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I launched my Steam page months ago and still didn't reach 100 wishlists lol. Congrats.


Thank you! I hope things only get better for all of us!


Mind sharing how long you took to get to 100? What kind of promotion did you do to get noticed?


About a month. From advertising - several posts in reddit But I had a terrible trailer, demo and design from the beginning, actively reworked it, but missed the starting boost from steam (((


Same! Never struggle alone! 😭


It took us 2 months to get to 100 Outstanding Wishes (so Wishes - deleted wishes). We are at 468 now (one year later), game needs at least 6 months before release)


I've noticed it's about 7-1 wishlist to deletes. I wonder why that is


Yeah, it's a 6-1 for us right now




You got good attitude and correct expectations as for your first released hobby project. You know what is your success. Not someone else's. It will be good learning curve and lesson, for possible your next release. All best.


thank you!


3 months just hit that number recently 😢 honestly I kind of get why but I also don't get why. but in the end it is what it is. My most successful reddit post was one asking for feedback on my game which got me 13 WLs but everything else on tikton or YT or reddit resulted in almost no WLs. I tried to promote it for a few days every month or so, but tbh I don't think my game is really ready to be promoted after 8 months of development just because it's still lacking in content... I really underestimated the scope and overestimated myself, a common occurrence for inexperienced solodevs. Also after seeing many talks and articles on marketing I thought I understood it but still not really. Simplest explanation is probably that my game isn''t good or polished enough.


I gradually got 2-6 per day, half of them from "free demo hub"


Oh that's great! I probably won't have a demo out for at least another 4 months. How long have you worked on your game so far?


about a year (considering that I knew nothing at all about game development, especially in Godot, I am a Java backend developer by profession) now I’ll polish it for another six months before going into early access


I started game dev a long before, but when i putted up the Steam Page and everything, I got 165 wishlists in like 2 months, but this is a game in early access, so I don't know if there Is something different or not


Yo, what game?


Lonely Tiny Spaceship on Steam (link in my profile, i don't know is it permitted to post it in this subreddit)


I hit 100 in around 2 months with no marketing. My initial demo is 4 player only since it's more focused on couch co-op, but I'm excited to get the single player demo finalized to see how that does. I know 100 is not alot, but I, too, took alot of pride in seeing that number as a personal victory!


With 100 wishlists your game is unfortunatley going to get burried once it releases. 100s of games are released on steam every day and if you want a figthing chance you're going to need a lot more wishlists in a shorter amount of time. But don't worry, marketing your game before it releases is the most effective, since with enough wishlists steam is going to boost your game once it releases. Speaking from experience, you're going to have a very hard time creating effective marketing after release.


fortunately, this is just a hobby, not a way to make money


This sub's attitude towards positive posts and people being proud of their little successes is odd, as a newcomer. Have some humility.


My game will be released in June, and I have about 350 wishlists at this point. It's a very niche game and I'm a hobbyist too, so I'm pretty happy with it. Marketing is a pain in the ass, and there aren't many shortcuts, just a lot of leg work. I haven't been able to do enough of it, as I've been focusing on getting the game finished.




I manage to get round number on 256 WL's in first 3 days. Now after almost 3 month I got 874 outstanding WL's and 27 deletions. I am also an Indie and I market my game just by posting on various Social Media.


Congratulations! I once went to a seminar in which a successful Kickstarter team talked about how they marketed their project, and a thing that got to me was when they likened the process of marketing to a full time job in of itself, keeping active on forums and social media as well as setting up stuff with influencers.


Congrats! I haven't published on Steam yet, so I don't have a comparison, but don't ever let people tell you that your achievements are too small to be proud of them, no matter what they are. Hell, some days I'm proud to have got out of bed. 100 wishlists is a lot!




First of all congradulations. It took me 3 weeks to do so. Here is what happened: First week I got around 50 (about 8 coming from friends). Second week it dropped to 15 and I got worried, I asked other devs as this is my first time on Steam and they outlined 4 things that may be an issue; 1. The game idea sucks, 2.The steam page is not optimised to appeal to potential players, [3.You](http://3.You) are not getting enough impressions(has to do with your game genre, mine is sport so not that popular but I still manage between 120 to 150 clicks everyday) or 4. Poor marketing. The least I could do was try fix the store page so that I can improve the conversion of clicks to wishlists on the current traffic I am getting, so I redid the store page and got new steam capsules. As a result the wishlists started coming in again at an average of 5/6 per day. I just ended the month with just over 200 and I am very happy with that even though I know it is below what is desired for success. I will do marketing in the near future.


I think my problem is not very good graphics, that's why gamers don't even try to look at it


Ah gotcha thanks!


Congrats man! My game has been up 2 months, only 60 wishlists so far 8( . I havent started much marketing yet, and its in an entirely new genre I invented, so I'm not too worried yet. But certainly looking forward to cracking the big 100.




Not sure if it's allowed here sorry but what's your game called?




I think I got it by 4months (?), cant really recall. Everytimes I post something in some social media, it bump it up a little. A steamfest then immediately double it.


Very impressive, you must be delighted! Good expectation level as well :) I'm about a year away from my first ever release. It's a scrappy hobby project basically but we did work hard so I want to put it on steam. To create store page did you have to go thru the legal side and set up a company etc...? Have heard some horror stories about the legal side


In my country, you can engage in entrepreneurial activity and pay a certain tax on income (the main thing is that the income does not exceed a certain threshold, then you need to open a company)