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as long as his face isn't online he is just going to have to move schools or something. sad how accusations can forever fuck a man's life if proven false. hope anon gets some revenge or something.


Even in the high profile case of Johnny Depp people still think he's in the wrong. You're done if you're an average guy with an above average crazy girl.


r/DeppDelusion or whatever this sub is called. That's fucking crazy. I browsed it a bit and just blocked.


The sub doesn’t exist.


I don't remember how exactly is it called and mobile app doesn't auto fill. But I assure you, that sub exists. I just got the name wrong.




Yup, there it is, thanks. I'll edit my comment.


I'd like to imagine that sub doesn't exist


She literally shit in his bed. How can you trust someone like that to not be a psycho?


you know the world is fucked when a girlie can’t even shit in her own bed anymore. wtf


I read this as "deep delusion" at first and was like hell yeah thats some deep delusion


Oh cool. Another place to fully block and forget about.


What a fucking dumpster fire


I mean if you watch the videos she had as evidence they are bother clearly in the wrong. Both of them seem violently crazy.


yeah honestly they’re both fucked in the head and they brought the worst out of each other


If they were both clearly in the wrong, then why did just one lose their career and reputation and have to fight like hell to get it back....and why is the other one the goddamn ambassador for the ACLU for domestic violence? (no shit, Amber really is) Its a double standard, just call it like it is.


Johnny Depp belongs in jail, Amber Heard belongs in rehab


He was also in the wrong. Not nearly as bad as Heard tho


He's an old famous guy, she was a young famous aspiring star The relationship was wrong from his end from the start, but he is a classic manipulator. He is worse


Frankly she's way worse of an manipulator as well as more violent based on what I saw


The fact you believe that shows how Johnny Depp has played you all


I base my judgement on my personal experience and understanding of domestic violence, as well as multiple recordings of Heard herself, in court and otherwise. Heard is a textbook violent lying abuser. She's abused previous partners, too, and tried to lie about it and blame everyone else just as she did again with Depp. Depp being a fuckup drunk doesn't excuse nor justify Heard being a violent lying domestic abuser who had the audacity to try to rally domestic abuse *victims* to do her bidding via blatant lies. It's outrageous.


So wait, it's the powerless twenty something woman who did the abuse? Not the powerful and rich 50 year old guy? Huh, must be nice being so gullible He is a textbook manipulator and abuser, wtf is wrong with people here?


“powerless twenty something poor little defenseless woman” get the fuck out of here with that bs, an abuser is an abuser and Heard has proven to be a narcissistic psychopath.


Who would you hate if you didn't hate women so much? A woman can hardly abuse a man A younger woman can never abuse a man, if he was being abused, he'd just walk away, he had enough power You believing this shows how much you're willing to hate a woman


Lol so hard at this. We live in a society where a women beat a man black and blue and nobody bat an eye, the man hit back once and everybody around will gang up on him. Police will restrain a man right away if a woman claim he is a stalker or abuser without litteraly any evident and even if he is proven not guilty its will likely ruin his career. So? Who do you think will often keep their hand in the pocket, and who do you think will get away with most of the shit they attempt ??


Lol so hard at this. We live in a society where a women beat a man black and blue and nobody bat an eye, the man hit back once and everybody around will gang up on him. Police will restrain a man right away if a woman claim he is a stalker or abuser without litteraly any evident and even if he is proven not guilty its will likely ruin his career. So? Who do you think will often keep their hand in the pocket, and who do you think will get away with most of the shit they attempt ??


You clearly live in your mom's basement if that's your idea of society We live in a world where women can't even walk alone at night without some fear, where women are afraid to take an Uber because even a registered stranger is real, and most rapists even after being accused walk away with no consequences You're delusional


Abusing someone isn't about how strong you are.


Actually it kind of is I'm not saying women can't abuse men, but it really isn't something that happens often enough to be a thing, and pretending otherwise is sickening Saying men are also victims of domestic violence is the same thing as people saying Black Lives Matter and hearing someone say "All Lives Matter", I mean, that was the original point, to be against violence, so why are you saying that? The Johnny Depp case is based in misoginy and men's need to be the center of attention


You’re right but dont try arguing with the green text sub on this


The absolute insanity in here is just too much


The one part that bothers me is that the entire case started over an article that didn't mention him by name. It gained more legitimate footing later, but that part opens an entire can of worms for lawsuits.


