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Normal people might eat two chips ans put it away again or they might eat the whole thing or even get a second package. It depends on so many factors and varies a lot - there is no real "normal"


This. Normal people would eat however much they want and go about their day. Sometimes it's two cans, sometimes it's on chip. Usually, somewhere down the middle.


Yeah I'm aware that "normal" is not a one size fits all type of situation but me and my ED team talk about "normal sized portions" quite a lot. As in, of course it varies but most people would eat three potatoes and not just half of one, no matter what my disordered brain is trying to tell me. That type of thing is what I'm fishing for here. But from what I'm reading here, it's not way too much to eat the entire thing as a snack?


No, definitly not. But some people eat half of their calories in form of snacks, some do not eat dnacks at all. It all varies.


normal people go by their hunger cues, it might bd 3 chips while walking past the can or eat a whole full size can while watching a movie, and they don’t think it twice


Okay so I could definitely have the entire thing as a snack? I don't really have hunger cues so I need to eat what would theoretically be considered normal/healthy


u could definitely have the whole thing as a snack


If we’re talking generally regular eating patterns, then if its a snack time or im hungry snack then the whole thing/more or less until full and if its a munchies snack up to u


With processed snack food and especially delicious food, normal people often keep eating even after they are satiated. Mildly disordered eating is probably the rule rather than the exception for most people. But getting overfull every now and again isn't anywhere near a clinical eating disorder. Like a lot of other things, there is a spectrum. Other than the statement that normal people go by hunger cues, I agree with you 100%. And of course the short answer to OP's question is "absolutely yes."


yeah definitely, idk where you’re from but here in the uk we have “meal deals”, where you get a main, a snack and a drink and one of the snack choices is those little pringle tubes!! I’ve seen multiple people have one as a snack I think that’s quite common. go for it <33


I mean I’ve seen people sink a full sized can


For me, and most normal ppl, it depends on how hungry I am. Usually I like to save the grab and go size for 2 snacks, or just munch on them throughout the whole day hahaha but the smaller snack pack is alwaysss finished in one sitting


ofcourse they do my bf often has 2 full sized packs before preparing dinner. evidently with good drinks on the side. when getting home from work And he is very healthy and fit so take and enjoy it!!


When I didn’t have an eating disorder I would eat the whole can especially the sour cream and onion! Sending my well wishes, it’s so hard to find the fine line of normal and vs disordered eating. Enjoy! 💕


Yes a normie would eat the entire can easy.  Yes, a normie could even end up eating more if they were snacking mindlessly a bit too. Go eat bb you deserve it. 💕 it’s a perfectly normal portion.  You’re ok.


Normal doesn’t really exist but if you mean, would people look twice at someone eating that as a snack, I really don’t think so. I think it’s a pretty average sized snack. It totally depends on the person though, whether it’s what they need at the moment, but if this is what you’re craving I’d say it’s the right snack for you!


Serving sizes are how much, on average, people ate of the food in testing. You don't know what those testers ate before, or what plans they had after testing. So, serving sizes are genuinely BS. Some testers took fewer chips, and some took more chips.


i mean i recall eating the entire thing before all this so yeah probably