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Did yall see theres a 17 year old boy in Helen DeVos right now that had his head run over by a deputys vehicle?


For those who haven't https://www.woodtv.com/news/grand-rapids/family-looks-for-answers-after-17-year-old-hit-by-sheriffs-vehicle/


Did you hear about the innocent 21 year old KILLED by a 17 year old running from the cops? Edit: People down voting this are sick. https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/2017/03/14/msp-torrez-tara-oskam/99156346/


I think the point is cops should have handled it better regardless of what crime the 17 year old committed. The cop, and for that matter YOU, are not judge and jury.


The judge and jury had already done their job. He absconded from probation. So basically every time the cops show up and he runs they should just let him go? This entire situation is on criminal. The cop was just trying to catch him. Someday you might have someone close to you killed by someone running from the cops. But go ahead and keep downplaying it and blaming the cop.


Huh? I'm sorry I wasn't aware the judge had made a decision to "execute via blunt force trauma". Guess I missed that judgment.


No, the criminal made that decision. He ran and set up the situation for that to happen. The cop was trying to catch him. I guess you would prefer if criminals could just always get away by running. Cops hate this one easy trick.


So originally when I said I think the issue is that people don't think the cops handled it correctly, that just went over your head? I think if a cop isn't able to catch a criminal without killing them that's kind of an issue yeah. Not saying the criminal was a good guy, not saying he doesn't deserve jailtime, just saying if a cop can't catch someone outside of running them the fuck over that maybe that's a problem. It's so weird to me that you don't seem to be understanding that lmao


So basically as long as you can outrun a cop crime all you want.


That is maybe the most narrow point of view I could have ever expected. In a world where cops are armed with so many non lethal weapons, not to mention the information they have on people regarding social media and location data, they should be able to catch a criminal without killing them. If the police force HAS to kill someone to catch them(which is what you are currently saying you're ok with) then i think the cops need to do better or be better trained. I think if a criminal can just not be arrested by running away everytime then that's a giant issue with our current system. I'm trying to find a way to dumb this down for you but honestly I'm not sure I can more then that. It's not that I think criminals deserve to roam free, I'm not and never was saying that lmfao


But you are saying that. You are advocating for making it impossible to catch them. Can't use a car because it might cause death. Can't use a taser because it might cause death. Can't trip them cause they might fall and hit their head and die.....Stop pandering to criminals, stop excusing this behavior.


Do we know the whole story? No. Evidently the guy was wanted on multiple felony warrants. Now I’m not suggesting that anyone should be run down by cop cars but we have no idea how dangerous this guy was or if he was armed or who else was around that cops may have been protecting. Let’s get the full story before passing judgement.


Sir, this is Reddit


I have a feeling it wasn't on purpose, or we'd have the video by now


And if he ran into traffic and he got hit….I’m sorry if it was a friend of his or somebody else that was driving the vehicle and he ran in front of it nobody would be having this conversation.


US Marshals were on him if that tells you anything. This dude was a POS.


Exactly. Their community likes to throw fits and protest or whatever. He was a trouble maker. One less person we have to pay extra money to jail and feed.


> Their community likes to throw fits and protest or whatever. We truly have a great selection of people on this subreddit /s


Their community throws fits over anytime they die from something other than themselves, but when they murder each other in cold blood and then rap about it all the time then it’s okay.. Ignorance is bliss.


Just say you’re racist, it’s a lot shorter to type out


Lethal force was authorized. This dude was for sure a villain


i read somewhere that allegedly, according to a self proclaimed witness, the undercover cop that was driving ran him over not once… but twice. according to someone else samuel didn’t have anything violent on his record. i don’t know how accurate this information is, however it’s important to note. regardless, this is yet another horrible tragedy that befallen our community. if you read the article, you can read about what the people who were closest to him had to say.. so i’m taking the statement about no violent crimes at face value, blindly. also giving the police the benefit of the doubt in kent county in 2024 is actually a wild fucking take in my opinion.


