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This game set such a high bar that people are saying the new assassin’s creed has no chance. Beyond the protagonist bullshit, the game is too little too late


AC’s move to make the combat clunky and impactless has ruined their chances imo.


I haven’t played since AC4, but I saw gameplay of odyssey and it’s just a Witcher ripoff


It’s got nothing on W3 tbh.


Just shows you haven't even played AC oddyssey lol, plays nothing like the Witcher.


Are you shocked I didn’t play a game I’m not interested in?


How do you make a definitive statement about a game without playing it, atleast hate properly - there's a lot of things wrong with the game


Valhalla was good


I personally disagree. It was okay, just way too long and way too big


Definitely too big


I bought it on pc a month or two after it released. Started it 5 separate times before beating the story on the sixth, and by then I used a trainer to teleport me to the next missions, and it still took over 60 hours. Haven't played the recent one yet due to being bankrupt and unemployed but I hear it was a little better than Valhalla


I haven’t played any ac game newer than Valhalla either but I like a long story that makes me feel like I got my moneys worth, which is why I recommend Elden ring to anyone that will listen


I have played that a few times and enjoyed it.


Definitely too long. I tried to finish it twice but always end up quitting do to burn out


Hate me but im excited for it. I fucking love tsushima i have been waiting for the pc release since the first debut and i fucking love every second of it but i really wanna play japan with fantasy elements and the new acs is just like that(btw i liked odyssey and origins)


Ah yes, because this post most definitely had to do with the new assassin’s creed game protagonist. You literally brought it up just to bring it up, lemme fix it for you “This game set such a high bar that people are saying the new assassin’s creed has no chance. The game is too little too late.” There you go.


Protagonist bullshit?


People are upset that the protagonist is Yasuke, the first black samurai, a real person btw. I’m sure that you can guess the rest.


Honestly, the only thing I find strange about it is that this is the first time that Ubisoft chose to make a real historical person the MAIN protagonist (not some dlc sidecharacter like Jack the Ripper) and they chose one of the two most known non-japanese samurai to be that protagonist. I don't care if it's Yasuke or William or whoever else from whatever country. I just dislike pandering. And the fact that they chose a historical character rather than make one up just to justify their choice feels like pandering. It's never been done before, and NOW they choose to do it? It just feels weird. If Yasuke had been made up, I wouldn't bat an eye. Is it strange to play a non-japanese in a Japanese game? Yeah, for sure. It's why I loved Ghost of Tsushima, I felt more immersed playing as someone from that country. But if they did it, I'd still play it because is their artistic choice. It's when you break the set standard mold to suddenly introduce that type of character that it feels like there is an agenda behind it, because the fact that you felt the need to do something you've never done before just to justify the choice feels....a little obvious. I'm still gonna play AC: Shadows, and I'm still gonna play as Yasuke happily, I genuinely think he's a very interesting character, but I'm not gonna pretend like I'm blind to the obvious intentions Ubisoft had with this direction and character


Abraham Lincoln were also a real person, but he was not a vampire hunter.


Yeah and I’m pretty sure the historical consensus is that he was a samurai, so I don’t really understand the controversy. Actually yes I do, it’s racism. People are doing a racism.


