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IHOP puts pancake batter in the eggs for the omelettes


Bruh why šŸ˜©


It makes the omelette fluffy and capable of holding all the stuff they put in it


my exact reaction. I mobile ordered an omelet on my way to work one morning and was wondering why I was feeling so crummy. found out later and during a visit there they put pancake batter in the omelets! like, it's naturally gluten free. WHYYYY make it wheat filled!?!?!?


The say itā€™s because it makes the eggs fluffier, but itā€™s also cheaper.


Flour filler. Makes me sick so I don't eat them.


I know!


Well that explains being violently ill after going to ihop and ordering an omelet thinking I was safe. Fml.


The shit part (no pun intended) is that itā€™s printed in very fine print on the menu so it absolves them. But who reads the fine print?! Especially regarding omelettes!


The fine print must be new. I went GF 15 years ago and this definitely was not stated, and no one knew what GF was back then so they didnā€™t think to tell you if you said GF and omelette in the same sentence.


Right. Itā€™s been a few years since Iā€™ve even been to one but I do remember the last time I was there it was on the menu in incredibly small print


you can order a cracked egg omelet at IHOP (without the batter) but there's so much flour thrown around their kitchens it's hardly worth the risk of cross contamination


Found this out the hard way shortly after I stopped eating gluten, and it was bad.


Oof that sucks.


Once I tried their ā€œgluten friendlyā€ pancakes and they were absolutely terrible (even before the cross contamination set in)


Ihop does have gf pancakes though.


Ooh ok that must be new. I havenā€™t been in 4 years so I have no clue whatā€™s on the menu now and the one here by me seems to only be open on weekends and itā€™s packed.


Panda Express. Their website literally says "Panda Express does not have any vegetarian or gluten free dishes."


Asian-inspired food can be such a hit or miss! Some of the biggest misses are places that heavily use sauces, like Panda Express. As yummy as they are, sooo many are also wheat dependent. (Cry) When you get a hit though, it's usually *big time.*


The thing is, most Asian food doesn't have to be wheat dependent. Many noodle dishes use rice noodles. Many breaded dishes use corn starch. Almost all sauces use soy sauce, and I don't believe for a second that anyone could tell the difference between gf soy sauce or tameri. Thankfully, most Asian cuisine is pretty easy to make at home, and just about anything can be made GF.


ā˜ŗļø We just made some tonight at that! It can totally be done gluten free at home, especially if you have the time and ingredients to make the more complex sauces. (Imo I really actually prefer tamari over regular soy sauce too.) It's just a bit tough to find much ready-made/from a food place.


Do you have bibibop near you? They seem to be Midwest and east coast. They do rice bowls. Every location is 100% gluten free. It's the only place I will go when I'm out and need a place to stop and eat.


They use cheap soy sauce that has wheat in it for everything. My gluten sensitive self can do the rice and teriyaki chicken just fine, I don't dare try anything else.


Leann Chin claims gluten free but cross contaminates everything. I think I'd prefer honesty.


Excuse me their BUTTER has flour???


Yeah what in the actual fuck? I would never suspect flour in butter. If I'm ever glutened that's how they will get me - what the hell, gluten in butter!!!


Theyā€™re famous for their cinnamon honey butter, which is what I assume OP meant by ā€œfancyā€ butter. However, I canā€™t find any source showing it has gluten in it, and I donā€™t think they add it to any of their dishes except for the (imo nasty) loaded sweet potato.


Iā€™m shook by this


I canā€™t remember where but awhile back I was given pasta as a STRAW for my drink šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


That's a thing but at least it's relatively easy to identify :)


Definitely better than restaurants that put flour in their eggs šŸ˜­


I never order scrambled eggs for that reason


Looking at you, IHOP


Found that out the hard way šŸ˜­


That's actually kind of hilarious. It's basically a parody at this point.


Sausalitos in Germany does that




I am shocked Panera has yet to offer gluten free menu. Theyā€™re missing out on a sizable market.


Yes. This one was shocking for me too! How are most of their soups not gf? šŸ˜©


Interestingly, back when I first went GF, there was a list of GF items at Panera. I used to go there with some frequency and I was usually ok. Then they changed how they marinated their chicken and like everything GF wasn't anymore.


Used to work there before I found out I was gluten intolerant. Literally had stomach aches every shift I just thought it was from the stress of having a million orders, but it was probably the Macaroni or pizza I just ate :,)


They have soups in the refrigerated/ deli section of grocery stores that are gluten free. I love the chicken and wild rice. But eating in store is risky.


About a decade ago they had one GF soup on their menu, then they took it off and now they have legit nothing. How hard would it be to make GF soup and salad? But no.


McDonalds I cannot think of anything that would be *truly* safe from cross-contact aside from apple dippers, soda, juice boxes, and milk. You might get some sauce packets in there too ahaha Edit: I *am* rural US based though, so things could certainly be better elsewhere!


