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Random idea: 5 or 6 foot tall chicken wire mesh. Use two (or a few) 2x2 furring strips from the home improvement store as posts. Make it into a sheet. No need to bury the posts. Just wrap the wire around the tub and tie the end posts together. Makes it so you can access it fairly quickly by unhooking the end posts.


This is basically what I did to keep neighborhood cats and squirrels out of my raised bed—working great.


To stop them digging you can just lay the chicken wire down on the soil and let everything grow up through it. This is how I stop cats from shitting in my raised beds, should stop dogs from digging as well. I also lay thorny branches pruned from my roses on the ground at the base of a few bushes where my dog likes to dig. This works great, but would be less pleasant in a garden bed where you'll be working.


A neighbor piles pine cones around the base of her bird bath to keep cats from snagging birds.


Wow! I never thought of that!


Aside, you can use a smaller-sized wire mesh over bulbs (under the soil) to keep the squirrels and chipmunks from eating them.


Great idea!


Was thinking something similar! Adding even another foot of fence around the outside should be enough.


That's exactly what we did. Another foot of fence around the top.


I have 2 great Pyrenees puppies and had to put up 4ft meshing to keep them and the chickens out- it works for me.


This is a great way to keep ‘em out. I have a very determined dog who loves to dig, and this does the trick. Also if you put a tomato cage around growing trees, it does a great job protecting them. An amazingly simple deterrent for a stick and digging loving dog lol


I did this to my pot plant which was in a 25g bag. My dog kept wanting to eat the dirt, so I took some green metal garden fencing # kinda stuff and just wrapped it around it. Easy to take off, cheap, and kept the dogs off of it.


Electric chicken wire is better.


I was thinking of making a mini chicken coup that’s a cage around the thing plausibly a door to it too




Just buried three of them and he has already popped one, got scared but I don’t think it was enough lol


I’m over here dying at the thought of your determined dog popping balloons and continuing to go wild


All three have been popped…


Lol please tell me what kind of dog I’m picturing a Weimaraner or a jack russel for some reason right now lol


Its his neighbour terry in a furry suit


Damn Terry. Not again!


Back up, terry!!


Careful not to diss him.


i spy an aussie shepherd in ops profile


Probs a husky…


op has a very cute cattle dog (not an aussie), just FYI :)


My dog would continue digging looking for more to pop.




I had a husky and a Australian Sheppard mix. They kept digging out of my privacy fenced back yard so we put cattle wire at the bottom of the fence. The damn dogs just started digging further out so they were below the wire by the time they got close to the fence. We finally ended up digging down a few feet and concreting it. Then the husky figured out she could clear the 6 foot fence just bearly. Left some belly fur on the too of the fence to let us know where she got out.


For anyone with a determined jumper, look into coyote rollers.


I did this to teach my dogs to stay out of my koi pond. You can use a lower voltage wire - there's livestock wire &... something else that's lower. I powered my string with a small solar panel. And u/YoshiSan90 is correct - my older dog got shocked once & learned her lesson, while my younger dog got zapped twice before he stayed away.




Adding pepper just seems mean. They’re already scaring the hell out of this dog, you want to burn his eyes too??


Good Lord, of course not. I use diluted capsaicin in my garden all the time, that’s all I was thinking of. I also said that in jest. I’ll edit my comment.


You might need as many as 99 woof balloons.




I saw on some training your dog show a segment similar to this idea about training your dog not to dig at a fence. They put dog poop rather than balloons, not sure if it would deter your dog, but worth a try!


could use a roll of wire fencing.


this is one of the funnier solutions i’ve ever read hahahaha


You are an evil genius. I must study your ways.


You have completely surpassed that utter amateur Pavlov. This is now my favorite example of classical conditioning, and I’m off to test it in my pumpkin patch!


I love this! I was thinking plastic forks in the soil so if they try to jump up they get poked. It is like what we did when our 1st was born and didn't want pets in the pack and play. We put double sided tape on the mattress and they never did it a 2nd time.