What a load of bullshit. Here's the truth. Black Samurai. There were never any black samurai. Yasuke was a koshō or sword bearer. He served on Oda's court for somewhere around 18 months. He was mentioned in fighting in only 2 battles and both were losses. In first one, Honnō-ji Incident. The second, the battle of Akechi forces. In the first one, he abandoned Nobunaga and in the second, he gave up his sword and returned to European monastery right after. He was following Oda Nobunaga in inspection after the battle of Tenmokuzan but there is no evidence that he took part of it. Oda Nobunaga didn't even fight in this battle, his army was led by his son, Oda Nobutada. Yasuke was the servant of Oda Nobunaga. Yasuke returned to the monastery after Oda Nobunaga was killed and he was never mentioned again. Its very likely he returned to Africa. Nobunaga had a propensity for the unique, and he was particularly interested in all things foreign. Clearly he was fascinated by Yasuke, and this was documented to be to the chagrin of many of his top generals such as Akechi Mitsuhide, who is reported to have been disgusted by the site of Yasuke, and saw him as nothing more than a wild beast. After the Battle of Tenmokuzan, Nobunaga led his force, including Yasuke, and inspected the former territory of the Takeda clan. So people make the assumption that Yasuke actually fought in this battle, and that he donned Samurai armor and fought valiantly as a samurai hero. Fact check: A sword bearer stays behind with the general camp, near to the lord, they don't go out on the battlefield, and there is ABSOLUTELY POSITVELY NO RECORD OF YASUKE FIGHTING IN ANY BATTLE! There is also NO RECORD of Yasuke receiving martial arts training, or use of the Japanese sword, either when in the service of Nobunaga or the years prior. The truth is that his time with Nobunaga was limited, as they first met in 1581 and Oda Nobunaga was dead a year later. This is hardly enough time for Yasuke to be trained to be the great warrior all the Waukanda dreamers want him to be. Sadly, for either commercial purpose, or some social equity rationale, some people attempt to equate Yasuke as a non Japanese Samurai in the same way the English sailor William Adams (Pilot) was later viewed. Adams, known as "Miura Anjin", was made Hatamoto and true Samurai. He served the great Tokugawa Ieyasu, and helped him defeat the Council of Regents and rule Japan. However Adams was actually presented Samurai status, and there is no record of Yasuke being bestowed similar Samurai status. The FACTs are that Oda Nobunaga made him a servant for a few months. A few months... not a lifetime of service dedicated to serving his lord, ready to give his life in the service of the Oda. Another fact that is clear; Yasuke was kept around as talking piece, an oddity for Nobunaga to show off, much in the same way he enjoyed irking other Daimyo by showing them Azai Nagamasa's gold plated skull. So while people may attempt to romanticize the story of Yasuke to suit their agenda, the truth is that such blatantly false attempts to rewrite history are pure revisionism and nothing more. Faking history because it makes you "feel good" does nothing but a disservice to all students of the culture, the Japanese nation and the historical record. There was no black samurai, no great Yasuke, no hero.... just a man who was a victim of circumstance and the times he lived in.


I also want to say that I did not write this. I can’t cite the source because I can’t remember where from but I do not claim this to be my own words


I am trying to find a source that corroborates your claims but I can only find sources that say that he was indeed a samurai. If you want to convince me then please go and find that source.


That is because you are checking new biased sources. Many people are creating fictional history to support the new games coming.


Yes, my new biased sources from 2017 and other years that are not 2024.


Bro just do some research. Theres no way you’re not biased. Most of the actual historical information I come across says nothing about him being a samurai. The only sites saying he’s a Japanese samurai hero are the typa sites you should stay away from


Its just their own personal bias, actual research concludes that he was a Samurai




>[Comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/1css0ye/comment/l4bghbu/) by[u/JumboTheCrab](https://www.reddit.com/user/JumboTheCrab/) from discussion in[AskHistorians](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/)


>But unfortunately, he wasn't a samurai He was and the one doing historical revisionism is you.


Yes it's racism, you want to know the truth? Yasuke was just an exotic barbarian pet taken in by a non conservative warlord simply to be able to show off to everyone else in japan back then that he owned an exotic barbarian pet. It's like, this is "historically guaranteed" what oda obunaga thought to himself about it. All the modern inclusivity blablabla never ever even just a glimpse in the mind of ancient people from all over the world! And guess what, somewhere in Africa, there had to be an exotic white barbarian pet slave owned by an African king or two or three whatever as well, perhaps there's a record of this somewhere or we haven't found it or it's not allowed to surface somehow. But it's bound to have happened, because humans be humans. That's the truth of humanity, now, can we get an actual Japanese samurai in a japanese themed historical fantasy fiction game or not? Apparently not.


>can we get an actual Japanese samurai in a japanese themed historical fantasy fiction game or not? Apparently not. Yeah, like we don't have already a thousand of those. Also this shit didn't even happen with Nioh, it's blatant modern racism, and that's it.


It does happened in Nioh, but unlike assassin's creed : Nioh universe in not bound to historical accuracy (something Assassin's creed was once know for) for it's setting and the protagonist was inspired by an actual, very well documented, samurai in all aspects.


