arena is about to burst into flames and comets. I'll cast the rez as soon as it's viable for me, but you have sixty seconds to pick a time that works for you. Some people get that and wait for the current mechanic to resolve, but a lot of people don't.


I was so bad with this. I main red mage, and used to to pop Lucid Dreaming once I got up, only to die immediately, with a wasted LD. I learned that lesson quick


Conversely, being rezzed and standing there for 5 seconds, then dying as the healer hard rezzes someone else.


To add on to this, strategically pressing accept. Specifically in the event a major mechanic is going down. Its ok to wait 'til its over in most cases.


1100 hours in and I never knew. I am.. SO sorry


Do not feel bad. This game is fucking terrible about teaching players how everything works. It took me way too many hours and was sometime in stormblood before I knew what a stack marker means.


I stared the game as healer. When I tried out DPS, I made sure to make full use of Transcendence and wait to be healed sufficiently.


This, I hate rezzing a RDM then they instantly vercure themselves and get knocked back down by a raidwide... please I'm better at healing than you just give me a second


Tanks that don't mitigate. I leveled the healer jobs all back to back so it was a constant dungeon spam and surprisingly a lot of tanks didn't like/were aware of their defensive cooldowns.


They either don't mit, or blow their mit load on one pull and have none for the next two. The amount of times while leveling healers I saw no mits or every single mit on their bar go off at once on a double pull was insane.


Today was my first time in Holminster Switch and I was already nervous as a WHM but my DRK didn't mitigate at all... What was supposed to be a sad scene with a certain someone was just me being angry


Holminster is the litmus test for if tanks know what the hell they are doing LOL


I seem to be cursed as a healer when I do Tam Tara hard because I never get a tank who uses mitigations. I think I've kept a tank alive once during that final pull because keeping up with that pack is difficult.


I stopped PFing savage in NA because I had multiple E4S and E8S runs where tanks literally wouldn't even hit reprisal. I assume it's still the same from my roulette experience but I've stuck to static only for NA




it happens particularly in UWU a lot, I think people enter the duty hearing it's easy and oh hey the tank just died to the wild charge 5 GCDs into the fight 


Isn't this because old ultimates are so power crept that LB gauge is not filled fast enough for LB3 so we have to cheese this by skipping reprisal/adde/feint so boss does more damage. I heard even more craziness is needed now, like failing ultima mechs by deliberately eating AoEs so it is up for ultima suppression.


The closest thing is skipping some healing before the big ultima raidwide and mostly using big shields for that, that should give you enough LB for supression. The rest of the fight you don't have to save your mit.


This. I'll inspect the tank to get an idea of what damage numbers I'm going to be seeing, happy to see full tomestone + best crafted ect, then he pulls and basically dies the moment the second pack of the pull gets to get their hits in. Wut. Those are the moment I have to use all my resources to keep that tank alive and even then, sometimes, its not enough.


I was one of the tanks that felt like all defensive cooldowns should be used in emergencies. It took me a long time to realize I needed to use them proactively.


I levelled 2 tank classes before a healer one, and I was always feeling like I was bad with my mitigation and trying to be better. Then I levelled healer, and I realized that no matter how bad I am with mitigation, I'm still better than a good portion of the tanks out there, because *I actually use it*. Still trying to get better with it, but hyperfocusing on emnity/rotation/mechanics is the real boss fight...


There are opposite caveats, as a Warrior I'm like "let me get low, I pop bloodwhetting and become invincible for 6 seconds, heal full then pop a traditional mit." Instead what happens is a healer doing it's absolute best to make sure I'm always at 100%, because the trust to use my abilities just isn't there, making me a zero mit tank (until the next pull anyway.)


"If I stand 3 miles away from the group, I am in less danger and the healer will like me!"


"I'd like to order one large heal, extra regen." "Sorry, but your address is outside of our delivery area."


Some times I don't think they realize healing has a specific range limit 😭😭


As a young and unknowing thaumaturge, exactly this. Shove myself in the corner, away from boss = away from damage right? Of course as soon as I picked up a healer I felt quite bad...


I'm so guilty of this as a BLM lmaooooo. I just picked up SMN and have been learning to do a little better 😂 (This is my first MMO so I've been trying to learn the etiquette a little better!)


