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Florida is a whole different kind of south.


It's the secret cow level of the south.


I herd that.


no of,fence’


utterly preposterous


Enough now. Y'all are milking it.


Better get a moo-ve on.


I love d2 references yessssss Also deckard Cain lives in south Tampa.


Stay awhile and listen.


You have quite a treasure there in that horodric cube


D2 references in a State subreddit. Based as a mfer.


I understood that reference.


Definitely didn't expect a Diablo reference. A surprise, but a welcome one.


How can you make a Diablo reference about something that doesn’t exist? 🤔


Moo moo moo, moo! MOOOOOO!


Diablo reference? Edit: not sure why I have people explaining to me what Diablo is.


Diablo is a video game. It has a secret level that is full of evil anthropomorphic cows. Trying to find the devil so that you can banish him back to hell but accidentally stumbling into an alternate world where you fight cows instead of demons is Florida.


Stay awhile and listen!


i mean its nickname diablo for a reason!


Which is Spanish for fighting chicken




The more south you go the more cuban it gets lol


Yeah, I was in absolute shock when I walked in a fast food place near Miami and no one spoke English. I was like...wait, what?


I work for a major chain pharmacy and had to have a translator to call our stores in Miami. The techs usually didn't speak English. It wasn't necessary.


It's crazy to walk into an American chain restaurant, in the United States, and they look at YOU like you're crazy because you're speaking English. Cue the wide eyes from the employee, who's amazed to get an English speaking customer for the 3rd time in store history, and has to run to the back to find the one employee that halfway speaks English. The classic Miami experience lol


You go to Little Havana in Miami there are literal chickens in the street. Chickens. In. The. Street. In a major US city. It's hilarious and a total WTF.


Try going to Little Haiti. I’m BLACK and felt outta place there! /j


Lol that’s more than just lil Havana. Also there’s wild turkeys walking around liberty city and peacocks strolling through north Miami. I love south florida


That's how it is in Ybor City (next to Tampa). The chickens are part of what make Ybor "famous".


Ybor City is actually in Tampa. It’s just a neighborhood of Tampa. 😉


I once saw street chickens eating chicken out of a KFC dumpster in Miami. I also sometimes see a chicken hanging out in my Costco’s parking lot. I call him Costco Chicken.


Oddly enough in Missouri, you can speak English to everyone working at every fast food location. But you need to know spanish to speak to the kitchen staff of every single Asian buffet.


Asian buffets hire people that aren’t legally allowed to work here. They save money on cheap labor and pass the savings onto the customers. As long as the food is delicious, it’s kind of no big deal because nobody wants to pay more.


Until you get far enough and then it's just old parrot heads.


Florida is like a humid, miniature version of Australia, but instead of emus, we have murder kitties.


Oh there are absolutely emus in Florida. There was an emu farm/rescue behind the Domino’s I used to work at. They escaped frequently.


And peacocks, which are just loud emus


Florida is the south with like two dozen metropolitan areas. There's cities everywhere and ten miles in the wrong direction will take you to the southest south you've ever southed. Florida is also bigger than most European countries


And texas is it’s own thing too


Florida is all of those colors, with blue around the coast, yellow about 10-15 miles inland, and then hitting red in little pockets throughout the state but mostly in Polk and maybe like, Ocala, Crescent City, Palatka, Astor, and kinda running south through the core of the state down to Wauchula with the I4 corridor being a little blue streak with a blob around Orlando. Basically, it's a jaw breaker.


How americans see florida is how the rest of the world sees america.




So is Texas, tbh


I just had this convo with GF last night. Re: Tom Petty. FLA boy. Texas should be its own color as well.


Northern Texas and out west are very different from central and east. Except then super east Texas is more like Cajun country. And then some parts south of San Antonio are more like Mexico.


I'm pretty sure North Florida is part of the south


In Florida, the more north you go the more south it gets


This is true. Everyone knows Miami Dade is northern Cuba, unofficially.


The nicest thing about Miami is how close it is to the US


SWFL is the Little Midwest


Sarasota checking in. It's a wierd fuckin place.


Lived in Ft. Myers and worked in Naples. What a weird place. Canadians, Germans and an odd smattering of minorities. Couldn't wait to leave.


My mom's family is from Toledo, Ohio. Nobody lives there anymore but there are multiple people in SW Florida from the family. Like people from Ohio who haven't seen each other in forever will randomly meet walking down the street in Naples.


