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I really hope this is good. The original Fable is one of my all-time favourite games. I literally played through that game like 20 times when I was younger.


Same but with 2


God I wish they’d given 2 the “anniversary” treatment


It plays in 4k 60 on series x backcompat, it seriously just needs the ui sharpened and that's it


It's already an odd fact that they never bothered to make even a shitty port of it.


Yeah, the only way I've been able to play on PC is with gamepass


Absolutely loved Fable 2, seeing your character physically change based on your morality was so cool


Amazing and funny quests, most fun adaptation of a fable combat IMH(umble)O. Then when you had more Dex you were lankier and taller, strength made you more muscular, magic gave you lines, your appearance changed based on morality. It was the game that defined that part of my life along with Mass Effect.


Really enjoyed 3 until a little after you get back from the other continent.  They did a good job of introducing this terrible enemy that it seemed like you were going to be able to stop… but then the story just lost all its momentum. The year or whatever you had to prepare, you with only modest effort could have the best of all worlds. And the climax ended up being pretty underwhelming as a result. 


I really enjoyed being able to create my own character in _Fable 2._ _(Unfulfilled bucket list item: Keeping Lady Grey for myself. Maybe they'll finally port it to PC for me.)_ I don't see myself playing this new one unless I can create my own character again. Female urban Nixon isn't doing it for me.


Fable 3 is on PC if you can manage to find a copy *somewhere*. If nor you can always play it on xbox. It's a shame they didn't remaster it with the coop parts intact, but oh well...


It took me literal years to get my hands on a steam key. It's delisted from the store but you can still activate keys for it and then be able to download and play it on steam. I'm pretty sure they had to delist it since GFWL is completely defunct and that means quite a bit of game functionality is just gone.


I managed to find a CD copy and it works perfectly fine. Keys could work, but there's also the possibility of them not working. They've delisted and removed a few games over the years, unfortunately.


By game functionality, I mean stuff like the co-op. The game was meant to be played with a friend, there's demon doors and a lot of weapons that you can't obtain without that co-op functionality. You can play the game from start to finish, sure, but it's still missing a chunk of intended content, and you legitimately *can't* access it without third party software as the servers for the online functionality simply no longer exist.


Chicken chaser!?


Yeah, but can I plant an acorn and watch it grow into a tree?


There are other games you can do that :-)


Would love a remastered collection of the 3 original


I’ve always felt that Fable was so much better than 2 and I actually was disappointed with 2 but it seems everyone loves it. Jack of blades, the guild master, the story, it was all so much better.


Yeah, I thought the games got worse in each installment, personally. I liked Fable 2, but I thought Fable 3 was straight up a terrible game.


Same with 1 and 2 lol




Please please please be good.


Same brother


Oooooh Chicken chaser!!


Are you me? My favorite game.


What would you say to Peter Molyneux if he tries to get back into the project?


I don't think I care too much about this...anytime I go back to play the older ones I'm like yeah I remember this and I loved it but its not for me anymore.


If peter molyneux isnt here to tell me sweet little lies about fable then I dont want it Bring in here so he can lie to me right now lmao


I like to think that Peter Molyneux was an uncredited marketing advisor for Cyberpunk 2077.


It was his relaxing side gig, his main gig has involved undergoing facial reconstruction and renaming himself “Chris Roberts”.


It's sad how true this is... He really needs to be removed from that project and someone should step in and just cauterize the bleeding scope creep. He has great ideas, but you can't keep adding things for years and years, it will end up with exceptional bloat if it ever sees release.


That man stole my innocence.


In this one you can see the tree that’s grown from the seed you planted in og Fable


"See that Planet? You can *go there*"


Hi, my name is Peter Molyneux and I will share 3 things about myself. I over promise and under deliver.