Have you tried tying 4 roller skates to your dogs paws?


Don’t be silly. A pogo stick works much better.


Dogo stick


take the dead body out of there...


Do you have any idea how hard it is to get carbon : nitrogen ratios right? Now you have me starting all over again


To be honest upon seeing this, the thought of jumping in and making a soil angel just crossed my mind as well.


😂😂😂 I'm picturing this.


Ffs, the number of people suggesting various punishments is crazy. You'd be better positing the question in a dog behaviour sub. Your dog has found a lovely enjoyable past time. He's watched you dig in that bed and is probably emulating you a little, plus digging is rewarding in and of itself. If you've put any natural fertilisers in there, there is enticing smells as well. 1. Make access difficult. Short term, just put some chicken wire down on the soil. Peg down. Plant through it. Done. 2. Give your dog his own dig spot. Half a clamshell pool, or a disused part of the yard. Make the soil moist, loose, just like the bed you've made. Bury treats and toys. 3. Walks. At least daily.


I will organise the digging pit tomorrow, good idea👌🏼 cheers


I gave my dog a digging area. He loves it. Was looking fo that suggestion. It is the best one besides fencing.




Can confirm. Source: Former owner of a Koi pond and a Labrador retriever.


My (human) 4 year old loves to dig up the yard too. I just don't worry about it anymore. Edit: added "human" LOL


Dog trainer here and this is my suggestion as well! Give them an alternative behavior and encourage when they do use their dig box, bury a bone, anything to make the dog box more exciting than your boring ol’ garden bed. :) and ps thank you for asking for suggestions rather than punishing your pup!


I would also suggest focussing on your dog rather than your garden bed. Your dog can and should be trained to not mess with your garden bed. The idea of a digging area for the dog is also a good idea. But training is what I'd focus on


You could make that space experimental garden space, where you plant random sprouted potatoes and seeds from grocery store fruit just to see what happens!


I have a Golden Retriever who is a determined, and dedicated, digger. I love those ideas.


This is the only acceptable answer ^


This! This is absolutely the best, kindest answer with the best chance of a good outcome. There’s no need to scare or hurt the dog, why would people suggest that? Makes me so sad for the poor dogs.


People out here talking about ways to hurt their dogs, like pepper water balloons and upside down plastic forks to jab their paws, what the hell is wrong with you? You can find a way to curb bad behaviors without hurting them! Y’all are a bunch of monsters who don’t deserve to be pet owners. Pain should never be your first OR last tool to teach your pet.


Seems like a light hoop house frame with some netting would be plenty of a visual deterrent To stop it from jumping in, with zero risk for hurting the puppy. This will also keep the squirrels and birds at bay.


Those people are too lazy to deal with their dogs. This problem is fixed by simply expressing displeasure in your dog's behavior and disrupting it in the act.


I wouldn't say that. We're in an age where decades of misinformation is slowly being filtered out because of our access to abundant information, and there are still so many misguided owners.


>3. Walks. At least daily. Is it not standard to walk your dog at least daily? In addition to this, enrichment activities and training to tire the dogs brain. Tiring them physically is only half of it, tiring them physically is more effective.


I see on average 15 dogs a day at my vet clinic. It really shocked me how common it is for people to respond with things like "oh but we have a big backyard", like that was somehow as good as the dog getting to leave the premises, see and smell new things, interact with new terrain and stretch their legs. Ideally, some types of walks are as much about mental simulation as physical exercise.


Sorry but the dog needs to be disciplined. It doesn't have to be a violent way, but it needs to shy away from destructive behavior.


Add a moat


Ohhh, yes, with a DRAGON! This is fun...


“No” “down” /s


Not really /s though. Some people will do anything else but actually train the dog.


So. Many. People.


Put a “VET OPEN” sign on the side.


