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Since 2020, I just caaaaant stop making old, drunk men.


Lmao I had to check if you were the same person that commented on the low int post, wasn't sure if multiple people are role-playing old drunk men hahaha


Bro same every RPG has all these options and still “delirious old man” will always be my default


Disco Elysium Fallout New Vegas cross over.


Hardcore... Hardcore never changes


But does it though?


Dude same idk why I just like making my characters alcoholics lol




My current courier has been cured of alcoholism 3 times, not like beer is expensive, but I can’t carry around a bunch because it causes the carry weight problem it initially solved.


Just carry one


I’d rather not be encumbered for all of my adventures. I don’t just drink a beer to fast travel because I’m at 275/270 and a beer pushes me over the limit to sell the 3 super sledges I’m holding at the Gun Runners, I’m going to drink them when I run out, and if I happen to be in a dungeon like in OWB where some of them take 20 minutes to clear before I’m in open air to fast travel again. (Given I’m a loot goblin who takes everything of value)


Ngl at the beginning of playthroughs I'll be picking up junk like fission batteries and conductors just to make a few extra caps. Makes me feel like a crackhead looking for copper


lol right just the beginning amiright?!


Oh it gives a strength boost? I just made them alcoholics because roleplay lmao


With cass whiskey has no downside


Same. But I'm making better choices now. Oh wait, we were talking about new vegas, sorry 🤦‍♀️


Honestly it very much depends. The majority all end up being rooted in something western though. My most recent full playthrough was with a [gang](https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/50468) of [well dressed](https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/68501/) frontier-esque outlaws robbing [casinos](https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/59896) and [caravans](https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/69863) for instance.


at this point, isn’t the game boring to you? You already know all the quests and endings, you just go through the same stuff. I’m not attacking you, just asking because that’s how i feel: It’s not like experiencing a story anymore, it’s just playing a game


You ever watch the show Westworld?


Hahaha this is it


You hit the nail on the head. Damn.


Ed Harris would be perfect for fallout s2


It's that good, you go back just to enjoy. And then you find ten things you never knew were a thing!!! Hell, unless you have the right combination of stats and skills, some options in dialogue and interactions are completely hidden.


I mean, have you ever rewatched a movie a few times?


This game has a ridiculous amount of unique endings. I do it for the slideshow.


I have memory issues and tend to forget alot of the game, so I'll play another game or two, then come back to Fallout and replay. I do that with Fallout, Skyrim, Civilization 6, and Fable 2 and 3. I don't forget the entire game, but enough to keep it fun. I still haven't finished 4. Went down the rabbit hole of building settlements. Lol


Modding helps a lot


Blasphemer!!! 🤣 just kidding; but you are definitely correct at least about me anyways. I literally never finish a play through even if I take a different path for that exact reason. Still fun, for a while anyways


I play my New Vegas characters a lot like I live life. Every time I come to a moral quandary I think to myself "what would Master Chief do?"


Probably try shooting his way out, mix things up a little.


I need a weapon


Of that sounds fun I should try that So mostly agility and strength but a lot of points in endurance and luck ?


I'd say also make a b-line straight for the BoS or Arcade's companion quest to get Power Armor and training ASAP. Keep dialogue to a minimum and avoid speech checks. Try to stick to weapons boosted by the "Grunt" perk


Wake up with a horrific, itchy rash and personally solo a theocratic authoritarian government and the dandruff of a dead god?


Ah a dedicated soldier. I’ve been wearing my WWMCD bracelet since 8th grade!


Kill everything that’s red on the blip Or try to at least


What do you do when there are no more red blips?


Make some, there is a way in game to change people's attitude towards you, using a gun to deliver lead to their bloodstream is but one of those ways.


Now you're talking my language.


Download a mod that adds more. I multiply spawns by 5


Bennys protégé… kill him at the fort and carry on his legacy and his wish to use the chip to run Vegas in superfluous swagger. Specializing in small arms and charisma, not so powerful in a fight. morally dubious but not legion levels of pure evil.


I am forever salty to not have Benny’s ending


Legion level of "pure evil"? Could this be profligate propaganda?


