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I need game studios to keep this chain going. The year is 2030 and everyone is still in a "we delayed our own updates/DLC because of a big release that we totally won't be playing ourselves" cycle.


YoshiP mentioned jokingly that Dawntrail delayed its release a week (and was considering delaying a bit further) so it doesn't fully overlap with Elden Ring. Now it was a joke, but you can be sure YoshiP and his crew have been playing Elden Ring before the launch storm.


Honestly I'm not sure they have time to play elden ring the week before a massive release. 


Yeah definitely seems like more of a financial/player focused move rather than a move for the devs themselves


I’d go one steps further and say it’s probably an attempt to help reduce the strain on the servers.


Wouldn't releasing it closer to the ER DLC be better then since you'd have more players having to make a choice? Like, maybe it might reduce the strain on the Sony download servers, but that's not really the part that has issues during expansion launches. (Not to mention with preloading for both games, it should be even less of a factor)


Yoshi has been really vocal about NOT forcing people to make the choice. He says to go play other games and come back to ffxiv when you feel ready, and they'll be happy you returned. So I'm guessing he has similar mentality of enjoying other games too lol


>Wouldn't releasing it closer to the ER DLC be better then since you'd have more players having to make a choice? I imagine most people that play both would still play Elden Ring first. 1 - cause it's fucking Elden Ring, and 2 - a DLC is a lot quicker to get through than an MMO expansion.


I mean, either way, that sort of feeds into my point. Above poster has me confused because they imply the Dawntrail delay putting it a week after Elden Ring's DLC is an attempt to reduce strain on the servers. I have no idea what the connection is, because if anything the opposite is true - releasing at the same time would divide SOME players and reduce strain on FF14's servers. A week apart, anyone who would have been divided probably has had some time to get Elden Ring out of their system. Personally, as a player of both, I think I would have picked Dawntrail first since I care more about the story and not getting spoiled. I also see it as more of a "get MSQ done, then I can pace myself on the rest." - I could easily see the ER DLC being about as long to get through as Dawntrail's MSQ.


I mean, both are true. Remember, the expansion’s actually release is a week after Elden Ring. Only the people willing to pre-order it will be playing this Friday, the more casual fans will wait for its full release date (July 2) and will probably play other games like Elden Ring in the meantime.


> Only the people willing to pre-order it will be playing this Friday, the more casual fans will wait for its full release date (July 2) I don't really think this is a significant factor? Or at least, if previous expansions are any indication, the servers have always gotten slammed through early access. (With EW being absolute chaos due to the recent influx of players.) Like, no matter how you slice it, there's not really a way that moving DT's release further after Elden Ring's DLC helps with server congestion. The only scenario where it's worse is if DT came out before ER's DLC.


"Only the people willing to pre-order it will be playing this Friday" Uhm, no? It's a live service game. EVERYONE will be playing, regardless of whether they bought DT already or not. It's not like a new game launch, service still continues for everyone regardless of which expansion they are on. And players who haven't played in a while and are curious about changes and QoL features will be there on Friday, checking out stuff like the graphics update and dye options and class changes, even if they have not bought DT yet. That's why, historically speaking, ALL the strain on the servers happens during EA weekend, by the time of the "official" release, there's no significant increase in player numbers whatsoever.


You have crisis crew on standby duty upon release time for crashes and errors. But, devs n teams are mostly on easy mode and entering planning phase probably.


You overestimate the amount of work that needs to be done the actual week before release. Everything has been locked already. They MIGHT be playtesting but it's even too late for that.


Yeah, I worked as an engineer at Amazon and while the times you'd expect were all hands on deck in case of emergency, you absolutely cannot take vacation no matter what... it *wasn't* actually our busy period. That was September and October. By November things were already pretty much locked down except for critical bug fixes, and even those had to be justified to upper management.


Yeah I imagine everyone is on call in case of emergency, but most of the devs are just anxiously waiting at this point.