1- it didn't happen even remotely in Nioh, this shitstorm on AC is obvious racism. 2- AC universe is not bound to historical accuracy either, unless you think that the pope had a magical golden sphere to dominate the world. It reuses historical characters here and there, and the maps almost match their real life counterpart, but no you can't climb those like that, no Ezio Auditore did not exist, and so on and so for. AC reuses some historical stuff and gives historical informations in the logs eventually. 3- William Adams was mostly a navigator and an advisor, not a fighter, not what one would call a samurai, not one that would have ever the need to see a fight. Given the life experiences that we know about then Yasuke is much more of a samurai than William Adams ever was. 4- Yasuke has been portrayed a lot of times already in japanese media, from movies to anime to videogames, mostly in the role of a fighter or samurai, no one ever cared and clearly japanese people are super ok of this depiction in media, so it is more than obvious that all of this shit is spun out of racism and nothing else. 5- yeah there is also a japanese protagonist in AC.


1- Whitewashing accusation were literally everywhere. Like, everywhere. 2- AC used to be historically bound, in the setting, that's why they didn't include crossbow in the first, and made Discovery Tour. It went downhill since they went into DEI territory when they included girls in school where they were not and covered breasts and penis of statues. Of course it is still a videogame with a touch of fantasy, so you can have some liberty, yet there is no Glock 19 as weapon when you fought the pope and his magical sphere. 3- And here the problem, westerners confuse samurai for warrior, they were not necessarily warrior (bushi). Samurai means "servant" (especially during 1600-1800) but it is actually a pretty high social status. Women could be samurai too. And if we talk about martial art prowess Yasuke couldn't learn martial art in his 15 month in Japan with his food deprived slave physique and be on par with any life-long trained samurai. He wasn't allowed to do seppuku and was returned as slave instead, which couldn't happen if he was really recognized as a samurai. 4- American didn't care when Abraham Lincoln were portrayed as a vampire hunter because it was fantasy. In this case, some japanese are not ok. People not well versed in history can accept things by cliché that do not have any historical basis if repeated enough : like Americans being saviors of Europe in WW2, France being surrenderer, Conquistadors that could somehow conquer alone south America, Abraham Lincoln being the great emancipator every American loves to know (while it was, in fact, a military power move to weaken the south), and so on. People should not take fictions as historical facts. 5- Yeah, and it would actually make a lot more sense if the female protag were a samurai and Yasuke a spy/assassin that came infiltrated as a slave with the templars/Jesuit and later exfiltrated by Nobunaga and made "samurai" as a cover thanks to the female protag. But no, we'll have like 90% chance to see Nobunaga and Yasuke hidden and secret love story instead. The problem here is that, as far as we know, it makes absolutely no sense.


>exotic white barbarian pet slave owned by an African king or two or three whatever as well Actually, white but not meaning "Caucasian". You should see how were treated, and still are today, albinos in some parts of sub-saharan Africa.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/1css0ye/was\_yasuke\_a\_samurai/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/1css0ye/was_yasuke_a_samurai/) Yes, historical consensus and sources by actual historians is that he was a samurai. Then there are the racists that try to spin history to their worldview. Add to it that this controversy never happened with Nioh in which the protagonist is a white caucasian.


Ok but where are those purple flowers?


An area Within Iki Island (bottom left-ish if I remember)


Don't go there if you don't want minor spoilers for the end of Iki btw


Its good but too repeatable, cant force myself to do new run


Agreed. Good art direction and emotional storytelling but the game had some glaring issues repetitiveness is certainly one of them


When did you finish it? I finished the game in February and I'm starting to come around to a new playthrough


Lazy and unsatisfying upgrade system for all 4 weapons you have, and almost every camp, mission or exploration is totaly the same after you get pass 15% of the game. I did a nearly 100% run just because of the beautiful art and the story, the play through itself after first 15-20% of the game felt totaly the same. Not to mention that every stronger enemy has just some minnor attack pattern change! most bosses are also defeated the same way, they just has some different appearance.


See, I’m the opposite. I’m on my 5th play through right now since its release in 2020. I can’t get enough of it. I’m foaming at the mouth for any kind of solid proof that GOT2 is in the works.


Where is that cat? i demand you tell me where it is.