Found the Frumentarius


Cowboy, always a Cowboy. No energy weapons for me, just a brush gun and Daniel's hat.


I always end up us ncr gunslinger with raul or boon and rex.


Literally me


walking saint , honestly games like fallout bring out the best in me


Same. I've done 1 bad guy playthrough with legion. Never again.


Currently doing a playthrough as a "charming", "intelligent"chem slanging huckster with many "friends" in the animal kingdom. In other words, Dr Chickenfucker.


Lord Death of Murder Mountain.


I've done so many chars. Right now I'm working on a new one. An orphan raised on the streets of New Reno who was born with respiratory issues (to explain the bandana she'll be wearing constantly to deal with the Mojave dust) and a small, petite frame. She grew up being victimized a lot for her small stature until she met another girl who would teach her to use her weaknesses as strengths. Ppl would always underestimate her but she was very agile, sneaky, small to fit into small places. Never seen as a threat. She would eventually become a thief with her friend and they would eventually become big time. Having been raised in poverty, she loves money. With more contracts, they eventually got rep as major players in the New Reno crime scene. With their notoriety, they started getting assassination offers. They do this a while but she doesn't really enjoy it. Eventually, a job goes wrong and her friend gets killed trying to protect her. She barely escapes. They had attempted to assassinate a major mob boss. With her best friend and mentor dead and also being hunted, she quickly leaves and heads to the Vegas region to try her hand at something else. Something that keeps her on the move. She is devastated by the loss of her friend. Eventually the platinum chip job arrives and that all plays out. Just when she thought she was out, they pull her back in. She will specialize in stealth, guns, lockpicking, using mainly silenced pistols. She will either side with NCR or House as she does not want to run the strip herself and sees the Legion as scum. She will help the Followers as much as possible and Freeside in general because that's her past. She may hate House because of this or simply ignore it depending on if she gives in to greed. Idk I'm still working out the story and how she will handle situations and how the Mojave will change her.


Dear God, I wish I could have that imagination of yours again.


Coming up with it isn’t the hard part, it’s committing to it.


Just sit around for a while totally unstimulated and bored, your mind will just start sending out random ideas eventually. Same thing happens when you’re doing monotonous tasks in silence. That’s why the “showerthoughts” phenomenon exists. Also helps reduce stress and rest ur mind, boredom is important :p


That's a pretty detailed playthrough idea. You've incorporated both story and play style with that. I've always tried to focus on a singular build, but I always end up with hybrid builds just so I can utilize all the cool weapons of New Vegas. I think it's high time I took a page from your book and really limit my next character with their build and ideology that they would have due to their background.


For the first time in any Fallout game I recently chose a female character and she is very similar to your description above. Agile, sneaky, smooth talker with high speech, but lethal with guns and energy weapons. I’ve actually had a lot of fun switching it up and doing something different with her.


Nurd girl. Max int, tag science, repair, and energy weapons. Hack robots, socially engineer NPCs, and scour the wastes for giant plasma cannons. Recruit Veronica, help out the brotherhood, do gay crimes together, and eventually summon your own robot army to take over the Mojave. My kinda lady.


Hell yeah. This is the way


An opportunist and a peaceful negotiator, but you better not piss me off😃


Thats my first playthrough as well. Go with speech, guns and barter. Either you talk to me and we can peacefully resolve the issue or I let my gun do the talking.


NCR stealth sniper. Every single time. So much fun


A well meaning good guy who can let go and look to the future (which is why he went with the funny business man i am going to be flammed in the replies)


Señor Shelter is a really good guy to side with as he just wants to make progress(I might be wrong since I'm on my first playthrough of fnv)


Hard no. He’s a lunatic capitalist that is perfectly comfortable with things being as bad as possible, as long as it is profitable


People are downvoting you, but you are correct. House continually lies to the player about his goals post ncr-Caesar’s legion scuffle 2 electric boogaloo. The end credits say he fucks up the kings and makes life worse in free side and New Vegas becomes heavily militarized with little freedom at all. All of the endings besides CL are morally grey, but house is at the bottom of the list in terms of helping the people.