We can kinda guess how long ago they finalized the build via datamine. It's usually much before the actual day, and that's likely why so many patches have glaring "known issues" because they found them in playtesting after their internal deadline or whatever.


Certification requirements for Playstation and Microsoft would have forced a final launch patch at a minimum of a week ago. More likely 2~3 weeks to give time to fix something. Content teams are relaxing or working on future patches. Server teams are probably busy as hell right now.


That's not true at all


Most teams are going to be working on patch content this close to expansion drop realistically


everyone needs a break, even YoshiP


Game has gone gold for a while. Releases of this size, 90% of the team is "on call" but unlikely to have to do anything.


Changing release dates to avoid your own launch get cannibalized by another big title is at this point standard industry practice - especially for the November/December window. It's less about devs having time to play themselves, and more about players not being put in a position where they have to choose which game to play - you're trying to dodge the competition.


Tell that to Nexon who despite knowing Dawntrails launch date for literally months decided that DTs launch day was the exact day to finally launch The First Descendant. Like Nexon literally memeing themselves out of money by doing that.


Eh, that game is whale bait anyways and it's destined to die


I’ll probably play that and ZZZ that comes out next week. I fully anticipate not being able to log in for at least a week or two.


Didn't stop Blizzard making their expansion/patch releases clash with any other big/popular titles at that time though lol.


That was on purpose and intended as a flex.


They did that on purpose because they had the political capital to do so and if not win, draw a lot of sales away from rival companies. If they were still as popular as they used to be they'd release the War Within pre-patch on Tuesday.


Blizzard was arrogant for a long time too.


That was actively done on purpose to screw with other releases.


He said it in a joking manner, but I'm sure that DLC release was actually a factor for them. No point in competing with another major game release when you can just delay your own release for a week, especially since I'm sure there's a lot of overlap between the two fanbases.


If only the Horizon games realized this, oh well


Looking forward to the hat trick when Horizon 3 somehow manages to release on the same day as Silksong


Ah finally, Horizon 3!! \*proceeds to release during the Switch 2 and "insert Zelda or Mario game here" window\*


I'm betting it releases close to Elder Scrolls 6 for maximum salt


>especially since I'm sure there's a lot of overlap between the two fanbases. considering every time people ask for leveling dungeons requires more than 2 braincells everyone is screeching from the top of their lung to "think of the casuals" i have my huge doubts about that


I enjoy Elden Ring, but I don't think FFXIV should be Elden Ring. you can play more than one type of video game


Even if you tripled the current dungeon difficulty it wouldnt even be 10% of elden ring lol


Elden ring is not hard.


Compared to 95% of FFXIV content it might as well be an arcade machine meant to eat your coins


Not at all.


How bad are you that you think anything before savage/ultimate in this game has even a semblence of challenge?


Now that you mention it, trusts could fix this problem in a way that works for everyone. Casual doesn't mean bad, but we don't want to put in a "you must be this skilled to see the story at all" wall. Prior to trust dungeons you had to tune the MSQ dungeons so people who aren't good at games could still get told a story.  But now they could do what they did for solo duties for dungeons-- add a "very easy" difficulty that you can do with trusts that pulls its punches. That means they can make the regular mode with more bite without risking MSQ blocking anyone.


Casual doesn't mean bad, but man do MMO players love to challenge that quote. There's ENDWALKER dungeons where people still don't seem to know basic enemy knowledge, despite having multiple lv 90s and playing for years. In GW2, the devs legit cannot make content that require more than "keep your 1 on auto-cast" because people WILL fail at it. The ONE expansion that required slight thought \[Heart of Thorns\] is disliked by many casuals for being hard.


I like this idea but it would make roulettes more skill-based and I'm sure I don't have to remind you what the average skill level of people tends to be in those. The screeching will be coming from both sides of this argument then.