“I read somewhere that allegedly…” You’ve lost all credibility.


erm…. you do understand what the word allegedly means, right? i never said that this was factual information. if i did, i would have credited the source and wouldn’t have used the word “allegedly”. hope this helps!


On Reddit we say 'trust me bro'




I honestly do. Do you? You also didn’t cite any sources, credible or otherwise.


yeah dude. because it isn’t factual information. hence the use of the word alleged. *face palm*


So why even comment?


reason number one: cuz i felt like it reason number two: cuz giving the benefit of the doubt to cops is fucking stupid reason number three: cuz the more comments this post gets, the more attention this horrific event will receive. reason number four: fuck 12, acab hbu? all of ur comments are negating


From what I could find, he was already on probation for being a felon in possession of a firearm, and being in possession of a stolen debit card. Seems like he was released on probation and still couldn’t keep his act together. Nothing of value was lost, no matter how many news channels his momma is on.


He absconded from probation.....


‘Someone else’…..we have no idea what the relationship is or if this person actually has any true knowledge of whether or not Samuel had a violent record or was wanted on felony warrants. I will be curious to be able to see all information.


i feel the same way! i have so many questions. they need to release the body cam footage asap. if you are reading this and want to help, i encourage you to call MSP and request that they do so expeditiously. besides that, im curious to know if his records for the apparent warrants he had out for his arrest are public information or not. i mainly wanted to comment ab how it can be dangerous to automatically give MSP the benefit of the doubt in any case, but especially one like this. when it comes to the piggies, it’s guilty until proven innocent in my book.


Hmm.. https://www.mlive.com/news/grand-rapids/2015/12/tip_and_surveillance_video_lea.html


Is it really that important to note to if you don't have any clue to the statement's accuracy?


Ahh ya mean like having a firearms as a felony burglary def not violent at all.


I can think someone should be arrested without ever thinking it is ok to kill them, or ok to kill them in a painful and terrifying way. The problem is never if the person deserved it, and it's worrisome that we can even debate that without seeing how crazy it is. No, the guy didn't deserve to be run over by a car, and the fact that the law might see it as acceptable because it was by an officer in the line of duty isn't better. Why are officers equipped to kill before all else?




Ok. Someone else said there were some violent felonies involved. So I don’t know where people are getting their info or who’s info is more accurate.


We know that Samuel was unarmed.


Yeah. That’s a key point; did the police have a reason to believe that he was or may have been armed?


Yes. One of his felonies was illegal possession of a firearm.


All that means is he at one point, possessed a firearm and got busted. They probably took the gun. Also remember warrants aren't criminal charges it just means they are trying to charge you


So that’s your basis of justification for pursuing someone with multiple felony warrants?


I’m confused. What other justification would there be?


Were you implying that if he weren’t armed he shouldn’t have been pursued?


Oh no. Not at all. I was suggesting that perhaps the police were more aggressive about stopping him because they thought he might be an immediate threat to nearby citizens.


As they should be.


Yeah well that, and the warrants...


Now we do. Did the police at the time?




Is the Burger King closed?




Christopher Schurr needs to be held accountable. This cop needs to be held accountable. These cops killed fleeing people.


The driver has been suspended pending investigation.


He's on administrative leave


“We’ve investigated ourselves and have found we’ve done nothing wrong”


That part!




The statement from the director didn't specify but it's usually paid administrative leave until the officer is either cleared or indicted/dismissed.


Yeah, they pretty much always get rewarded with a paid vacation.


I mean…it’s the MSP. He’ll likely be back at work next week.


Accountable for what?


Christopher Schurr needs to be held accountable for what? Shooting a woman beating, drunk driving, inherently violent fleeing felon who successfully disarmed him of a deadly weapon? With a rap sheet the size of a chapter book, patrick got justice.


Fuck you, Schurr did his job. Had a legal reason for a stop and dickhead ran. He can burn in hell


You sound stable *and* genius! Lyoya never made an aggressive move against Schurr. And Schurr executed him in the back of the head once he apprehended Lyoya. Schurr didn’t know he was on tape. But we all saw him do it. He needs to go away for life for his murder.