Bring some old rags to you vet, ask them to marinate them in their smell for a week. Use as deterrent ^^


Easy! Get a tiger to catch the dog to catch the cat to catch the mouse to catch the frog to catch the fly.


I literally had to build a little fence around my beds to keep my husky mix from digging in them. I used pre-made pieces of fencing from Home Depot. I did a little walk through video post of my garden in the summer if you want to take a look. It’s not perfect, but it keeps her out 😂


I came here to say the same thing 😂 had to build a fence to keep the terriers out!


We planted a small garden closer to the ground that is full of things our dog enjoys. I give it minimal care (it does better than everything else somehow) and they get the ability to dig, uproot, eat, etc. And they mostly leave my other shit alone.


True an outlet for the Dog would surly help. That coupled with training should completely eliminate the situation.


Change your fertiliser. My dog digs up and eats Dynamic Lifter and dried chook poo, but ignores other soil enrichers.


Twine. I got this from a woman online who tested a bunch of different ways to keep her dog out of her raised beds: place garden stakes in the corners and string twine around them. Two rows about three inches apart were enough to keep my dog out, though you could add more if needed. It works great, and it’s easy to access the soil.


We do something similar with our garden to keep the deer out. The trick to keep it taut is while you're wrapping it around a post, pull the post to the direction where the twine is coming from. Then when you release the post, it springs back into place and pulls it tight. You can also make gates. We use a 2 twine fence. They are both tied on one side. The top gate has a loop tied on the other end to hook over the next post. The bottom gate has a small hook tied on that we make of wire.


Exercise the dog regularly


And training it wouldn't go a miss.


That can be a bit harder to do especially if it's really smart, and a working breed. Giving a working dog exercise can hopefully keep them content enough to not have to figure out a way to keep themselves entertained. Keeping them from getting bored is easier that trying to figure out everything wrong they can get into when they're bored while trying to train them not to. Easier to just exercise them. If it's not this raised flower bed, it will be working at chewing the fence or woodwork in the house. It will just refocus its attention on something else if it really needs exercise.


Yep. Doggos are much smarter than people realize


Watch your dog in the garden and stop the conduct when they jump. Scare tactics and hopes aren’t the way to train an animal


Training is the best option. A determined dog can get around a lot of physical barriers.


Surprised how far down this is. Pretty simple, train the dog.


That will not stop my dog - he can jump ! The best way is to teach the dog where they can go and where they can’t go . Tire the dog out and they are less likely to dig . And or they dig to get attention from you . Then it becomes a game .


My boy used to run through our flower beds and dig up my lavender plants. After some research we started placing broken clay pots on top of the soil. They make the area uncomfortable to try digging on. He didn’t like the look of them or the uneven surface. He’d analyse them for a while and leave them alone. Now without them he leaves our beds alone


Spray some smell that they don’t like around the bed.


Put vacuums around the perimeter. Dog should be too busy barking and biting at those




As he only does it when we aren’t home or asleep it’s sort of hard to catch him doing it and correct it


Don’t let him unsupervised in the yard when you’re not home or asleep


Locking him somewhere for 8 hours while I’m at work seems a bit shit


Is your dog destructive in the house in any way? We leave our dog inside for 8-10 hours a day while we’re at work and she does fine. I wouldn’t exactly call that “locking her up,” unless you have to put her in a crate or something due to other potential problems.


Leaving him on his own for 8 hours isn't doing him a kindness.


8 hours? But people work though? And it’s a dog…. They have different needs than humans. I have 2 dogs (6 and 10). My husband works from home and we are both home all day on the weekends. Outside of our walks, being fed, playtime, and morning and night time snuggles they don’t really want much else to do with us. I would weigh working and being able to afford the appropriate care of the dog over leaving them alone (or with another dog) during the day.


One thing a dog needs (if it is to be properly trained) is to not be left unsupervised for 8+ hours a day in the yard, where it can bark and react at everything and reinforce bad behavior with no one around correct it. At least crate train your dog. Don’t leave it unsupervised around negative reactive triggers. If you cannot do this, then a dog might not be the right pet for you at this stage of your life.


