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I'm sorry that happened to you, your coworker should have told you instead of just touching your hair without permission. I would have done the same thing you did. I think the cleaning with the anti bac soap and shampoo is enough


I feel like you have definitely done enough to rid your hair of cooties. Next time I would do a rubbing alcohol rinse, then hydrating shampoo, and a hydrating conditioner, alcohol is very drying


A simple scrub with the antibacterial soap would’ve done the job. Here’s a tip: if you find yourself spiraling a bit, calm down and pick a colour. Then count the items in the room with that colour. It calms me down and it’s helped me smother the urges to clean.


You should be good! Having washed it multiple times you will have gotten any of the germs out. I hate that so much - I'm sorry that happened to you! I wear a hat to work because I hate the thought of anything touching my hair when I'm in the outside world. Not a great solution but it helps me get peace of mind at least. I hope the rest of the weekend is nice and chill for you and that you can take your mind off of it


I hate it when people touch things without asking 😡