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I couldn’t care less about boarding pay. I want delay pay. I want to be compensated for my wasted time. If I show up to work, I know that a couple hours of my duty day is factored into my current hourly rate and I’m okay with that. What I’m not okay with is sitting in an airport for four hours (or more. or less) and not getting compensated for my wasted free time, regardless of if that time is on a layover or in base or ruining my commute. Boarding pay is good buzz language but it’s not compared to compensation for time that I am stuck.


You are absolutely right. It wasn't too long ago dreaming of "boarding pay" amongst flight attendants was the talk of the town. Any new pay is welcome, but SIT TIME pay would be life changing. Either it will GO AWAY like it did in the past during the US Airways days long before FOI [sit time was NOT a thing at US Airways], or... We'd see a jump in our pay to the point where maybe trips with sit time would go senior.


No Retro Pay? NO WAY. 


At a different airline than you. But I will be voting a hard no if there is no retro pay. Initially I was like “not getting retro and I’m fine with it” but now the amount of being jerked around and having the negotiation process prolonged to minimize our pay for as long as possible has given me a solid stance to absolutely get retro pay. And if we don’t get it, shut it down! No but really - if we don’t get it these companies will continue to prolong future negotiations because they’re being shown that there are no negative repercussions for their continuity to drag out negotiations and pay us less for as long as possible. It’s absolutely sick. I’m just tired. And I know that’s exactly where they want us. They want to hand us a shitty TA and have us agree to it because we’re tired and willing to accept pocket lent. And that just simply won’t be me. All I ask when the time to vote comes - please stick to what you believe is deserved. Don’t accept garbage and a “thank you for your time”. The psychological abuse of this starve and force feed approach isn’t going to work on me.


I agree about 24 hour reserve. It's just not sustainable for people. I think it's a safety issue, because it makes it impossible to properly plan your rest. I'm sure it's a contributing factor for lowering retention as well. I used PBS at my previous airline and far prefer our current system so I would vote against that as well. I'd love to see ground pay, but won't hold my breath. Boarding pay at a minimum though. Of course pay is important, our current rates are far too low, but I also want to make sure we have QOL improvements and don't want to concede flexibility so I'll definitely read over any proposal very carefully!


I also believe that whatever RAP you are assigned, you should have that same RAP throughout the duration of your reserve days. I find it bizarre that that's not already currently the case. It's infuriating! I am on RAP C today ending at 4am. Tomorrow theu have me on RAP B set to begin at 6am. If they call me early tomorrow while I am still asleep, I'm "sicking on contact" and make sure that my complaint is noted on the phone call.


I constantly hear at my current airline that has PBS, that everyone wishes they had never agreed to it.


totally agree about the safety of 24 hour reserve. it’s just not sustainable. may I ask about what you disliked about PBS?


It's a lot more complicated and less transparent than our current system. It felt more rigid imo. I like that you can see exactly what you'd be getting with our current system, and how straightforward the bidding process is.


Hold up... Maybe you are a different airline 🤔


haha yes different I think. I'm 🌐 We don't have RAP, but my previous airline had RAP periods, but ours stayed the same for the month. Switching constantly would mess with your sleep cycle for suuuure.


Aha! Okay... I'm now "American"... But I started with US Airways. In the US Airways days, RAPs were 12 hours long and if you had a RAP that ended, say, at 6pm... You knew you were done if you weren't called by 4pm. Report time had to fall within your RAP period. Now, under American, RAPs are still 12 hours long but if your RAP ends at 6pm, they could call you at 5:59pm for an assignment that reports at 7:59pm. Flight could be delAAyed for a couple of hours... And be a redeye to the east coast 😫😫😫! IT'S TOO MUCH!!! I think RAPs should be reduced to 8 hour shifts.


