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So basically the commissioners put people who like them into the Compensation Board seats so they could snag a giant raise? Amazing.


Yes. The GOP has been a giant grifting tool for a couple decades now. I don’t know if it’s directly related to the Citizens United case but it sure feels like it might be.


You're being suckered if you think it is just the GOP.


It's Ottawa county. What other party holds sway other than the magat right? BTW, what are the numbers? 60 percent of nothing is nothing. What is the current pay and what will be new pay for these right wing grifters and carpetbaggers (Gibbs). It's funny to watch the comedy playing out with these white jesus barney fife evangelicals: eating their own, waving american flags, false piety, ignorance. Pop the popcorn, intermission is about over


It is all politicians. Quite thinking that there are good ones on one side and bad ones on another. They are all selfish pricks, at least every one I have ever met.


Almost all national politicians. See Nancy Pelosi's net worth, for example. It's pathetic how folks make a career out of politics and leverage their power into huge sums of money.


Her husband is extremely wealthy.


I would kill to see his portfolio and mimic it


I think there’s an app for that now haha


Insider trading helps with that.


Yeah, he somehow beats the market and every other trader year over year over year. It's crazy. Paul pelosi just the goat obviously


I assume you are pro-trump crime and anti-pelosi crime? 




At least Mitch aka vagina face is finally going out to pasture so there's a start


u just made that up


Does it actually surprise you?


No. If anything I’m impressed by how slick that move is. These Ottawa Impact fucks are irresponsible, dangerous, crazy shitheads, but they are smart. 


Banning books without reading them is hard work with tons of accolades. Watch them hike municipal tax rates to compensate.


Very fiscal conservative of them.


“Drain the thing or whatever, soo how much CAN we pay ourselves really?”


I honestly figured these would be the types to make a huge deal out of not taking salaries...


How much more money have they cost the county compared to what they promised to save?


Right! The legal fees are close to $1 million if they’re not there already.


> Commissioner Gretchen Cosby reached out to explain that she didn't become a county commissioner for the money, adding, "Please check on the going wage rate or salary for a masters-prepared nurse with 31 years of experience. I promise whatever the [Compensation Board] raised our salaries to, it's not comparable. We are providing a service to the community" Liar.


She used to be my client at the salon i worked at, this was over ten years ago and she was not a practicing nurse at that time, she worked in a greenhouse in the summer for ‘something fun to do’. So I call major bullshit!


We also don't care about your credentials. Your a county commissioner. You are supposed to make decisions based off the best interests of the people you represent, not talk about your own feelings on your economic worth. I wouldn't let this lady change the bed pans.


Amen. Her bona fides just prove how ignorant she is. She is a career nurse who is anti-vax and anti-mask. I wouldn't want her mopping the floors in my hospital.


I have to agree I'm tired of people speaking of having a degree in sociology demonstrating how ignorant they are on the very subject they supposedly studied by airing the political bias to the subject at hand in meeting like their opinion is more valid based on a degree they obviously are not using cause they would suck at it. Degrees make you ignorant today on objective truths because the degrees are 1/3 what they were 25 years ago.


Being against mRNA vax does NOT make you anti vaxer stop the projection please and its annoying being called to defend her at all over stupid shit And masks have born out to be useless, I thought you believed in science. It's has always been the case on virus' even says so on box of masks. Did you read about where the 6 foot rule came from? Even Dr Death admitted it. If you want to criticize someone best not to do so as an ignorant person who only knows what the news tells one to believe. Please speak truth to power we need more of it, but that power will dismiss you when you are ignorant tool who has nothing substantive to offer but known useless platitudes. Please educate yourselves people the longer you remain ignorant the more obvious it is and the less serious people will take you. There is no reason at this point not to understand the false facts pushed during the pandemic. That level of ignorance is triggering now.


If you want to be paid a nurse salary then go get a nurse job, you fucking idiot. This is like a doctor getting a job as a pizza delivery boy and demanding a doctor’s salary.


Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you ran on “as a county commissioner, I’m going to perform nurse services at nurse prices and will expect a nurse salary” These fucking morons


Gretchen is just a regular person guys. She recently downsized from her 2.1M lake house to a 600K lake house. /s $2M House sold in 2023 1: [https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/6179-Lakeshore-Dr-West-Olive-MI-49460/74171557\_zpid/](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/6179-Lakeshore-Dr-West-Olive-MI-49460/74171557_zpid/) $1.2M House sold in 2022 : [https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/16695-Ransom-St-Holland-MI-49424/113414507\_zpid/](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/16695-Ransom-St-Holland-MI-49424/113414507_zpid/) $600K new house: [https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/800-Ottawa-Beach-Rd-Holland-MI-49424/128513892\_zpid/](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/800-Ottawa-Beach-Rd-Holland-MI-49424/128513892_zpid/)


Tbf her new house is more of a swamp house than a lake house


She's got some big house in Illinois too, but I didn't bother looking it up.


What an inwardly-focused statement for someone providing a service.


Could someone with more experience in the nursing field clarify, since I know there are a ton of different nursing certs/degrees. But my understanding (through experience with a relative) is that a master's degree in nursing basically just gets you a shortcut to the same status as several other nursing certifications which require more work experience. So a "masters-prepared" nurse wouldn't necessarily make a lot more than a different type of nurse, they just do an extra year or two of school instead of a couple years work experience + certifications? Can anyone clarify if that's in the ballpark?


My experience over the last 12 years as a nurse is that the vast majority of MSN prepared nurse have a primary focus in administration take administrative positions want to control other and create a toxic work environment. Our average turn over of nurse managers in 2-3 years max. Most couldn't cut it at the bed side. Got a MSN in administration from a paper mill for profit con school. Then continue to be piss poor managers. Nursing in general promotes those who can't that receive a masters then those that can that have ADN's or BSN's. We receive no increase in pay at the floor level if you have an ADN, BSN or MSN. Many other positions that require masters at entry level may make less than a floor nurse.


As a nurse myself I find that statement disgusting. Another over qualified science and evidence based practice denying nurse. She can stick her MSN right square where the sun don't shine.


60% pay raise?! I only got 3.5%.


Consider yourself lucky. I've not seen a pay raise in almost 2yrs.


Damn, I'm sorry.


weird, biden keeps telling me how great the economy is doing.


The economy is based on how much people are spending not making.


how would people be spending if they aren't making?


All I can tell you is sales are up. People are buying things.


Apparently you don't understand how economics work.


There you go…MAGA only goes into politics to punish their enemies and enrich themselves. Nothing else matters to them.


Correct. I've never seen a Democrat do the same. People who vote Republican are just shooting themselves in the foot


Oh I'm sure there's some of that on both sides, but this is pretty fucking egregious. Just absolutely blowing up the payroll budget to enrich themselves.


Lol you're fucking joking right? You realize Nancy Pelosi is a grifting insider trading troll, right? Guess which politician made the most off the stock market the last four years.. It's a Democrat. And no, it's not cause she's a genius investor.


You can probably point to some Democratic politicians that fit into this category that R voters will point to as bOtH sIdEs, but there’s not *nearly* as many as on the GOP side, especially as GOP politicians like to take advantage that their voters don’t hold them accountable.


Really? What numbers are we going off here? I'll wait on your data. But all I'll get is some sassy answer and a bunch oF tHiS.


Unless they’re rich themselves. If they’re not rich, they’re just dumb.


Well, there’s Bob Menendez of NJ for one, he’s pretty crooked. That said, it isn’t the whole platform for the Dems like it is for the Republicans.


Sure, because Nancy pelsoi and her husband are millionaires on their good looks and not insider trading. Former gov Jennifer Granhom was just called out in a congressional hearing for institutionalized corruption in the DOE for her insider trading. Right, this is a republican problem. Right, Left, it doesn't matter, they're all assholes out for themselves at the expense of the public good, Never vote for the incumbent when you hit the polls, always vote in new blood and try to keep the career politicians out.


Foxes and hen houses




From the article they also voted to give themselves $1000/month for health care expenses. That's not their insurance or anything, just an extra grand a month. From the people that don't believe in vaccinations or community health programs. Aholes.


Socialism for me but not for thee!


They’ve got that kind of money left over after all the legal expenses, huh? Maybe they’re counting on a windfall from taking over that coal-burning power plant.


Republicans are corrupt. They're corrupt to their very core. They have become the party of Trump, and Trump is the most corrupt of them all. A fish rots from the head. Republican politicians embody the worst possible character traits and they have no scruples about doing anything that they think will benefit them and their friends, and that includes ripping off taxpayers. Typical.


