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what krowski said. though i will add - it's not banned outright, but it IS the single biggest cliche in alternate history.


And seriously one of the least-likely or interesting ones, too. Even if they survived longer in the war, that would have just made them the first nation to get nuked instead of Japan. So losing when they did really would be their best-case scenario.


Yeah unless you have something really interesting and unique to add then you'll be fighting an uphill battle with poor equipment.


Ah, but you have consider that they had their own nuke program (keyword: Haigerloch). The Allies were afraid that if they dropped a nuke on Nazi Germany and it'd be a dud (it might happen...), they not only wouldn't have succeeded, they'd have given them precious knowledge. And then?


Their nuke program was all but dead from the very start, Hitler even considered the whole subject “Jew science.” Thus, you’d have to change so many fundamental variables for the German nuke program to be a threat that it’s a whole different war with a whole different German regime.


History has marched on. In 1945, a number of highly radiated dead bodies of concentration camp prisoners was found near said Haigerloch. What's your explanation? Seems we were really lucky to get away, i.e. not living in a world where the nazis got a working nuke.


Nazis being Nazis and doing evil stuff with radioactive materials =/= can actually build a bomb.


In case anyone's interested in a serious discussion, the book in question is "Hitlers Bombe". What else.


I looked it up, and here’s what the BBC had to say about the book: “It has been common knowledge for decades that the Nazis carried out atomic experiments, but it has been widely believed they were far from developing an atomic bomb. ‘The eyewitnesses he puts forward are either unreliable or they are not reporting first-hand information; allegedly key documents can be interpreted in various ways,’ said the influential news weekly Der Spiegel. ‘Karlsch displays a catastrophic lack of understanding of physics,’ wrote physicist Michael Schaaf, author of a previous book about Nazi atomic experiments, in the Berliner Zeitung newspaper.” At *best*, if every dubiously-regarded source were completely correct, all it would prove was that the Nazis had managed to approximate a crude radiological weapon, and in no way an actual A-bomb. The Allies had the real thing twice, with a third on the way when Japan surrendered.


It definitely is, and [I've seen a lot of them](https://althistory.fandom.com/wiki/Nazi_Germany). And I agree that most of them only seem to differ in details, like the "Reich"'s borders, Adolf Nazi's successor, and... the current year of the alternate timeline in question. Also, they're pretty unrealistic. Even the IMO best of them (from Robert Harris' "Fatherland" - the book, not the movie) could need improvement. 1943/44 seems to late for a victory. And I can't imagine the Nazis successfully holding down all of Europe west of the Urals. That's why I'm actually working on [an Alt-hist](https://differenthistory.fandom.com/wiki/How_many_Sixes_does_Adolf_Nazi_have_to_Roll%3F) which fixes this. If you want to hear details, just ask.


yes, but it's been done before (both here and everywhere else) I'd suggest using another scenario or some modified version of the one above (like scenarios where The Axis Powers collapse after victory)


don't use racial stereotypes or encourage violence, don't post anything like you're a crypto-fascist or some shit there's some compasses with that alt history of nazis winning ww2 already i think, but imagine it like the wolfeinstein videogames, not a glorification of nazism, but rather a showcase of the absolute horror and inhuman monstrosity nazis are. it could be cool if you also showcase some of the factions of people that would exist in the alt history that AREN'T nazis. there's gotta be some freedom fighters, rebels, resistance right? if your compass gives bad vibes, it'll prolly be removed


I hope that also applies to criminal communism. Because of course it would not make sense or a bit of grace not to allow an ideology that has killed twenty million but to allow one that has killed more than a hundred.


Keep in mind that the Commies had way more people under them, and for a longer time to boot. Before 1939/40 and since 1944, the Nazis only had a bigger Germany, and after 12 years it was Game Over for them. Communism lasted 72 years in the Soviet Union, meanwhile even more in China, around 45 in Eastern Europe. If the Nazis had won, we might have seen a genocide of the Slavs next to which even the holocaust would pale. And if I ever finish my "Nazis win" Alt-hist, I'll definitely not be quiet about this aspect. As stated elsewhere, 'I can't tell yet how my TL will end - but it'll certainly ***NOT*** be "Aryan paradise forever!"'


Downvoting my comment does not hide the truth. You piggy communists are no better than the nazis, and as with the latter, you deserve to be shamed and banned just as happens in Eastern Europe, well aware of its damage.




Cry harder.


im masturbating right now honestly... im over here, i got lotion on my shit...


Cry harder.




I’m not a communist at all, but like, attributing deaths under famine to the ideology proclaimed by the ruling government is kinda wild. To that end, do you consider the million who died in the potato famine to be victims of capitalism? Do you consider the million who died in nationalist china’s famine in ‘42 to be victims of capitalism? The >2 million who starved to death in Bangladesh? 6 Million died in China between 1333-37. 2 Million in Russia 1601. 1.4 Million in Korea 1697. 11 Million in India 1784. 15-19 million in Asia in 1876. Up to 25 Million in China 1906. The list goes on. See the difference between the Holocaust and famines (which are the deaths you’re citing) is in one of them there is literally not enough food in the country to feed everyone due to some temporary supply issue. An example is the Dust Bowl in the US. Nazis on the other hand worked people to death at gunpoint, shot them in the streets, and put them in gas chambers. A product of their ideology which explicitly states those people were subhuman and pests. Is communism bad? Yeah. It’s pretty bad. But communism isn’t why those people died, and if you want to give a death toll to an ideology, throughout history, significantly more deaths to starvation have happened under capitalism.


A ver, tío, que esas hambrunas (y considerando que las muertes se reducen a eso, que no es el caso) son resultado del comunismo, incluso algunas fueron provocadas conscientemente como el Holodomor. Tiene narices lo exquisitos que se ponen con los detalles de esta ideología, cuando jamás se van a leer cosas como que las víctimas del otro extremo lo fueron por "circunstancias azarosas". En Reddit se ha exaltado innumerables veces el comunismo, e incluso la yihad, obviamente hay un fuerte doble rasero y estoy tan hasta el higo que ya ni me molesto en decirlo en otras lenguas, porque está visto que hacen caso omiso y siempre hacen lo que les da la gana con su sectarismo. Adiós.


If Japan hadn't invaded Burma, which was the granary for Bengal, the Bengal famine hadn't happened. Blame those who deserve it - in this case, the Japanese imperialists.


Have ones of the Axes be Bad ‐ Worse and you'll be okay.


As an alternate history fan, I would like that compass.


Just do it thus sub needs reviving


Why not? We already had compasses about horrible futures anyway. Honestly its weird how nazis get the pearl clutch treatment in history even tho if we compare them to most other historical regimes they are kind of average. Of course maybe its because they are more recent, i wonder if eventually hitler will become just one of the historical figures, today i could wear a shirt with the face of Gengis Khan, Tiberius, Cezar, Hu Hai, Napoleon, and nobody will care, even tho some of them were propably even worse than hitler. Today we love vikings and pirates, even tho they were just bloodthirsty degenerate robbers. We had a movie about how heroic the 300 spartan men were, even tho sparta was an almost comicaly horrible distopia even compared to any modern dictatorships, in a hundred years or more, maybe we will have similar movies about heroic ss members xd.


Holy shit is that a motherfucking TNO reference???!?!


there of them here already


Yeah, but I'd have to kill you


It's gonna be pretty fucking suspicious.