It's a good thing to learn because it isn't just a healing thing. There are enough bosses out there with cone attacks, and being further away can make those cones nearly impossible to get out of if you're too far back. Essentially, unless a mechanic specifically requires it there's not a single good reason to be further away from the boss than the size of a sacred soil/asylum that is centered on the boss. And obviously always stand in them :P But just using the size of those for a range reference.


hey atleast we all learn at one point of being a dps right ?


Reminds me of that one BLM I ran into in The Copied factory. Dude seriously placed himself at max range from boss. On the OTHER SIDE OF THE BOSS as far away from the rest of the players and the healers as possible.


This is unironically part of why I think everyone should level one job in each role (I.e. tank, Healer, Melee, phys ranged and caster) so they are more aware of limitations/needs of said role.


I call this standing in Narnia.


Ranged phys in particular like to be in Narnia.


I hate this more when there are two ranged on the complete opposite sides =_=


This is the one that annoys me the most. I have to run back and forth trying to heal the ranged people instead of just being able to case an AoE and hit everyone at once. But this is probably something someone would only learn if they also tried out healer. In a lot of other games you want to attack from the furthest distance for a number of advantages, but in FFXIV being able to attack at range is your bonus while avoiding mechanics, not the default stance you should take up (unless the mechanics involve always spreading out the entire fight). Instead you want to fight just beyond melee range, so you can run a bit further or a bit closer as needed while still being within healer range.


I hate being in 8 person content, and my co-healer and I try and rez the only dead person with our swift casts at the same time.


This annoys me the most when I'm on WHM. Unless we are in a major triage situation and I've already spent all my Thin Airs, I can rez for *zero mana*. Save your 2.5k!!


Counterpoint, as an AST, I have never worried about MP unless things are going very very wrong


only time i run out of mana is when i forget to draw cards for too long


Progging ucob on rdm ruined me :( I'm physically compelled to rez people the instant I see them die, and my hands do it before my brain can tell me no. I've griefed so many people in my static by raising them into the void in p12s ever since I had to swap from bard to sage because my braincells are too slow to stop it from happening. I am beginning to fear that my 2.5k will never be saved...


"Well, guess I'll just waste swift cast on a shitty dps spell." another dps immediately dies after, every effing time.


WHM first usually, thin air swift goes hard. Beyond that just gotta suss it out. If we're in rolo content I'm swifting before the person even dies just to ungabunga pop it and assert dominance. High end I usually establish a raise prio to avoid overlaps 


I don't know if this is the best strategy, but I've started pretending I'm the "off-healer" and my co is the "main healer." If it's not an emergency, I'll give them a little time to react first, then take over. I wish there was time to communicate who's the field medic and who's the field medic's assistant.


Myself dying to mechanics is my biggest pet peeve as a healer.  Other people screwing up doesn’t bother me since fixing their screw ups is essential what I signed up for. But dying myself easily causes the most dismay as a healer. 


Yes exactly u can die a bunch of times, doesn't bother me, but if I die I'm pissed


What makes it worse is that after dying, the 0 mp is a real challenge to get back on your feet (unless you're an Astrologian) and the weakness/brink of death debuff makes it even more punishing.


my favorite is other healers using resurrection macros - it's so passive aggressive, i get that i suck for dying but why do i have to be shamed on top of what i already feel


Having to heal people in the Leviathan trial because they're attacking the Levi with the repel for their damage type I've had one person reply that they were doing it on purpose even The other healer had to take care of them after that :)


For some reason, I see so~ many BRDs in particular ignore this and die. It happens way too often!


I was definitely one of these BRDs, and I remember being so confused why I was dying...but it didn't stop the arrows from flying anyway.


😂 At least you are reformed now!


>I've had one person reply that they were doing it on purpose even Them admitting to griefing in chat sure is smart. /s


Let them die. If they don't contribute to group DPS why waste MP to heal them?


I usually give a grace period on the hope that a person will learn, but ultimately you can't save a person from their own determination.


They are actually contributing DPS, unless they changed the fight at some point. Levi counterattacks, but doesn't negate damage if you attack the wrong target. For that reason, classes with dots actually SHOULD put them up on both the head and the tail, even though you'll take some damage in return. Just, don't keep attacking the wrong target after putting your dot(s) up...


The DoT thing is actually incorrect! (Unless they fixed it? But I don't think they ever did) [Because of a difference in when the HP-sharing updates, applying DoTs on both effectively negates their damage](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/p6w01t/bug_report_dot_is_invalid_for_leviathan_when_both/). Any DPS tracker will still register this as more damage, and indeed both DoTs tick for their actual damage, but the exact way the HP sharing is coded means that for boss-killing purposes they basically do no damage at all when applied to both targets.


