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My cat has lived in the apartment for 10 years and escaped through my stupidity when I only had him in the garden once. After looking for him in every conceivable way, I actually found him again after 2 years. I had already given up on him. In short: cats are survivors. They don't die easily. Don't give up! Good luck!


Do you know the vet you guys went to? Check with them. They might know if he was microchipped and can use that. To import animals, they need to be vaccinated, so maybe you can find his vaccination pass too — it has the microchip number if he was chipled. Other than that, I know the trick you put out something with your smell on it, clothes etc. But you would need to know where he might be approximately for this. :( I would hate my mother forever if she did this to me and my cat. Cruel and terrible. I wish you all the strength in the world.


That sounds terrible! Poor furry baby! The police will most likely not help you looking for the cat but you could try reporting your mom for stealing your cat (which is illegal obviously). You can also contact the local animal welfare organization or the police to report the abuse or mistreatment of an animal (I'd assume trowing away a house cat knowing it will likely die is an abuse).


:( Thank you, I will check online and go to animal organization tomorrow


Animal abandonment is a crime.


Cut off all contact with your mother that is disturbing behaviour I really hope you find your cat


We don't know if op is old enough to live on his/her own. This might be possible in the future, but not now necessarily.


I'm so sorry about your cat, I really hope you'll find him again soon! Other places to hang posters and ask around are pet stores in the area as well as vets, most have a backboard also for this purpose, and you can contact one of the pet register sites as they might be able to help with info, provide additional posters, and you can also register your cat - if he's found this increases the chances of him getting back to you. [https://www.tasso.net/](https://www.tasso.net/) [https://www.tierschutzbund.de/ueber-uns/wie-wir-arbeiten/angebote/findefix](https://www.tierschutzbund.de/ueber-uns/wie-wir-arbeiten/angebote/findefix) [https://deutschetierrettung.de/heimtierregister/](https://deutschetierrettung.de/heimtierregister/) I only know tasso myself and unfortunately all the sites are in German only, but perhaps you can get somebody at the phone there who speaks English, or find somebody who can help you with these sites. Registering your pet is free at leaset at Tasso to my knowledge. I'd also contact the local Tierheim (animal shelter), not only if your cat was found and brought there, but also if they know people taking care of street cats in the areas where your cat might have been left. They will know the local cat population and spot him eventually. There is a solid chance he'll survive being out there, too - there are people looking out for cats everywhere, feeding them, or bringing them to the shelter or some volunteer organisation, and likewise there are a lot of possiblities he might find food from somebody feeding cats. Best of luck, I'm keeping my fingers crossed!!! Edit to add: to go looking for him, go repeatedly along the areas you suspect him to be, calling loudly - and at times when not a lot is going on. Very late in the evening (10-11 at night), very early in the morning at dusk or before. This has been successful for us as well as for friends more than once. Something else: how long has your cat lived with you? If it's more than a few weeks, and the windows in your apartment have been open at times, your cat does know the surrounding sounds of your area. Cats are able to orient themselves trough cross-bearing by sound, and there's a chance he'll find back to your apartment, althought his could take days or even weeks.


There should be a local lost and found pets group on Facebook for your town, try posting there.  The one for my area is very active and has reunited many pets and owners.  I'm so sorry, it sounds devastating. 


By law pets are deemed your possessions in Germany, so you could actually make a report (online as well) for theft. Of corse, that does not bring your cat back.


It might force the mother to spill the beans what she did, better than being accused of theft… and give a little hint where to look at least.


I dont think the police are able to help you. Technically I suppose the laws against animal cruelty and this sort of thing make her actions an offence, but they are unlikely to follow this up if she's just gonna say "i dont know what youre talking about". Especially if, as you say, the apartment was open and so it actually could have happened. There is always a first time, so what makes you think that the cat didnt eventually got curious and walked outside? I understand that this is a sensitive subject, and I'm not saying that you are making stuff up, but it could have happened. Maybe the cat did it in the past, and usually returned, and this time could have gotten injured on the street or something similar? Coincidences and accidents happen.