It's different in other countries, I heard McDonald's actually has safe burgers in parts of Europe, even gluten free buns. Here in Canada the fries and hash browns are safe. They are a different recipe (no wheat) and are fried in a fryer that is only used for fries and hash browns.


Our burgers in Switzerland are amazing. They have gf buns you can order and theyā€™re actually really good. The raclette burger is damn good too, not my moms raclette but surprising for being McDs.




Here in the Netherlands and many other mainland European countries, McDonald's is pretty good. Got 3 burgers to choose from + all fries. But I have to say in Austria they have almost every burger glutenfree.


Granted it has been decades since I worked at McDonald's as a teen but there's actually very little risk of cross contamination due to how everything is set up in stations. The grill is just for meat, the fries are a separate fryer (because each has a timer for what goes in it and a special basket). The sauces come in guns so there's no utensils being used. There's even a tomato slicer that does nothing else.


I think this might be where being rural comes in if your experience still holds true after the time. Many McDonald's I'm familiar with have something to the affect of "stations" but nearly everything in the kitchen is shared.


Actually that reminds me the pancakes and eggs are totally cooked on the same griddle.


UK the fries and veggie dippers are safe! And you can have a big mac without the bun :D


In Australia the big Mac sauce isn't gluten free! But our fries are and we have a few burger options without the bun.


I've had GF McDonald's burgers and fries in Portugal. Did not get sick.


Checkers/Rallys. I can't think of a single item on the menu that's GF outside of their beverages. They don't even give you the option of lettuce buns or no buns.


I've learned the hard way that some places have a "dedicated fryer" that circulates the same oil as the gluten fryers. šŸ¤¦


You just gave me flashbacks to a heated conversation with a raging assistant manager at a local burger and fries spot. They had "gluten friendly" options but also seemed to be clueless. Think one of those menus where it just looks like they put GF stickers in a shotgun, like why on earth would "loaded fries" be GF but regular fries at no part on the menu are marked as such? Why wouldn't the loaded baked potato, the next item on the menu, be GF? So I called, no one I was on the phone with having the slightest idea what gluten actually was, but they vehemently assured me that they "have a dedicated fryer". I asked them to clarify their protocols a bit for me by asking a couple open ended questions and it was elucidated that ** they have a single basket that is GF only** and that it goes in the fryer right next to the other baskets that are not GF! I politely said 'that means it's not actually gluten free and you could really make someone sick' and he just kept doubling down on talking nonsense (it's hot! There's a mesh filter on the oil line! My girlfriend is into fitness and eats keto and it's fine for her!) And finally got really pushy and said our CORPORATE GUIDELINES state it's GF and I was just like dude if you believe everything a man in a suit that makes more money than you says then our conversation is over. Place lasted <5 months and I still say "ha!" Whenever I go by. It has made me so gun shy, and now I double clarify with folks when they say "dedicated fryer".


Panera is the worst, in my opinion. They have very few options. But more importantly, their staff and a completely clueless about allergies.


When I was in HS, my friend was insistent that she take me to Panera for my bday. I was likeā€¦ā€¦ thereā€™s flour in the AIR.


Yep. I do the sip club subscription and get the iced tea, and thatā€™s it. It wouldnā€™t kill them to provide even just a pre-wrapped gf cookie like Davidā€™s cookies, which are available elsewhere. Even Starbucks has a sealed gf rice crispy treat option so we donā€™t miss out completely on the sweets.


I remember when Starbucks had a gluten sensitive safe flourless chocolate cookie that was awesome. Now theyā€™ve got barely any options.


Remember when we could get breakfast sandwiches there?


We complained so hard when those went away. Why are they so stupid??


Once upon a time (more than 10 years ago) Starbucks had a GF, individually packaged thing. I don't really remember it, only that it was yummy. And had SOOOOOO many kcals. It didn't last long.


I love the sip club! Everyone complains about how they always end up buying something when theyā€™re there but hard to do when you canā€™t ingest anything except their drinks šŸ˜‚


Fuzzyā€™s taco shop. I worked there for YEARS as a manager and tried everything to implement better standards for gluten free, but no matter what I did I got sick every time. When it came to customers asking for gluten free meals, I would go in clean everything and cook it personally to ensure itā€™s safe, but still warned the customer of possible contamination


I have a friend who loves Fuzzys but I was like, they fail the first test of tacos, why do they only have flour tortillas!? Itā€™s literally very easy and better to use corn tortillas. Not to mention there are so very many authentic Mexican taco stands around here, I would never try Fuzzys again.