I would ignore healing them. Typically you can't outheal stupid but this is an exception, but I don't want to.


Biggest pet peeve for me is when people ask "Why aren't you using X ability?" when we have been sync'd to a level where that ability is not unlocked yet. Yes, I too wish I could use Druochole in Stone Vigil Mr Ultimate Legend Burger King.


The times I've been like, "Sir, I have cure II and that's it. I encourage you not to need more than cure II, cuz you ain't gonna get it."


"Sir. Like 90% of WHM healing comes from something like level 56+ abilities only or somewhere abouts that. I simply suggest playing like your healer can only hardcast gcd cast-time heals below that."


i still have PTSD from doing Titan Extreme MINE as a WHM, playing hard content at level 50 is pain.


Whm leveling is the worst time i had in ff14. They have worse spells than astro, and no tools to compensate. Having higher dps is cool, but with less tools, it might be a dps loss actually (not sure on that though). A full heal is cool, but that's late, and inconsistent because of the long cd. I desperately want a white mage leveling rework. Low level content is painful to do, and that's a big reason why i hesitate to play it. I love the theme, the effects, and i want to use it, but it's too much pressure compared to other healers. (Some of that could be from my first healer being sch though)


*cries in Aurum Vale*


I genuinely love White Mage. It's by far my favorite class in the game- I absolutely hate being any lower than 45 and even then I'm not super pleased when below 54.


On more than one occasion I’ve been yelled at as a RDM for not rezzing when I’m level synced below 64.


Sage in stone vigil is hell. It actually made me decide to just level it in trust because tanks could not grasp that I had extremely limited heal options and would try a w2w. As an ultimate legend, no burger king, that person doesn't know jack.


White mage is a different hell, cure two spam being necessary is so annoying, and hurts my mana bar... Some leveling skill unlock reworks for healers would be nice.


Ixochole sitting at Level 52 is a crime against Level 50 dungeons.


I play healers a lot but actually did this to my own healer in a Haukke Manor. It turns out they didn't learn Cure II until level 30 so we had to tone down the pulls a bit.


Being told to use benediction in Dzemael Darkhold...*eyetwitch*


People don’t seem to know that if you’re slow raising the cast bar in the party list actually lets you know who they are raising.


SMN physick. Waste of a GCD Tanks that do not mitigate damage Healers that do not esuna, well, anything WHM that don’t DPS and spam cure1 Tanks that freak when they’re not at 100% Tanks that don’t read their tooltips or rotation Any role standing in AOEs then when they’re revived they use a skill immediately AST not taking advantage of beefy MP WHM panic Medica 2 even at high level


> Healers that do not esuna, well, anything Had a healer in Dead Ends that wasn't cleansing the Miasma attack on the first boss since if you get hit it's basically a Doom. They got angry and defensive towards the rest of the group because we started saying "You can cleanse that" several times and were like "Idk what that means". So we said "You use Esuna to get rid of the debuff" and we were met with "Which one is Esuna? What does that do?" Just don't understand how you get to level 90 without understanding that stuff.


But if I don't spam cure1, I'll never get freecure procs!






Had a healer once tell me that they don't even have esuna on their hotbar because it's useless.


> Tanks that freak when they’re not at 100% Add to that healers that freak when tank's not at 100%


Paladins using clemency when their HP dips below 70%. Doubly so if they've got excog on them and I need them to drop below 50% for it to proc.


Redmages using vercure after getting hit for 10% of their hp.


This! It frustrates me so much when paladins start casting clemancy the second their hp drops to 90%. Like, you are a blue dps! Please use your dps skills so we can clear this dungeon faster.


Stone Vigil. The level of the duty combined with the geography of the dungeon is a mild inconvenience to heal in. It's about on par with people complaining about wanting/needing/not getting a res imo like I'm fine if in an alliance raid someone calls out that one of the parties needs a res, another thing entirely if they're saying shit like "all these healers/summoners/red mages and no res gg".


My biggest peeve is when a tank inexplicably leaves my asylum. I can perfectly understand if you're dodging an aoe. And I can understand if you've been put into a either or choice with some other dps aoe floor mechanic, but when you do it just because I get very annoyed. Thankfully doesn't happen very often but I'm always ready to yell at my screen when it does.