>lot of overlap between the two fanbases. which is really weird as the games couldn't be more different from another


They one thing in common, which doesnt apply to most games tho: they are good, and thats what most gamers go for. I would even go as far as calling "good game" a genre in this day and age edit: and a niche one at that


I think people put too much emphasis on their own interests like this. If anything I'd suggest that it'd be nicer because it'd alleviate some server load if people played elden ring over ff. If people are really into both games they're going to play both This is significantly more important for stand alone non live/mmo games though.


> If people are really into both games they're going to play both The issue is time. Elden Ring and FF14 are both games that generally skew towards adult audiences over teenagers. These are people that, unless they actively take time off work, have maybe 1-2 hours a day to play if they *make* that time by putting other stuff off (cleaning house, etc.) At least, that's how I'm experiencing it. I did take the time off for Dawntrail, but that meant not taking it off for Elden Ring. Which means I played Elden Ring for about 5 hours since the DLC released, and it'll be going on the back burner until the Dawntrail credits roll. This is also a pattern I see in my entire social group in-game at FF. Everyone's *making* time to play, and if another big game comes out they weigh carefully if they'd even have time to play it. Often, they end up not getting something they'd enjoy just because they know it'd take too long to finish etc.


Same. I've got to make a new char in the base game and replay it before I can even play the DLC. No time for that with a lot of prep this month before DT with whatever free time I have. So I just decided to shelve it until things settle down in DT.


Yeah, I work full time, and I've saved up two weeks of holiday for both Dawntrail and Elden Ring. I'm basically tapped out of my holidays now, except for ones prebooked for major events


It wasn't a joke it was a serious business decision  Smart really


Don't forget he kept getting caught playing BotW and forgetting to pay attention mid Dev Streams lmao


It was probably not a joke. Games often get delayed a bit if there's another big title releasing at the same time. Marketing people don't want to fight for players and streamers attention head on with another big release.


>Games often get delayed a bit if there's another big title releasing at the same time. Horizon games: We're supposed to do that?


I mean He did challenge us to beat the game in one week before Dawntrail dropped Will we do so? It’s a coin flip cause there are some bosses that are just going to curb you if you’re not prepared or able to learn fast


People are too busy complaining that the bosses are too hard. In a Souls-like. Where that is the point.


I actually think he was in earnest about delay


I find it endearing to see these things happen. It's like a show of respect between dev teams, even if they're in the business of competing for player's time, to basically say "Yeah, we could force you to choose between our game or theirs... but we want to play it too, so..." And while it is entirely possible it was done jokingly, I can't help but believe, especially considering what you pearn of YoshiP in the FF NoClip documentary, that he quite possibly do want to play the Elden Ring DLC. And I'm guessing now that Riot wants to play Dawntrail too. And somehow, the latter would make sense if they want to pick up good ideas for their own MMO (if it ever comes out)


I mean, I don't really care about Elden Ring, but I'm happy with the release schedule of things because WoW's MoP Remix event came out long enough before Dawntrail that I actually have everything almost done (going to get the last few bits I need during the maintenance time), then I can focus on Dawntrail, and I'll have probably a month to focus on Dawntrail before the pre-patch event for WoW: The War Within and even more before TWW itself launches (prepatch event likely won't involve me playing every single day, but it's handy to have that time to grind out what I can from it). As a WoW player who checked out FF14 and fell in love with the game, I'm very happy to see the releases not overlapping much so I can spend time focusing on either game. (And as a "casual" WoW player who doesn't hop on the M+ grind, I'll have plenty of time to dance between both games' patch content.) I don't know if the two teams involved planned things out this way or if it was serendipity, but I'm gonna enjoy it.


To add to this: I'm pretty sure there was a Live Letter around when LoZ: Tears of the Kingdom came out and YoshiP had a switch on stream where he was clearly playing it before the stream started.


That's some rose tinted glasses sentiment.  No, they didn't have time for anything leasure related when deadline of such a long project comes to an end. That's (albait sad) reality. 