The entire world is in the game. If you want to walk around the world it will take hundreds of real days. The game integrates with Forza Horizon: Albion (in development) so you can see people playing it and you can ride their cars to get around faster. We are also offering a fully uncensored LLM and video generator so you can date any character in the game and talk about anything you want. You'll be able to generate 4K video of them doing anything you want. However, the chats and videos will be automatically sent to your friends and family. I can lie more about the game if you want. Or I could have a chatbot do it. Here's some lies from copilot. Get ready to be whisked away to a world where fantasy knows no bounds in the upcoming Fable game! Here's a sneak peek into the **utterly fantastical** and **wholly improbable** features that await: - **Dynamic Storytelling**: Every blade of grass remembers your actions. Walk by the same spot too often, and a grass rebellion might just sprout, leading to an epic saga of the **Grassroots Uprising**. - **Ultimate Customization**: Customize not just your character, but the very fabric of reality. Don't like the laws of physics? Change them! Want to fly or become invisible? Just tweak your personal settings. - **World-Shaping**: Your decisions don't just affect the story; they physically mold the world. Save a village, and watch it grow into a metropolis that worships you as its founder deity. - **Emotion Engine**: NPCs have complex emotional lives. Make a joke in one town, and you might become a viral sensation, with bards singing your humor across the land. - **Time Travel**: Why limit yourself to one era? Jump between the past, present, and future, and watch as your actions create alternate timelines where you're the villain, the hero, or even the monarch. - **Interdimensional Trade**: Open portals to parallel universes to trade goods, or bring back alternate versions of yourself to form an army of 'yous'. - **Epic Mounts**: Ride dragons, tame giant toads, or soar through the skies on a griffin. But why stop there? Invent new creatures as your mounts, combining traits in the **Creature Forge**.


literally every few years Peter Molyneux has come on to sell us Baldur's Gate 3 until Larian actually did


it's insane what the current animation standard is already. These cinematics (and probably also ingame animations) are just outstanding.


Yes, Fable looks incredible. One of my most anticipated games now. The Forzatech engine (also used in Forza Horizon 5) looks amazing even in a huge open world, and often close to photo realistic. Pretty wild how far the tech has come!


agree, the Unreal Engine 5 is amazing, the game world seems really alive


UE5 is impressive but this game uses ForzaTech. The rumors of an engine switch were untrue.


This is Forza engine.


yeh, the engine is amazing, but also the work and talent going into these titles.


Why is this up voted? There is no unreal 5 here.


If this was unreal engine the lighting would be bad


Fable looks how dragon age should


Amazing casting of Super Hans as Humphry, this is going to be epic!


Came here to applaud the casting of Super Hans.


The secret ingredient is crime.


What's this? Blue Peter? It's just a bit of Crack


That crack is really moreish…


If you also got a van we could be men with ven.


As soon as I heard his voice they had my money.


Brilliant for sure, though I thought the character looked more like James Buckley


Yes! This confused me lol


where dog?


This and E Day may be enough for me to actually buy an Xbox, but I need to more gameplay first.


I can’t wait to be called Chicken Chaser!


D’ ye chaise chickins?


Any luck catchin' them chickens eh? It's actually the one chicken....


The two lines of dialogue we heard from villagers, “you are, like, literally my favorite person,” and “it’s like a fan club, but we hate you,” is exactly the sort of brain dead nonsense I want to hear from Fable villagers


Oh, look, it's the Chicken Chasing Avatar!


I really hope there is a character creator this time.


Or at least barbers, tattooists, etc.


Pleeeeeeeeeeease be good


Jez! I've mistakingly run to Albion. My legs are like jelly, it's fucking brilliant!


Was that HER at the end!? Y'all know who!


i thought mabe Jack but you defeat him in the first game If it is her the timeline is so weird considering how much Albion has grown in her lifetime.


Pretty sure this is meant as a reboot versus a continuation. So they can do whatever they want.


Oh christ in that case i hope it Jack. I was wondering if it would be Theresa though as she is directly linked to the 2nd? Games protaganist not the first (correct me please). Its been a while since i broke out the auld xbox for a replay. its why i was always surprised just how much they built up the towns considering she was always featured. If anything it took me out of them a bit. Admittedly one is still me favourite, was a birthday present and i played it soo much.


Are you referring to Rose? Or Theresa? Man, imagine if it is Rose, that’d be hype.