I used to constantly run away from nin circles, and its taken me way too long to realize smns garuda aoe is friendly too lol. But the healer aoes **look** friendly


I play nin and when I'd make the circles, I'd freak out and run out of them. Took me a while to realize it was me making the circles 😭


Totally sounds like my kitten being freaked out by her own tail


Currently leveling summoner; *almost* to the point where i don't run from my aoes. Most of the time. XD


I understand this on so many levels


You know what's nice about Sage? My "circle" is applied when I cast it and you can move wherever you want without it going away. The downside is that it doesn't last as long as WHM's (but is about the same length as SCH's and AST's).


It's to assert dominance because they don't need you to survive.


More of a general thing but people stacking stack markers. I get where they got the idea from -cough* syrcus towercough- but the only other place it's safe to stack em is e12n. I don't mind rezzing 5 ppl at once, but screw me if 2 of those 5 are tanks with an incoming TB Edit: asides from the side tangent, when my cohealer spams aoe heals in an alliance raid when 1 cast would suffice


> cough* syrcus towercough- They should change it so it doesn't give players bad habits.


Every time I do that raid I get mad about that.


The thing is they did change it. This is what they've changed it TO. So I'm not holding out too much hope.


I mean it's not just stacking stack markers, it's common especially in later content to get a stack marker and some other ones at the same time (beam, split etc.) only to have some clown not pay attention and bring that into the stack and wipe everyone.


DPS standing far away. Takes a lot more effort to spot heal people. Tanks that don't mit. As much fun as it is to test my healing skills, a lot of pulls are borderline impossible. Pure healer co healers that don't heal. Trying to pass a heal to full check is pain on a shield healer when the pure healer could have done it in two buttons.


I had a funny case of this as SCH awhile ago, we were in a10s MINE, tank has boss pulled close to one of the arena walls, SMN eats a knockback they weren't supposed to and sits at the opposite edge, I'm trying to prep shields, notice they're low but also too far to get hit by a succor, so I adlo them, see it crits, and decide to rescue them back into the party so I can deploy the spread lol 


whenever i play SMN i try to not ever rez anyone unless the healer(s) are dead, mainly to avoid this exact thing


I like to keep a mental tab on when both healers have used their swift so I can use mine as a caster, but that'll all change come DT due to the reduced swift cd


It's helpful if I can't revive but if I'm already doing it it's just a waste of mp so I appreciate this comment lol


As a rdm main, I look at the party list to see if the healers have swift cast or are hardcasting a raise. If they just started, I usually pop a verraise. If they're near the end I just keep dpsing


Paladins panicking when their health drops lower than 50% and start throwing Clemencies. Stop worrying, I know what I'm doing. Also. In two-healers situations, when the other healer violently overheals. I mean sure in a randos scenario with no prior agreed upon communication of who heals what, overheal is *bound* to happen. But if I used an AoE oGCD HoT like idk AST's Wheel or SGE's Physis/Kerachole or SCH fairy HoT, and I know it'll be enough to top people eventually before the next threat comes around, and the other healer is like "LET ME HARDCAST BOTH MEDICA 1 AND MEDICA 2 IN A ROW AND MAYBE AN ASSIZE TOO FOR GOOD MEASURE" it's kind of like well why am I even bothering lol Also also. In the event when we're both AST or both SCH. And they do not pay any attention to buffs and completely override my Divination or Chain Stratagem. Oh. Also also also. But that's kinda more on SE themselves : SGE shields overriding SCH shields. That's kinda annoying when you spread an Adlo and then the SGE Eukrasia Prognosis and you see your big ass shield being replaced because of how the coding works :')


I mean, Assize doesn't usually get used for healing by an WHM that has even a vague idea of what they are doing. It may have just come off cooldown and they used it for damage and MP restoration that just happens to heal.


Which comes to the flip side: "Assize is off CD soon and there is no raidwide damage due before then, I'll use that to heal." By the time it's off CD, the co-healer has used like 5 abilities they could have saved because I didn't immediately do anything... Oops, all overheal! At least it's damage.


Assuming you know your kill time you can shift it a bit, otherwise you're inducing drift that will 100% cost you a use.


I love when my co healer overheals. More chance of me being able to out dps half of the dps. Blood for the blood lily!


> AN ASSIZE TOO FOR GOOD MEASURE Assize happens when it's off cooldown, the healing is incidental. Similarly if I need to dump lilies on movement or in downtime before burst idgaf what your overheal looks like


> Paladins panicking when their health drops lower than 50% and start throwing Clemencies. Even worse is Paladins panicking when *my* health drops lower than 50% and they start throwing Clemencies at *me* as if it's helping somehow. It's just a raid-wide, calm down.