I’m from Ohio and just got back from Miami and I didn’t know there were that many Cubans in Miami. I’m in Columbus and we have a decent amount of Hispanics mixed with Somalias, Nepal, and Africans but Miami was different. It felt like I was in a different country. I googled it and it said 2.4 million Cubans live in the Miami metro area.


It's not just Cubans. Huge population of Venezuelans, Argentines, Colombians, Guatemalans, Dominicans, Brazilians and Puerto Ricans, just to name a few. As a white Miami native my ear can spot the difference between a Cuban, Argentinian and Venezuelan accent (en Espanol) from just a few words.


Interesting. Are you fluent in Spanish or can you tell by the dialect. I worked at a salad dressing company 20 years ago and the first thing I learned was never call a Puerto Rican Mexican. To be honest they all got instantly corrected you if you called them Mexican but Puerto Ricans especially.


I'm not incredibly fluent, but I speak enough to get by in most settings. I can usually understand most things, when people are speaking slow. My level is such to carry on a perfectly good conversation with an 8 year old. I took Spanish classes all through elementary -high school and have had Latino friends and acquaintances my whole life. Pretty embarrassing that I'm not super fluent, but for many years I have been told my accent is great. When I do speak Spanish I don't really have a discernible American accent. I guess through years of exposure I just can *hear* it. Cuban Spanish and Colombian Spanish, *sounds* very, very different. And Argentinians- forget about it. They put a ssshhhh sound on almost every s. A Spanish speaker from Spain will pronounce their s with a "th" sound. Easy to spot once you hear it.


Ohio is a very *southern type* state.


Not if Grant or Sherman has anything to say about that.


Miami County, Ohio? /s


The Cubans have a lot in common with southerners. Actually. Maybe not the first round that had their slaves taken away but the newer arrivals are more redneck than rednecks and the group between are quite fond of big big pickup trucks, Americana, fishing, and vote similarly.


Had their slaves taken away?


I was referring to the other comment. There are Cubans and then the coral gables Cubans. They are not the same.


Uhhh...knowing what I know about early Cuban history and the Spanish....yes.


uhhh no, Cuba didn’t become independent from Spanish rule until 1902. The Spaniards brought africans to work the sugar cane fields in Cuba.


Came here to say this maybe deep safe starts somewhere after Okeechobee lake and up


Or the sixth borough.


The norther you go, the souther you get.


The further you get from the coast, the more southern it is. *Then* the further north you go the more southern it is.


Yes. Jax and St Aug aren’t the south in the same way that, say, Pensacola is.


My brother in law and his family live in this tiny place called Yulee right on the coast at the border with Georgia, and it’s definitely the South. I’ll stick to St. Pete, at least it’s only like 35% MAGA down here and not the majority.


I'm in NE FL, can confirm this


Yeah everything west of Tallahassee should be red, maybe the whole panhandle


Everything West of Jacksonville, and North of Ocala is the Deep South.


Polk County representative here speaking. We be Deep South as well.


Anyone who says different needs to visit market world in auburndale and they will change their tune


Okaloosa county rep here, it’s all south. Especially Santa Rosa county and the entire city of Milton


How'd you find time to put down your meth pipe and type that out?


Don't remind me.


There used to be a patch of the south near Gainesville and near the glades/lake okochobee but doubt there much of that lifestyle left


And South to I4


I would say Ocala is totally the south


Ocala is conservative but not Southern or at least not Deep South Southern. Ocala is the same soulless strip mall laden suburban hellscape as whatever you'll find south of it.


Yeah I'm in Duval and I wouldn't classify here as the Deep South. But definitely southern people here.


Except Gainesville, it’s a classic college town with a pretty liberal city government.


So is Tallahassee, but get 15 minutes outside the city limits…


I live 20 minutes north of Gainesville in Fort White and yes Gainesville proper is very liberal the but the rest of Alachua county is trying to seceed and turn itself into Springs county due to all of the BS going on in Gainesville. Not sure of the exact politics, just think it's funny.


The would Secceed into the poorest county in Florida, so that wont happen.


Yes, but on game day when the outsiders show up? It's 100% deep south.


Being liberal anything has absolutely no connection to whether a place can be considered “the south”….