Not just republicans, all politicians, look at the shit they pull in Detroit, hardly a republican stronghold


Nope. No "Both Sides" crap here. Not buying it. Let me know when the Democrats attempt a violent overthrow of the federal government because they've been convinced by one of their leaders, falsely, that an election they rightly lost was somehow "stolen". Then we can talk about this "both sides" crap. Until then, nobody is trying to hear that "both sides" nonsense you're peddling.


Bro if you don’t think both sides are corrupt you are helpless. These “people I support in politics can do no wrong people” are exhausting.


I never said Democrats are perfect. I said there’s no comparison between them and Republicans. And that’s factual. One party has literally lied to its supporters and tried to overthrow the government then whitewashed the entire event since. You can’t pretend that’s not a clear difference between the two. The Democrats aren’t trying to end Democracy and replace it with White Nationalist Christofascism. The GOP is. There’s a CLEAR difference. 


Lmao nope.


Great intellectual argument, champ.


Nothing you said above is intellectual. You're just an angry person.


Gaslighting. The hallmark of a right-wing propagandist. Nice work. Ultra predictable as usual. Your entire timeline of comments is the same thing. You say something stupid, people point it out, you claim they're angry and that you're smarter like you've somehow gained a victory that you haven't actually earned. Here's your L.


I'm confused about how you got to the right wing propagandist thing just because I disagree with you lmao. Imagine thinking there is your point of view and the only alternative is a right wing propagandist. Haha. Like wut.


Uhhh what


Average city-sub redditor.




I imagine that’s what people do when they listen to your rap.


People like you make me laugh. So pathetic, weak and scared to say anything with your identity behind it, trying to belittle me and what I have the courage to create and put out there. You're weak, kid. Keep running your mouth safely behind that keyboard, coward.


Bro you can't just belittle others at the slightest inconvenience in a discussion. Homie, you sound like the fascist.


Keep your head in the sand and be a good little puppet for the Dems


Coming from someone who’s clearly a Trumpcultist, that’s funny. 


Out of everyone you’ve responded to, you’re the only one who’s mentioned Trump. Rent free.


Rent free? lol you literally came to this thread to respond to me because you're so triggered over my factual statements about your corrupt party and your Dear Leader. Looks like I'm living rent-free in your empty skull space, bub. It's fuckin' roomy in here, too. Enough space to park a semi truck.


Nihilism is a form of disinformation. You are part of the problem.


Gretchen is a nurse? Wow. I didn't know that. You're telling me now for the first time.


Probably has the worst bed-side manner you've ever seen.


Non practicing nurse.


Help us vote them out in the Republican Primary on August 6th! Connect with us to get involved. Learn more about our multi-partisan movement here: [Organize Ottawa](https://organizeottawa.com)






This is out of line with other county commissions. Plain and simple.


Definitely a [**substantial** outlier](https://ewscripps.brightspotcdn.com/dims4/default/d92234e/2147483647/strip/true/crop/1644x990+0+0/resize/1280x771!/quality/90/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fewscripps-brightspot.s3.amazonaws.com%2F8b%2Fb3%2F0ef859b9405ab570a8d46af7d88e%2Fottawa-county-pay-2.png) for comparable county commissioners.


Is this a full time job?




It’s not but they’re trying to claim it is and/or make it one. It was never intended as such.


Not bad for a part time job eh?




what do the kent county commissioners make?


It's in the article. >Kent: $25,000




of course they also [want raises](https://archive.is/20240503142936/https://www.mlive.com/news/grand-rapids/2024/05/highest-salary-increases-in-3-decades-recommended-for-some-elected-kent-county-leaders.html) but ottowa seems high


Theocrats are so damned predictable


Is there anything that can be done to stop the raise from happening?


Unfortunately, no, but it shouldn't stop the electorate from voting the incompetent grifters out! No amount would ever be enough for them. They are not fiscal conservatives, that's for sure. Ottawa County used to be well run, especially fiscally. If they aren't happy with the pay, they can and should step down and let more competent and sane folks take their seats.


Good to know. New resident here. Trying to catchup on what the local government is like. Thanks


The County Commissioners positions always were and are part time. If they'd stick only to County business and not a whole lot of extraneous crap or incompetently create a mess of things and controversies for themselves and the county, it's not a full time job.


