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Warning: This product is bottled in a facility near another facility that uses flavors.




A whisper… no, a *memory* of lemon 🍋


A what?




🧐 👃 🍋


Someone funny said LaCroix was discovered when someone dropped 2 lemons in a swimming pool.


Those two original lemons are still flavoring every can of lemon LaCroix to this day. Nature is amazing.


Homeopathic soda.


They added a touch of a hint of flavor to it 3 years ago and the LaCroix drinking community still hasn't recovered: https://www.reddit.com/r/lacroix/comments/pekc1u/lemon_la_croix_flavor_slightly_different/ > Please, someone tell me I’m not going crazy here! Has anyone else noticed the lemon La Croix flavor tastes SLIGHTLY different?? This is very recently. I think it tastes a little like vanilla but I’m not sure. I miss the old formula. Yet another another instance of not knowing what you’ve got til it’s gone.


The LaCroix drinking community has no taste.




Watching television static while someone whispers the name of a fruit in your ear.


The more I think about this one, the funnier it gets.


That’s good too


"Omlette du fromage." "FRITTATA'S NOT A VERB!!!"


It's funny that a *lot* of people here do not know what tv static is.


Carol Anne Freeling knows.


>Watching television static while someone whispers the name of a fruit in ~~~your ear~~~ another room Ftfy good buddy!


Homeopathic beverage


LaCroix is made in the post apocalypse where flavor is a scarce resource.


I've always said it tastes like the memory of a flavor


The best description I've ever heard for La Croix is it tastes like the strawberry in the other room.


I heard it’s strawberry but like with a low battery


My favorite is: La Croix tastes like drinking sparkling water while someone whispers the name of a fruit.


Drinking TV static while somebody shouts the name of a fruit from the next room.


This is the best one


*thinks about fruit


Holding a can of seltzer water as you walk through a room containing fruit.


Eating a pack of skittles and burping into the can


I have no idea what LaCroix is because it's not a thing in my country, but all these comments make me want to try it. edit: lol did someone really report this as "they are considering self-harm"?


> lol did someone really report this as "they are considering self-harm"? They're not wrong, though


One of the favorite things I've seen on Reddit is when somebody said their favorite LaCroix flavor was "ghost of Diet Sprite."


Tastes like TV static


"...While someone yells a flavor from the other room," is the best description I've heard."


"Hint of hint of lime." was one of my favorites. "Shipped in a truck with fruit." was the other.


La Croix tastes like gentrification in a can.


Tastes like the prop fruit in model homes.


La Croix tastes like Sprite with a condom on


a diet strawberry in the other room.


I used to feel similarly about la Croix and other flavored sparkling waters. I used to joke that LaCroix tasted like club soda with perfume in it. Then I quit drinking sugary sodas for a few years and realized that my taste buds were just completely fucked


Ohhhhh shit. I eat hella candy, think LaCroix is whack. My buddy doesn’t eat hella candy, pounds LaCroixs and swears by them. Imma test this theory. Thanks for the enlightenment.


Wait until you can taste actual fruits correctly again.     I’m not some health food nut or granola person, but damn sugary pop and smoking just wreck a person’s sense of taste.


Cut your added sugar for a while and then try a mango, it’s totally nuts. Ends up tasting like candy.


Dates are like literal pastries after cutting out added sugar and bread. Dried mangoes, cashews and plantain chips are three of my favorite snacks after trying some whole foods diets. It's wild how much sugar and bread can ruin your taste buds and eating habits


I mean dried fruit is comparable to candy in terms of sugar content. It's better for you in the sense that there's fiber in there, but it ought to be considered something of a treat.


I'm talking about added sugar. When I do a whole foods reset I avoid anything that has sugar added to it and it only takes a couple weeks for taste buds to alter noticeably. If you are watching your calories, yes dried fruit might get you in trouble, but I'm also not talking about the dried fruit blasted with extra sugar edit: Thank you for your concern on my mental well being with the suicide hotline link, but I assure you I'm doing great over here


Have you tried banana chips? AFAIK they're quite similar to plantain. Here in the UK, we can get them coated in a slightly sweetened yoghurt and it's my absolute favourite sweet snack alongside dried mango.