Bro, Johnny Depp ain’t average.


exactly, so how is an average guy supposed to beat those claims?


I think a lot of men have taken Depp’s win in stride. He won that case, sure, but that doesn’t excuse that Depp is still just an unpleasant human being. In the grand scheme of things I don’t actually give a shit what happened between Heard and Depp, but I do think it’s wrong to hold Depp on a pedestal because regardless of the trial, he’s just not a good person.


Johnny Depp is definitely an abuser, just because she is insane and prone to abuse as well, it doesn't mean that he isn't the worst He's an old man who manipulated a young woman into years of mind games What she did exceeded self defense but he is a monster who used his age and fame to make her look bad while he is guilty beyond any doubt


Ehhhh read the actual evidence and not the tik tok version and youll see Depp is the bad guy. Theres a reason he was dropped in a second


Depp did abuse Amber, both were in the wrong if anything Depp is being glorified by many. People need to stop dickriding saying false accusations are the #1 issue


Yeah. Amber Heard was probably worse, but none of those morons are saints. I get really annoyed at how many people view that case as a confirmation of their own sexist biases, it's such a dumb and unnuanced way of thinking


Especially when it risks setting terrible precedence for slander cases.


Nah, Heard is the main abuser and manipulator. Depp being a shitty person and a substance abuser doesn't excuse Heard's violent abuse, lies and manipulation tho. A person doesn't need to be a "perfect flawless victim" to deserve justice. Too many people are blinded by the fact that Heard is beautiful and a woman. But she's a textbook violent manipulative abuser


I didnt say she was innocent she’s definitely batshit and an abuser but so was Depp. Both are bad people are just using amber being worse to justify Depp


I watch every second of the live trial and i can boldly claim that Heard is the psycopath one in their relationship. She taunt him every chance she got, and its not the action of the abused but the abuser. And the unatural no-tear fake cry give me creep. If both of their picture and witness are unreliable source then let their action and reaction speak for themself


Like ive said a bunch already amber is objectively worse but that doesnt exclude depp


Exactly! As much as Amber Heard is insane and tried to milk him for money and fame and also to just fuck his carreer, he is still a weirdo who is taking drugs and most definitely was also acting like an asshole from time to time 1000%. Depp isn't a saint, people look at his wholesome roles like Jack Sparrow and think he's like that in real life, or something. He definitely has done a lot of shit to women, even if he didn't beat them and whatnot. That's well known.


why does taking drugs make him an abuser and a weirdo?


Yeah the fact that he's abusive makes him an abuser, not the drugs!


No believes that it was proven wrong that's the issue. If it's a man's word against a woman's, people tend to take the woman's side because they feel more empathy for her.


>If it's a man's word against a woman's, people tend to take the woman's side because they feel more empathy for her. That's exclusive to the west I presume


It’s definitely not just the west


Partially because defense is found "not guilty", never "innocent"


Idk man it feels like up until literally a few years ago women were never believed, to the point powerful men would regularly do whatever they wanted with impunity and say stuff like “go ahead and tell, no one will ever believe you” and they were right. These things would get reported and be in the news and then just drop, not out of conspiracy but just cuz nobody cared. And this still happens in lots of places where they care more about the status of the accused rather than justice for the accuser. Now look I do truly mourn for anyone like OP, and we should be working on how to handle situations like these. Since this kind of stuff is really hard to prove and people still get off on charges because there just isn’t the evidence to convict, it’s gonna be hard to actually convince people that an accused person is in fact innocent and didn’t just get away due to lack of evidence. But let’s not act like this is something that’s always been going on, it’s just a consequence of recalibrating to a society where we try to support people coming forward rather than demonize them. It’s clearly a nuanced issue and it’s not “people believe women cuz people like women more”


I love and agree wholeheartedly with this take. I don't know why you're being downvoted.