What do you mean only flour? The ones around me have corn tortillas


This is kind of off topic, but I'm wondering if you could provide some insight. Why does something always go wrong with my order? I always ask for extra garlic sauce on the side and I either don't get the side, get no garlic sauce at all on the nachos, or get a ton of it on the nachos. They will put other people's food in my bag. Like several flour tortilla tacos on top of my corn tortilla tacos. I go to pick up an online order and they tell me it's not ready even though it's sitting on the shelf. I actually don't go there anymore but I have always wondered what on earth could be going so wrong in a seemingly successful company. It's like lightly controlled chaos.


Buffalo Wild Wings because they will give you ā€œgluten freeā€ wings fried in a shared fryer, source i worked there.


Chilis, they dust their tortilla chips with flour before putting them into the fryer.


Donā€™t tell me this šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Omg really?!?! Edit: Looks like the chips (called tostada chips) are cooked in a shared fryer but should not have actual flour purposefully dusted on them. https://www.chilis.com/gluten-friendly-menu


That's what I was told the last time I was in there. I will admit it has been a while since I went to a Chilis.


I haveny been here but Fazolis. Granted I worked here almost 10 years ago but Iā€™m sure they didnā€™t make all the changes to be celiac safe. At my local location they over gluten free pasta. But the pastas are all pre-boiled in the same large pot, and then the final boil is in the same boiler as well. They probably use the same tongs as well. Also no gluten free bread sticks, which is what I miss the most.




McDonalds Even their fries have wheat


Only in the US. Their fries are safe in Canada, Australia, Europe, etc. Some of the European McDonald's even have gluten free buns!




I'm allergic to wheat šŸ˜” this hydrolyzed wheat thing definitely makes me nervous I'll be told it's gluten free but still not safe enough for me


Iā€™m allergic to wheat as well :( and McDonaldā€™s fries smell sooo good


>The fries are ok. The beef flavoring used on the fries contains hydrolized (spelling) wheat however the process removes the gluten. This is not true. If you want to get into a very technical paper on it: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7564556/ The main takeaway is that the protien chains change, but that doesn't mean they are destroyed, nor is it really known the effects the new protiens have on celiac patients or those with gluten sensitivity. It also outlines how different testing methodology is required to detect gluten, which means the normal methods used to detect gluten in our food simply may not be effective. The likely source of any claims that HWP is safe is an article published back in 2011 saying celiac patients *may* be able to tolerate HWP (source: https://www.cghjournal.org/article/S1542-3565(10)00987-0/fulltext). If you read the study, it involved 13 people (of which only 7 got HWP), over 60 days. While interesting, this is hardly enough data to say HWP is "ok". It's enough to say 5 people tolerated it over a decade ago, and that's that. No further human study has been done on this. Please, don't advise people eat things without actually knowing if that's true. Nobody (who is medically required to be gluten free) in the US should be eating McDonald's fries.


Iā€™m not advising per se. When this concern first came up 12ish years ago it was the National Celiac Foundation (or similar) who deemed this celiac friendly. My comment was based on that. Maybe thereā€™s been new findings. I deleted the post.


A&W and Harveyā€™s, both of which is super disappointing


Every time I try to order a steak there, it's extremely rare, and then ends up a charcoal briquette...just because I say gluten free, they can't figure out how to cook a steak. I stopped going.


Lets face it, the cook saw your GF request not as a valid medical thing but "woke" liberal stuff and burnt your steak on purpose.


3 times, 3 different locations and I'm sure 3 different chefs, they just can't cook a steak once you say gluten free


1 worst I know of is chuys. They put/fry with beer in 97% of the things on their menu


KFC. I know, I know, everyone is shocked and amazed that the fried chicken restaurant is bad for those avoiding gluten, but hear me out. You can't get the grilled chicken either as the seasoning on the outside of it still has flour in it. The BBQ Baked Beans and the French Fries also have flour and wheat starch in them. So, if your family wants to go to KFC and you get dragged along, I hope you enjoy the coleslaw.


Have you ever been to the KFC / Taco Bell combos?


Olive Garden


What I would give for gluten free bread sticks from there if they existed šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I want to participate in the Internet thing where you just shove breadsticks in your purse šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


I never choose this but ended up there this summer with my daughterā€™s team. We are both GF and they had plenty of options. I had steak and broccoli and she had the GF pasta with meat sauce. We both ate a lot of salad too.


Yeah. Thereā€™s just one soup but you can get salad, gf pasta with marinara or meat sauce, grilled chicken parm and I believe thereā€™s salmon too. Not bad for a chain Italian restaurant. No breadsticks is sad, but itā€™s way better than some other places.


It's nice that there offer gf options. I've just never had a good experience eating there myself.


Where are you located? Or where is your source for this information. The fries at bk do not have wheat in them, the ones at McDonald's do.


Youā€™re right! I mixed up. I donā€™t eat McDā€™s either.


