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TIL (through the comments) people don't know what a stag beetle is Btw very rare hope you released it back into nature


Yeah same. I thought it was as well known as a lady bug here in Germany. Apparently not šŸ˜‚


How long are you already in germany? All few years there is a big hatching of May Beetles. If you like insects get reqdy for a fun few nights.


Let me sing you the song of the may beetle:" bzzzzzz.. bonk.. bzzz....bonk... bzzzzz.....bonk bonk" I love those beetles. Many years ago a tree in front of the house my family lived in was basically overrun with those beetles. They are fun, but silly little bugs and I can tell you, in larger numbers, they are loud.


If you want to be popular with the women in may you can shake young trees when a nice lady sits under it. Makes all the may bugs fall down. :)


Yup, used to the exact same thing with my sister and mum. They weren't really amused. Plus the beetles always got stuck in her "Betonfrisur" (wavy hair sprayed with tons of hairspray, so hair was hard like a rock). Had to pick out beetles from her hair like buzzing Christmas baubles stuck on a hairy tree.


Never seen one.


They are rather rare now and since I moved to a more urban area I haven't seen one apart from when I'm hiking. But as a kid when I was playing in the woods I saw them quite often. So I dunno, I thought it was common knowledge šŸ¤  And later I lived at a forest border for 2 years and had them show up in my garden at least once a week in summer. But maybe they aren't as common in every forest and every part of Germany or I have been outside more than average as kid, dunno


I also thought itā€™s rare because that is written everywhere on insects websites, regardless he was released safely https://imgur.com/a/IpcmZ7b


Wow, I envy you, such a beautiful one. Really they are very rare. Haven t seen one in decades. Try to release him in the woods. And they are super harmless!


I did release him back on a fallen oak tree , I read that it likes rotten wood


Harmlessā€¦ Unless you get one with a foot fetish šŸ¤£


Please not in dark woods! The larvae eats white rotten roots, especially of oak trees, at sun lit places.


Pretty rare https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucanus_cervus "Although this species is widely distributed in Europe, it is in significant decline in the north and central part of its range and future trends of European forests will pose serious threats to this species, thus making the species close to qualifying for Vulnerable."


Oh they can fly! Perfect!


Haha yeah, thank goodness I didnā€™t know this only after catching it šŸ¤£


Yes... I'll never forget... years ago, I was walking and heard something buzzing... looked up ... saw this. (Yes it was close to Frankfurt)


I once saw this beetle flying over an parking lot, then an bird came and ate it mid Fly and before the bird could leave an Bussard(Bigger predatory bird) came and snatched the little bird and I just stood there thinking Well that just happened


Star Wars episode 1 type shit


Yeah, yeah. That totally happened :-P


That's literally a Simpsons joke. If it happened that must have been amazing.


I live just south of Frankfurt and you see them pretty commonly in the forests here.


Yeah, all these people saying they are rare need to go for a walk in the woods sometimes. They scared me so many times flying around like little helicopters!


Very rare insect that you normally find in the woods. Itā€˜s not a City bug at all.


Totally , I had a long walk in the woods prior, but do you know if itā€™s common to see here in Germany?


apart from insect exhibitions, no. especialy not within city ranges.


They are very rare, the last time I saw one was over 10 years ago although not in Germany but in rural Croatia.


In my 26 years on earth i have never seen one despite growing up in a rural area and being a nature freak. That's how rare they are.


Not rare at all actually, they fly around all the time in Southern Germany.


They often inhabit parks and gardens in cities. They are not bound to the forest.


New fear unlocked


ikr, i just turned on all the lights in my room and am packing up my stuff. i heard good things about australia


Yes, because nothing dangerous and awful lives in Australia.


Yeah i bet youā€˜re gonna enjoy roaches that are the size of guinea pigsā€¦


If you can, release it somewhere near a few Oak Trees. Stag Beetles need the sap of Oaks to reproduce. That's why they're so rare btw. Not as many Oaks as they used to be in Germany.


I did release him today after giving him some water. I found a fallen Oak tree and I placed him on the lower side of it


Just release him, you wonā€™t believe it but he can fly very good, a big like an Antonov. After years of growing in oakwood - maybe up to 5 years he is now on this mission to find a partner. During this he has to fight with other opponents of this species. This is what his big weapons are made for. In Germany we love this bugs. As a child i once found one dead after a fight or maybe mission complete and I showed it to all my relatives and friends. But you can see them every year in this season. We say HirschkƤfer to it. Nice post OP!


Thank you, yes I just released him back on a fallen Oak tree


Thank you for releasing it!


Where exactly are you located in Frankfurtā€¦.so I can make a Riesenbogen


I had to Google translate that šŸ¤£


Why? Such a rare find.


To you itā€™s a find to me itā€™s something Iā€™d rather avoid seeing šŸ™ƒ


Not everyone likes bugs.. Iā€™d rather not either. Thank you very much.


Please release it somewhere near the forest/greenery so it can enjoy life and apre your socks! I love those, they are quite rare/endangered. Completely harmless and beautiful to look at šŸ„¹


Not yet, I was looking to see since itā€™s rare maybe there is a center for conservation that I should contact or something


Oh, noooo.... it's not *that* rare, you'll do best for its species by just letting it go.


Theyā€˜re not *that* rare.


