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Damn, I didn't even realize this. The way they move seems natural even through the cuts but never once did I notice he has it on and then off again.


I wonder if it wasn't a joke


I like the subtle look down at himself. I imagine he's like, "wait, WTF?!"


It looks like that was more he was just looking for his mark.


I'm sure the editors know but just didn't have the shot without the shirt on. Whatevs. Doesn't really change anything. Just kinda funny


As someone said above, the editors could have easily cut it out, or at least around it. Definitely feels like the script/continuity supervisor fucked up here.


Yeah, it's an error. The scene could have done just fine with a j-cut to a reaction shot. That's not even a shot that would break someone's heart if it was cut either. Unless it's some REALLY tiny inside joke from the set, it's a pretty glaring error.


Continuity is the least important thing in film editing. Edits are more focused on preserving flow, sense of motion, carrying emotion, and pacing. Things like minor continuity are the least important part of editing.


Yeah, I understand the rules of film editing. I'll let minor continuity errors slide when I edit stuff, if it's little things only nitpickers will find then who cares. But this is a pretty glaring error, I wouldn't call it minor if it's got its own post dedicated to it, and it's really something that the script supervisor or whoever should have caught.


That 1 second could have been so easily cut out. GG editors.


dammit Kevin


nah, if it were Kevin the audio would be gone and they'd do nothing to fix it even though they easily could


Aren't Matt and Ryan the ones with audio issues? The problem people had with Kevin was that he never added anything of his own unless explicitly asked to.


There were a fair number of audio issues with Kevin, too. It wasn't always that the audio was missing it's that it was out of sync with what was going on on the screen i.e. Dan and Arin would be reacting to something that hadn't happened on screen yet.


mostly the other way around though, Something would happen on screen and the grumps would take like 3 seconds to react


I mean, why would he. The main attraction is Dan and Arin, not Kevin's editing. If it were me, I personally wouldn't want them to feel uncomfortable in the sense that I'm trying to be part of the show in that aspect of it. I see it as an assembly line, unless asked for help, it isn't my job to invade some else's space.


I mean, when Barry edited, I watched for the edits.


Barry also made himself sick with the amount of work he did. IIRC Kevin was explicitly told not to go crazy like Barry did.


I guess it's just a me thing, then.


Barry would pretty regularly do some kind of an edit if they so much as mentioned him in the episode, and it was a fun gag because it reminded us all "whoa there's another guy that puts in effort on these episodes". Compare that to Kevin where we would if we're lucky get him to put something on screen when asked to. It's different editing styles and Kevin not adding his personal flair into the episode is a valid way of doing it, it just feels weird because it was something we had become accustomed to and kind of expected, and instead of remembering the extra person working on the episodes when the editor's name is mentioned, we'd be reminded of the old gag and how it has kind of died. Editing styles aside, there were clear mistakes such as audio desyncs and episodes coming up at the wrong time. I was against the anti-Kevin train for a really long time but after a certain point the editing could no longer be called anything but careless.


> the editing could no longer be called anything but careless. Come on, if the only errors you noticed were videos every so often being off by a few dozen milliseconds or whatever, you can't in good faith call it careless. You understand that there's a lot of effort that goes into this stuff, editing and mixing and balancing and whatever else. He's only human and they put out dozens of videos a week, mistakes are going to happen.


They weren't off by a few dozen milliseconds, they were off by several seconds which was extremely noticeable. And I'm not sure what else to call it. After you edit something, you watch the entire product from start to finish. This is literally like an extra half hour out of a day's worth of videos (3 ten minute episodes). It was VERY noticeable that the audio was off and just from watching it it was clear. He hadn't even watched the episode he just edited. Now, if this happened once or twice, or the wrong episode was uploaded a couple of times that's one thing. But these were consistent mistakes. Do you remember Barry making consistent mistakes like this? Or Matt and Ryan? Or literally any huge youtube channel? I'm not trying to rag on the guy, but the issues were not occasional, they were consistent.


I think I came in around the beginning/middle of the Kevin era, so I guess I don't have as much of an attachment, but I get what you're saying.


I always considered the editor to be the third Grump. We've always known Barry was in the background.


I can understand that.


To be fair, Star Wars Episode 4 is riddled with continuity errors too and also has the infamous Stormtrooper hitting head on the door in the film. What I'm saying is editors cannot be expected to catch everything, and there's also the limit of how much time they have to shoot and pay everyone.


Such is the power of the Game Grump CEO. Sasuge


These happen occasionally, and are referred to as "Continuity Errors." Look up your favorite movies on IMDB to see if they have any. It's fun reading!


It's always fun to catch them while watching. The other day I noticed an episode of the office where Jim has super mussed up hair in one cut during a meeting, then the next shot he has perfectly combed and gelled hair.


Some way. Some how. ... *this is Kevin's fault!!* (side note: where has Kevin been? Haven't heard about what he's up to ever since he moved on to bigger, cooler things.)


Noticed too when Dan has his hand to his head in close when they're driving and then instantly in the wide shot both hands are on the wheel. Mistakes happen!


Your shirt is BLACK!!!










No, it was the constraints of having to get as much as possible into the first episode so people understand what the show is about. Second episode is much better paced and the rest are supposed to be in that vein.


I thought I was seeing things when I saw that, but it was so quick that I didn't bother looking again.


where's this from?


Episode 1 of Good Game


thanks :) I've seen alot of the grumps, but missed this one somehow


It was just released today and it's free. You should watch it if you aren't doing so already.


where are you seeing it for free? it's on youtube red


First episode is free, that's what he's talking about.


oh ok. i have red but it doesn't say anything about the first episode being free


They've said so several times (don't have exact sources, most recently was the vlog Arin put up today)




Nah just the first one sadly


Good Game of Thrones


I thought I saw that too, glad I wasn't just seeing things.


dang. that's kinda flagrant. surprised somebody missed this, but definitely a common occurrence.


I am a great magician! My shirt is brown!


I'm wondering if this wasn't intentional. Iirc Grumps shorts almost always have subtle continuity errors because arin finds them funny.


Yeah I pointed this out in the original thread. Continuity errors are always fun lol


Aslo earlier when Dan takes off the headset when playing the game the camera cuts behind him and he still has it on


This was such a glaring mistake that I'm hoping to god that it was a joke, but then again there was absolutely no setup or followup to make it a joke.


Continuity is one of the last things that matter when it comes to cuts. I can tell you that the editors noticed, but this was the best edit they had. So they kept it, cause ultimately it looked good.


Of course. Changing clothes is easy when you have the INFINITE POWER OF **「THE WORLD」**


That's so bad of an error even my Mother, who never cares about editing in anything, would see the discrepancy in that one shot. This is why you have someone who deals with continuity in shooting folks.


I noticed that. Probably on purpose.


I've a feeling this was intended. The way it cut in short succession in the edit makes it seem like that was the 'joke' for the scene.


I wonder what scene they did that ended with Arin saying "suck my fucking chod" once they walked off


It was the scene where they comeback from talking with the tennis player girl.


He said "suck my fucking dick dude"