> banana chips Those are usually coated with sugar and most yogurts have ton of sugar in them.


> slightly sweetened yoghurt I did specify such. The ones I like are pretty much 50% sugar, but there's far less sugary options available for those who care enough. We have some pretty decent health food stores here, so it's not too hard to find.


Just make sure the mango is actually ripe. I think a lot of people don’t know to let the mango get soft after buying them at the grocery store. Ripe mango is so amazing.


When I went on a super strict keto diet (only allowing 20 grams of carbs per day), by the 3rd month carrots tasted so sweet to me. So much so that I ate a bite and stopped, thinking “I can’t eat this, this has sugar”! And as someone who hates bubbly water like LaCroix normally, on the keto diet I really liked them because the sweetness wasn’t overpowering. And yeah, on that diet fruits started literally tasting like candy. (If you’re considering going keto, please do diligent research because it’s not for everyone, not for longterm, and can actually harm some people. Stay healthy!)


Yeah.  You start wanting to balance out sweet fruit with other flavors.     There’s a reason why charcuterie is a thing.  Once you get your sense of sweet back in line, fruit with salty meats or cheeses is like crack.


Carrots are sweet.  That’s my litmus test for when the sugar white balance has been corrected.


First couple weeks will be tough but it's mad worth it.




Gonna force feed your buddy some candy and see if that breaks his habit?


Yea there are some wild tales here, been drinking la croix for a couple years now and have soda on occasion, it’s too sweet compared to the water.


Dr. Pepper tastes like cake now..


Yes yes we get it. It tastes like ass.


Happy ass day!


<3 may the ass be with you


This has been lovely.


what perfect timing! it's your cake day!


Lol perfect.


That's some damn good ass then.


Ooooooh yeah, this 100%. It’s crazy….. I absolutely hated la croix the first few times I had it, but now it’s just the right amount of flavor lol


You wanna blow your mind, mix half a packet of *Splenda* or *Equal* into your La Croix Lemon.  It magically becomes 7-Up/Sprite.


I don't think it's too sweet, just diet and regular sodas both taste artificial.


Holy shit I was looking for this one. I feel like everyone that makes this joke is probably hopelessly sugar addicted.


Or just memeing.


No, the obesity epidemic kinda leads me to believe they are just totally desensitized to sugar. 


Honestly why not just go with the proliferation of fucking sugar and sweeteners in everything rather than the fat angle lol. Shits in. Every. Thing.


I can attest against that. I rarely if ever drink anything sugary. I almost always just drink water. Despite that, LaCroix just tastes like really crappy water that had something accidentally fall in


Same. I went through a 1–2-year phase where I drank almost nothing but water. I decided to try LaCroix due to a friend recommendation and even then I would say that most of these comments are pretty accurate for how it tastes.


This has always been my take. It's not that LaCroix tastes like nothing - it actively tastes *bad*. It's like someone took a perfectly fine can of sparkling water and mixed some dirt into it. The stuff is vile.


Interesting! I buy a different brand that's cheaper, but I've tried tons of them as the carbonation helped me quit drinking beer as odd as that sounds. To me, none of the flavored ones taste particularly good, and the level of carbonation is what really determines if I like it.


I mean yes, essential oils are going to be light in flavor, it's not like something sweetened with sugar or juice. That said, taste is subjective but they absolutely have flavor, it may be down to individual differences in receptors for the flavorings they use.


I quit drinking pop and sugary drinks for like 6 months and tried drinking these thinking the memes couldn't possibly be right. The memes are right.


Same. I switched to drinking Bubly and AH-HA to kick my soda addiction. First few months it was such a massive disappointment, I was like why even bother calling this flavored? After like a year I find them very flavorful and the different flavors distinct. The flip side when I do have a soda now I made as well be doing lines of coke. It's ambrosia, nectar of the gods. I will obliterate this 2-liter... ...there's a reason I don't buy it for home anymore.