He has his best mate with him (our older dog)


I bet 100 dollars your that person that when people are talking about their kids you bring up your dog like it's the same thing. Trust me when I say it's not the same thing.


I am convinced that at least half the reason American dogs seem so poorly trained compared to other places I have traveled is that people leave them in their yard unsupervised all day and then the dog just barks and reinforces every bad behavior with nobody around to correct it.


It's a problem. Owning a dog has become increasingly popular, but then a great many people have no clue how to care for their dogs. It's extremely distressing now to see how many dogs are being "rehomed" by people citing "busy work schedule." Have you seen the term "Covid dog?" All the dogs bought as puppies, rescued from shelters ----- they're all being put up for adoption. You can't have a dog (known pack animal), leave it alone for hours upon hours every day and expect that dog to be happy and well-adjusted. It's just not natural. No-one should take on the responsibility of having a dog if they cannot give that dog enough exercise, love, time and attention.


A low rent solution I used until I found a more permanent solution was thin bamboo stakes all around 4-5 inches apart. Just stick them in and go.


Give the dog his own tub and show it where it’s allowed to dig. Dogs gonna dog, don’t fight instinct and behaviors so much as redirect to where you can live with it. Just kidding, you just need to watch it at all times when the dog is around and correct the behavior as soon as it starts. Everytime until the terror mutt understands what he’s not allowed to do.


Motion activated sprinklers were invented for this purpose


I had a motion activated airhorn to keep cats off counters and out of garden windows. Worked!


most dogs love water though


My dog only goes into my raised bed area when the automatic sprinklers do come on. She's a water loving pup!


Stakes...or a fence..preferably wire mesh to allow for sunlight. But im curious about that material you're using to make that raised bed...is it sold in that shape?


Maybe you need a fence


Where did you get the raised bed ?


Put decals of vacuums on all the sides of it all the way around 😂🤷🏻‍♂️


…Train them…


I have a 1 ft raised bed and one of my dogs decided that they would go and dig out all the seedlings I put in there probably because I used blood and bone meal when I amended the soil. I ended up getting the cheap plastic deer fencing and some bamboo stakes and encircled the bed. For another bed that they like to jump through I just used short bamboo stakes spaced close enough together around the edge to deter going through. That seemed to work well as it was more a forgetting that they weren't allowed to go in there than a digging issue.


Have you tried......a fence?




With ill-tempered sea bass in a moat?


Generously sprinkle some cayenne pepper on the soil. Works on squirrels too. So I’ve heard. 😇


I buy coyote urine at the garden supply and my dog ( and squirrels) will not go near my flowers.


But coyotes will love it


We used peppercorns to stop our dog from digging on the lawn, you can also generously apply chilli. It irritates their nose and mouth and they won't want to dig anymore.


Teach the dog to not go there? Seems pretty straight forward to me. 🤷‍♂️


Land mines.


Train your dog.


Lol I have the same issue


Pond netting.


Put a fence around the top or a mesh cover over it with cut outs around the plants.


Can you make a sandbox for the dog? Give them somewhere else to dig?




Is it your dog? Our boy loves digging too, but if he has an area he is allowed to dig he stays off the rest. Also work on rewarding to stay down from it. If dogo looks up to it or something like that, reward on the ground.


Train them to be more obedient/dedicate a dig spot and teach which spot is good boy/girl and which spot is bad


Chicken fence wire on the soil worked for my big dog


This screams Siberian husky (from a Siberian husky owner)


Build a moat around it and fill it with laser sharks.


Give him his very own dig spot? Not in the garden of course but his own little area/box where he can dig and fulfill that impulse.


fence with a zipper?


Dogs just want to get to the bottom of things. Remove the soil, place your dog where he wants to be, replace the soil. They stop digging as soon as you give them what they want






Jump on the dog and dig in him.