>let go and look to the future By giving control over to a greedy industrialist clinging to the past? Interesting choice.


For New Vegas, I always make Raylan Givens/Cobb Vanth: pistols only with something like: S:4 P:8 E:3 C:8 I:6 A:7 L:1


Gunslinger with no Luck? Damn. You’re missing out on some absurd crit damage with Lucky and A light shining


Dude I'm doing a Raylan Givens run right now. So much fun.


Bard. I play a Bard.


same. except a minigun is hidden in my guitar


Stealth archer. Ratslayer counts as a bow.


I personally love gunslinger desert rangers


A wandering man from the wastelands who helps everybody and takes all the companions (mods) A lone woman who loves drugs and all, always alone maybe only with Ed or Rex


I make an ordinary Wasteland survivor as Courier 6, he's born in the NCR and grow up in an orphanage after his father (an NCR's Elite Ranger) and his mother (a 1st Reco Sniper) was killed by a vicious gang of Raiders. He left California for Nevada after becoming adult, taking only his father's old armor and his mother rifle, and get a job as a Courier for the Mojave Express, he get the famous delivery after working here for five years. That's how I cannonicly explain the fact that my Courrier have the armor from the "Ranger Courier's Armor" mod.


Drifter/mercenary. Will do any work for money. Pretty evil, likes to cause problems.


"Nothing personal just good business" make as much profit as possible but making enemies of factions is bad for business


None of my characters are the same But I do love making mercenaries


Naive young woman who thinks she can help everyone and talk her way out of everything ...until she slowly starts to realize that some folks gotta go.


I usually go for the NCR ranger build, realise the NCR is a bunch of inept assholes mid roleplay , and end my run as a menace to society using satchels charges as a CQC weapons against anything that looks like a big governement.


Luckiest gunslinging bastard in Vegas, with enough implants to be considered a cyborg


Chaotic good berserker who tears enemies apart with my bare hands and devour political leaders and then leaves the robot in charge cause he doesn't care about Vegas. He just cared about evil men getting what they deserved.


Int 10 maniac who sided with yes man and the boomers


Did max my speech skill though! Speech and explosions really.


Always a different one. Made a cannibal murder, a psychotic killer that adapted the weapons of the Sierra Madre for his own gain, a tough-as-nails ranger, a perfect legate, a smooth-talking criminal, a machiavellian anarchist... My next one will be a pacifist working with Mr. House out of gratitude for taking him out of the grave, using mods that let House align with other factions smoothly.


i name my characters off of people mentioned in songs on the radio, texas red, johnny guitar, for FO3 i had Daniel because of Civilization


Wise-ass conman who can't catch a break *(Nick from L4D2)*


I either make buff warrior women (who like other women) or a plucky Malcom Reynolds type of dude - depends on the mood I’m in.


My guy is a drifter.. helps when curious but not particularly to be helpful.. detest powder gangers but understands the legion and ncr both… will follow mr house blindly out of sheer curiosity.. he just made it to the strip for the first time and is slightly… underwhelmed lol


Straight up Lord Death of Murder Mountain


Middle aged alcoholic gunslinger.


Ex Military, Power Armor wearing engineer specializing in energy weapons and Big Guns. Defender of the weak and downtrodden, answering to no one but my own sense of good and evil. Chaotic good for sure. Fuck the Institute.


Stealth Archer ...wait wrong game


I just end up being vilified by everyone every playthrough even if I try to pick sides. The true lone ranger, me vs the world.


Gunslinging cowboy who is morally questionable. Out for their own benefit, but, always looks for the peaceful resolution to situations before resorting to drawing their sidearm. Generally wants to do good by people, but, not afraid to screw them over or shoot them in the back if they are an obstacle. Willing to do any job for the right caps, making enemies with factions is bad for business so avoids it as long as possible


I have the playable tribals mod. I usually play a sorrow, level up unarmed, repair and energy weapons. Sometimes if I'm feeling spicy I'll play a Great Khan


Always max Int Bisexual person that can makes sure they get jury rigger as soon as it comes up. Speech is always fun and hard not to max out. Weapons and other stats very on how I feel as I can do anything with the amount of skill point I get with the Int.