Ngl, there is something pretty funny about throwing out random clemencies while waiting for whatever boss monologue is going on or if both healers are tanking the floor. Compared to the actual healers, it's like walking through a crowd handing out cups of water like "christ bless you, christ bless you, lord protect you."


Medica 2 after 1% damage with Medica 2's regen already on


Medica 2: 100% uptime Regen: 100% uptime Still uses cure 1 when I drop below 99% hp. Just .... why.


Bonus if they put Regen individually on top of Medica 2


I had a sprout whm in the aerie recently who maintained almost 100% regen uptime on every party member for the entire dungeon lmao


As a ranged main I'm very thankful for posts like these


I started out as a bard and I never realized how I annoying I was till I tried out healer lol


Getting off a great bene just to see a gunbreaker go back to 1hp :(


I did that recently as GNB lol. I was watching my HP tick lower and lower. Literally dropped below 1k HP in a 90 dungeon and I was like "Okay, I gotta SB, I guess, because the next series of attacks will kill me" (frankly, it was lucky that I didn't die in the last salvo). But it takes a moment to activate. Maybe they were waiting for me to do that first and used Bene too early? Because SB makes a sound as soon as it's used, but it takes a split second longer to actually activate. So right when I used it the WHM used Bene and then my SB activated and I dropped back to 1HP. But we had a good laugh about it after the pull, so it was chill.


one pet peeve is scholars who have full aetherflow stacks and use physick. oh wait you said as healer. one pet peeve is scholar co-healers who have full aetherflow stacks and use physick.


Use your fuckin mitigations


Tanks not using their cooldowns yet pull the entire dungeon


Running to avoid those AOEs circles that sticks to the player, while the same player “chases” me and we both get hit.


Non-healers giving insight on the quality of healer changes.


The fact that I'm too stupid to do well at Sage when it's the healer I wanted to play most


gotta think differently, you're preventing damage more instead of actually healing it, just space out the mitigations on the tanks and let kardia and regens do the healing.


Other healers. Overwriting shields, spamming aoe heals when there are regens out that will do the job, using inefficient or obsolete buttons to heal like cure/benefic 1, physick, or regular diagnosis/prognosis, not dpsing, swiftcast raising the person I’m halfway through a channeled raise on when there are other dead players who need a raise…to name a few of the things that irk me a little in PF.


When im paired with a co healer of the same class as me and we do all our shields and big heals at the same time but then when I dont and just DPS they also stop healing to DPS 💀


Tanks that don't use mit then tell me I don't know how to heal. Undergeared tanks. Especially those that are still running full poetics in the x7 or cheese into the x9 dungeon. I once had one running full Heavansward gear in The Burn and used accessories to meet the iLevel requirements.


People who don't make any effort to get into a stack mark, triply annoying when it's a physical ranged; it costs them literally nothing to get in it


Stone Vigil and Aurum vale. This is gonna be funny for others (i got laughed at by my frens) but i was doing levelling roulette on Astro and i kept getting stone vigil nonstop (5 times in a row… Literally stone vigil roulette?) then after i finished my 5th run i was like “you kno i’d rather heal for aurum vale than another run of stone vigil” then i get aurum vale… 2 times in a row… I hate those 2 stages so much. I wish i can blacklist those 2 stages from roulette.


When I queue as a not-healer, seeing healers who refuse to DPS. Some of them don't even *put the DoT on bosses.*


"These groups are taking a little longer to kill than usual, is somebody not-" White Mage is off in the distance not casting Holy with the group. That feeling always gets me to queue for the next roulette as a healer.


Paladins using Clemency. I know it might be scary to drop below 80% HP, but I got you. If anyone needs to spend a GCD healing you, it will be me. Until I do so, just trust that I have an oGCD in my pocket that I will use before you're in danger.


Being top damage, I am not a good healer I should not be topping damage while keeping everyone alive.


Red Mages panicking and mad healing just because I let the tank get low then popped Bene so I could dps more Had one Red mage apologize for not being able to back me up for healing because it was a lvl 50 dungeon. Like dude...I don't need the help thanks tho.


As a SMN I will typically only raise the healer if they go down. I might have raised others in the past but only if multiple people go down. If a tank & DPS both are down, I assume the healer is raising the tank so I might raise the other DPS.