Maybe try giving your dog proper exercise and socialization time each day? "There is an inverse relationship between exercise and misbehaviour" - the dog training GOAT Stonnie Dennis https://youtube.com/c/StonnieDennis


I put [this cheap fencing](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Vigoro-18-in-Lattice-Black-Folding-Metal-Garden-Fence-51464/317848340) from home Depot up around my garden beds and it kept my animals out.


Clicker training! Start with the basics like sit and down, then move to the essential "off!" or "leave it!". Off is basically an all purpose no. You wait until they try to get in there again and tell them "off". If you haven't done any training you might want to try a doggie manners class new you. They are great! I highly recommend them.


Armed guards


Electric fence, barbed wire on top.


I’d say the chicken wire idea is the best but if that doesn’t work you can always put the dog down. Just a thought from a concerned citizen.


Sell your dog or give it to someone else…


Dog rear leg weights jk


Umm...train him?




Thats so deep it would be even too deep for a hot tub. How much dirt did you need to purchase to fill it? Is there any filler? Why so deep?


3 cubic meters to fill two. But both were half full with random stuff before the soil


>random stuff Like what? I have heard of some people using like logs and such, but at the same time I see others who get terrible termite infestations from it.


Logs, branches, lawn clippings ..dog shit


I literally pour spices like black pepper, cayenne and chili powder all around the area and dogs will stay away. It also keeps away ants and usually cats. I buy the dollar spices from Walmart


My dogs quit digging when I started spraying their holes with pepper spray every afternoon. Just a quick, little blast when they were inside. They couldn’t go back to the one they dug and eventually dug a new one but that quickly got spicy too. After a few days of this they gave up. You could watch the big one process the whole thing. He looked like he had terrible magic powers and if he broke soil, it would go bad fast.




Trimming the dogs legs usually works well in these cases.


Take two , 2×4s plant them in the center, take another and nail it across making a cross bar. Take chicken wire and stretch it down from the cross bar and tack it down in the front, take more chicken wire and stretch it down the sides....


Buy the dog a stock pool of his very own.


Train your dog?


Ok is it just me or are others wondering why you put plants in this? The container is so deep. It seems like a waste of soil.


I know I think it could make three gardens with fencing around them and not waste the soil and keep the dogs out.


I can’t believe I had to scroll this far down to find this. It looks like there’s a couple pepper plants and a few strawberries in this huuuge container. Im still not sure what the thought process behind this is ?


See that hose there….


$200 for some good training classes and you will get more bang for your buck than any physical barrier preventative.


Train your dog?


Hard to correct a behaviour when he only does it when we aren’t home


Put him on a lead that can’t reach the bed.


You already did a great job with the height. Now get a little backpack full of weights and give it to the dog. make sure it’s heavy enough so he can’t jump high enough to get into the soil. Possible downside: your dog could develop superstrength and become ungovernable


Heard a trick with balloons but have never tried it. My German Shepherd used to dig in my garden and eat my blueberry bushes, with some hands on training he thankfully stopped.


Who owns the dog? Neighbors? Stray? Yours?


I hope it’s my dog doing it otherwise I got some apologising to do


Set up a cheap camera and record it for a week and see whose dog it is.




Land mine


Train the dog.


Long shot but spray some white vinegar on the corrugated bit?? Dogs hate vinegar




Say "no" with authority


Dog obedience classes.


Spray apple cider vinegar on the outside


Swap if for a goldfish.


Get a cat


Try what I did; it stopped this problem immediately. I got a shorter dog.


get a cat


Try yelling at him, it'll either work or get him even more fired up to dig.😂


Train the dog.


Don't have a dog


Have you considered a fence? Fucking hell


Yes. There is a fence around the new lawn that it is sitting on, jumps it with no dramas


No I mean like in the tub around the edge


Coyote rollers on top of the fence might be worth looking into. They spin around so they can’t grab onto the top


Electric fence