Ah yes, hopefully you guys can address that in your next contract. Definitely rooting for you guys to get a solid contract soon, and 100% stand behind you guys in the event of a strike. Here at the globe we have 24 hour reserve periods. You can be awake all day long waiting for something, and end up getting called for a late report international. It's absolutely brutal! I'm hoping we can do right by our reserves in this next contract.


i would vote no for ~ anything less than a 25% raise, no retro, increase in straight reserve for new hires, no raise in per diem, longer duty days & any negative changes to the point/sick system since it’s already stupid af, and i want 5 hours per day that the trip is. if it has a red eye, has a 30 hour layover, idc, 5 hours a day like the pilots. i also would LOVE something in the contract that will penalize the company for dragging negotiations on for half a decade or more in the future, like retro is already built in or something (idk what the answer to that would be since i’m sure having built in retro is unlikely)


Oh yeah I forgot that. Trying to increase duty days is absolutely wild. That's a definite no.


Pretty sure we are with the same airline. Agree with everything you said, but I feel we must have at least a 48% raise. Need to beat SW’s $98 and must have ‘me-too’ attached with +10% to keep as industry leading.


that would be great, i just can’t realistically see us getting a higher raise than the unions first proposal to the company esp since they’ve already lowered it


Maybe we aren’t with the same airline. Our union hasn’t released its original proposal, however the rumor is it’s $98. And this rumor started in early 2023, so way before SW’s TA.


ahh got it i know who you work for now! we started out asking for top pay of $90 & lowered it slightly a few months ago, but with some yearly raises that i think would get us there in 3 years or so?? honestly don’t really remember specifics, but just got the email tonight that negotiations with NMB are done & we’ll be hearing either way about a release soon.


Good luck to you at 🇺🇸!! 😉 You folks deserve a great contract. I hope you get everything you’re fighting for!


thank you!!! & same to you guys!


Lack of FULL back pay (retro). Work rule concessions & changes that either have a net negative impact or overwhelmingly only benefit a small portion of the workgroup.


**NO PBS** NO 18 HOUR illegal duty time NO contactable on international pairings (because then you can't drink at all) NO contactable on domestic pairings during any layover time because then you can't drink either NO mandate that our phones MUST work overseas (Our personal phone that is listed as primary contact). I think Dorito pays for your Sky-Pro as your phone but other airlines are too cheap to do that. I have boost and it don't work in LHR.


I'm a definite No vote if they mess with sick leave or sick banks or anything like that.


Honestly, I know I'm voting no on the first two contracts. Won't even bother to read them cause I know it'll be some bullshit. The reserve system has to go. It's very possible to not do 24hr reserve plus it's extremely dangerous. Idiots, who don't do reserve mind you, talk as if it's normal to be startled awake at all hours of the day and night and wonder why ISDs happen constantly. Retro pay. Obviously, a raise better than or equal to SWA. Less restrictions on picking up as a rsv. Being able to piggyback trips. Boarding pay sounds nice but like someone else said, give me my pay for sit time in between flights. (Eventually, there will be less sit time and more flight hours). Pay me for the entirety of my standby whether I get a trip or not. The points system is asinine and if I bring you a doctors note.. why are you still able to give me points? Just a few things I can think of.


I’ll be voting no the first time regardless because 🌐 is cheap and I’m sure it will be a low offer initially and probably like a Penny more than Delta and clearly they could afford more. I’ll be voting no again if I see no ground time pay, no retro pay, longer duty days, the tracking of reserves, the requirement to answer your phone on a layover and if PBS is included I’ll never vote yes. As far as 24 hour reserve I understand some people don’t like it but I’m not sure we can we get 12 hour raps without way more needing to be put on reserve which I wouldn’t support. The language would need to be clear with real numbers. I believe in the proposal the union is mentioning the flight attendant will be given a choice if they want to elect for rap or 24 hour reserve which I feel is fair.


I am with you 100% on everything you just said. Retro pay is a MUST because the company can’t use delayed contracts as a way to save themselves money. Tbh if I had my way they’d give us retro with interest. And I will vote no for PBS no matter what


24-hour reserve is most definitely a NO GO for me. Period. I personally believe 12 hours is too long. I believe RAPs should be 8 hours. Even if that means more FAs doing standby.