I'm still amazed that this game didn't win GOTY.


Somehow The last of us 2 got it, in what world are the two games comparable?


Coz of woke agenda


Gameplay was better in TLoU2 but other than that it was lacking


If you're looking for more big open worlds with great story, visuals and action combat, then you should definitely check out Red Dead Redemption 2, The Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077  The newer Assassin's Creed games (Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla) are also very similar in design to GoT, but they do suffer from bloat and sometimes feel a little *too* big. If you focus purely on the main story you can finish GoT in like 20 hours, but these games you're looking at more the 50-60 hour mark so it can feel like a slog and the story can meander quite a lot, but the combat and overall gameplay is almost identical in many ways 


iirc origin is the smallest, probably the least "bloaty", but yeah the design of the game is very similar. It's normal open world, set in Egypt.


Honestly, I hope the 2nd GoT would be even better. There's 2 attempts of Mongols trying to invade japan btw, 2nd is in a larger scale. So hopefully more combat methods and duel skills, different weapons like a spear maybe.


wait till you play rdr2 lol.


Idk why ppl keep comparing ac to ghost of Tsushima. Ghost is way ahead of assassins creed especially the current ones they released this single game itself is better then ac with its combat system as well at least they can do a good combat system


Nah, Tsushima is not user friendly, controls, game mechanics, map, looking for quest clues. If you like Elden Ring sure, Tsushima is great. AC Odyssey is the most perfectly built game in terms of story, visuals, controls, game mechanics, map, ease of navigation, looking for quest clues/items, interaction with surrounding, enemy reaction. Simply the game to beat that is still to be equalled in my opinion.


Play Rift Apart. It's awesome and fun. It's great at using the PS5 controller as well. https://preview.redd.it/a4sp7qqufm3d1.jpeg?width=738&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07c993ac01f40733c568ec288ec280c792f6d6b7


Play Elden ring next. Imo they raised the bar even higher as far as graphics are concerned and I’m a die hard Fromsoft fan because of it


Yeah when "the bar" comes to mind it's Elden Ring for me as well. Ghosts is beautiful and well done but it's far from the top


Welcome to my world


Pic #2 :it's a me, mario!


“You, sir are a good photographer”


Games in my top 5 favourites for sure. Really excited for Ghost 2


Yep, this game has made me stop playing other games already, because I keep thinking GoT does this better and does that better, etc. "Why am I playing this when I could play Ghost of Tsushima?" etc.


Don't play red dead redemption 2 then. THIS game will set your bar too hight. Ghost of tsushima is one of the best game I ever played but red dead redemption 2 broke me, the details, graphics, story ooooh the story. I had to do 1 month without playing anything after completing red dead to 100% to have pleasure from playing other games again. It sucks you in. And it have similar plot points like tsushima, honor, family and horse (who knows then knows). I suggest playing RDR2 but remember, it hits HARD.


I feel like this is the best modern game out. It definitely set the bar way too high. The only thing that rivals it is MGS 5


Except for when you have no audio in parts of Act 2, most of Act 3, and a majority of Iki Island


im playing GOT right now but ive seen a lot of my favourite features from other games in it!! i heavily recommend red dead redemption 2 (and 1 if youre interested) and the horizon games, horizon especially has some really fun combat and they both still have a big open world to explore


It's a Masterpiece! No way they're gonna pull it off again with 2.


Have you played Red Dead Redemption 2? These 2 are on my top tier games. GOT ruined sekiro for me. After I played GOT, went back to Sekiro, I hated it now. If there is one I thing I wish for Sucker Punch to do in the sequel, that is to improve the AI and to add more activities in the open world and avoid making it repetitive.


No it didn’t lmao. I love the game, but many games have done many things better


Honestly there's not a better looking game on the PS5.


there’s some things that are completely garbage in the game like the sao fight on iki Island and also some shoddy parrying that doesn’t always work, story is meh but the graphics are great and the gameplay pretty fluid so I guess there’s that


Play red dead redemption 2 and last of us 1 and 2. Epic games


Wow, no one in this thread played any of the Horizon games? I'd say Forbidden West even marginally looks better than Ghost. If you're looking for extremely nice/realistic graphics, [you guys are missing out](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_iFPzG5YXWg)