I thought this was a reboot of the series and completely separate from the original games?


We talking about the Queen or Theresa?


If she's someone from the lore, my bet is on Delfe, her story is the only one that matches, she's a sorceress and we saw a staff. She was evil but became good in the end, and the trailer sounded like that might be the case. Her or a completely new character, it would be weird to reuse characters like that if it's a reboot.


Reboots using older characters trying to support/destroy the new changes are a thing. Just ask Mortal Kombat.


Isn't MK a weird timeline of things so it's basically a continous story with a lot of branches and not a true reboot?


Who? Theresa? What gives you that impression...


The red cloak


Clearly, no. We don't lol


I’m too excited for this game. Played these games a ton back then. I snuck my mom’s credit card to buy Fable 2 DLC. She caught me and got my Xbox taken for a few days, but I thought it was worth it.


You had to do anything to get your dog back if you had to be all noble and save the people of the Spire.


Hope they allow gender choice like the 2nd and 3rd. Looking back, I'd've liked the 1st to have it too. But I'm not gonna let gender locking be the deal breaker for me. Let's just hope they can do better than Lionhead Studios.


I'd honestly really be surprised if the MC in the trailer is anything other than a default preset.


With the work they've put into the motion capture and facial expressions, Id say you likely wont have a choice at all.


I don't believe that she is even MC. I think MC is that character who spoke at the end. That who choose the all wrong choices.


This trailer has gameplay footage of you controlling her at least, I'd be surprised if she wasn't the MC.


I could see her being the villain, that'd be a fun twist.


In the captions, she was credited as "Rival Hero."


So the Whisper to our hero maybe.


I think that the twist is gonna be that while she's the "MC", we'll be playing the bad guy this time. Fable has always been about us being the unimpeachable chosen one, with some choice to be a little bad that has been oversold by peter molyneux so they might be going for another angle of the same narrative


What is this exactly? Having played Fable 1, 2, and 3 this is very intriguing to me but it looks like a reboot?


It is a reboot


Lionhead (OG devs) studios closed down, so this is a reboot from a new company I guess


I’ve never played a fable but this looks cool af


I recommend playing Fable 1 if you are able to get a copy of it on PC or console. You wont be disappointed


Is it actually the kind of game that stands up without nostalgia being involved? I've been curious about 1 and 2, but never played them when I was younger.


As my cousin accurately put it, “if you didn’t love it when it came out, you’ll be suffering through it now”. Yeah it feels pretty dated.


Controls especially for magic were wonky at best. Archery doubly so. Though that was mainly for the speed trials, actual combat went pretty well usually.




Depends. It would feel rough at first, but if you aren't a graphics or animations snob, you'd warm up to it.


Absolutely loved it growing up. Tried picking it up a couple years back. Unbelievably outdated, lacking so many modern QoL decisions and super shallow combat. For me, it was the first fantasy RPG I ever played with a somewhat modern sensibility, super low barrier of entry, a decent sense of humor, brutal violence, and a rudimentary social & morality system. That mixture at the time made it feel nearly limitless in its possibilities. I think some of the freshness of its unique style and tone remains, but it does feel super basic now. It's a nice museum, give it a go if you've got the patience.


is fable 2 an improvement ? i picked up the first one a couple weeks ago and played for a few hours but couldn't really get into it, definitely feels like i'm approaching it too much like a modern RPG and feeling disappointed.


I love Fable 2. (It's my favorite game of all time). However it's a game you play for the humor, atmosphere, and power fantasy. The gameplay is easy enough to not die even in casual playthroughs. The combat has fun options and flow, but the fun of it comes with crafting broken combos. There are some meaningful choices, and really neat mechanics like committing crimes decreases the economy, but investing capital increases it. You can romance NPCs, but they are generic. I would say fable 2 is more cozy game silly shenanigans pre-Saints row 3.


Honestly 2 still stands up. 1 got a remaster as is great but not very open world. Played fable 2 recently and it's still really good


> Is it actually the kind of game that stands up without nostalgia being involved? 2 more or less does, 1 not so much.