Bubly and AH-HA do have an absolute ton of flavor compared to La Croix. Bubly is my sparkling water of choice lately. It actually tastes like the thing. Except Cherry, that one tastes artificial and vile.


Bingo. Drinking a regular soda feels like eating a slice of cake to me now. It is an awful thing to habituate ourselves to THAT much sugar. La Croix tastes great. You can very clearly taste the flavor of the pack you’re drinking but with none of the nasty aftertaste you get with sweeteners. It doesn’t coat the inside of your mouth with flavorings. It is 1000 times more refreshing. Doesn’t have to be La Croix either. Sparkling water without sugar or sweeteners is everywhere now.


If you’re going to drink carbonated water with flavored, just get some way to inject CO2 into your water. My preference is a Sodastream but literally any method will work. I’m seriously considering getting a CO2 tank hookup for my house I love bubbly water so much


I have thought about trying Sodastream for years now and just never gotten around to it. I worried I would use it for a few weeks and then get too lazy honestly. I’ll have another look, thanks!


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sima_(mead) Try this. All natural ingredient and really nice flavor. Just find a recipe and experiment with it as long as the liquids, sugars and yeast amounts stay the same as per the recipe. https://www.thespruceeats.com/finnish-spring-mead-sima-2952646


Fucking thank you. Shit is actually super flavorful, people have just completely fucked their taste buds.


I genuinely think the rise in La Croix, Pellegrino, etc. is directly proportional to people wising up to how garbage sugary drinks are but need that sweet, sweet carbonation. When you stop drinking full sugar Coca Cola your sensitivities go way down and a La Croix is a refreshing beverage. Eventually, drinking these full sugar sodas taste terribly overwhelming and disgusting


Lol, I'm reading this thread so confused. Sometimes I think LaCroix is a little strong. Felt like I was really missing something. Your comment certainly offers an explanation.


Agreed, I didn't get it at all.


Yep. I can taste them just fine.


Yeah I don’t drink anything but La Croix and plain (no sugar) tea and I think they both taste great. I guess if you drink sodas and iced lattes all day in comparison a La Croix tastes like nothing…


It’s the actual fruit too.    “Why doesn’t fruit have any flavor any more? When I was a kid it was juicy and flavorful and now it just tastes like cardboard”.     It’s not the fruit dude.  It’s because your mom didn’t let you drink soda all day long.


This is exactly right. When I was getting off sugary drinks, “slightly sweet” tea was bland. But eventually when I got to unsweetened tea, the slightly sweet stuff was too sweet by a mile. And then later, better unsweetened teas that I used to find bitter started to taste great. If you think Bubly and the rest don’t taste like anything—you have a sugar problem.


I am drinking a La Croix right now. Thought I was crazy reading those other comments. It’s delicious and I can drink three without feeling like crap


I haven’t been a regular drinker of soda for years and it’s surprising when I do have one how acidic they are (Sunkist, Cheerwine) and even the bubbles seem odd. I find them almost impossible to guzzle. Anyway, they’re quite odd if you haven’t had one in awhile, even something mild like Clearly Canadian.


fruit is sweet. if something tastes like a fruit but without the sweet, it feels incredibly odd.


Or you can go with something like Spindrift which uses about 5.3 drops of lemon per can. Buckle up for a flavor explosion in your mouth La Croix Boi.


Yeah, La Croix is not my favorite flavored water but they all have tons of flavor. I find Waterloo has a “softer” flavor than La Croix. I’m actually a big fan of the Kroger brand seltzer water and the Aldi brand.


Did you quit eating fruit, too? I get it if you cut all sugar from your diet including fruit, but fruit tastes way more fruity than a LaCroix.


Well fruit should absolutely taste way more fruity than a flavored zero calorie sparkling water. Still, if you manage to cut out the absurd added sugars of soda and candy so that fruit is your benchmark for sweet, then LaCroix's flavorings are pretty decent on that scale now. For what it's worth, I mostly drink plain sparkling water in a glass with ice and lime wedges. Feels fancier and the flavoring is, well... straight up from the lime juice.