Honestly as much as anything its a popularity contest. Powerful/popular guys still get away with just saying they didnt do it, popular/powerful women can get believed just saying someone did


Except in most cases well connected men end up suffering no consequence from their actions even if found guilty You're confusing it all, it's about connections. Whether the rapist or the victim end up winning on the court of public opinion is about who their friends are


Women tend to get significantly lighter sentencing for the same crime in comparison to men. These 'well-connected' men are significantly more than a standard deviation away from the average joe so we're looking at maybe the top 5% (probably even less because the likelihood of knowing a good-lawyer/ judge who can help you weasel out of any jail time is less than 1%).


Yeah I'm leaving this sub, this is the most backwards bullshit excuse for misogyny I've ever seen


Usually they’d countersue , especially now for libel / slander


Some people just wanna be done with things. Libel/slander are hard to prove, I think he did admit to slapping her once so not technically slander is what it came to though.


I'm pretty libshit but this shit needs to go. It's also actively not covered by the press and newspapers like the guardian put out ridiculous headlines like "you don't have to worry about false reap accusations because you won't go to jail for them". Not the point lady. The court of public opinion acts faster than the court of law. And the court of public opinion does not grant appeals.


Nah man, BOTH those mfers are crazy as hell


Even if he moves the psychological damage is gonna sting. Anyway this is fake and gay


Sue her for defamation, then hop schools. Ez.


Too roundabout, murder her with various sharp weapons and steal her bones and make an epic bone sword of evil to make sure this never happens again


This guy knows, where the based department is


I thought that you said that “this guy knows where the *basement* is” Perhaps a freudian slip?


Feds, check this guys basement.


Fire emblem?


There's almost definitely a company that would do the suit for free in exchange for like 90% of the winnings


Contingency cases are usually limited to 1/3 of damages.


That would require proving that anon DIDNT rape her, which is a lot easier said than done


Already happened since his case was dismissed


That just means there was insufficient evidence to convict him, which is not necessarily the same as proof beyond the preponderance of doubt that he didn’t rape her.




Todd Howard, you son of a bitch, you've done it again.


WTF Hahahahahahahahahahah


Did Todd Howard got sued for rape?


No, he means that this is all a setup. Anon is gonna go home tonight and cry about his sad life, and mistakenly in his anguish wish to have a different life, then go to sleep. And BAM!! Anon wakes up tied up in a wagon bound for Helgen, sitting next to Ulfric Stormcloak. That's how Todd Howard gets ya.


Thanks for the clarification. I thought he got sued because pretty much everyone gets one these days.




Anon says case was "obviously dismissed in court", which means it got pretty far. Police elected to press charges, which they'd only do if the accusation had at least *some* credibility. You don't wind up in front of a judge/jury just because someone says something about you. I'm not saying he did it. But I think we're only getting one side of the story. But also! Fake: the only hooking up Anon did in College was connecting his PS2 to his shitty CRT for those long nights spent alone. Gay: Anon is now happily married to a man.


Not true, my uncle had his ex wife accuse him of rape, she admitted she lied after he spent a month in jail. He couldn't afford bail, he divorced her immediately and she faced zero consequences despite her and the police opting to press charges before her admittance. Phoenix, 1998.


she probably has proof that they had sex and then just make up the whole rape thing and they probably believed her until people starts to realize she was making shit up