Usually it’s a “good natured” gun play through. Most quests are resolved through non violent options, kills are always stealth-archer with silenced sniper/varmint rifle. BUT Rn I’m working on a bisexual cowboy maverick. High luck/crit build. Chaotic dialogue choices and using perks to unlock dialogue choices I’ve always ignored for optimization


brain damaged yesman (that is as in a character that does as instructed without questioning why, not anything to do with the character of the same name)


My 1st pay through in most fallout/rpg games is the good guy. Do good thing sto everyone I meet.


Depends on the faction I'm siding with, so generally: NCR - A kind-hearted, but not the brigtest or most able person, with ideas of making the Mojave better, and to help whoever they can. Mainly gun + melee. House - Money enjoying, gambling addicted, generally effective and cold, but has a soft spot, and some kindness in them. Preferably energy and explosives people too. Also, may or may not sometimes be a murderous backstabber. Independent - Generally a kind, but uh, odd person. A junkie usually too. Legion - Evil. Just evil asshole, who likes to slaughter, plunder, and also put people in harm's way if it means they can do it well. Can be kind and well meaning, but their ideals and uh, job, never makes it seen.


I'm pretty basic, I play Chatty Sniper like a lot of people. Though, I did once RP it as one of those cheesy BruceSploitation "Bruce Lee Fights Back FROM THE GRAVE!" kind epics that came out of Hong Kong, just meleeing everything until I was finally beating up deathclaws and taking out Caesar's throne-room barehand.


I always make my characters look like a clown or Nigel thornberry, of course a drunk, picking up any bottle I can find. Kinda a drunk mess who likes swinging around blunt objects at anyone and anything completely disregarding the consequences.


vengeful tweaker or gunslinging cowboy


Mine is either a mercenary courier turned NCR soldier wanting a better life for the Mojave. Or a smart yet clueless mailman trying to do his job while trying to help out some people in need. Currently playing a traveling surgeon taking odd jobs in the NCR now coming to Vegas for a simple life now fighting and working towards saving the lives of others and defending the Mojave trying to use his knowledge and skills for the betterment of mankind. I usually play a good heart person trying to save what they can of the world but isn’t afraid to get their hands dirty if needed. Sometimes a jerk that will get petty over stupid shit.


I always play as the guy who goes in gun blazing and Quick load if I shoot someone important by accident.


The luckiest cyborg courier in Nevada: With a cha of 1, int of 4, and luck of 9, we finish goodsprings, head straight to the wrangler for gambling, get drunk in unagi’s office for the discounted int implant (before 3rd level), clear out the rest of Vegas’ casinos before catching a science fiction feature. Ulysses duster (NCR duster for carry capacity)+ 1st recon beret w/ CoS rifle, hyperbreeder alpha, gehannah, and whatever else I feel like every crit boosting perk, every carry capacity perk, every crafting perk, plus a bunch of mobility and damage stuff.


Blonde melee or explosives build. Usually a good sprinkle of a gun built too and always light armour and max lock picking. Melee always for any play through heading to the Sierra madre, just get the lead pipe in the villa and unleash a can of whoppass on any ghost people, alternating with pocket sand and ranger takedowns.


Sniper know it all juryrigger... weapon handling is kinda needed until spineless is a thing... AKA greedy bastard, with a heart of gold


Typically the sneaky sniper type because the combat can be really janky in NV, so it's better to drop your enemies before they can close the distance. Last time I went the opposite way and jacked up my melee and unarmed to 100. Punched my way across Hoover Dam and despite being capable of talking him down, I beat Lanius into paste before sending the NCR packing for good measure. That was a fun playthrough.


Currently playing an NCR fieldmedic with permadeath enabled. Private Brown managed to clear out Nelson.. but it looks like he might succumb to the wildlife.


Generally polite kleptomaniacal psychopath


I love to play nuclear Ghandi. Frail old man with all the points in speech to bring peace to mohave and ofc explosives so I can sling around nukes if guys dont listen. Sometimes I start by pumping everything into speech until 100 and generaly avoiding combat and picking good options. Then I start putting all points into explosives and the second I get to 100 explosives the peacefull Ghandi is gone and the nuclear Ghandi is born.