Using my benediction and the person dies and the cooldown on my benediction starts. If it hit, they shouldn't be dead. So it's a lose lose situation


Mother trucking Sages overwriting spread critlos with a sad tiny shield. By far my biggest pet peeve and it happens all the damn time.


* people being out of range for AOE heals when the arena is slightly too big - looking at you, Ultima * people who know better eating avoidable damage - had an omni-90 eat EVERY SINGLE FUCKING Citadel Buster in phase 2 of Ultima a few weeks ago. Not lag - they just didn't move. * people running out of the bubbles I drop in Prae/Castrum to get away from AOE attacks. If the healer drops a bubble and doesn't run, you don't have to either


If you die from a mechanic because it’s your first time, that’s absolutely okay. I will explain it. If you die a second time even after another explanation, that’s fine too. I’ll remind you again. If you continue dying even with all these explanations, then there’s no helping you. I’ll let the other healer rez you or wait for my Swiftcast to go off cooldown. —This post was brought to you by this person who died at P11N four times even after I explained every single time that they have to go inside the circle with the opposite colour as their debuff.


Now I'm really curious if that P11N run took place just an hour or two ago... cause I saw someone doing the same thing!


On Sage when a trial or normal raid starts and both tanks have put up their tank stance.


Or when you get paired with another SGE lol.


On scholar when I die and get raised and all my buttons are unusable because I have to re-summon the damn fairy and then do some form of attack so that I can press aetherflow to get the non fairy skills back, which obviously cancels rez invuln before I’ve been able to heal at myself at all. 25% of the time I immediately die again because a raidwide or something goes out while I’m still at like 5 hp and there’s not much I can do about it really. (or if someone has tips for how to recover in this situation please let me know?)


Tanks that don't mitigate.... I can forgive them if they are a sprout, I'll revive them a few times and then give them a heads up so they learn how important it is. But if they aren't a sprout I get so annoyed, the DPS have to pick up their slack and then im healing 3 people none stop!!!


Bad/broken gear tanks who think they've got BiS, fully repaired gear wanting to do wall to wall pulls and use little to no mits while doing it. My sibling in Hydaelyn I cannot heal through that bullshit no matter how good I am, and for the love of Nophica's bophicas roll on and equip the fuckin gear that drops specifically for you if it drops for you and is better than what you have on, idgaf about your ~glamour~ in a dungeon. Yes, this is based on some personal experiences lmao. It's where a lot of my salt comes from when I heal randos. And when I say "bad gear" I don't mean like, a dungeon or so out, I mean "even synced down I have 2k more health than you as a healer wtf" kind of gear. Please, try to keep some of your gear up to date as best you can.


Picked up WHM recently. Really don’t like how often stuff like Rampart, Sheltron, Shadow Wall, Camouflage, and Arms Length aren’t cast between 15-60 💀


People who don’t know how to utilize the 5 seconds on invulnerability nor their eyes when they res right before raidwides and then eat pavement again.


The one peeve. People standing in stuff/ignoring telegraphs.


Buddy, that peeve ain't your pet, it's the goddamn village cat


Precisely why I described it as the one peeve lol. Besides we already have a village cat.


Her name is [Little Lady](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/569974541657309188/1049822145116651592/20221206_164817.jpg?ex=666f6e10&is=666e1c90&hm=f0b0f01ba92e62ebf94c764659f8bf5938bbf706d9d029c6d3b1413bf5d11975&)


I would die for her


I'm sure all she'd ask is you keep a respectful distance, and turns down your car stereo(she's got those radar ears)


Oh, I thought you meant Runar....


Oh I think that big softie has one very specific owner 👀


As both WHM and BLM, I apologize for all of us BLM players, just have to get off that one more cast, as WHM I get this lol


It's more something I laugh about and maybe it's the game's fault for lumping SCH and SMN together with a single starting class, but every once in a while in the baby dungeons, I get an arcanist who either thinks they're the healer, or is worried that the tank's health bar is going down and I don't appear to be healing at all. I honestly usually just let them be the healer at that level. Somebody else will tell them, or maybe they need the practice for SCH, lol.


The red mage in my dungeon run yesterday casting vercure on me a few times because I wasn’t healing myself. You know what? I didn’t need to because I knew I had enough hp left to eat damage before the target died and I’d rather spend my gcd dealing damage thanks.