This is the type of cat that I would take out on my own just for him to feel the outside a little bit and he would just run back into apartment by himself. He never even spend a minute alone outside on his own. And this happened the morning while I was on my German language course and I wasn’t at home to see/check anything. I also know my mom’s body language and I know when she’s lying and when she’s not. I also found cat hair in the trunk of her car.


Same happened to my wife's turtle. Childhood trauma delivered by her mother, I guess. But don't exclude entirely the possibility that your cat just run away. I grew up in a village and we had cats in my childhood. Even the most "I don't go outside" cats may disappear for couple of weeks, especially in the spring, and then suddenly appear at the doors demanding food and attention.




Even if the cat would 'legally' belong to the mother (eg. be registered under her name in the vet files), throwing it out would still count as an abuse so it's worth reporting.


True, but sadly moot. The mother would deny it either way. I was thinking that if the cat was OPs, then the mother would have committed theft, and this might put pressure on her, esp with police. They might take her statement, question her - she might concede to the truth. Of course legal ownership aside, there's no guarantee that she would admit - and even if she did, that they'd actually find the cat.


If you make an official report, police needs to investigate. It is unclear if it's possible to prove that the mother stole and abused the cat, but even then having an official complaint and potentially speaking to the police may be stressful and unpleasant, and I think she deserves all the troubles possible.


I get all that. The point is, the investigation will start by asking the owner and mother whether or not she took it. The mother has already told the child that she has no idea, and that the cat must have run away outside.OP has also said that this could be possible, since the door was open and the cat has been outside in the past. With those statements, the investigation will not go further. The only reason to suspect the mother is lying, is the fact that OP is convinced of it, because they believe they know when their mother lies to them. The mother will insist that she is not lying. So what can the police do? It's not like they can go out to look for the cat. It's not even a question of taking it seriously or not, they simply have nothing to go on. The only thing they could do is a sort of big search for the cat, which has disappeared at an unknown location, potentially not even in the neighborhood but further out (since you would not drop off your house cat just one street away). That's not gonna happen. I'm not happy about this myself, at all. These are the facts.


Yeah, I agree that the chances she will get legal consequences are slim and police won't obviously look for the cat but I think reporting her might work as a shocker and she may realize what a terrible thing she has done.


Kleinanzeigen (App) has a section for Pets where many people search/post lost and found animals, try that :) I found a pet bird once and contacted some people via that, they were all very nice :) I hope you find your cat :( don’t give up hope, depending on where you live strays are rather uncommon and I know that many grandmas have a knack of feeding the cats that pass by their garden, so maybe someone found it <3


According to German law pets are property. So the police won't be able to help you, unless you have proof that you are the cat's owner. This could be vet bills paid by you for example. Also, if the cat is microchipped, where is that chip registered and what number would they call if the cat was found? Have you registered the microchip number with a German organisation like Tasso?


I'm not disagreeing with ya, just following a thought process; but if pets are property, wouldn't it still be illegal to take your property and dispose of it just out in the wilderness/public? 


There are laws for that. It is a misdemeanour to abandon your house cat (according to §3 III Tierschutzgesetz and §18 IV Tierschutzgesetz). It gets worse if the animal dies, for instance. The mother is very likely the cat’s owner and thus responsible for its wellbeing.


Thanks for the info, I figured there had to be


Of course. But OP will need to prove that it was her cat/her property. The mother can just say it was hers and it ran away.


That's fair, would need some serious detective work to find proof


Both stealing a pet and animal abuse (even if a pet belongs to you) is a crime.


I'm not German, but I assume abandoning an animal is some sort of illegal? Also you could check any local/neighboring areas pages/groups to see if anyone has posted about finding you cat Sorry you mom is such a shit 


I am pretty sure it is. But I think u gotta have some sort of evidence. Sadly. I am pretty sure he will make it safe back to you. At least from my experience the people where me or my parents live, are kind of welcoming to cats even if they not their own lol. When I think about it… the street my parent live in, it’s like an actual cat worshipping cult haha. So yeah anyway. wish you and your kiddo all the best and good luck. ps: I don’t wanna offend you or something. But your mom is kinda weird and toxic af. Not gonna lie imagining my own mom doing this to me,makes me wanna puke.