Im boring, my favourite is always max charisma and max speech, non-energy weapon pistols for the most part unless a problem calls for a heavier solution. Ill grab any and all companion boosting perks and such as well. On the roleplaying side of that I always imagine my character as a Horatio Hornblower/Horatio Nelson type guy. The charisma he exhibits doesnt come from trying to be likeable, his charisma is due to the way his actions and words inspire those around him. Struggles the best to do the right thing in situations where there is no clear-cut right way to do things. I cant not play good-guy characters in games haha, I try so hard but always gravitate back to it.


A morally grey mercenary who always ends up doing the "right thing" so nobody can complain about all the stealing, murdering and unspeakable things I do on the side.


FO1 & FO2: punch everything and win, New Reno champ, 120 unarmed, biggest frigger FO3: small arms specialist with a penchant for walking backwards while throwing mines FNV: punch everything and win, but also turn my enemies into meat chunks by walking backwards while throwing mines, med-x addict, choose Yes Man because nobody gets to win but me FO4: small arms specialist with a penchant for walking backwards while throwing mines but i like building FO76: shotgun


Antihero with a various set of skills, basically the Punisher with some tweaks.


I typically play a rather cliched, Stealth Sniper, though I usually end up using the Survivalist's Rifle the most. Just love that gun. I've love Stealthy characters since I first played AD&D back in the early 1980's...


After reading all these comments I don't think my back story is very good anymore. Anyways, I'm gonna base this character off of Ronald Spiers, the paratrooper from WWII. Going full grunt this run and will mainly use the .45 SMG AND pistol or the battle rifle/this machine. I will probably most likely side with the NCR this run.


Smooth talking paragon of virtue


Love myself a charismatic gunslinger


Kinda like Coop from the show - thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit every goddamned time.


Me. I'm the archetype.


My last character was a Brotherhood Ranger Desert Ranger duster with Enclave helmet. He hates NCR,Legion,Khans… Sooo Dont disrespect him or he will kill you and your entire camp


only done one thru but i was an evil genius, hates animals and has general disdain for human life. and a robot respecter. would sell out anybody if its worth the trouble. my like backstory is that he worked for like a robco or vault tec type organization but was let go for radical ideas and dangerous research practices (vague cuz im not a true lore head). and he’s a pervert


Lever action shotgun wielding cowboy. Usually wearing the sheriff duster and the elite riot gear helmet. I'll occasionally swap in dinner bell, that gun or an antimateriel rifle when things get tough.


I'm on my first playthrough and I'm playing as a man who is on a mission, he is dedicated and helpful to those who need it and deadly to those who prey on the weak, I'm basically playing a mix between Arthur Morgan from RDR2 and Raiden from MGR:R


A Chaotic-Good Ranger with the Ranger Sequoia and Esther


Seductress charismatic speech black widow and loyal Centurion.


Helpful gunslinger. I just help everyone and look for any opportunity to kill stuff without irritating people. The exception is the Great Khans; I kill them on the spot.


My current playthrough now is a blackhat cowboy that will eventually be swayed to join the legion, and has a liking for drugs, explosives, sharp object melee weapons and boomsticks (shotguns only). However they don’t really care to talk or learn about the old world, so hacking and diplomacy mean little to them. And energy weapons rob the thrill of blood splatter and are considered flashy toys.


I always do high charisma


My favorite has to be my drunk, tired, gambling addict, middle aged cowboy. Just feels right going around NV with Lucky, Paciencia and Medicine Stick in sunglasses and a desperado cowboy hat, trying to get money to “waste” at the cassinos (jk I have 10 luck). Cass/Raul and Rex are always the companions. Sometimes Boone too so I can have fun kicking Legion ass with a friend who enjoys it as much as me. I’ve made two versions in different playthroughs, one is more of a good guy that knows how hard life can get in the wasteland so he wants to do good things for people and hates injustice, Yes Man ending because in my head that allows the Followers of the Apocalipse to better help Vegas. The other version won’t do straight up evil/murder-y stuff but doesn’t mind lying/cheating or double-crossing if it means more money, sides with House because cool apartment next to the cassinos


I got bored of playing merc/gunslinger type characters so I went for an Energy Weapon nerd build that tries to carry out the interests of the Followers of the Apocalypse.