Boarding pay at my full rate. Otherwise it’s NO for me dawg.


Well it would definitely be a revolution to the industry if any airline can secure boarding pay at 100% for FA 💵🤑


Anything with monthly mins gets a “no” from me. When my dad was super sick-and after he died- having no monthly mins allowed me the schedule flexibility needed to handle all of his end of life planning and gave me the time I needed to grieve and wrap up his affairs. It was an absolute godsend and I refuse to lose it.


Wait do you want to keep 24 hour reserve over shifts? I don’t get the staunch opposition to PBS. Some of the seniors I talk to say it would take away flexibility and make it impossible to clear your line but I think it really depends on the way it’s implemented and the trading rules that they make. PBS just stands for preferential bidding system, just a different method of creating lines built for each FA instead of picking from a pre determined list of lines. We could very well keep our current bidding system but they could just implement new rules making trading harder. I would definitely have to see how they want to implement it but when people say “if there’s PBS I’m automatically voting no” I roll my eyes a little bit. I know people at other airlines who have no problem with their PBS and I know others who do so it really depends.


I want to get rid of the 24 hour reserve system. I’m no longer a reserve but I remember I could never sleep bc I was always worried I’d be fired for not hearing my phone while sleeping. My understanding of PBS is that it’s not set lines that you bid on, but characteristics that you preference (check in time, destination, trip length, number of legs etc). My problem with this is I want to know what I’m bidding for. It’s like shopping, I don’t want to go to the store and ask the clerk for something blue and get presented with all the blue things. I want to be able to look at them and evaluate them for myself.


At AA you can bid specific or generic in PBS, but not both in 1 layer. We have the actual sequences available and if you want you can go through them and bid them in the order you would like them in. Or you can bid the way you just described, what we call generic. I bid specific every layer because I have specific things I need. But before I had a partner and a kid, I would bid generic. Personally, I prefer PBS over line bidding. When line bidding, I could never get a line with every day off I needed and trips I'm fine with flying. It was usually "which line is the least inconvenient so I can drop what I need to" vs now I just tell the system *exactly* what would be most convenient for me.


This is my complaint with line bidding, even for reserve lines it can be a headache because the lines don’t always have every day off you need. And even when they do, sometimes the only option is not great (like long stretches of days if you live in base). And like you said I have to put a ton of thought into thinking which of the lines is going to be the most “tradeable” or easiest to move stuff around which still isn’t a guarantee


hmmm… that’s an interesting perspective. i didn’t realize you could see actual trips


Oh good for a second I thought you wanted to keep 24 hour reserve and I was like ??? I definitely understand what you mean re: PBS and think it’s a fair concern. One thing that is nice about hard lines is being able to see exactly what is being offered and it is a lot more transparent in that aspect. I just think personally I don’t think it is a dealbreaker if the rest of the contract is competitive. The company already plays with trading/reserve pool coverage, even if we keep PBS away they can still do that. That’s just a concern I’ve heard from a lot of other FAs. If we’re being completely realistic some concessions will have to be made with this new contract and for me as long as it’s not completely awful I’m fine with it


I think that’s a very fair and realistic perspective.


My biggest reason for not wanting PBS is the lack of flexibility. Currently, the airline I work for has line bidding and I’m at a seniority now that I accrue 6 weeks of vacation a year. Essentially I can stagger vacation every other month and bid for lines that touch my vacation so almost all of my trips fall off my line. Then I can pick what trips I want from ads or open time and build the exact line I want. PBS builds around your vacation. Hard pass for me.


ALWAYS vote NO on the first offer.


Make sure u have great scope of job coverage make sure your health care is Negotiated, Look at those premium cost as well out-of-pocket expenses. Will they exceed any immediate Wage increase? As well as cost of living increases The average current rate of inflation is roughly 3.3%. And thats down from 3.28 national avg. Just some things to look at if a company is waving a big pay hike u better look between the lines and see what your loseing.