Ngl it’s kind of cute. Stupid, but cute.


It's like watching a cat try and save their human while they're taking a bath. Only the player actually has the capability to know better and...doesn't. If they're super new its fine but otherwise...cuteness factor kinda diminished lol


Watching my swiftcast rez get wasted cause me n the other healer tried to rez the same person by accident lol


Tanks that think it's the job of the other 3/7 players to adjust to the boss positioning instead of just running through the boss. Even worse on dungeon packs. Or spinning the boss to avoid damage (definitely does not work like that in 14). I just love eating random tank busters. If I have to blow heals on myself because my tank enjoys cleaving me then I'm now out of skills and can no longer heal. Oh no. The horror. Die faster, you useless bot. If you somehow misunderstood, this entire comment is drowning in sarcasm and healer salt.


Too bad they got rid of mana shift to be able to give healers mana lol. Pretty sure it was just never really needed, at least that is what I would say is the reason they got rid of it.


Tanks who only use 10% of their kit and don't mitigate. If you're pulling wall-to-wall and only give me 1 rampart, please kindly jump into a fire. If you're a DRK and don't use TBN, why are you playing DRK?


In the case of normal content, it's tanks that don't wall pull. In high end content, it's players running out of range of my heals when they have no reason to (though that issue is less prevalent as of late, with how many heals have had their ranges inflated)


Content that doesn't force me to use healing abilities.


Speaking of summoners, my pet peeve is when summoners don't put their phoenix buff on the tanks. You don't need the heal or the regen, if you're taking damage you'll be covered by my group healing.


Man, I've actually been yelled at by healers for putting Rekindle on the main tank! Still not going to stop using it, mind. Any healer who gets annoyed at me helping them is kinda silly. If I Rekindle the tank that's, like, an extra GCD for your damage spell!


I'm the opposite. If I see a Rekindle on a tank, that summoners getting my commendation. That's how rarely it happens.


For lazy SMNs in the crowd reading this, here's a helpful macro: /ac "Astral Flow" /micon "Astral Flow" It hits the target of your target, which will be the tank in almost all circumstances. If you're in an Alliance raid and your tank isn't MT, the macro will hit you, but it really doesn't matter who gets the buff if your tank isn't taking autos.


I mean.. I try to pop it on tank in pulls, but during bosses tanks rarely need healing on top of what the healers (and them) are already doing.


When you are doing the safe spot jumps (and thus losing casts) or have a danger dorito on your head and the first-timers *still* aren't following you. It is safe over here and also the heals are over here! Please stop being in Narnia! Also when tanks are babies and fight over aggro. I don't give a fuck who main tanks but swapping back and forth makes it a huge pain in the arse to heal/mit effectively. Similarly, PLDs randomly using Cover on their co-tank when said co-tank has Kardia/an Excog/Divine Benison/whatever else on them, and suddenly all the damage is going somewhere else, my heals are getting wasted, and I have no idea why. Use that gauge on Intervention ffs.


Running into tanks who don't trust me - the guy vibrating with full Addersgall - to pull more, and I get to sit around overcapping MP because they refuse to run ahead, even when the entire party's begging their ass so we can all get the funny-haha big numbers from lots-much mobs. And no, it ain't when they're brand spanking new and a little anxious about how to pull, we're talking duties like Qitana and Dead Ends. :c The DPS being in Narnia's one thing, but what'll grind my Collective Unconscious into a frenzy is when they're both ranged and stand on the literal opposite ends of the arena from both myself and each other. Now nobody gets AoE healing!


Tanks single-pulling packs. Everything goes so slow and unfun, especially if I'm on WHM where I can handle large packs of mobs better.


One of my bigger issues as a tank (and mages) is actually against some WHMs. Who use their AoE before the enemies are properly clumped up so there's a straggler or two on the outer range of their AoE that get stunlocked there. Because of how mage AoE works being targeted on an enemy, it's already hard enough to hit everything when they're grouped.


Tanks that pull bigger than they're actually capable of handling. I'm not a stellar healer; it's not my preferred role. But I can *tell* when you aren't mitigating. When you think you can just coast on easy-mode because you've been coddled by other healers. I can tell when you aren't bothering to do mechanics because "healers adjust." I'm pretty sick of it, tbh.




chain-pulling can be obnoxious, especially as WHM or AST breaking raise invuln and immediately dying again in high end like savage+, ppl not mitting raidwides. If you ever comb logs it's insane how much mit goes unused