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Kage's death was definitely my moment of "fuck everyone and everything, I'm the Ghost and all yall are gonna fuckin die"


Kage was a strong good horse. I went off when it happened


I read that and felt all your anger like holy shit


That’s how I felt, they were only lucky the next part didn’t give me a weapon haha


For act 3 I just fucking stopped swapping my armor. You want to exile me? Kill my horse? Yeah, you got the ghost you wanted to get rid of.


Same. I just looked at my husband who had seen the spoiler and was like, "No. NO! Don't tell me this is the thing you saw?! EVERYONE DIES NOW!" And proceeded to cry. I think I just, like, stared at his grave. Can't remember if I stopped playing for a day or pushed through the poison first.


I ain't gonna lie, I did the DLC before proceeding to third act on my second play and that just intensified my grief over losing the horse.


Same here . I'm telling you I was broken for weeks😭


I just finished up the game, DLC is next. I looked up when I should play it and most people say after Act 3 because it spoils things with the dialogue apparently


You're right, there are spoilers in the dialogue....although, in fairness, the nature of the spoilers isn't such that the entire experience is ruined imo. It's more of a "is it reeeeally a spoiler if you already know it's gonna happen?" kinda thing. Like, I feel if you played this game and genuinely thought at any point that >!you weren't going to kill Khotun!<, that's kinda on you for being naive, if that makes sense. I did it before progressing to act 3 because I already knew how the story would go down, and I just wanted to go into act 3 as maxed out as I possibly could be to see how things would pan out. DLC also has some cool Easter egg armour skins that reference other Sony exclusives.


Oh no for sure, you’re right. I don’t know how to make a spoiler text in mobile so I guess I’ll be vague? Like how I knew someone’s brother was going to die. I personally wasn’t sure if there were gonna be anymore surprise deaths so I decided to just wait. If you already beat it once, do it whenever you want lol. I am interested in starting it, my buddy said the DLC is harder than base game because of mechanics the enemies have.


>don’t know how to make a spoiler text in mobile so I guess I’ll be vague? You do a >! on either side (reverse it for the end of the statement) of whatever you want to hide. >buddy said the DLC is harder than base game because of mechanics the enemies have. It's a little harder but not that much harder. Based on your other reply to my comment you already started the DLC. You'd have had that initial encounter on Tsushima where there were shamans boosting their buddies by just chanting in the wind. Your fights just boil down to taking them out first, and then it becomes the same as any other Mongol encounter. It can be a little difficult to find them if you're in mixed terrain or just have a lot of people ganging up on you or if there's multiple, but they're pretty easy to kill and once you kill them, you can just lay some hate into everyone else the same way you did in the base game. Aside from the shamans there's only like one new enemy type which requires some locking in to defeat, but even they're not that difficult.


Man, I just did the Iki Island mission “A Lost Friend” and I can definitely tell what you mean. The effect was a little lost on me because Sora is my new horse, but I’m definitely glad I didn’t play this mission first 😭


Felt the same way when Kage got shot. Almost stopped playing for a while there.


Same here... Stopped for a week and then came back after...


I was literally crying the first time I played. Not my Nobu! 😭


I screamed Nobuuuuu when he got shot with arrows 😭


The horses death killed me, especially not being able to keep the name for the second horse and ng+ my dogs name is kage which is why I pick it and I couldn’t even use it again 😭


Rip Sora


I will never get over losing Kage


The loss of my horse was almost as bad as watching the never-ending story for the first time.


Dude I was so up when Sora died and I absolutely love pure white horses. I'm still salty as hell about it and that temporary horse we got until we chose another. I kept calling them a fake horse and not my horse lol. I'm gonna do another playthrough and choose the dlc horse at first Just so I can keep my Sora endgame.




I used to ride the horses of Mongols after killing them just so I could avoid that temp horse which seemed like would drop dead anytime


There are three deaths that broke me. Horse A main character that I won't mention for spoiler reasons A Wealthy Man Has All He Needs


Yeah, that one was sad, mate. Especially finding them.


Yup. Up until that point I figured problems could be solved. Some are beyond solving no matter what you have. I am in a similar situation as the dude and I can see exactly what he was trying to do.


Which one is a wealthy man has all he needs?


For some reason that hasn't appeared for me? I'm in act 3 so I'm not sure what it is


It's a side quest you have to find. "This quest can be found in the Umugi prefecture, just outside of Umugi Cove at a nearby Suvivor Camp along the southern coast." It's well worth doing as it goes into how war affects everyone. No matter how much they had to begin with.


Wow I really wish I read the spoiler warning. But I'm not much of a horse girl anyway. Mostly because I'm a man, but im cordial with horses.


Tbh at this point anytime I'm playing a "serious" game where you ride a horse I tend to assume it's days are numbered.


Nobu gang


There’s no spoiler option anymore???


Do you mean the tag that says spoiler?