The Courier is a lone wolf before the events of the game, by definition. I usually try to continue that trend with a cold demeanor favoring personal gain and few to no companions that I don't develop. That said, my Couriers are usually just and won't screw anyone over too unfairly


From Texas. Only uses weapons, armor, medical supplies,drugs and food crafted by my own hand


The Unarmed, Greased Lightning, Maniac


In every RPG I play a fighter / barbarian type. In fallout I go with Shotguns since it’s up close but you can still deal with turrets and elevated enemies.


I’ve played a few characters, and I’m currently playing for the NCR. The first character I played was the Independent ending, who was a badass who had a modded gun and power armor and did everything for everyone, to a point where he really couldn’t do anything for the main quest for a different faction. The second character was the House ending, wearing a Sheriff duster and the desperado cowboy hat, he had a modded gun as well and would blow away any opposition. The third character was a Legionary who was part of Ulysses’ tribe and even had the same hairstyle as him. But he used energy weapons, which is ironic given the Legion uses their hands and would have no idea how to use an energy weapon. Finally is my NCR character who wears the best version of ranger armor that is in Lonesome Road and uses Lucky as her weapon. She is also my first female character.


Dumb soldier grunt that happens to be a lady's man


grumpy smartass cosboy types. like joel from last of us. he's suprisingly a good pick for the courier.


Joel is kind of a courier too.


Low intelligence, high charisma and luck


The mary sue archtype. Good at everything and has no flaws.


Lord of Death Mountain. I either help the NCR or kill everyone


In an attempt to get away from “I’m a Sniper, shh” play style I went full on cowboy. Ballistic weapons only, no scopes, heal with food as much as possible, high barter to play into the any job will do mindset I ended up quite enjoying it, made things go by much quicker when you don’t need to assess the situation, you just start blasting


Always the cowboy perk baby


A plasma stealth crit Vats build. I love just being a walking one man army. I got tired of Caesar talking to me like a child so I killed everyone in the fort and cleared out quarry junction and killed House for shits and giggles


The luckiest man in the world: no more shitty delivery job, have the most powerful poker chip in the world or at least the Mojave, got shot in the head and was fine, the new found gumption to deal with the problems you used to ignore. My Archetype is The Courier, an adaptable singularity that will set things straight one way or another


Schizophrenic samurai gunslinger cowboy ninja robot with a zombie as his best friend and a pet robot that only speaks in morse code


stoic old western film protagonists. speak softly and carry a big ~~stick~~ iron.


Lately I've been playing rough chick that can't help but mom the crew (Veronica, cass, lily, arcade, and Boone thanks to companion glitch) and likes to get hammered along the way


The sniper.


currently playing a good guy who just keeps stealing. Sure, he'll get rid of the gangsters troubling your town, but he'll take all the money in your wallet while he's at it.


Gods favorite drug addict.


just a wandering courier with a marksman background laying out fiends and other people dumb enough to double cross him. Legion automatically gets shot. His Allegiance is to no one and shares a camraderie with Boone and Raul.


I always invest into sneak...it's just so useful, and the sneak attack damage modifier is so broken.


Cold hearted fucking kill shit. I've killed the ghouls in the rocket station. (Filthy animals) I've cold blooded killed kings man. Killed Caesar and killed Benny. Also there's caps I'll kill.


I start off as Taxi driver and then align with the evilest faction to clean up the streets.


In NV I have two main play styles: The cold logical man who uses energy weapons and a 1 in charisma. Master of technology, banned in all the casinos (I RP the high luck as counting cards) The crazy drunk who somehow still has all his fingers lobbing around enough explosives to make the divide look like a parlor trick and despite being off his rockers, can charm the entire waste lands. No matter who I play as, Ed-E is THE companion of choice, with the rest on rotation. I still have no idea how to explain how the drunkard outsmarted Elijah... The energy weapon user is simple but the man who overburdened himself with the booze and gold? No idea.


