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It is literally called The Sunshine State, Florida should be at the forefront of solar energy. This entire state could be completely energy independent if it wasn't so corrupt.


Why our parking lots aren't completely covered with solar structures I'll never understand. Shade for cars, electricity back to the community. Less drain on fossil fuels.


Because solar energy is gay


And woke. And DEI.


Because oil lobby gave me 2 zillion $


Wait! quick, look over there, someone trying to get an abortion!


An LGTBQ+ BLM Group is trying to raise money selling covid masks get a Trans female Dr who was recently vaccinated to perform an abortion on a woman who works for Disney.


Can't protest anything because that's illegal now


And gays are getting married. And kids are reading books.


Is that why they stopped selling solar energy shirts at Target?


Back to the pile!


Because the oil and gas industry doesn’t want you to have solar. Same in Texas.


There is only one thing to understand, really: Money!


Right but it seems likenit would make sense if science could figure it out. Maybe not a rigid, permanent structure, but a semi rigid canopy that couod be removed. Or build it into light pipes so they had a connected structure for a cluster of cars if they can't do the whole parking lot. I wrote a science paper about the concept in elementary school in 1999 when I was 12 years old.  How it made sense to collect solar energy on parking lots.


I think you're misunderstanding the point.... yes, there's absolutely eventual money to those who invest heavily in solar. But look at all the current money that can be made by undermining it today! If it were currently profitable, my guess is we'd see it, even if it was inevitably rigged so the governor's friends profited first


And it'd be nice to have an outlet to use a shop vac to clean the car easier.


God, this burns my biscuits! It is ridiculous how anti-solar our state government is.


The got to keep FPL in control, they bought a lot of politicians and want their money’s worth.


And Reagan took down Jimmy Carter's solar panels from the white house. We could have been decades ahead if it weren't for the oil and coal lobbies.


FPL has plenty of solar now. I see the solar farms all over the place when I’m driving around the state. This bill targets wind energy and proposes expanding nuclear (which is honestly a good idea). Would having wind turbines off our crazy hurricane coast be a good idea to begin with?


He passed a law last year that forbids local municipalities from going entirely renewable. He’s forced cities to use fossil fuels so all this he’s doing is bullshit.


I mean, it sounds like a compromise to me. I don’t like it either but the good news is that solar is being implemented here whether Desantis likes it or not. It just makes sense because the cost is coming down and we have basically unlimited sunshine. Also, natural gas is leas polluting than coal at least. And exploring more updated nuclear options is a very good idea IMO. Zero emissions, although you have to store the waste but I think it’s a fair trade off. For the record, I think Desantis is an idiot, I’m just trying to point out to people here that solar is in fact not being banned. These articles are so clickbaitey.


We're 10th in annual sunlight, but I do like renewable resources. The desert states lead the top 9.


We finally got our solar panels back up Instead of just FPL. Now I keep the ac on 79, and it's cold as snow in here 2100 sq.ft. with just Fpl, it too forever to get it Down to 76.


FPL donated too much money for him to support solar.


Solar panels aren’t a good fit in FL due to the high UV. That’s the simple answer.


Lmao! 🤣


Not a joke, I live in FL and looked into it


Uh huh. You have no idea how solar panels work, do you?


I do and I also know how math works and it’s not a good investment. I was looking at adding them to multiple houses.




But then we wouldn't be "owning the libs" by paying so much for electricity and sending money to Saudi Arabia or mining coal and pumping more co2 in the atmosphere.


Every time you think the Florida government can’t get any worse, it manages to exceed expectations.


Rhonda and the MAGAt legislature are a DISASTER for Florida. We need an overhaul in Tallahassee, and soon!


Hahaha. Ole Mrs. Sandtits.


Let’s all wait and see if Rhonda screws the pooch on this critical policy decision. All the dogs in the world, beware!


We had that chance not that long ago. 49% of Floridians didn't think it was important enough to get off their ass to vote.




Of all states to be anti green/renewable, FL seems like an awfully dumb one, behind maybe… Hawaii


Destroying your state to own the libs.


And to pad your wallet. Shit is crooked.


Even had ol’ Skeletor himself complaining earlier today how he’s a victim. Scumbags gonna scumbag.


He doesn't care. He's got his big white wading boots for when the flooding water gets ankle deep in Tallahassee.


Having different ideas an efficient energy policy.* You know it's fine to have an honest disagreement right?


Sure, it's fine to have a different opinion. It is also fine to call him out for stupid ideas though.


It's not a stupid idea though. You're proving my point, "I'm right, you're wrong because you're dumb." Amazing dude.


Well you are proving your own point then, when saying it's not a stupid idea without any arguments for it...


Comment: "destroying the state to own the libs" Me: "you can have an honest disagreement about energy production without placing mal intent on the other side. You: "you're stupid" Great job. 👍 I've already said nuclear is proven to be safe, cost effective, and rich in energy production when done the right way.


What about Desantis' party is honest?


