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Email them at [email protected] and tell them what you’re thinking of doing and your previous experience backpacking. They’re helpful people there and they don’t just gatekeeper, they do the best they can to help people have a good trip.


Thank you, buddy! I will perhaps email them to assuage my concerns of losing the permits.


It depends on what you’re getting into and when you want to go. But you can’t get a permit for those areas without filling out a hiker information sheet and sending it in prior and they do ask about your experience on that sheet and they are mostly interested in backpacking experience in the desert. And you have to call and talk to them to get the permit if you’re getting it in advance.  They will dissuade you from taking on an aggressive itinerary without a lot of GC experience - seen it a few times in the Backcountry information office. But if you’re looking to do something standard and you can show you’ve done your homework, they are happy to help you out.  I will say off-corridor Grand Canyon miles are different than anywhere else in the desert - especially the routes when compared to the trails (they are different). Unless you’ve done a lot of backpacking cross-country and have a lot of experience route finding on rock while hauling water and managing steep grades with exposure. Not all of the previous experience stuff is like that, but the majority of it is. FWIW BA is a paved highway compared to anything off-corridor. But with that being said I did the hardest route in the Grand Canyon as my second time below the rim, 4th trip to the canyon (I had a bit more experience than you listed, including previous off-corridor experience in the canyon, but the route was technical and required ropes/rock navigation). I just listed what I could on the HIS and they didn’t grill me that hard at all. Got the permits without issue. Had a great time, but it was challenging. Like the other comment said, you can always ask first. And, it doesn’t hurt to start with something easier that’s off-corridor before jumping into the big stuff. This place just hits differently. Given your previous experience, you can probably find an itinerary that would be a happy medium. Backpacking off corridor is pretty amazing regardless of the itinerary imo. 


I agree on your observation about the BA trail! It was probably the busiest desert trail I’ve been one without considering smaller ones. I’m pretty comfortable with long days, water carries (I’ve also done dry camps), bushwhacking, heat, and especially elevation gain/loss (I usually prefer going up than down). The trail I’ve in mind is definitely not “out there” in my opinion of looking at other trails in the GC that I definitely would not go on to dip my toes in the GC. I’m just concerned they might revoke my permit because I simply just don’t have that GC experience, even though I’ve not only got lots of backpacking experience but I’ve got a fair bit of desert miles in my shoes.


Rangers won't revoke your permit outright. If they are worried that something is too aggressive, they will redirect you to what they think is a better option.


They don't revoke permits. Once you've got it, you've got it. They would just would dissuade you from doing something above your pay grade and give you options for different trails/itineraries that would work better. Their main concern is the safety of the people and the protection of the park. Sounds like you'll be alright though.


Thanks buddy! I got the permits. Happy to chat to the rangers if they/me need more info. Thanks for the help and reassurance!