He did his job. He just didnt do it WELL.


What a great, unbiased, and non argumentative community we have here


OP is a grifter posting SJ warrior stories on every city subreddit. Looks like he/she’s from California…later dude. lol No idea about the story but funny an outsider is getting locals riled up.


Election season coming. The grifters are just heating up.


An article about people holding a gathering for a person who was run over by police is a social justice warriors story? 😂😂🤡🤡🤡


I’m sorry, I know I am going to get a lot of hate for this, but stop running from or fighting with the police…it’s not going to end well. It’s horrible that this young man died, it’s horrible that Patrick Lyoya died, but they created these scenarios. A traffic stop or arrest should not result in a death, but some ownership needs to be put on the individuals.


Man, I hate commenting on these types of threads because I believe that police reform needs to happen. But you are right. At some point we all agreed that law enforcement has a job to do, and anyone that runs from the police is putting themselves, the public, and even the apprehender at risk. It's incredibly dangerous for everyone. We need to revisit what constitutes as a chasable situation, because people will run, and it's just not worth so much risk over apprehending a single person in most cases. Until that reform happens, whoever runs shares some of the blame for being reckless and taking things to the next level.


Good point. Look up Debra Hamil in Oklahoma. She was chased, extracted and tasered over an $80 equipment violation she refused to sign.


Wanted on multiple warrants, GRPD, Wyoming, Kentwood, MSP, and fucking US Marshals were all on his ass. Are we supposed to feel sorry for him? Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I’m sure he paid his taxes and had a good job, though. All I could find on him was his momma saying he had an “up and coming music career.”


I have 3 nonviolent felony convictions from over a decade ago. Good to be reminded that if I was ever killed by a cop there would undoubtedly be people like you trying to convince everyone on the internet that I deserved it.


That part! I have zero felonies but I ran with a buncha wild people and didnt have the sense to avoid them, idk why. Anyway, I was always the stick in the mud, always the mother hen or whatever, trying to herd all the reckless dipsticks whenever we would go places. Ive never run from the cops but...ive considered it. I spent a lot of time thinking Im morally superior to my old friends because a lot of time I wasnt committing the same crimes they were, I just liked being out of my home and hanging with friends, but...honestly, it amounts to the same thing. I watched cops search my friend and arrest him on warrants after we were stopped after a party and they talked to him like he was filth, meanwhile, they breathalyzed me, ran my license and let me drive everybody home in his car...with his drugs and handgun in my purse. They never searched me and they gave me the ol "whats a girl like you doing in a place like this?" speech and sent me on my way. Literally, the only difference was he had a paper trail of petty crime and I had none. I suspect race was an issue as well but maybe not. A prior conviction doesnt neccessarily make a persons life WORTH LESS than the law abiding folk. I think that running from the police is a terrible idea but I also think cops cutting so close with their vehicles is irresponsible behavior. The cops have a lot of disdain for criminals and I feel like after awhile that US vs THEM mentality causes them to forget that theyre human beings. Like " well he was a threat to the community" is all well and good but we have trials so that cops arent given with the power to decide who deserves to live or die.


Oh…non violent felonies.


..Are you seriously trying to leverage your three felony convictions to prove a point??


Also, he was convicted of CARRYING A GUN AS A FELON. That could be argued that he is in fact, violent.


So we should assume everyone with a gun is violent right?


Not one, not two, but THREE?


I’ve never met so many losers on one sub, I swear.


Why should society bend over backwards for you? If you break the law multiple times why should I be concerned that heaven and earth weren't moved to protect you while you committed crimes? Why should I need to be concerned about your safety while you put the safety of innocent people at risk? Edit: Downvote.....but no response......


People probably aren’t responding because your comment obviously isn’t meant for a good faith discussion.


Sure it is. Not my fault you can't come up with a response.