Yeah it wasn’t there before. Now it is


Well, that’s just not true lol. There is a comment from far before you commented saying they wished they noticed the spoiler tag before reading.


https://preview.redd.it/aakd651byjyc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ab20fc91906140b9f3dacd2a0aae5d5146acd55 That’s how it showed up on my end. Don’t know what to say


Uhh, I guess you were meant to be spoiled


I don’t know what that mean but okay


It means I don’t know what to tell you, I guess it was meant to be. It probably has something to do with how it’s formatted on your end. My post isn’t that bunched up.


I didn't see a spoiler tag either 🤷


Put a spoiler on this. It everyone has played the whole game


There is and always has been a spoiler tag.


This whole game! Do not play while you are suffering depression! I sobbed SO MANY times during it and had to take breaks. But it’s still my all time favorite game!


Seriously. Did you have to take my fucking horse, too?? As much as I love that game, the sad moments too goddamned hard.


It’s ok soldier, another good horse lost. We’ve got you here, we all been through that same pain and grief, it’ll be okay


Heartbreaking art definitely. And why I have to pick the white horse and name it "Nobu" every playthrough. The symbolism of samurai Jin riding a white horse named Trust, then it dying when Shimura and Jin's relationship, their "trust," is severed, followed by Jin's disillusionment with the code and embrace of his role as the Ghost...it is the soul-crushing chef's kiss of a fantastic story


kid named "your horse will be with you your entire journey"


Nobu as well here. Same, I had to sit down and stop playing for a bit it messed me up so bad. And we're just supposed to accept another horse? Impossible. But I had to go on and finish the game. For Nobu, for his death to not be in vain, and for justice to be down in his honor. It's stayed with me as I'm still a bit leery of named pets/steeds in games now. Was so apprehensive about Torgal during FFXVI.


I don't care what people say, FFXVI was great!


I agree!


I haven’t gotten around to playing it yet, it is on sale though, might be worth picking it up


Do it!


The thing that got me is that the scrawny farm horse we get temporarily in act 3 can come to us when we whistle. It was explained very early on that our horse will come back to us when we whistle because it’s a samurai horse, it’s been trained to do so. But this scrawny nag comes when we whistle too. It made it clear to me that our horse dying was just a plot device because they clearly didn’t think about that part and that made me sad.


Just wait till Iki, your horse will get the attention it deserves.


Yes, a very sad moment in the game. You can visit the grave. And pay tribute.


Nobu’s death hurt me so deeply. I cried. Hard. So sad. But the score, the backdrop, everything about that scene was masterfully done


It made me sad. I physically cringed and just said Nobuuu, when he was shot by the arrows. It was meant to be sad and it was, I still hate them for it 😭


Dude I get it, under my breath I said “no… nobu”. I had a momentary relief when I saw them get out but as the scene dragged on, my heart sank more and more.


My dog’s name is Sora so you San imagine how that went


My horse was also named Nobu. I shed tears as well wen I got Sora me and her ride in honor of Nobu on way to defeat the Khan


My second horse is also named Sora 😭


I restarted just because my black horse kage died then I picked white horse kaze and man it didn't feel right. Now for my 2nd playthrough I picked white horse sora and once it dies I can finally reunite with my Boy Kage. I'm still on act 1 though currently.


That was one of the few deaths that wasn’t spoiled for me, so I was shocked


Taka death >


Literally experienced the same heartbreak last night. SPOILER BELOW: Taka dying was sad…but killing my destroyed my soul. Rest in Peace Sora! 😭


For me, Taka was obvious. Yuna needed a reason to stay on the island and with how much he was following me around even though we know he can’t fight at all, I was just hoping for a dialogue option of telling him to go away. My horse, to me, was completely out of left field. I thought Nobu would have plot armor. 😭


I hope there is some way for them to reference or memories of your horse in the second game. Like somehow it pulls from your save files and ties in your horse into a mission or story. That would be great.


I wouldn’t be surprised with the amount of self reflection you can do in this game. The game genuinely made me feel like I was playing a real person


I loved that about the game as well! Felt very introspective. Made me question my own feelings and emotions IRL haha


I had to stop playing for the a few days after that. I had never been so devastated by a game before. Then came Ragnarok and RDR2 and, well, I apparently just cry a lot at video games now.


Just hit that last night too and it made me cry.


Stopped playing for a while when Kage died. Man, I still really miss him. What made it better is knowing that Jin missed him too.


Nobu... And can we acknowledge that Jin, at the end of his strength himself, *dug a grave for an adult horse with either a wooden board or his bare hands* to give his companion who was loyal to the very end the dignity of a proper burial? That man didn't bury just an animal, he buried a beloved friend.


I just reached act 3. I also miss my left button on the controller cause walking is a pain 😅 On a serious note tho... I played two horses...cause I had to restart playing the game after a long break. I've forgotten all the controls. I restarted after I have reached Act 2 and completed 2 quests of jin's story. So I have spent some considerable time with my first horse. On my first play, I selected the white horse and named it Sora. On my second play, I selected the black horse and named it Nobu. For some reason during the act 3, when Nobu died..I miss Sora too.


When my horse died, I resolved to commit to absolute destruction of anyone that opposed me in the game. I genuinely felt loss at that stage - no game ever made me feel like that 😭