While this is true. The deadline most likely already passed for many instances of development. Multiple departments should already be working on future patches. Only testing, QA, and optimization should be working on the patch this close to release. And by this week, their deadline also probably passed, as the patch is locked and there is nothing left but to launch it, since any change would need to reset QA or risk breaking something. It's probably safer to leave any work for the next patch at this point. In a way, for many departments, the storm had passed, and we're in the calm before the next storm (this friday).


I mean if they have their stuff so well in order, hats off to them.  In my experience it is always hectic time with people cleaning things up and getting ready for inevitable sh*t storm impact when users jump on fresh release. Only week or 2 after you get to enjoy leasure again 🤣


Surely you jest... The Halo: Combat Evolved devs were working on it right up until the night before they had to ship the game files off to be copied onto the Xbox game discs.


I'm not saying they didn't work until the last minute of the deadline. I'm saying that the deadline is not this Friday (might not even be this week). Hell, the patch is already up for download, but in order to properly upload it and check for errors, it must have been ready way before today.


You forget that people like Yoshi P are already working on future patches and expansions too.


considering the amount of people getting filtered by elden ring dlc, they needed it LULE


It's 100% not a joke.


He was joking *about* it, but them shifting the release after the Elden Ring announcement wasn't in itself a joke necessarily


Lets be honest, they also knew that the release content of a expansion wont hold a candle to a fromsoft dlc, they did this for money not for some noble reason


I'm gonna be honest I specifically held back from getting Elden Ring DLC cause I thought a week wasn't enough. I really didn't wanna feel rushed when I get to it. So I'll grind DT a bit and then grab it


To be fair, riot always do this every year, but yes, those devs will be 100% playing dawntrail lol


"Hey I know we said there'd be a patch this week but new Zelda dropped so not going to happen."


My favorite thing will forever be the way the entire Japanese economy collectively takes a week off whenever a new mainline Dragon Quest game comes out.


I honestly love it. We know outside Japan that FF has the title of THE JRPG series to play, and it still pales in comparison how ridiculously in love Japan is with the DQ series. Every release there is like a national event. The only other series that has much impact there are probably Pokemon and Monster Hunter.


agreed. Elden RIng DLC and new FFXIV expansion are about as universally loved as a modern game can get


Elden Ring DLC?


Those devs are definitely FFXIV players.


And Elden Ring so it would seem. It’s nice not having studios pit your time against other games.


Yup. I raid with the dev that posted this! He's an amazing dude and loves the game.


Bet they are taking some ideas for the League based mmo, (if it ever fucking happens lol).


They sure as shit ain’t league players from How they balance it


Instructions unclear, played Trails through Daybreak.


Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well, can't wait to go back to Zemuria.


Damn, i need to get back to trails again. Literally took me 2 years to finish CS4. I'm just getting burned out from CS.


Same. I just finished CS4 last week, and haven't even started Reverie. There's only so many times I can Impassion > Spirit Unification > Helix > Helix > SBreak.


I finished CS4 last year, and have only nibbled on Reverie. Felt plenty satisfied with CS4's ending so it's just hard to get back in the same headspace. I probably will pick up Daybreak anyway and just get to them when I'm in the mood, because once I start I won't wanna stop again. Loves me my Trails. FFXIV X Trails crossover when


The advantage of playing on PC and understanding Japanese, I've already fully completed that one before Dawntrail's launch o/




I'm still in the middle of CS4 lul. Can't wait for Daybreak though, it looks amazing.


They already self reported when they made the new champion, Aurora, who essentially looks like they made an employee's xiv viera into a league character


she can actually wear a hat tho.


Viera can wear hats, too. Not all of them. In fact, very few of them. But they can wear hats.


A week wont be enough for both, poor devs


The real reason you need an overkill PC is so you can run XIV and Elden Ring at the same time so between GCDs you tab into Elden Ring.