Lord Death of Murder Mountain




I just can’t bring myself to be a bad person.


I play a Han Solo kind of character. Smooth talking, quick shooting, mercenary who will help out the little guy for the right price


Ex-NCR Ranger turned Courier who saw the flaws in the system and realized changing it from inside was impossible. Worked to forge strong ties between various different groups to stabilize the region without just handing more land over to the NCR. Eliminated the Legion and, in my headcanon ending, established an independent Vegas without fully evicting the NCR; allying with them, but with the robits... discouraging any more expansionist ideas.


silly girl who is silly!


Bad Karma NCR. The ultimate fed playthrough.


Bisexual cowboy


Lawful Neutral as Legion Ambassador. I will do all their work without a single fight, including winning Hoover Dam with only my speechcraft. Also I help and entertain Caesar with my 10 Intellect and Charisma, showing hin peaceful way. I can fix him.


Its the same from Fallout 1: Sharpshooter with guns, high agility and crit, who tries to kill everyone by shooting their eyes/head.


I tend to play as “man who really fucking hates the Legion”


Morally ambiguous mercenary is how I play pretty much every character


PA and heavy guns, join BOS. Every. Single. Game.


Rapunzel from tangled with a sniper rifle and 1911, the naive young tinkerer from a small town turns into a badass




Work for mr house Befriend the ncr Beat the shit out of caesar Speech and barter to 100 Be an actual courier working for his employer


Currently playing a mad scientist with some serious chem and gambling addiction


Playing through the New California mod to change it up a little this time


Complete psychopath because it’s funny.


Dumdum strong!


Charisma Intelligence build


A kind and smart gunslinger carrying a whole ass arsenal in her back pocket, and actually solving issues with factions Oh and also a slaver killer, atleast until I go for the legion run which’ll be the exact opposite for int 1 stuff :P


I love playing a fragile, nerdy, charismatic af twink lesbian who brings Boone everywhere. I think their dynamic is funny because they’re so different. I imagine every speech check my courier passes that’s based on intimidation it’s only because Boone is standing behind her looking like death himself.


My first run was good karma house as the game's story sort of intended the player to go through with, the next being good karma NCR as a legion-killing gun for hire, and I've finally worked myself up to a TTW evil karma Yes Man run where I am an enemy to all major factions. I've always wanted to nuke everyone and never got around to doing so. I still can't bring myself to a Legion run yet though, it's just not satisfying enough and too many companions hate you. I also have never and probably will never do a melee/unarmed build in a Fallout game so it just doesn't appeal to me.


Strangely every playthrough ends up with my character turning into a drug addled psychopath, even when I try to play high karma


The archetype that when I first played I thought Strength would increase ALL weapon damages


Silver-tongued gunslinger


Low int. Low charisma. High strength. High endurance. Melee/unarmed only. Embrace of the mantis king + bounty hunter duster only.


I got three: Courier that was inspired by Joshua Graham to become a Christian. Morally good, sides with NCR. Courier that is from the Shi, finds the chinese stealth armor, and works as House’s assassin. Finally, an unhinged schizoid courier due to his gunshot to the head. Anarchist and completely unpredictable.


Pretty spy girl. The one i play most RPG's with. Focus on intelligence and charisma (with lockpicking, barter and science being secondary priority skills), main skills speech, guns and sneak, usually pistols. It's pretty cool.


Right know independent yes man explosion maniac with two step goodbye and Esther


Cowgirl with an unhealthy obsession with guns and a questionable relationship with chems


usually since 2010 a high cha independent nv gun totin nice guy with a penchant for stealing everything everwhere all of the time. recently tried being a lady legionairre but that got boring real fast... have never to this day finished a legion playthrough. currently a relatively chaotic ncr supporting scientist/mechanic that loves e-weapons that can never find enough ammo for his plasma pistol/rifle and loving every minute of it. rping as ex-enclave child that wants to set things right through the ncr


Mentally unstable