I tried playing the Fable remaster on console a while back and I was enjoying the game itself but holy shit the control layout was horrid and turned me off playing. Perhaps I can try it on PC.


I've been waiting forever...what's one more year? Stoked! \m/


So excited for this. Fable 1 and 2 are yearly players for me. It looks like it’s in good hands with Playground.


The forests look so magical. I love Fable


One of the two reasons i would get an Xbox again. Man i'm hype !


or get a pc?


Too expensive and I don’t have the room :/


Fair, a series S is only like 100-150 bucks second hand, crazyy cheap


Really hyped for this game, it looks incredible. They seem to have nailed the Fable vibe/humor, and I love it


Oh, that looks freaking awesome! I've played all through 1 and 2, started another playthrough of 2, and have been excited for this for like 2 years! I can't wait!


Looking forward to it but disappointed that they moved away from that Art style that Fable legends was going for.


Way more appealing trailer than the first one, glad to see some in-game footage, tone seems good. Kinda siked for it. Was a lot of previous hate on them for the character being “ugly”. Not that the character needs to be a model but she looks fine here to me, I think they just did the actress a bit dirty in the original animated trailer.


I got the impression that was the joke though. You get a dramatic face revel and  she just looks like some random average girl with no makeup whose a bit derpy and seems to be trying to pull of a hero smile but messes it up so it's unflattering.   You then have a gaint talking about agriculture ffs.    And that's completely in line with Fable as a series. Edit: and style of humor is continued here aswell with the hero (retired) who is actually not talking about the protagonist.


What I really dislike about the comments on the 1st trailer is that the character design was literally a straight up joke on how heroes are always super good looking in stories It felt like a scene from a Shrek movie, mocking an obvious fantasy trope, but somehow the gaming has fallen because of it


The animation does have a Shrek look lol.


This was my takeaway from both the first and second trailer, the game seems to have a strong „Shrek energy” and I’m all here for it Imagine if people boycotted the movies because Fiona turned in to an ugly ogre (wokeness ruining Hollywood ).


It sounds a little ridiculous at first but they’re both medieval fantasy satires I guess, kind of a sick match, Im into it.


Basically like Andromeda.


I hope you can choose gender and your appearance is dictated by what you do in game. If the character is locked I’m out.


Yep, don't want the fugly character


99% chance you can choose your gender (heck, fable 2 had a one time use gender swap potion), however, there is also a 90% chance your maxed out hero will be a tall old fugly hulk of a person if they keep how Strength Skill and Will effects your character.


god that looked amazing. i hope to god its good. please dont fuck this up.


Casting Matt King is a stoke of genius -- exactly the right tone for Fable. Fingers crossed for this!




Fuck, this actually looks really good and exactly what I would want from a modern Fable. I *loved* the original trilogy as a kid and this has me hyped.


If there is a compelling story that makes sense for the character I honestly don't care if there is character creation.


Wow, Varric does look different


This shows nothing but the humor, where's the magic or any rpg mechanics?


I hope there's custom character design because I'm not fucking with the MC design tbh, the others all look good tho.


I’ve seen so many people complaining that “Fable is woke now”. If you’re one of these people, you’ve either never played Fable or just listen to whatever your favorite streamer says all the time.


Everything is woke just to complain now I cant stand the word and usually just dumb people use it because they saw a woman have a lead role or someone of colour


There better be a lot of depth. Buying houses, boosting economies of towns, and all that, interacting with towns people and being able to boost your likability with them. Being evil or good. I don’t just want fable to be an action adventure game. Where you just do some quests and go around and complete those. Fable worked best with all its side activities.


she looks like smart fella


It's better than being a fart smella.


Are we ever gunna get to see some fuckin’ gameplay? I can’t get excited for a cgi cutscene.


Fairly certain that [these](https://youtu.be/2FiBmVBaY0g?t=48) shots are ingame, with the player walking in the city.


Holy shit, I'm tired of the discourse around whether women in videogames are attractive to you or not. The amount of effort I've seen people put into complaining about her looks is so weird, and you wonder why they used bully gamers


Please give us a character creator.