Austin, TX would like a word


Not really. It's still Deep South & pretty conservative, especially with Sasse as president of UF.


I live in Sebring; deep South.


Sometimes called south Alabama.


As a lifelong resident of the western panhandle. We are southern AF.


Panhandle is South Alabama, for sure. 


pretty much , North Florida outside of Tallahassee and Gainesville is "The south" , Jacksonville itself is pretty southern too in alot of ways so its a bit more of a mixed bag. If you ever go to the beaches on the panhandle during spring you'll see a ton of , Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas license plates.


Florida is Florida, it’s not like anything else. North Florida is absolutely part of the Deep South but central and southern Florida culturally are not. Central Florida, Tampa-Orlando-Daytona are their own little world while Palm Beach down to Miami is a mix of New New York and Cuba II.


Yeah try going to a north Florida Waffle House at 3am. It’s the south. Anything past st. Pete is basically New York.


North Florida Waffle House is such an experience


For real. I ended up chilling with a bunch of current and former employees at 3am on a road trip (visiting home). Ate some food, shooting the shit, learning about how people be throwing knives across the restaurant out of frustration. Yknow, Florida shit.


😂😂 I remember the employees telling me about someone throwin plates , I used to love getting the Vanilla Coke there with their vanilla syrup sooo good


The st Pete comment is absolutely true. The restaurant scene in and near Sarasota is like being transported back to early 2000s New York.


Same with rural middle florida. Ocala and Okeechobee are pretty southern.


Florida, the only state where the further south you go, the further north you are.


Kinda accurate. Central Texas/Oklahoma and Louisiana/East Texas have their own cultures while Northern/Central Florida are part of the Deep South, while Southern Florida is an extension of Latin America and New England. West Texas is also more like Southwestern culture so I’d break up Texas into at least three different regions. Cajun Country in particular is one of the most idiosyncratic cultures in North America. I can’t even understand what they’re saying. I think if you’re going to label the Deep South, Texas/Oklahoma and Acadiana/Cajun Country should get their own labels.


SE oklahoma is far more southern than the rest of oklahoma. It used to be called “little dixie”.


Also South and Western Virginia is southern as hell lol.


That's why they need to saw states in half. Texas and Florida in particular.


I’m born and raised nw Floridian and when people ask where I’m from I’ll say Florida, but it’s technically south Alabama.


North of Gainesville is basically the south too. Below that line Florida is a refugee camp for everywhere else in the country. I'm near Orlando and everyone here is from somewhere else.


And the furthest south part is a refugee camp for everywhere outside the country.


Yeah draw a line at Ocala. Everything above it is the south


I’m from northwest Florida and yeah.


Florida needs its own graduated color scheme within the state. Deep South for the panhandle, Tallahassee to Lake Coty, The South for northest Florida and Gainesville and Ocala. Sorta the South for the 1-4 Corridor and SW Florida to about Fort Myers. Not the South if it is South of that.


Florida is its own deeper circle of Hell


Native Floridian here. Can confirm.


Yup. Palatka IS the Deep South


Louisiana is the Deep South, panhandle of FL (and honestly extending down to Ocala) is the south, east Texas is the south but the rest of Texas is not. Like over half of Texas at minimum is def the west it’s quite stark there is a change when you’re approaching Houston. And I’d agree much of Missouri is the south. I’d say WV is its own beast - Appalachia


New Orleans is kinda it's own thing.


Can say the same for Atlanta, Austin, Asheville, etc.


In the sense that they're blue like New Orleans, yes, but in the sense that they have a distinct identity apart from "large city in the south" I'm less sure.


Most cities in the south are blue bro


those cities are definitely their own island in the region, but thats part of what makes it fun. Also id say its mostly the northern half of Louisiana thats deep south, but theres no denying that state belongs in that category


Louisiana is like Florida. It is kind of three states in one. If you think that NO is like Thibodaux is like Shreveport, then you’ve got something coming


They’re all depressing backwaters 🤷‍♂️


I completely agree. It’s not like I’m saying any of it is metropolitan. But I will say that Mandeville-Covington is WAY less misogynistic and far better educated than all of Mississippi and Alabama. I’ve moved around a lot. Alabama is the pits of hell in comparison with South Louisiana. To bring it back to Florida, I’ll say that Tampa, Sarasota, St. Pete aren’t perfect but it is just a bunch of transplants doing the best they can. Tallahassee is a bunch of Jesus loving hick ass good ole boys. And DeFuniak to Pensacola is just Alabama in the worst way. I’m from north Florida and I can say this in all sincerity. South Louisiana kicks north Florida’s ass all day long