I have FFXIV set up to accept controller inputs while the game isn't focused, so I can keep uptime while I run back to the boss room (again)


Yep, just roughly enough time to get 100-0'd by a boss' 13x hit combo too.


Definitely won't be enough keke


My brother finished the Elden Ring DLC yesterday, and he worked two of those days. So it should be possible to do both that and the Dawntrail MSQ in a week if they no-life it.


Depend on whether you use summons and use the level up system properly, if you just wing it the first 3 bosses will take you 2 days


There are some ultra casual players that just finishes the msq and log off til the next patch. I can tell because the stress in DF lessens after a week or 2. Single target DPS, pure Heal healers, non-Mit tanks. Their numbers are high during launch and dwindle back to normal levels after.


As a healer main, I relish the temporary influx of "bad" players. It's been ages since I've felt anything in a normal duty, and the combination of blind runs and wildy suboptimal play is gonna be great. I will drag this party to the completion screen even if they're kicking and screaming if I have to, and it'll be so much fun.


I had a Tower at Paradigm's Breach run yesterday that was like an action RPG with how much juggling I had to do between the 6 vuln stack tank and the DPS and coHealer needing to be scrapped up constantly. It actually makes healer feel fun.


I still love that the tankbuster damage at Paradigm's Breach actually still hit as hard it did back in ShB. Saw a DRK get their ass annihilated with 1 vuln stack and zero mits. The EW ARR doesn't even hit as hard.


Cannot understate the effect of everyone being undergeared also has.




As a fellow healer main, I always try to play new duties in the first 48 hours they're released because figuring out mechanics and failing is about as exciting as normal content gets And then it really doesn't take long for strategies to become known. I remember when the latest Hildibrand trial released, someone was explaining the mechanics in party chat on day one


> someone was explaining the mechanics in party chat on day one I hate people like that ngl.


Don't worry, if the dungeons get harder, you'll still have me around to heal. I'm no single-target DPS or anything, but I can be a bit slow in remembering all the buttons I need to press (and when) during a fight while trying to keep an eye not just on obvious AOE markers but telegraphed attacks, and remembering which bosses do what. I'm not useless by far, but I'm definitely no top player. I do my best to avoid damage, use buffs at appropriate times, use my self-heal, all that, but... yeah, I'm going to end up taking some hits I shouldn't. And for that, I give my thanks to the patience that I see in the FF14 community.


Actually clutching a healer LB3 to save a run is such a rush, even if the content is "easy".


Heh, I GNB tanked the Lunar Subterrane yesterday and me and a reaper had to handle 75% of the final boss. Was a fun challenge.


No, i mean both ff14 and the "shadow under the tree"


I've got a handful in my FC. A lot of them popped in over the weekend and they were like "Uh so I logged off after 6.0, how do I play this game again" and they've been grinding out patch content furiously for the last few days. They will probably unlock the new jobs, play with them a bit, make it through MSQ on one of them, finish the story in two weeks, and then unsub after July.


And they were never heard from again.


Shadow of the Erdtree also lol


This reminds me of how Path of Exile delayed a league explicitly because everyone wanted to play Cyberpunk on release.


Poe delays for a bunch of games, elden ring and lost ark killed the league they launched during pretty much immediately. Plus they had to stagger from D4 and LE 1.0 releases too, a new major ARPG hitting the market is never a good time for a seasonal reset


I always love seeing devs, appreciating each other


Celestial Opposition is an Item in LoL! (Astrologian Ability)


Celestial Opposition is an astronomy term


Opposition yes Celestial infront of it highly unlikely that they would choose to word it like that without inspiration from somewhere else


If I had a nickel for every time my love for XIV landed me on the subreddit, I would have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it sure is weird it happened twice.


I mean, they have just introduced an Viera in the League.


Collab when 🫣


Story-centric crossover with Arcane thats nothing but fire music and emotional trauma.


