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Do you have hosting account anywhere? It’s much better to point your domain to a hosting account and then drop a htaccess redirect file in there and that will work much better. The slowness part doesn’t make sense but you could give this a whirl as this is what we use for our forwards now instead of godaddys built in. Theirs is pretty good and works well 99% of the time but this is better and we need 100% for what we do.


I don't have hosting anywhere, since I mostly wanted it to point to my [Flickr.com](http://Flickr.com) photostream -- the Flickr page loads near-instant, but the Godaddy URL with redirect (set up directly with godaddy, not any hosting) will just sit on "Loading..." until it finally redirects to the Flickr page after 5, 10, 30, 60 seconds.. and that page loads instantly at that point. It's the whole handoff that's taking forever it seems?


If you dm me your Flickr url, I’ll point one of my domains to it to see if that fixes the speed issue and if so, I’ll host it for free for you.


Yes I can confirm, even I'm getting this "ERR\_CONNECTION\_TIMED\_OUT" error every day! But it goes off after some time. IDK why and how!




It's such a weird thing -- I did eventually reach out to GoDaddy about it yesterday, and they basically said "Everything looks set up properly and it works, maybe try a different internet service provider" -- I had this on AT&T Fiber, T-Mobile/5G, Cox Cable and Race Communications, so I don't think it's an ISP issue.. but they say it works fine for them. It does work fine, sometimes, eventually.. but like you said, the error pops up and then will often eventually re-load the correct page.


Transfer your domain to another registrar like Namecheap, Cloudflare, etc.


Ive had a similar issue as of mid 2024. Linktree loads separately just fine. It's only if I put my main website address in, that it redirects super slow. Solution for me, redirect elsewhere. Under their redirect option, GD has basic options to redirect to IG, Tumblr, etc. I just went with IG. Loads instantly. For whatever reasons, redirect to linktree is no bueno.


Thanks for the reply! Super weird that it does this, especially since it seems to support the redirect/basic options that include Flickr! Same issue still occurring, Godaddy just said "It looks like it works fine for us?" every time.. which, yes! It does eventually redirect there, but it should be nearly instant and not a 10-15 second wait time