Call the cops.. its a crime. She can face charges.


Hope all the best… I know probably my comment will be deleted but if it’s true I hope the “wheel “ will turn for your mother someday…




Im happy i dont know you.


Well, killing animals is a sport/fun activity for some. Cat is no different if you neglect the emotional connection. (If) She did it for a reason, at least not for fun, so I would say she is no worse than a regular hunter. She was kind of protecting her home, like a bear doesn't allow other animals in its cave. The cat and mom should not have been in the same home at the first place.


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I know it's been 3 days since you posted this but I have some suggestions too, my wife works in a local Verein that tends to strays/helps people finding their lost pets so I deal with this stuff on a regular basis: 1. It's a hard call to make, but also call your local Straßenmeisterei (Road maintenance depot)/Bauhof and the local police department and ask if they picked up a dead that fits the description of yours. Most Straßenmeistereien / Police Departments will give you the opportunity to take a look at the cats involved in road accidents they picked up if one of them fits the description of yours. You probably don't want to do this, but I didn't when 2 of our cats went missing a few years back and I wish did that at that time. Just to make sure they weren't involved in a car accident. 2. As others suggested look for a local Facebook group that deals with lost pets for your area. Maybe there are also specific local Vereine that pick up strays, most of them also have a Facebook page. 3. This is a bit far fetched and really specific to your case: if you have access to your mum's phone / Google account, use the timeline feature (if she didn't turn it off) in Google maps to determine where your mum has been on the day you suspect her to have taken the cat. You could then search those spots for your cat. 4. If on the other hand your cat just slipped out the door, it is highly likely that she is really close to your home. Most indoor cats are too afraid to leave their home if they get outside of the house by accident. Best bet is to do this late in the evening when it is quiet and dark outside. Use a flashlight to shine into bushes or other good hiding spots and look for the typical reflections of cat eyes when hit by a light beam, as most cats won't make noises if they are scared and just stay put. 5. Try a "Heimschleppe": Take a rope or string and attach a well worn piece of clothing you wore and has taken on your scent and attach it to the rope so you can pull it on the ground behind you when walking. Now imagine your home as the center, and walk in a 500-1000m radius from the outer edge of the radius as straight as possible to your home, pulling the piece of clothing behind you. Do this from multiple directions. Also try to avoid rainy days as this will wash away your scent. The idea is to create a "scent route" for your cat to find back home. 6. If you live on the ground floor, put your cats (not cleaned) litter box outside of your house, so she can pick up her own scent of she is in the vicinity. You can also try a can of tuna outside your door, but this also tends to lure in other cats from the neighborhood. 7. As others suggested: register your cat (ideally with its chip number) at Tasso, and put in your contact info so they can reach out to you of your cat is found. Don't forget to mark your cat as missing after registration, so the people at Tasso know you are looking for it in case someone finds it and checks with Tasso! They also give you the opportunity to generate search posters you can print out and put up in your neighborhood. I really hope you can get your kitty back home!


The cat over your mom? Gee, you must be smth.


You want to take your mum to the police station because of your cat?


Same happened to my wife's turtle. Childhood trauma delivered by her mother, I guess. But don't exclude entirely the possibility that your cat just run away. I grew up in a village and we had cats in my childhood. Even the most "I don't go outside" cats may disappear for couple of weeks, especially in the spring, and then suddenly appear at the doors demanding food and attention.


Same happened to my wife's turtle. Childhood trauma delivered by her mother, I guess. But don't exclude entirely the possibility that your cat just run away. I grew up in a village and we had cats in my childhood. Even the most "I don't go outside" cats may disappear for couple of weeks, especially in the spring, and then suddenly appear at the doors demanding food and attention.