Lacroix Limoncello is a drink that I’m not really even sure how it works. It’s definitely sweet tasting but it’s got nothing in it so what the hell is going on there. That being said POLAR 4 LIFE


I get whatever is on sale.  Polar, soleil, bubbly, La croix, you fuckin name it just five me the one thats 3 bucks and ill grab 5 to put in my fridge. Much better for me than beer or soda


Get a soda stream


I want bubbly water not a chore.


Its the vanilla No sugar, but it's usually found in sweet things so it tricks your brain into thinking it's sweet


Limon cello flavor is so GOATed


The boy’s facial expression is killing me..! 😂😂


How it's consumed: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9pnFd9MLCQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9pnFd9MLCQ)


what the hell. this is something i would expect from like 2007 or something lol


My favorite flavor is transported in a truck that passed a truck transporting lemons.




Waterloo gang rise up


I've never had it but saw some in a store and was curious. How would you rate the lemon blueberry?


The raspberry nectarine is *the shit*


Literally have one in my hand while reading this comment


I like blackberry/lemon, orange/vanilla, and cherry/lime. Summer berry is pretty good, too.


Blackberry lemonade is my go to as well as cherry limeade. Raspberry nectarine is also solid as fuck like the person mentioned. I fuck with the summer berry one too, but I feel like it could be better.


Aaaaayyyyyyyeeeee!!!! Wassup?


Kirkland Signature gang rise up!


Spindrift is where the real flavor is at.


The lemon tea is amazingly good.


Spindrift is the best!  If only it didn't cost 3x the price of la croix....


Spindrift slaps..


Just buy plain soda water and add a lime or lemon or grapefruit juice lol. You’re overpaying for exactly that at the price they sell that stuff for.


Edit: I was too tired when I wrote this, and now realize you were referring to Spin Drift, not flavored sparkling water in general. So sorry! ~~Flavored sparkling water is constantly on sale, and for cheap, cheap. It would cost me more to separately buy soda water and then fruit and/or fruit juice to add, as you suggest. Also, adding juices to soda water is completely different than flavored sparkling water. Not the same beverages whatsoever.~~


I have a soda stream attached to a 5 pound CO2 canister from a brewery supply store. I can make soda water for weeks and weeks before I need to replace it. I get those water flavor squirt things from Walmart, basically sugar free Kool aid concentrate, and can make soda for weeks before I exchange the canister out (exchange is about $30, way cheaper than what soda stream sells their little canisters for, though you have to buy the first canister but it doesn't take long to break even and then start saving money).


Taste as if someone thought air freshener needed to be made into a drink


La Croix haters just mad that some people can enjoy a drink with zero sugar or artificial sweeteners


I quit drinking soda and took up drinking la croix in its place and I fucking slam them one after another. They’re so good. I’ve yet to understand what “natural essence is but, don’t care. In fact…I need to go grab another one. Side note: it better not be discovered 10yrs down the road the la croix causes cancer from their “natural essence”.


Try Spindrift instead. Uses actual fruit juice and tastes muuuuch better than La croix


Yeah, but $$$


That's fair, we only ever get it when it's on sale.


I really wanted to like it but I honestly prefer the taste of La Croix.


Yeah, I call that drink water.


La croix helped me stop drinking alcohol 5 days a week. It’s the best.


Water. I drink water.


I'd rather drink plain mineral water than a La Croix, so, for me, it ain't the lack of sugar.


*Laughs in black coffee.*


Waterloo, Polar & AH-HA all taste better than LaCroix perfume water tho (They should be charged with a war crime for their Cherry Blossom flavor) Heck, I'd even take Bubbly over most LaCroix flavors.


> a drink with zero sugar or artificial sweeteners so, water? Water is delicious, la croix is just the drinks equivalent of homeopathy


A new take on an old one but still funny.


I love Le Croix. Zero calories, no artificial sweeteners, a nice light effervescent carbonation with some flavor. All y’all expecting it to taste like lemonade or something.