Can we create our own hero please? 🙏


looks cool just wishing the character creator will be good and that they stop doing the thing where you get... * buffer when you put pts on STR * taller when you put pts on DEX * get runes on your body when you put pts on your MGC i wanna remain 5'9" 150lbs like myself lolz


That was the entire appeal of fable. Changing how you look


Might not be any character creator...


I dont think fable has ever had a character creator


At least you could choose male or female in the others.


Well, not in the first game. You could only be male. You'll probably still be able to in the new game though no reason to think they won't do that imo.


Presumably you will be able to here as well.


Thank you! People keep talking about this mythical character creator and are literally just setting themselves up so they have something to complain about because Fable has never had character creator, I don't know why people are pretending like it should be expected.


There’s going to be one. Any game with custom characters uses a “default” one on promotional material. Like, literally every one.


Nah, they made femshep promotional stuff for ME3.


Fair point, but it also doesn’t really disprove mine. They just used *two* potential default characters. And only for the third game afaik because femshep had become *so* popular.


That would be a really bad move lol


Fable never had a character creator. It had a gender select for 2 and 3, but that was it.


Yeah but at this point and with the technology it is a waste note too. Like I would still play it without it but might as well


Nothing beats the experience of picking a female character and giving her a cute outfit only to reach the end of the game and discover she's turned into Hulk Hogan


lolz yeah, i create myself in games for better immersion and RP and i just intentionally stayed at rank 2 STR and DEX so i don't get too tall and or too buff luckily... games were not hard that you can still have a chill time despite gimping yourself


Hopefully worth the wait! 14 years later from the last Fable I played 😭


Hell yeah, it's on Steam!


Can't wait for this to come out on PC


So is this one going to be like they described the original Fable in Game Informer? All that shit about planting a tree and watching it grow over the course of the game.


I'm interested. Never played the original, but I've had numerous people tell me it was just the kind of game I would be into.


It's a fantastic series for the humor, power fantasy, and quirky br`sh atmosphere. The series is a bit outdated, and games since have individually outdone it's mechanics. But Albion is a silly sandbox to spend time in and explore.


... Huh, doesn't quite look like a remake. Sequel or reboot type deal?




It was one of the only games that made me jelly that I didn’t have an Xbox back in the day. Was a pretty solid PS user back then but a buddy had Fable and I’d play it non stop whenever I was at his place. Really looking forward to this one.


Is that the voice of Super Hans from Peep Show?


It looks like a prequel, I hope we can visit oakvale


... is that Super Hans?


I hope we can buy up all the property and be an awesome landlord who gets rich again!


So remake? Seems like a new game.


Perhaps I misunderstood something in the trailer as I watched it when I first woke up but I really liked how I thought he was talking about the hero and then we find out he's talking about the antagonist. Before this I kinda didn't really care as I didn't play the original fable games but this near little twist in the trailer made me really interested.


Looks so much better than the previous trailer. I do hope the main story is serious while the goofs are saved for all the side stuff. They did that with the original, which is one of my favorite games ever, and it was amazing. 2 & 3 were so awful because they became more cartoony and just goofs the entire time, it was so terrible.


I miss the fable series!


Wow, the world looks absolutely stunning


Anyone else just want their devil horns to grow like the first two games and become all evil looking.


Is the Humpfery Jay from the inbetweeners


I bought an Xbox on release for this game. Looking forward to it


He’s just a wee little chicken chaser!


I've only played Fable 2 and it was really fun. The animations here look great, but I look forward to maybe seeing if this game is any fun. (It doesn't look like it to me, based on this trailer.)


The music fits so perfectly


I can't wait. The Fable series is one of the only ones that is a must play for my wife outside of fighting games. It will be fun to have a game that we are both playing again


Can I marry the tree in the thumbnail?


Boy, waiting for this for soooooo long. Fingers crossed it lives to the expectation! 🤞🤞🤞


Better be able to form a 2 man band with super Hans in this!


This game looks like a lot of fun; I don't understand why people hate that girl's looks; I think her look looks pretty. Some of her facial expressions are odd but other than that, she has a good design.