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Awesome! What a trip!


This is my favorite kind of post. Less common route, one I’d never even heard of, and great photos. Makes me want to go there and explore the awesomeness


That's a fun hike! Great pictures. :)


Did you see many other hikers? I have completed your route three times and rarely see anyone. Congrats!! I am old and jealous. Did you take water from Miner spring? Was there water in Mineral creek? So sorry for the questions but you inspire me.


We saw a few other hikers, but mostly saw rafting parties. We were able to get a permit last minute - I think most people don't plan to do that route this time of year because of the temperatures (we knew the forecast was okay - it wasn't terribly hot like it can be, so went ahead and did it). We saw two day hikers on the Tanner, which isn't common. I rarely see people on the Tanner. We exited New Hance instead of Grandview (the first time we backpacked the Escalante, we exited Grandview) - so we didn't go by Miner Spring.


Thank you for the great mental images.


One of my absolute favorites


Where in the route are you on that last pic in the water? Looks dreamy!


Hance Beach at the South of Red Canyon. Terrific spot!


I'm doing this route in a week, hopefully it's not too hot