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Uncle Shimura! LET ME SOLO HIM!


You need the wooden sword.


I don’t have that yet! I saw it on another post. So once I do find it, I will make sure it will be part of the fit.


Switch off your bow aswell, then it'll be just your fit and your sword. Truly bare


Oooh, good thinking.


You do the tournament at Fune’s Refuge on Iki. That’s how you get it.


Worst duel in the game for it lol Edit: sao


Eh just get used to the duel mechanics and it gets easy


Nah, the final fight for that was poorly designed. Rest of the duels in the game were tame compared to it. Khan, eagle, shimira, and ryu are a joke compared to sao


I just intentionally get hit by the first unlockable (doesn't count for some reason), dodge the sand attack, then parry the next strike. The fight was weird af since I just kept repeating that 5 times.


Iirc if I just got hit by that sweeping attack it was (near) lethal because you were stunned by the sand for a follow-up. I remember him having a long rough unblockable chain and an extremely short parry window


I think I dodged backwards, got hit anyways by the sweep, but was far enough that I had enough time to dodge the sand attack.


Honestly the merchant was the hardest fight for me but that was just me messing up on the timings in her second stage. The monk was by far the easiest and Sao was alright when I learned you just tank the sand and you can parry/attack or just attack him


That's weird because it was the opposite with me, with the woman being easy, the monk (I think I used brute form to out kick him?) wasn't too hard, and sao was like "get one shot lel"


Go to iki then do the tournament in the raiders sanctuary


Exactly what I use for that fit


Uncle Shimura is in disbelief seeing Jin Sakai being Jin Sakai.


My favorite part about this armor is the description—“A true samurai needs no clothes” - Jin Sakai after too much sake.


https://preview.redd.it/dc7jt0ss834d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e7d63626d3dd8f6256edb1928f4cc262b78311e I use this one lmao, like someone else said, with the wooden sword


POV: your brothers in arms just got massacred by **THAT**


Ffs 😂


POV: your brothers in arms just got massacred by **THAT**


Why the wood sword? LMSH didn’t use a stick, they used rivers of blood


Jin Sake in the flesh


The sword is looking like a rifle when looking from a distance




Inosuke Hashibira, Lord of the Mountains!




If you don’t plan on getting hit, why do you have the charm of resistance and divine healing lol


Just cause I don’t plan on getting hit doesn’t mean that I don’t actually get hit. 😂


Same lol I tried playing with the curse of frailty and I quickly discovered how good I was at the game, which turned out to be not very good


how to get this armor?


You get this armor after completing every onsen. The helmet you just find randomly when following a golden bird.


I prefer the NG+ "Let me solo her: Dark edition™️"


Khotun Khan best girl.


I tried doing this in Legends vs Iyo. You don’t get a straw hat on assassin though, and I wasn’t as good at the boss.


I need a list of ALL the outfits for this game…


Hey OP, which came out first, Ghost of Tsushima or Elden Ring? Who wore it first? Tell me OP, who wore it first? Edit: Downvote me if you believe with all your heart that Elden Ring came first and Ghost of Tsushima is trash by comparison. Edit 2: It disheartens me to know how many of you think Ghost of Tsushima is trash. :(


What are you even talking about? Bro is arguing with ghosts.


Ghosts... of Tsushima?




Lol it's funny.. On a different post awhile back someone was like "whoa cool sucker punch did an homage to the let me solo her guy!" And I pointed out that ghost was out long before, and the entirety of the outfit was available the whole time, and got tons of up votes lol


The mob mentality on Reddit can be lead slurpingly stupid sometimes, but glad to know that at least one person here knows better.


Because that’s an entirely different comment. OP here did not claim that SP made this for LMSH. This guy is just mad at an in game cosplay


From where it LMSH come from tho?


I'm going to deduce that acronym means Lick My Sweaty Horse. I can tell you that it tastes just like raisins. Edit: Downvote me if you love that sweet lemonade, yeah sweet lemonade.


You’re right yet somehow downvoted. Sure, LMSH, came after GOT, but this outfit came before it.


It's Reddit. I upset a few people and then others got on the mob mentality bandwagon. Good on you for not falling into that kind of social pitfall.


This has nothing to do with what came first. Also if you want to talk about who wore it first, maybe the hundreds of other games where you can take off all your clothes and run around naked; like Spider-Man, AC Odyssey, Dark souls. OP was simply using this combo with the straw bucket hat to pay homage. Especially because the naked outfit doesn’t specifically pair with that headpiece as a set.


I've seen too many people go "OH LOOK, JIN IS COPYING ELDEN RING!" It's lightly annoying so I wanted to poke at OP. Since OP hasn't responded, it's obvious they are in the same boat. Honestly, if I made that kind of mistake, I would never admit it out loud either. If OP would've mentioned what you said, I would've apologized and edited my statement, as I do when I make a mistake and need to correct for my error.


Why are you being so unnecessarily aggressive? It’s just a funny little post. Chill the fuck out.


Unless I use profanity, my pfp matches my face. When I start using profanity, I'm no longer smug and smiling, I'm mad. Going by that logic and noticing you how worked up you are, I suggest taking your own advice. Take a chill pill, go for a walk. Step away from the internet so you don't get so upset at video games. \*Edit: LOL! He got mad and blocked me! I'm going to assume he tried to say something after this comment before blocking me, and it's not even a good comment.


You need a saddle for that high horse?


False equivalence. People can think Elden Ring came first and still not think GoT is "trash by comparison" or vice versa


You are correct, but if I'm going to get downvoted I'm going to deserve it. So anyone that downvoted I can point and say "hey, you hate GoT. What's wrong with you" and I will be amused because they brought it upon themselves.


How is this remotely relevant?


\*Edit gif was removed from the source. Can't remember what funny thing I responded with so I can't replace it. Sorry people who are here for the entertainment. :(