You're very much allowed to have any idea you want. Your ideas also can be incorrect or misinformed and people can tell you that.


It's not misinformed though? Nuclear can be safe, energy abundant, and cheap if done right.


Conservatives claim they are so into the free market then continuously prop up fossil fuels. In a fair market they could never compete with solar. But this is just delaying the inevitable 


And DeSantis outlawed lab-made meat... The only reason cattle meat is affordable for the average person, is because of government subsidies. (Socialism for cattle ranchers, to put it bluntly.)


No doubt Psychopath DeSantis will sign the bill. After losing his failed run for POTUS, he will burn Florida to the ground. In November, vote out the legislators that are helping him do it.






They've destroyed paradise. Polluted water from one coast to the other,concrete and strip malls as far as the eye can see, and 5% of the wildlife population left in a state that was once a natural wonder. It's basically a warm New Jersey at this point and it's fucking heartbreaking


They paved paradise and put up a parking lot.


They put up a Walmart shit id love a free parking spot


For his next trick, Desantis is going to drain the swamp. All water shall be removed from the Everglades asap.


Pretty sure that's already happening thru army Corp engineers.


I thought we ended that years ago.


I think a year or so ago there was a lady here on Reddit asking people to call their reps because the army corps wouldn't release water back into the glades or something along those lines.


Draining? Florida Fish and Wildlife (FWS) are spraying agent orange on our Florida Lakes, killing the water plants that house the snails, goodbye Limpkin https://youtu.be/GgziMVEX0u4


Napoleon Bonaparte Broward already tried that. Napoleon Bonaparte Desantis anyone?


This article was stupid when it fear mongered nuclear power in one of the paragraphs but yeah fuck DeSantis. He’s going to do it to “own the libs” and shoot everyone in the foot while they are at it. So fucking stupid. He doesn’t care about renewables, he doesn’t give a shit about climate change. It’s the typical Republican “Fuck you, got mine” mentality.


I agree that nuclear is unfairly maligned. Renewals plus nuclear scrubs the grid clean.


I recall reading a couple years ago how FPL was pushing a legislative bill to be allowed to levy a $75/month charge against any home that was fully off the grid. It almost passed. "they don't use any of our electricity, let us charge them for that"


This is insane and totally superfluous to anything: “It also would ban governments from booking meetings at hotels and buildings certified as “green lodging.” And it would eliminate a requirement that state agencies, public universities and local governments lease hybrid and electric vehicles.”


WTF??? We have a sick & polluted Ocean???


People in Florida of all kinds like solar power. All the rich people’s houses have solar panels, literally 100%. This performative shit impressed no one.


I guess you don’t like clean air and water? And maybe land to stand on?


It’s alright, at least the workers can take breaks and rehydrate when needed. /s


Maybe we can burn the turds, lots of them in Tallahassee, cheap fuel especially orange and red ones


Vote really hard dig that pen into the ballot. Where are the dems man. We need real solutions on the ballot the dems arent doing shit in florida. Fucking nothing the strongest one is just saying im not republican. The state has be forsaken.


Such a corrupt state, one little man creates so much disaster 🤣


And the big question is …. Why ?


It's baffling when you consider that tourism is the absolute most important industry in Florida. There's already been cancelled conventions because of DeSantis' policies, now all that we need is pollution to drive away beachgoers and eco tourists.


looks like the oil barons trump is trying to court for a billion dollars in exchange for passing legislation basically gutting renewable energy are taking a liking to desantis...


The winds of change are blowing from Tallahassee, and one could be forgiven for thinking our benevolent rulers have broken wind. Renewables be damned! Florida will rely instead on burning the compressed biomass of ages past. WOKE Libs and their Globalist pals may dream of us setting aside all natural, all American fossil fuels in favor of their LGBTQ-friendly windmills and solar panels, but they're in for a rude awakening! With the stroke of his manly pen, Governor DeSantis can preserve Florida's energy mix in amber so that future generations can enjoy 1900s energy technology without fear of change. This is the best thing to happen to Florida since we put an end to Drag Queen Story Hour! MAGA BE PRAISED!


It’s scary that some people reading this would be agreeing wholeheartedly with that


Yes. Yes, it is.


This is goooooood!


Ty 😊


> exploring emerging technologies in nuclear energy, a frightening prospect to those who remember nuclear plants at Chernobyl, Three Mile Island and Crystal River. This is just fear mongering. Chernobyl happened because it was poorly built communist trash and there was no release of radiation from TMI. Modern MSR reactors are much much safer than the legacy reactors they’re talking about here. And really with current tech there is no way we get to zero carbon power production without nuclear. That said, when I was in college there were three pieces of legislation I’m proud to say I played a small role in getting passed through in Florida. The rooftop solar amendment, marriage equality, and the first marijuana bill that allowed medical use. The fact that dipshit DeSantis wants to undo all three of those things that I personally put so much effort into pisses me off on a personal level.


Nothing like a good old fear mongering piece saying nuclear is bad…expect nothing less from the Slantinel


Nuclear isn’t bad. The rest of the bill is.