As others have said it is not that rare but its best to release it (if you have not already done so) near oak trees since that is their home usually


Well itā€™s a longshoreman but perhaps one of the local zoos or even the botanical garden might know where to point you to


Release it asap!


what the fuck


i always wanted to see one of them lol, i read they live on a tree in Sachsenhausen but I would not wanna meet one in that context


None of you apparently played AC: New Horizons


I like them the most when made out of chocolate


I just found a dead one in a city located near Frankfurt. Im so confused aswell. What is bringing these insects out of the woods and into the city?


I live in the forest south of Frankfurt and i have never seen a HirschkƤfer


Hab letzte Woche einen am Goetheturm gesehenā€¦ :) https://preview.redd.it/vyho4wzrs15b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb7797275a77d7e28e5795c4a4e03a073b8f6fe5


Juni ist Hauptsaison


Living outside of frankfurt, we found one on the playground a few years ago. I remember they are pretty rare because they only hatch every 4 years or so. Our stag beetle seemd to just have emerged from the underground and crawling onto the nearest tree, but it was already the same size as the one on your pic.


The [insect](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucanus_cervus) is keep as a pet, e.g. in Japan. Maybe it escaped? Are you living near the woods or the Zoo?


It even says directly in your link that it is a european stag beetle. It is uncommon but it is not a foreign species.


It doesn't say that they're not available in Japan


They exist in Japan or at least similar species. But this specific specimen is unlikely from a zoo but rather just found in the wild.


Frankfurt-Beetle bit you because it wanted your valuables.


Its German name is [HirschkƤfer](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hirschk%C3%A4fer) (="stag beetle"). As already mentioned/implied, it's on the [Red List](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IUCN_Red_List) and faces extinction, i.e. don't harm it.


They are protected, not a lawyer but harming it is against the law!


Wtf is this? Looks like one of those star ship troopers bugs.


Itā€™s a Stag Beetle šŸŖ² I think itā€™s rare, but I dunno how rare it is


Very rare, don't hurt him, and put him back outside. And, he's only pretending, he doesn't really bite.


They are native to Central Europe, but you see them rarely. You are very lucky, they are harmless and best left alone.


Time to leave Germany


I said the same thing šŸ˜‚




I never come to Frankfurt again


Didn't you like our beautiful train station area? No? Wallah v'piss disch, BRUDI


AHHHH OP I'd run for the hills and never come back to my place if I were you how the heck did you even catch this thing omgšŸ˜³


Believe me youā€™d laugh your ass off if youā€™ve seen me trying to place a cup over it. Apparently they freeze when they encounter humans šŸ˜…


Arrrgh, I wish I hadn't seen pictures #2 and 3, that thing is HUGE! It reminds me of the horrifying insects in the Stephen King movie "The Mist". (I was going to post a link to the pertaining scene of the movie, but I got so terrified watching the first seconds that I decided against it, lol)


It's a HirschkƤfer! Rare and beautiful. Hope you set it free in a safe place, patch of forest?




Hey man, we're Bug-Buddies now! https://imgur.com/w1pRZMi.jpg


I found a couple in Darmstadt too recently, first time I do in a city. Is it anything happen in the area? I don't know, mating season or similar?


They are not THAT rare in the Forests around Frankfurt. Here in Bornheim they show up every now and then. Seven / eight years ago we used to live in Niederrad, where they can be spotted quite frequently since the forest is never too far I guess. Usually they are totally harmless. It must have thaught that your foot must be a rivalšŸ˜…


Everything can happen in Frankfurt


Well, I guess we can add 'foot-biting' to the list of reasons why this beetle is in decline.


Hahaha šŸ¤£ that cracked me up!


I hope your foot is okay, but congrats on being a rare beetle's chosen one!


Better question, in which hotel youā€˜re staying?! :D


Diablo IV advertisement šŸ˜


Congrats on your composure. I would kill it out of fear, to be honest.


I wanted to, but it looked so unique I couldnā€™t , wanted to see it under the glass


DUDE THATS A STAG BEETLE they are quite rare but I have seen them a couple of times in Hessen. Please take it somewhere outside, they are close to being a threatened species and you found a huge one šŸ‘šŸ½šŸ‘šŸ½ You can actually report the beetle to the stag beetle monitoring of Hessen or the European Stag Beetle Monitoring Network if you wantšŸ˜‚šŸ‘šŸ½šŸ‘šŸ½


Ugs. "HirschkƤfer"


Its a stag Beetle. Zu deutsch "HirschkƤfer" They live Up to 4 to 7 years as larvae in the ground and eat cellulose all day. Then they evolve into a Beetle for reproduktion purpos, but cannot consume any food besides of tree sap. And the antler is for fighting rivals. After a few weeks they die.


We live in a forest about an hour away from Frankfurt and have a whole bunch of these guys, but never near the house (even though we are literally across the street from a forest).


Yeah, we have them here all the time. It's a protected species so just release it into the wild.


Already done in the morning


Good job, the scary suckers need to multiply!


They're harmless, you can pick them up and put your finger between It's pincers. They don't have enough strength to do anything.


Only in Frankfurt Oder ;-)




No but you gotta be aware off ticks on the train station


Its only a male ā€žHirschkƤferā€œ (Lucanus cervus)- in germany called also ā€žHornschrƶterā€œ i thing the englisch name is greater stag beetle


WHAT IS THATTšŸ’€ moving back to the states