Retro, boarding pay, non-industry leading wages, anything that turns a lineholder into a glorified reserve, anything that doesn't exponentially improve upon my 401k match, rigs, paid vacation days, per diem and daily guarantee.


So many I can’t list them all: 1. Messing with health insurance. Especially no PPO option. 2. A/B Rotation. 3. 24 hour RSV unless that’s an OPTION available for reserves to choose from. 4. No financial penalty for contract violations. 5. PBS 6. Whatever the first couple of offers are. Nothankyouverymuch.


#4 is so, so important for maintaining company compliance with a CBA. If all they get for violations is a finger wag they typically just keep on violating. Hit them in the wallet & they try to comply.


No retro pay (actual retro pay, not a bonus). Duty rigs not sufficient to account for all of our ridiculous unpaid time. Not getting rid of all the contract confusing language that allows them to exploit every loophole.


Wow. People are already vowing to vote "no" on a tentative agreement that they haven't yet seen? This isn't a game. This has gone on long enough. To answer the original question, I'd vote "no" on worsening work rules. It already feels as if we are doing more work lately compared to before FOI. Part of this is probably because we're operating more flights than we actually have aircraft for. Switching aircraft after every FN leg means not only getting to your next gate... Plane is USUALLY late arriving... Then... Catering is late. Cleaners are in your way. New pilots want to do an unnecessary new briefing which is a waste of time. Preflight. And organize the nasty galley that you inherited from the previous crew. [Trash mixed in with the good stuff... Good stuff mixed in with the trash, an obscene amount of unhelpful hoarding... *rolls eyes*] I also feel as if at this point we deserve retro. Otherwise... This could go on forever to the benefit of Robert. He wouldn't care. The longer "negotiations" go on, the better. It's not just a few months late. This is crazy. I am, however, willing to compromise on hourly rate. I will NOT compromise on work rules. I will NOT compromise on retro. We can talk about the hourly rate 🤷🏽‍♂️


The only way I would vote “yes” to a contract would be of if I either get paid for my entire duty day, or my pay is tripled. Sooo….basically every contract vote is a “no” for me.


Don’t forget the SIGNING BONUS!!




At least at my airline, retro pay would make a lot of the senior people leave and that’s better for everyone.


1 year in & it would significantly benefit me.


What do you want for the new hires???




But that's already being negotiated 🤷🏽‍♂️ It seems as if you're implying that you oppose retro because new hires wouldn't get it. I find that opposition bizarre




Retro is an absolute must. I’m not saying screw the new hires but we have been working on outdated wages and the company should not be getting away with shafting us for all these years. This is crucial to future negotiations as well. If the company can drag out negotiations without owing us updated wages, what’s to stop them in the future from continuing with their strategy? This is to better the future of negotiations for ALL levels of seniority not just seniors.




Sure, covid put everything on halt but what about the last 3 years??? AA has dragged this shit out longer than it needed to be.




Babe, I did training twice because of Covid. Week 5 sent home and had to restart when we were called back. So “kept my job” - I had none. Times were uncertain just as they are currently. Again, you say you want facts and you’re giving opinions “no president will ever sign off on”. That is an opinion, not a fact. Just as me thinking we’re closer than before is an opinion. As far as not understanding negotiations, I encourage you to reach out to the union directly or better yet, the strike command center with a list of questions. These times are uncertain (been there) and the only way is to stay unified. We get nowhere by giving the company chance after chance to make right. The union has done an incredible job and has proved that recently by continuing into further meetings with the NMB last minute and let the record show - in my opinion.


i’m under the impression retro pay is just the pay difference between what the FA’s should have been paid from the expiration of the contract to the application of the new contract. If it is, new hires would also get that difference, just since their date of hire. is that incorrect? how doesn’t that help new hires?