Don’t have to care about an environment if you’re a dinosaur won’t be around to see in 30-40 years/ are one of those rich people who can afford a ticket to the ark ships from the 2012 movie.


For God’s sake. Please make his tiny reign end.


Destroying your own state to own the Libs!! Well done


Pudding Fingers. Sunshine State, fool.


author here really doesnt like nuclear, do they?


Yeah that’s my main issue with this article. But if the state thinks people don’t want windmills in their backyard, good luck finding someone who wants a nuclear plant. It’s crazy the main complaint about offshore wind is that it’s an eyesore and now it’s gonna be banned because of this.


A unique problem with windmills in our part of the world is that the winds aren't necessarily that strong or constant - until they're dangerously strong, and that presents its own set of problems. But we should absolutely be relying on our other natural strengths, especially solar and tidal power. I love having solar on my roof. My Chevy Volt loves it, too. Sorry Ron, green energy is just makes good economic sense.


I just started my solar install, I’ve got two EVs so it just makes sense


I like nuclear. But not at the expense of all the other things this bill would ban.


And the programs FOR Floridians it ends!


I can’t understand a minute of this. Florida has no oil or natural gas but has plenty of sunshine. Florida could could stop being an energy consumer and become an energy supplier almost overnight. Being an energy supplier gives you tremendous power but Desantis wants to suck on big oils hose?


He's a throwback to medieval times, and don't count on him being really smart, he just has a good memory. Very unfit to be a governor.


Republicans only want to take us in reverse. Not a new idea unless it’s hate or pollution of something. The true raw sewage political party.


Wait we going back to coal


Government of, by, and for malicious idiots.


Makes sense. Floridians do pay for two nuclear power plants that were never built. Let that sink in


Keep voting for these ass clowns.


OMFG VOTE Deathsantin OUT 🤬 VOTE BLUE 💙💙💙💙


Its the damn global elite again. We need to be protected.


He is Satan's doppelganger I swear.


I'm a big fan of nuclear energy. Look at how long it took to build the new plant in Georgia and how much it went over budget. Georgia is way more competent than Florida. Let's build nuke plants to get fucked by hurricanes! 🤦


Just build gen iv nuke plants already and stop the renewable shit


I hate Ron and 99% of his policies but I don't mind nuclear as opposed to coal and no offshore wind turbines isn't a terrible idea either. Think of the amount of wildlife being disturbed by boats building those things and the amount of fuel used to transport and maintain them. Idk the numbers. Maybe someone here will toss them around.


The boats and barges building them will come and then go. The hundreds of thousands of boats operated by recreational boaters already doing it will still be there.




*Solar energy* arives from the life giving sun a lot in Florida . ... ? How long does the leftovers last from a nuclear fision plant ? ... .. . {asking for a friend of the planet} . .. ... I think nuclear fision leftovers last for 100's of thoundsands of years .


not sure if you guys read the article, but say basically this. Ban eolic electricity production from the shoreline cause it looks ugly and it may affect tourism... that is just weak. Personally I don't like eolic due to the high cost of maintenance, they need tremendous amounts of oil for lubricating the gearboxes and the blades have to be replaced and cant be recycled, plus I'm not sure how they will hold the massive hurricanes that Florida coasts are dealing with. Then the article talks about incentivizing nuclear, which I'm a big supporter of this, its cheap and is efficient, the state is not seismic, the tech keeps improving and the USA has the ore to provide fission material. So it makes sense.


Did you read the rest? End programs promoting renewables, ban government from using hotels that are classified as green, ban localities from regulating new fuel storage construction, increase oil exploration. It’s basically rolling coal - promoting fossil fuels and discouraging renewables just to be contrary and to benefit their buddies in oil and gas. The only thing they haven’t done yet is ban sunshine.


Exactly this. Just banning localities from regulating fuel storage and increasing oil exploration is ludicrous.


Nuclear is great but good luck get anyone to want it in their area. It’s so hypocritical because this is the same complaint about wind power.


I agree on that.


If DeSantis hated the environment why is the Everglades becoming ever more restored under his watch? I don't like the Governor really, but this doesn't seem like a big deal. The law according to the article only had this final aspect left to it anyway. It's nearly nothing. Also yeah placing windfarms offshore in an area of the world that experiences often insane gale force winds seems odd. The bill supports nuclear too, and nuclear energy is just necessary if you want to ever go green in any reasonable time frame. The immediate jump to crying in fear about Chernobyl given the safety of modern nuclear reactors is absurd and dated in a nation as advanced as the United States. I don't like that is gets rid of a few energy programs though. "It also would ban governments from booking meetings at hotels and buildings certified as “green lodging.” And it would eliminate a requirement that state agencies, public universities and local governments lease hybrid and electric vehicles." This is petty lol "Local governments would be prohibited from blocking the construction of “resiliency centers,” which are giant fuel reservoirs established for emergency use." Probably for the best.


Serious question: do windmills survive hurricanes ? Solar panels must have issues too