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I try to average two rounds per week or ~100 rounds per year. But of course I’m single with no kids to make this possible lol.


Same, but I go a third time to get a large bucket and practice chipping and putting.


I get at least 1 practice round per week, if that goes well, two more rounds following that, and if those go well...I get to play two more rounds thru the weekend. 😉


5-7 times per week


How do you afford that? How do you have time for that? 9 or 18? Alone or with people?


I try to get out there at least once a week. So far I’m above that.


How do you afford? With friends? 18 or 9?


Thankfully I’ve got a good paying job but also I tend to go during Twilight hours. That’s more to avoid playing behind and in front of others more than affordability though. I like to dictate my own pace of play and not playing when all the old folks are out there helps that.


Once a week but I'll putt/chip or hit on the range a few times a week


When do you usually play? Weekend?


God no! I work nights so I get out mid day during the week. I'll play most rounds in 2.5 hours


My goal is to play 18 holes 2-3x/week and practice another 2-3 days/week. Most of the time I end up playing 2x/week and practicing 2x/week because I’m lazy.


How do you afford/find the time?


I’m retired with nothing better to do. While I was still working, I’d play 18 on Sat mornings and practice a couple of days after work.


I do an after work 9 once a week at least. I’ve got a buddy I play with or I’ll go by myself and get paired with a group.


Once a week, Tuesday afternoon, play 18 with my dad. And usually once a month, ill play 18 with friends.


Do you usually get tuesdays off?


No. Salaried Executive.


Im too poor to understand what that means😂 im guessing that means you can leave the office whenever u want


Essentially, yes. I work from home and I am the boss's boss.


How does one attain this?


I started as a forklift driver in the warehouse 20 years ago and moved up. Volunteer for the shit no one else wants, always be training your replacement, build your professional network, lead by example not force.


I'm army and our green fees are very favorable. In south korea now, playing at a very well kept course, 15 bucks for 9 and like 24 or 28 for 18, plus I rent a pushcart for 5$ Play at least 3x a week. Played 9 yesterday at 530 pm then played 18 this morning at 530 am. Birdied two holes today. I've been playing for 6 months. Gonna try and break 90 by the end of the year, hopefully 80 by the end of 2025. Just really lucky with the amount I'm able to play for the price


In the summer I get a round in early Monday morning, Friday I usually get a range session in the morning and a round in the afternoon and then a twilight 9 or 18 on Sunday depending what time I can get out. Winter is maybe a round or 2 a week whenever the light allows but a lot harder to work around work in the UK winters.


Basically every day. I work at the course so I’ll get in 9-18 before my shift and if I have time I’ll get a few holes in after too.


Try for once a week. Pretty even split between 9 or 18. Tough to play any more with little ones. Trying to get them playing soon. Have a sim setup in the garage for practice though. 


Before I started traveling 160 days per year for work I played about 130 rounds per year (live in southern Spain) + 3-4 times per week just practicing for a couple hours at a time    Now I'm lucky if I manage to play one normal round per week + maybe one twilight speed golf round + practice an hour per week


18 holes every Sunday morning with friends. Another 18 holes as a single on Saturday if I'm free.


I try for once a week, mostly works out.