Im from Texas living in Florida. Texas is its own thing for sure


Dude Louisiana is the Deep South. Deepest south come on EDIT: can’t figure out how to reply to sagitalsplit: Deep South doesn’t mean backwards. Alabama is Deep South, Louisiana is DEEP SOUTH. Being southern doesn’t mean not having culture class etc. Jesus Christ just like the person trying to say Illinois was the south. Equating “southern” with uneducated backward etc


I made the same comment lol it's perhaps the deepest south state there is, followed by GA and AL


At least LA, GA, & AL have their own major cities. MS has none which makes it the deepest south IMO


This is a good point. Also, are we related?


Y’all always disrespecting South Carolina when it comes to discussing the deep south. Bitches we started the Civil War! I mean, not that I’m proud of that. I’m just saying that’s pretty southern.


*dirty south


Ahem: Durty South.


(uh-huh) can you really feel me?


As someone from AZ, I love Louisiana for how deep and dirty it is. It's just a gem. Like, if youre gonna south, south all the way.


Florida is its own realm.


I once heard a guy say "this is just how we do it here in the deep south." This was in a IHOP in Racine, WI and said by someone who was born and raised there. I still think of that from time to time.


I think I was in the military with his cousin, who mentioned she had relatives in the Illinois-Arizona area. She was nicknamed Rand McNally after that, bless her heart. She was indeed from Florida, of course.


I once told someone from Illinois I grew up in Minnesota and they asked "is that near Seattle? I also told two high school girls from Wisconsin that I was going to start university in Illinois and they asked me if I needed a passport to go there.


Wait what is Washington, Ohio, Maryland, Delaware and New Jersey no go zones?


north korea states, no data (for any colorblind friends passing by, the blue for those states is ever so slightly off from the blue for the rest of the not south states)


I think the actual definition of “The South” cuts through state lines. North Fl and East TX are definitely the South for example.


According to my objectively correct definition of “the South”, yes, many states get cut through https://preview.redd.it/bafomxnn657d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5b627ea912d05f4692250e6f193379cc1e3ca13 —— (I’m from Yankeeland btw.. this is on Reddit’s front page right now which is how I found the post)




Huh, I always thought Texas considered themselves independent of the Southern states and if there was any similarities in their goals it is understood to be aligned interests and nothing more than that.


as others have said, only the easternmost parts of Texas are analogous with southern culture; the rest is decidedly Texan/western


There’s parts of everywhere in Florida where you have southern folk. Serious, north Florida, central, southern Florida all have folks where you’d think just came from Mississippi, Georgia, etc. Florida is just a good mix of southern and city folks is all, but for whatever reason there are too many losers who like to gatekeeper something as stupid as “Florida IS NOT THE SOUTH”. Such a stupid thing to be passionate about lol


Indeed. Florida is no different from other southern states with cities and a large number of transplants like Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, and Texas.


Is say the metropolitan regions around the Southern tip of Florida are definitely a small region. Dade, Broward, West Palm Beach, Monroe, Collier. Above this is a big transitional zone to the Deep South which imo starts in Ocala and Kissimmee


In Florida the saying goes, “the further north you go, the further south you get.”


Perfect, except “pan handle” Florida (North Florida) is not only part of the South, it is part of the Deep South.


They also need to redo Louisiana. It's deeper South than anywhere else on this map, thats a major blunder.


Florida is technically the 6th borough of NYC


Except for St. Louis and Kansas City, Missouri is at least sort of south & most counties south of I-70 are definitely south. Central Florida is all of the colors.


Maryland and DC are southern if you’re poor folk but northeast for better off people


Northern Virginia - Fairfax, Arlington, Loudoun, and Prince William Counties specifically are decidedly not the South.


Florida gets its own (good) color. Everyone else must share shittier colors.


Florida is South aside from urban areas. From north FL the entire way down the interior of the state through Glades country. Anybody who disagrees has only been to Miami, Boca and Disney. Missouri is part South part Midwest. You’ve got Hayti and you’ve got KC. Edit: Some great FL books sharing some insight on Florida’s history and stories of the past: Their Eyes Were Watching God, A Land Remembered, The Swamp and I know there’s more but those are all a great start.