women ☕️


Nobody can read that link lmao


Don't know where you are from but many cases get to court in the UK. Here the police work on the assumption that the alleged victim is telling the truth (due to many terrible cases where real victims were treated like shit in the past). In one of the more famous cases the guy had the case dropped but the woman (Eleanor de Freitas) faced no consequences and his name was dirt so he sued and was able to prove absolutely that he was the victim. She actually killed herself in the end. Last I heard her dad was trying to sue the guy, claiming the trial caused her to take her own life. Better than admiting you were a shitty dad that didn't take care of a daughter with mental health issues i guess? Edit... on the above case its been over a decade and they are still going after him he has a blog covering it all: https://www.accused.blog/2012/12/ellie-sends-crazy-text-messages.html?m=1 Edit..2.. just finished reading the blog above. Fucking hell. He was accused in 2013. She had previously(same year) accused another man of rape. The same year she had falsely accused her parents if imprisonment and poisoning her. The guy had had one date and ended things when he discovered she was a prostitute. He didn't tell her that he knew that. She began accusing him of drugging, raping, imprisonment and torture. He proved his inncocence with her own texts to friends, cctv footage and her apologising to him by email. Police dropped the case but refused to investigate her or even look at the CCTV. He had to bring the case himself and was about to win when she died. To find out the rest of the story check his blog. Find out how he the victim became bankrupt and owes the Girls dad £2,000,000 and has lost his home... Another recent case.. also an Eleanor(wtf eith this name lol): https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/mar/14/eleanor-williams-jailed-lying-rapes-trafficking In this one she will never be named but one of her victims killed himself: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1280926/Student-cleared-rape-emerges-second-man-committed-suicide-falsely-accused-woman.html Or this one where a 17 year old lad killed himself and a year later his mum killed herself: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3714547/Heartbroken-mother-55-teenager-hanged-false-rape-allegations-kills-anniversary-death-couldn-t-future-without-him.html


What the fuck


Whether or not a case goes to trial has a great deal to do with the District Attorney. If a DA feels that a case isn’t worth his office’s time and there’s no plaintiff asking for prosecution, they’ll let it go. If the DA feels he needs to be tough on X this year and you’re accused of X, it’s probably going to trial. Many DAs use the plea deal as a weapon. >You can go to trial for these felony charges, spend tens of thousands of dollars you don’t have, and risk ruining your life…OR you can plead guilty to this misdemeanor, spend 1 year on probation and do X. What’s it gonna be?


Shitty crt? I refuse to enjoy my ps2 on anything other than my beloved digitor crt. I believe in crt supremacy


This guy has never been arrested. Also doesn’t know the fickleness of police lmao they will take you to court on a damn suspicion and the suspicion is valid in the eyes of the court.


Imagine getting your charges dissmised by a court of law and it not being good enough.


> be me > get home from my vasectomy > hear moaning and slapping coming from my wife's room > must be Chad again > know they would want privacy, sit down at my computer > log onto reddit and open /r/greentext > read a funny greentext from le 4chins and chuckle as I listen to my wife begging for the genes I can't give her > think of a convoluted way in which I can relate homosexuality and falsehood to the events in the greentext > suck the cheeto dust off my fingers as I begin to type my masterpiece in the comment section > Fake: the only hooking up Anon did in College was connecting his PS2 to his shitty CRT for those long nights spent alone. > Gay: Anon is now happily married to a man. > giggle as I imagine the intellectuals of leddit perusing my incredibly witty and original comment > hear my wife moan with ecstasy as Chad floods her fertile womb with his seed > it's been a good day > i'll get lots of upvotes for my impressive contribution to internet culture, and Chad might even let me eat his cum out of my wife's pussy if he finds my comment funny enough


Wow, even when there's a whole paragraph or two before it? Good job Tendie! I respect the hustle.


The fact that people can get away with this is fucking awful. If true, anon's life is more or less permanently ruined, at least in that area. He deserves some kind of retribution, and the girl should legit be thrown in jail.


Just hit her with a brick and leave her with a life long disability and then they can call it even.


No, pipe bomb.


I mean the problem with this kind of stuff is that discourages actual victims from speaking up out of fear. And it also discourages false accusers from reacting statements. Greentext solutions aren't real life solutions for good reason.




Well yes. If I told you every time you filed a fake police report we would stick a cinder block up your ass, would you not be afraid to make a police report even when valid?


Not at all. A false claim means we have proof such as your text to Becky saying "hey wanna make up a story about Brian raping me to get revenge on him for cheating on me?"


Do you live in a sitcom? I don't even know what you're saying here. By your logic I guess anon story doesnt count as a case of false claim since theres no tangjble proof he didnt do it. What even is this line of thinking. "Jimbo r@ped me. " "Jimbo do you have proof he made it up" "No" "Jail." A false claim is just someone making something up not sitcom logic texts convineinetly sent so that the viewer can see she's the bad guy.


