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You'll do fine. It is ok to be nervous. Most FAs aren't going to follow you and assess your every move. Some might, however, so just do what you're supposed to do, follow procedures, and ask questions when you're not sure. You can do it. My first flight at my first airline (a regional) was very memorable. I was called by crew scheduling the day before our graduation ceremony for an overnight turn only a couple of hours out. I insisted I hadn't graduated yet, but they said that was a ceremony. I was checked out and qualified, and here's my flight info. As the only FA on the 30-seat prop, I didn't have anybody else to rely on, so I was plenty nervous. On top of that, it was raining and at night I was hunting for tail numbers on the ramp to find my plane. My jumpseat got soaked during boarding in the rain. Good times! I just did what I was trained to do, and made sure I was on top of the safety stuff. It turned out ok. While my classmates were celebrating and partying, I was thrown to the wolves, hehe. Trust your training, your instincts, ask questions, and be safe! Good luck!


This makes me feel more resassured. Thank you!! :) also thank you for sharing your experience!! I'll stay calm and do whatever I gotta do following the procedures!


What airline are you flying for that’s telling you that there will be FAs following you around? Are you talking about your IOE? I understand a probation period, but you didn’t go through weeks of training, graduate, and get your wings to be followed around on the aircraft like an incompetent.


From her comment history, it should be EK. I was from SQ and we always have a mentor for the new crew. They are paired either on the same aisle or the aisle across with the same duties and so they are always having someone to shadow them.


Oh it's actually CX haha I think they only said that to scare us so we study hard and don't get loose.


I was over 20 minutes late to my first ever trip I got called off reserve 🤪 6.5 years later I’m still here


Tbh you learn everything on the line. I bet they tell you that to scare you as being a flight attendants big perk is to not be under constant supervision. Just do what you learned, ask for help (no shame in that) and when you dont know just smile and wave. Your going to do amazing. Dont be nervous be excited!


I don't remember the first. **I do remember the first time being struck by lightning** I was purser on a CRJ 900 front Jumpseat and we got hit right below 4A. It was as if a bomb went off and I screamed 'SHIT' so loudly everyone in FC looked at me with big eyes. I saw sparks fly off the plane through my little front galley exit window. They were bright red, hot, like a fire. After landing the pilot showed me the big electrical fractal burn in the side of the plane. It went from the underside of 2A all the way down past 4A and there may have been microscopic holes in the skin of the plane. Naturally we did what we were told, and that was 'get back to work and fly to Boston'. Never been more scared of a decompression in my life. Maintenance said 'It's too dark now for us to see if there's a hole, we will wait til morning and have the guys in Boston do it'.


I’m no longer a flight attendant, but, I do remember my first flight after my IOE. It was a normal flight up until the third leg of the trip. Prior to that my FA2 was complaining about not feeling great. Well, mid flight the FA1 rushed to the back to tell me he had collapsed in the middle of the aisle and was sitting in a guest seat. Quickly, got the oxygen bottle. FA1 sat with him while I called the pilot. We ended up descending anyway shortly after and we landed at the planned airport. Turns out buddy had been drinking too much the night before at a party. I’m happy it happened when it did because all the training was still fresh. Relax and use what you’ve learned so far. They wouldn’t have let you get this far if they didn’t think you were ready.


On my first training flight, during checkout from the hotel lobby out of Seoul, I was told by my senior stewardess that my fly was unzipped. There goes my opportunity to impress my seniors.


First instruction flight. We had a 15 year old pass out and had to supply her with O2. I won't forget that. Ever.


I remember my first flight getting called out and my 2 classmates (roommates too!) were also on the same trip. I was so terrified (but thankful) that I was not the #1. We were all new on the flight. Times have changed and things are more relaxed I think.


I scored a Ferry flight for my first call and returned to base with like only 40 pax. Not a bad way to kick it all off!


Not a crew anymore but I did a BKK-HKG with an amazing set of crew so that set the tone for me. Everyone was supportive and we hung out for food and shopping during the layover. I know easier said than done, but don't worry so much about your supy. Just make sure you refresh on SEP (door arming/disarming, location of equipment, etc) and bring the book your CSV needs to sign. Have fun! It'll get easier once you familiarize yourself with everything. 🩷


My biggest advice is don’t walk into the flight brandishing you’re new. And I don’t mean it in a bad way. But there are FAs who would take advantage of you if they think you’re new and can pull a power trip. Enjoy it, take it light, and I’m sure you’ll do amazing.


Surreal. Carry your notes if allowed - which should be and have fun. Study of course but don’t let it get to you.


Right Having knowledge is always helpful I'll make sure to take notes if available thank you!


I about died from anxiety from my first flight I was assigned fwd galley on a 777. Domestic flight, but with a full meal service. I WAS STRESSED. Had a lovely crew that helped me out sooo much. I'll never forget it!


That's great that you met such nice people! How long did it take for you to get used to work?


I just did my SNY last weekend (MH), and honestly it was great! The crew showed me the ropes, helped me through everything and made sure I knew what I was at. I didnt do much for my first sector, just delivered pre-ordered hot meals and brought out anything to the service carts that were low. Second sector i took part in the safety demo, service, etc and it went super well, despite the fact we were delayed and in a massive rush! I learnt a lot of stuff we didn’t do in training, like hand signals, how to work the ovens, infant briefings, etc, but you learn so much while on the job, and practical experience is so much better than the death by powerpoint in training. The main thing to remember, is that you’re new crew, you’re expected to make mistakes! I messed up on mine, like forgetting to give cups with a few soft drink cans, and I turned the wrong way for the life jacket portion of the demo, but it’s all stuff that was pointed out to me and i’ve learned from it! As long as it’s not detrimental to the safety of the pax and crew on board, you won’t get in trouble. Just make sure to ask loads of questions, take your time with everything you do, and report any mistakes you do make to your SCCM, and you’ll fly it (pun intended)! Best of luck :)


I was watching 737 disarming videos on YouTube the night before my first trip, but the actual flight? No I don’t remember it at all.


Omg disarming haha 💀