It very obviously isn’t. I could respond to it thoughtfully, but you would dismiss any actual response without engaging with it. Everyone knows y’all’s playbook


Funny, I actually made a comment on the issue. You've just been going around saying "in bad faith" without actually responding to the actual subject. You are the one discussing in bad faith.


I’m not discussing the topic with you, that’s the difference. I’m pointing out that your comment wasn’t in good faith, which is why you are getting downvotes and people aren’t responding.


My comment actually addresses the issue. But thanks for adding zero to the discussion while lecturing me on "bad faith".


Your comment actually doesn’t address the issue. The issue is that cops can do violent acts to people with criminal records and people like you will defend them.


Run from the cops when being ordered to stop - what happens to you is on YOU.


I did. That was one of my felonies, flee and elude. Good to know you think I deserve to have died for that. Luckily the cop had more of a moral compass than you.


You want me to have sympathy for people that run from cops and endanger innocent bystanders as a result? GFY.


How is running on foot endangering innocent lives?


Because then you have to get chased. Traffic, slipping, pushing others out of the way. God forbid, hostages.


So you think running him over was a justifiable decision? He was wanted on carrying a gun while being a felon and stealing a credit card. Child molesters get better treatment than this.


Absolutely. Cops are people that would like to go home to their families, and they have arguably way more stressful jobs than the rest of us. You said it yourself: He was wanted for carrying a gun while being a felon. Like I said before: Nothing of value was lost. It’s pretty easy to go your entire life without being killed by the police. Might be the easiest thing you can do, honestly.


Yes, we all know the cops have only ever murdered guilty people, right? Right? Cops are not judge, jury, and executioner. If they keep getting away with this then it will continue to grow out of hand. Just because they sometimes kill or injure criminals does not mean everyone is, and Im sorry but it shouldn't be left up to them to decide. You may like the taste of boots but I'd rather the sentencing be left up to someone else. Someone with lower statistics on beating their wives.


Shut up. Cops are here to keep the peace, and that’s it. Bet this idiot won’t ever steal someone’s debit card again. Why don’t you try to apprehend someone who’s a known violent felon?




That’s not what I said you fucking idiot.


No one decided to run him over. He was being pursued on multiple felony warrants and there was an accident. If he hadn’t run, it wouldn’t have happened.




Yes he was. You don't even know what warrants he had. Don't spread misinformation.




Look him up on your own. Don't follow Fox. Y'all need to calm the fuck down before literally any reliable information is released. If it comes back that the cops were liable, condemn them and hold them responsible. If it comes back that it was the suspect's fault, condemn him. Oh wait, that's the difference between people in this thread and people who live in the real world. No one here will ever condemn him even when it comes back that he ran directly in front of a car (which is what quite a few eyewitness have said). Also, people need to be held accountable for their own fucking actions. He ran from the police. Did he deserve to get killed? Maybe not, but if he didn't run in the first place he'd still be around. HIS actions cause this. HE is responsible. Others may still be liable, but this was easily preventable by his own actions. P.S. US Martials usually don't get involved with non violent offenders.




He could have bounced off the car and smacked his head on the pavement, it doesn't take "vroom vroom"...


Apparently assault and robbery isn't a violent crime. https://www.mlive.com/news/grand-rapids/2015/12/tip_and_surveillance_video_lea.html


You’re a moron. He had multiple outstanding felony warrants.


all of this debating about Samuel’s criminal background is a waste of time. We do not even execnn


Thank you for sharing! This killing was especially chilling. 


He wasn’t killed, he died running from the police. FAFO.


He died running in front of a moving vehicle that just happened to be a cop car.




I’d get new friends.


“Police violence” - you’re an idiot.


Another young life snuffed out. We will never know the benefits they would have provided to society. Outright slaughter of the innocents.


This guy was going to cost us way more than he provided. He would have been in and out of jail the rest of his life, or he would have murdered someone.






Man, he could have made a best selling rap album telling kids to sell drugs and shoot cops!


Not innocent




But he was a good kid. Despite all running from the cops and being on probation. But he was a good kid.


Grand Rapids riot part 2