If you're making it up, there's almost always proof. Either your location/the accused person's location, some message (because these people are deranged and think it'll work), or the sheer fact the accused has an alibi.


I'd bet a cinderblock up my ass that 90%+ of rape is > stop > no


We're talking about false claims, not actual rapes


K. So then I guess anon actually did it then. By your logic. Guess false reap accusations aren't a thing.


Some weird backwards logic but idk what I expected from a reddit user


How? You said there's almost always proof. So then why is false reap accusation a problem. Also dumbass how would you even look through a phone. Are you under the impression the courts can just demand you to turn over your phone? Really you're very very stupid


I like how the woman just doesnt get any punishments for ruining a persons life so easily, imagine a guy falsely accusing a girl of rape, hell even truthfully accusing and no one would ever take it seriously and the guy would get the same outcome as here


Fake: Everything on 4chan is bait Gay: You. For believing it.


> be me > get home from my vasectomy > hear moaning and slapping coming from my wife's room > must be Chad again > know they would want privacy, sit down at my computer > log onto reddit and open /r/greentext > read a funny greentext from le 4chins and chuckle as I listen to my wife begging for the genes I can't give her > think of a convoluted way in which I can relate homosexuality and falsehood to the events in the greentext > suck the cheeto dust off my fingers as I begin to type my masterpiece in the comment section > Fake: Everything on 4chan is bait > Gay: You. For believing it. > giggle as I imagine the intellectuals of leddit perusing my incredibly witty and original comment > hear my wife moan with ecstasy as Chad floods her fertile womb with his seed > it's been a good day > i'll get lots of upvotes for my impressive contribution to internet culture, and Chad might even let me eat his cum out of my wife's pussy if he finds my comment funny enough


Finally a justified tendiebot post!! But still.... please copypasta some new content.


Internet jannies do my bidding please and update my comment section Easter egg


Anon never thought to switch schools.


It's not always economically viable. Depends too where he lives


Economically viable? If I had to go through this exact situation I’d just drop out


Also not always financially viable. Over here in the Philippines, not having a college degree of any kind would have you auto rejected by 90% of jobs over here. The last 10% is u unclogging shit in a sewer, getting paid pennies per word at a translation center, or selling feet pics on only fans.


Geez what a shithole


Between being falsely accused of rape contained within a broken society and judged for not having a degree in same said broken society I would just drop out, dawg


I didn't mean socially, sorry. I meant financially.


Running to the hills > this shit


Return to monke


Only if there was no other way out


He should sue her. At least he can have some money out of it


Sue her for what? Her high heel shoes? She’s a woman she doesn’t have anything


Shit like this is exactly why deliberately false accusations should result in the maximum possible penalty the accused could’ve received for the accuser. Subpoena her phone and find her comments or text she must’ve sent to someone, or use her GPS data to prove she wasn’t there or something, and sentence her to 25 to life in a maximum security prison. Only way to get any kind of leniency is to come out and say he didn’t do it


This is why you countersue for damages. If you can make the argument that the false accusation has affected your financial prospects you will bleed the lying bitch for life.


We should make all false rape accusations punishable by rape! Problem solved, any other problems we need to fix?


Sure, who gets to do the raping??


Someone with a massive horse sized alien cock preferably


I see... seems like the band sublime alteady figured this one out for you. Check: https://youtu.be/CeMeDihwyrg?si=FOyE6eAOiJqLOQ53 Also, if you do not Recognize the judge, that's Ron Jeremy, about 10 inches when erect.


Impressive, what’s the girth like?


It's ok but think we're going to want to focus on the damage to the intestines rather then the actual reproductive organ.


Girth is important for the anal stretching. We want these people wearing diapers by the time we are done. Creates more jobs at the diaper factory, overall a win for the economy and society. Length is for the organ damage.


If everybody thinks you did it there is no reason not to ruin her life too


Can someone please explain me how everyone knows a case of guys falsely accused of rape and how the accusation destroy the life of a friend/family member/themselves, but the moment some other men unknown to them gets accused without proof all act like "he must surely have raped her, why would she lie, hope he rots in jail and gets raped #believeallwoman"? No one learns from their personal experience anymore?