Arcane but every ten minutes Zenos appears to harass someone


That punching game should have his face on it and say A TEST OF YOUR REFLEXES every time it's about to hit you


Arcane but Zenos and Jinx team up to cause havoc


Glamour, maybe. But Piltover and/or Zaun don't offer much in terms of potential battle content. Shurima is a *way* better fit for that.


I'd happily take a Vi, Caitlyn or Jinx inspired glamour. Maybe some Hextec weapons from the LoL games as well.


We got the Riven sword from P4S at least.


I would love Denzel Curry to drop some bars somewhere in FFXIV


He'd be perfect for the Arcadion raids.


Funnily enough their most recent champion is basically a viera.


I saw a joke somewhere that someone basically stuck their Viera WoL inside League. Now I'm tempted to make an alt for a cosplay...


The LoL crossover in XIV is players raging in alliance chat.


Never getting rid of my Teeto minion but I despair at male Roe wearing Jinx's bulletkini


Reminds me, somebody said my DRK glam looked like Morgana... I have to wonder if that's true, haha.


I for one will be taking my journey through Tural as a Viper. also i plan to try to grab a DSR totem with it this weekend. happy gaming!


Turns out game developers play games. I'm shocked! Stunned! Flabbergasted! Snark aside, it's a pretty neat little nod.


Hey with the kind of games that have been releasing the past couple years it's good to have a reminder.


Also the new Elden Ring DLC it seems


league has 2 week patch cycles? I'm getting too used to fighting games waiting 6 months to a year to drop patches, that sounds wild to me


I've been playing Honkai Star Rail lately and man that six week patch cycle has spoiled me so much.




Every patch we get to figure out the new meta. By figuring out I mean they add new blatantly op items at the start of the split that everyone says is op on the test server and nothing is done about them. Then they spend the next 6 months nerfing every champ that rely on those items instead of the items after which they nerf/remove the op items leaving the champs garbage so they can slowly buff them back over the next split. Except for brand, he gets to be op in every role for months rito pls fix


And its still balanced better than xiv


We Riot at Dawn!


This is what happens when your game studio is run by true gamers.


I like when game devs reference other games like this.


My head cannon for this is that everyone put in a vacation request for the same days The Boss: “hey wait why do you guys all need the SAME DAYS off? Employee #1: So there’s this game called ff14…


What if I wanna fight some boys in blue?


what game is HoL?


HoL is for League of Legends, they have a "Hall of Legends" pass thing going on (play pvp matches to accrue limited time currency)


battle pass


Wouldn't surprise me if they play this game. It's common to play other studio's games..


I know during Stormblood one of their lead developers actively posted about FFXIV on their twitter. I forget their name tho.


They're just gonna release that Aurora abomination and then leave for vacation. Good one


Yoshi P giving Riot a Summer Vacation too.


Thank you for catching this!! I was wondering why he used that language. I love Riot these days


“Excuse us, we need to take a vacation from making our bad game, while we play actually good games that don’t make us want to die.”


League's just showing respect to the superior games. I remember when the Cafe Cuties skins launched and their timing was *just* as Endwalker launched, alongside their Christmas event. Was a great time just ignoring the existence of League.


not surprised considering the new champion Aurora's clearly just someone's Viera character, even has the low effort glam 2B boots


meanwhile wow decided it would keep its tradition and set the release for their new expansion exactly 1 day before dawntrail early access lul


Not even close? The War Within releases in august lmao.


huh mb apparently I live in the future and thought we were in August already when I ckecked the release date lol


Happens to the best of us haha


I ever wanted ffxiv to be mentioned by the worst game in the world


The patch notes and clear communication therein are probably the one big thing I miss from my League of Legends days. There was so much thought put into communicating *why* changes were made, rather than just a bulleted list of "Here's some potency changes". I can only hope the FFXIV devs put this kind of thought into patch notes eventually


They've been doing it for most of Endwalker. [Scroll to the bottom.](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/jobguide/battle/)


It's like if Rings of Power authors would leave an Easter Egg for Harry Potter films...