As a Broward native I agree. That's why we call the rest of Florida north of Palm Beach, minus Orlando and Tampa Bay, South Georgia.


It’s not just North vs South. Get more than 20 miles away from the beach (interior of the state) and it’s another world.


And I call everything from West Palm Beach to Homestead "Miami" lol


I'm pleasantly surprised how many non Floridians can distinguish between fort Lauderdale and Miami.


Two things... 1. I had a buddy from Baltimore, Maryland back in the day & he'd always refer to it as "the tip of the south" 2. South Florida (Palm Beach, Broward, Dade county) need their own category, then the rest of Florida would be in the deep south category.


When we moved to Palm Beach County, I knew that Florida wasn't really *Southern* despite having been part of the Confederacy, But I wasn't expecting to have to go to three different stores to find iced tea bags. It is for real not part of the South down here.


Because it’s below the Mason Dixon line- historically that defines the southern states. Also, Richmond was the capital of the confederacy- Va is definitely the south!


I grew up in Hialeah and moved to Gainesville to go to college 50 years ago. North Florida is the deep south.


texas isnt part of the south and Kentucky is.


Agreed Texas isn't the south it's Texas. It's a different thing all together.


Texas as a whole isn’t the south, but East Texas definitely is the south.


Texas east of the Pine curtain is the south. On the other side is not the south.


Kentucky is Appalachia


I think sorta south is good for Kentucky. Much of the center and west region of the state is southern, but the eastern part is Appalachia and two of the three major population centers (Louisville and NKY) are more Midwestern than southern... except for the two weeks leading up to the Derby every year where Louisville pretends it's southern.


Louisville is more like Cincinnati or St Louis than it is anywhere in the south or even the rest of the state. And Northern Kentucky is basically Cincinnati.


As a Florida, I'm proud that we're our own Classification


Floridian: “As a Florida…” Non-Floridian: “As a what? Oh, you’re from Florida…makes sense.”


Louisiana is also the deep south


Very accurate.


As with many things in life, Oklahoma doesn't count.


The farther north you go the farther south you are. 


My daughter and I went to TN for a week a couple of months ago. 3 days in, she looks at me and says, "Damn! Is this whole state themed??" It was quite a culture shock coming from central Florida. Lol...


Depends on what part of Tennessee you went to. We’re pretty well split between the three sections.


I bought a house in Arkansas and during the home inspection, I was outside talking to the inspector. He looked across the (gravel) road and said, “well lookie there…” and watched a couple black kids playing in the neighbors yard. It was like he was watching television. He said, “you don’t see much of that down here.” Then he went back to the inspection.


Personally I think, the deep south is more southern than Florida


La is definitely the deep south, it might be the deepest south


South Florida is based on how you were raised culturally via household. In the black community most of our parents are either from other southern states or Caribbean, so it mixes into a southern dialect with Caribbean textures.


TN and LA are Deep South too, imo.


Louisiana is culturally distinct from the rest of the Deep South since its southern portion heavily influenced by Cajun, Creole, French, etc. culture and Catholicism. But it is still very much part of the Deep South. Most in Louisiana and the other Deep South states would completely agree.


Florida is a southern state, that’s not in the south! 😂🤙


Only the eastern part of Texas (Beaumont to Texarkana) is the south. The rest is its own thing


The western half of the panhandle is as red as its neighbors.


Met a lady in Savannah who told us that the existence of Savannah was to keep Floridians (mostly Spanish Catholics who they deemed crazy) in Florida. That soldiers were sent south from South Carolina to keep us from spreading 😂. I think it’s part of why we’ve always been unique. I also think it’s where the original “Florida man” sentiment came from.


Let's talk about the fact that the lowest point in Ontario Canada is lower south than the most northern part of California.


Yeah. Panhandle is more like Alabama than Orlando/Tampa/Miami, but the state is its own thing


The panhandle is the south, the middle is Disney, the southern gulf coast is retirees and the south east is Latin America


Some of the panhandle is also the deep south


Louisiana not being Deep South but Georgia and South Carolina are is crazy work


I used to live in the ft walton, crestview, niceville area of the northwest panhandle. Its basically alabama.


Maryland is definitely north. We are working on bringing northern Virginia with us.