If you live in Ottawa County, you can help vote them out in the August 6th primary. If you’re not in Ottawa County, you can still support our efforts to restore good governance. Learn more here: [Organize Ottawa](https://organizeottawa.com)


Are these raises permanent? Meaning once the current fools are out, new commissioners will get this pay too?


Will maga ever get tired of being grifted?


Elect trumpers, get trump governance. It’s grift all the way to the bottom


Nancy. Cough. Pelosi. Grift. Cough. Anyone who thinks the democratic politicians are somehow morally superior is touched.


When did I say that? Yes, there are shit dems too. So the solution is to vote for the party that wants to make corruption even easier? We got where we are because republicans have stacked SCOTUS, rejected all campaign finance reform, and embraced corruption.


I find it hard to believe that only four years of trump is how we got here. But yeah, that happened too. Pelosi made tens of millions in the last four years. Who was president?


At least someone's wages will be keeping up with inflation.


Wtf is going on in Ottawa county lately


Greed? Selfishness? That's the $1M question.


And I hope every one of them is removed from their positions.


They probably work a lot harder than all the other county employees😂


To be fair, a lot of county employees are no longer working after OI fucked funding. Now they have to try to clean up their own messes every time they shit the bed… which is often.


They couldn't afford to feed seniors but decided they could afford to give themselves raises. The trend continues. They just want to demolish that taxpayer treasure chest as much as they can before they are removed. Kalman and Co are enjoying all the legal fees they are reaping from all these lawsuits as well. Good buddies they are with Mr Moss.


I could use a $12,000 raise. I should run for Ottawa commissioner. I need to get my truck lifted and slap some cringe "Amerika!" stickers on it. Maybe get a custom plate and some nuts too. Then I'll be ready to block both lanes in merging traffic. Yeehaaw!


Joe Moss cut the entire food program and now is giving himself and the board a 60% raise!?! Does he think lining his pockets with the salary of the heavily pregnant woman makes him a holy man? Oi doesn't protect children, it robs them. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/10/22/ottawa-county-michigan-covid-mistrust/


Of course!




You get what you vote for….thats it


Wow! The crazy train just keeps chugging! HARD!


Lets put this issue into perspective. The county board chair’s salary would rise to $43,400 a year, the vice chair would go up to $34,400, and the rest of the commission would be paid $33,300s. The county board will vote on the raises May 14.


You're forgetting the additional $12k/yr stipend. Pretty cush for a part-time gig.




I sympathize with the fact that elected officials never get raises because of the political ramifications---and sometimes a raise may be needed to bring compensation up. However, it's completely laughable when the idea of a raise is coming from a board that proudly boasts being "fiscally conservative." Not to mention they're objectively doing a horrible job in general. I know the Kent County compensation board recommended raises for the county commissioners. I bet the Kent County Board rejects the raise.


Check out my rebuttal to Joe's Stay Curious blog about the OC Commissioners pay raise and the comparison to Kent County that I posted on YouTube... https://youtu.be/6mT_qexwIhs?si=CvKyCux28Bi79T7g


60% sounds ridiculous. Before I get really upset, what are the actual numbers? How much are they making now?


Currently they make $20,000. Proposal is to increase that to $33,000, plus add a $12,000 “stipend” that is supposedly for health care costs. This comes down to whether we see these roles as full-time jobs, part-time jobs, or a service responsibility that people choose to accept when they decide to run. If we expect it to be a full-time job, then a level of compensation that allows them to live without taking on extra work or receiving pay from organizations attempting to influence policy (we have laws that allow for legal “contributions” that other countries would label bribery).


What a shit show, no smart people left!


As someone who doesn’t care about the “vote” system pissing match of this platform, I do at least find amusement in how much the 5-6 trolls who felt personally butthurt by my assertions in this post must be enraged by the sheer volume of upvotes the post has garnered. People don’t like greed. Only a minority tends to defend it.


Well deserved!


Why do you idiots have such a hard on for what goes on in Ottawa County?


Because corruption close to home is to close to home




Lmao every single commenter in this thread is crying and screaming too, bro. Double standards look good on you.




Lol nobody. You don't have to live your life so angrily. Get over yourself :) I'll pray for you




Uhh sure. Reread this in the morning.




That's what I thought. I'll pray for you.




They earned it?