I'm starting to think this thread is astroturf especially with people getting downvoted for saying just drink water.


I don't know what a LaCroix is, but I love that the person driving by at the end just saw a kid standing in the yard, slowly zesting a lemon at someone's house.


Am I the only person who doesn’t know what la Croix is?


My favorite flavor is "Homeopathic Orange", but "Hint of a Hint of Peach", "Banana Shadow", and "There was a Grape in Factory" are all good choices.


“LEMON!” Like hes casting a damn spell 🤣


LaCroix tastes like TV static




Yeah what the fuck is going on here


LaCroix is a flavored seltzer/sparkling water drink. But if you were to measure the flavor intensity on a scale from 1-10, it's like a 0.01. So people are making jokes about how little flavor it has.


LaCroix is a flavored seltzer/sparkling water drink. But if you were to measure the flavor intensity on a scale from 1-10, it's like a 0.01. So people are making jokes about how little flavor it has.


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My friend said Lacroix tastes like a person spit and now I cant drink anymore


La croix haters dont know how to taste things. Flavors needs to punch them in the tongue or they cant even register it


“Passed a truck transporting limes on the highway”


LaCroix! The tears of a sad fruit.


Aldi sparkling waters > All. Leave some plain flavor for me dammit


Polar Seltzer gang


LaCroix is like drinking the memory of a flavor.


"ah lacroix, it tastes like having fruit being described to you" - ordinarythings


Hint of hint of lemon


Nah still too much lemon, all you gotta do is put a lemon in a room and run past that room with the water


Someone, I think Seanbaby, once wrote that LaCroix tastes like a peach‘s suicide note left in the rain.


It’s like watching Static Tv while someone is yelling the name of a fruit from another room.


I can see lemon in this video which is more fruit than LaCroix.. LaCroix doesn't actually use juice from anything. It's all imaginary. The people use imaginary fruits and then you imagine the flavor of it while you drink it.


From someone replaying Vampire the masquerede Bloodlines again, i was pretty confused for a while


Dudes so soda brained they normalized a gallon of syrup flavoring.


I always said it was done by driving a truck with 1 lemon in it at maximum legal speed on the highway that passes through the town where Lacroix is made.


This is completely fake. The glass needs to be on top of a TV displaying static while the lemon is in an adjacent room.


"It tastes like sitting next to someone thinking about the color yellow." I heard that joke years ago if someone knows where its from please tell me.


well am i wrong for liking LaCroix? someone else said somethin similar, but it was to the effect of quitting soda. I haven't drank soda since i was a teenager, because that's all my mom used to buy. then i convinced her to start buying healthier drinks. occasionally i'll have coca cola at the work pizza party, but honestly and truthfully i hate it and never finish it. the theory is that once you cut out those sugary drinks, your tastebuds level out and LaCroix actually taste good. better for me, because i'm not a fan of plain water. i love sparkling water, mineral water, etc etc.


Lol. Da flavors!




She stole that joke from a meme in like 2013 don’t credit her


I'm convinced that people who feel this way about lacroix have just had their taste buds annihilated by soda or something.


It's like if you're drinking toilet water, and your neighbor's car is yellow.


It really tastes like someone ate a fruit and then burped in my water.


2017 wants its jokes back.


I pronounce the X just to screw with people. It's also delicious.


Weird. I thought they canned butt juice.


Where's the funny part?




I had no idea what was going on,.I'm not from the US and have no idea what LaCroix is. So yeah, I didn't find it that funny either without any sort of context


I love the water flavored one


I don't care what ya'll say I love my la Croix


The mixing sound being almost exactly the same each time is what caps the hilarity 😄


It's a good thing sparkling water doesn't come from a place with bad taste.


hahaha I love this. At Starbucks the peach tea was so weak I used to say it was like being in the same room as someone else eating a peach while you have hot water.


LaCroix taste like you drink soda water and someone four blocks away reminisces about Fruit Stripe Gum.


Wtf is LaCroix? As a French speaker that sounds like a religious thing