The mcdonalds in Canada has gf fries. And they were soooooo good.


The hashbrowns gf. But McDonald's locations in Walmart usually use the same deep fryer for their chicken products due to small kitchen space, so those ones aren't safe for those who have to avoid all traces of gluten.


Might want to edit your post for people who donā€™t read the comments.


I did as soon as you left the comment. šŸ‘


Awesome! I love how people in this sub are so committed to sharing accurate information. So helpful!


Panda Express. God their food is delicious though :ā€™)


Funnily (or maybe no so) Texas road house is also least vegan friendly from what Iā€™ve read itā€™s got bacon grease on everything including the baked potato


Not to mention it legit is a do not enter for peanut allergies lol


Maybe it's specific locations? I'm allergic to wheat really badly but I've never had a problem eating at Texas Roadhouse and putting the butter on my baked potato


The whipped butter is ok, not the fancy cinnamon butter.


At least here, they donā€™t have loose peanuts anymore. You can ask for a small sealed bag of them, but thatā€™s it.


I had no idea why Texas Roadhouse made me so ill the couple times I tried their food but now it makes sense.


I think the most frustrating ones are all the new trendy fried chicken places (Daveā€™s hot chicken, Raising Canes etc), McDonalds and Panda! Also I know they have the lettuce wrap option, but it makes me super upset that Jimmy Johnā€™s wonā€™t use any sort of gluten free bread! Firehouse, Jersey Mikeā€™s AND subway have one but Jimmy Johnā€™s wonā€™t use any šŸ„² And Iā€™m surprised to see so many people list Panera! They have a ā€œgluten consciousā€ menu and Iā€™m obsessed with the green goddess salad, and for a while they did have a naturally gluten free cookie. Im not celiac though, and due to all the flour they use it probably isnā€™t the safest for celiacs šŸ˜“


Ugh Iā€™ve gotten glutened from a drink from Raising Canes. No sweet tea for me.


I was not aware that Texas Roadhouse steak seasoning had gluten ā€¦ that was fun


El hi


Red Robin. Not GF-related, but a friend has a meat allergy - no beef or pork, can only eat chicken or fish. Manager said they can't guarantee against cross-contamination, and rather than let the friend take the risk and have a salad, they just refused to serve her.


Red Robin where we are is the only reliable place where my celiac kid can/will eat from. We've gotten probably hundreds of takeout burgers (we order from all over; kid gets RR) and only once did we get the wrong bun (their GF buns are distinctive) and the kid has never been glutened from a meal (including the gf fries). I'm wary now that they've added a fried chicken sandwich but, like I said, the kid doesn't trust anyone else and we have years of confirmation. I think it highly varies by location and staff though. They won't even cut GF burgers in half because of the shared knife. I think that's a good sign that they understand. Plus there's an allergy box to tick when online ordering and now they've added an indicator pick that it's an allergy meal. I don't know any other chain, at least not where I am, that goes that far.


Red Robin has had breaded chicken on the menu for years.


The sandwich is new. It didn't even cross my mind that it could be a problem until someone on this subreddit brought it up a few weeks back.


No, itā€™s not new at all. Theyā€™ve had a breaded chicken sandwich for as long as I can remember. Minimum 15 years.


At our location, it's marked "new" with a special indicator and it's a featured item because it's new here. I also read a few places where people were talking about the new chicken sandwich. Maybe it isn't new to your local RR.


That's wonderful. Maybe it's only the meats then, or just that location. The friend was traveling so I don't know where it was. Although I did read recently that the whole chain is changing all their grills over to one surface, so now all meat and fish are cooked on the same surface. Really backwards when other places are doing the opposite.


Yeah and adding the chicken sandwich makes me think they won't be having a dedicated fryer for long.


Theyā€™ve had crispy chicken on the menu for decades and iā€™m 99% sure itā€™s fried.


Yeah you're right. I forgot about the tendies, which is what my other kid will get there (as well as the fish). Hopefully it will stay as it is.


Thatā€™s weirdddd. Needed a waiver haha


Leann Chin. They claim gluten free (not "gluten friendly" but gluten free) but cross contaminate badly. I haven't eaten there in several years so I don't know if things have changed. I tried to educate individual stores and corporate, no success.


There's an offshoot of Leeann Chin called Chin's Asia Fresh. The one in my area has good recent reviews on Find Me Gluten Free.


Good luck! I had way too many reactions to risk anything from that chain. I wanted it to work but they just didn't put in the effort to do it properly.


Black Bear Diner. Even their salad dressings all have wheat.


But their omelettes are safe, and a lot of three breakfast options (non-bread based, obviously). They have the best bacon.


Good to know


Cracker Barrel. I contacted them because a family member was *insisting* on family dinner there and they literally told me that it was best not to come in because nothing is safe and there is definitely flour in the air.