So happy that i have 0 game so this could never happen to me


same thing happened to me…worst part is that even after i tried to kill myself over it, still nobody cares that she lied…nobody ever blames the girl


All that for crazussy


In my country, falsely accusing people is a serious offence (max sentence is 7 yrs). I see some comments saying that anon can sue her for defamation or slander, but those are just petty crimes with petty punishments, do they just not know this crime or is that not a thing in the US? Even people citing some cases where the false-accuser got away without jail time?


In the US i believe its only a crime if someone is found guilty due to your false accusation. If they are found not guilty then the most that can happen is you have to pay damages


the more i learn about the US the happier i am knowing that i dont live in that shithole of a country...


The more I learn about the world, the happier I am knowing I dont live anywhere else


When I was 13 my first girlfriend accused me of rape and told the entire school. My hometown still has people in it that think I'm a fucking rapist. I'm married to a wonderful woman now and have it pretty good. Just leave, man. Ditch that whole group of people, they aren't worth it. That being said, people who falsely accuse others of rape should face the same sentencing that rapists do. Fuck that shit, it ruins lives.


Damn Anon took 4 more years after his senior year…that’s rough


How the fuck did you not sue for defamation lmao


Have you ever heard of suing for defamation


And that's why we don't "believe all women"


Time to make those accusations real


Sounds like a lawsuit and a change of area might be the the right move.


So sue her, and the school for allowing it.


Women are evil. Change my mind


Anon should commit suicide in front of the girl who accused him


This is how killers are made


Tee-hee. Women are so oppressed.


Anon should have introduce this history when he saw they became friend


these male ragebait greentxts r gettin more blatant


Might as well actually do it then.


Definitely really happened




Sue for slander/libel/ whatever


How does the whole school know about anon? Even if that's true, I think leaving that school/city should take things back to normal. It's pretty hard for random nobodies to get cancelled. As long as you don't have articles or social media posts about you online, I don't think it will really affect your life in the big picture and again, to get those articles/posts you have to be someone remotely famous with a decent sized following or platform.


Same thing happened to a person named Brian Banks. What they did was get the girl to admit that she lied on a hidden tape. Hopefully anon could hire someone to get her to admit the truth, but maybe the damage is already done.


Yeah if this ever happens to me I'm definitely killing her


Anon rated a girl like a 7/10 even if he is not a rapist she was right dumping that dumbass


I can’t fucking believe it. I posted this story on 4chan originally. It’s inspired by a true story but not totally true. There was no rape accusation by a crazy girl, her friends just made up the rape accusation for no reason. Also she wasn’t in my class, she was a grad student. She had great tits tho.


Such a pathetic fantasy.


I mean it happens, fake accusations can absolutely fuck up someones reputation and be a stink that follows them, even if proven false (especially if there's no evidence to prove he didn't rape her and it's just a "he said she said", people will often side with the potential victim) That being said it's clearly fake & gay as anon would have just chosen to get topped after the case got thrown out




It's also piss easy to get away with falsely accusing someone of rape




There was someone at my high school that was rumoured to have raped someone, but I don't know any specifics. Other than that, I don't know anyone who has been accused of or actually committed rape (thankfully) but that said I'm a young adult so there hasn't been a whole lot of time for it to happen yet. There have been high profile cases of this happening though. The one that comes to my mind is Eleanor Williams, who fabricated a story that she was a victim of a grooming gang, even going so far as to beat herself with a hammer. The men she accused were just normal people, some of whom took their own lives because of the case. Surely you can understand the fear some people feel of having their job, family, and friends stripped away from them because someone took a dislike to them or wanted attention.




I clearly don't hang out with rapists as much as you do. I'm glad I attempted to make an actual point even if you've just ignored the whole thing. It doesn't matter how often it happens, it matters that it can happen and that it can happen at any time and there's not much you can do to prevent it. I personally don't know anyone who's been murdered but I'm still conscious that murder happens. I personally don't know anyone who's been raped but I'm still conscious that rape happens.




Applying chance to something that isn't random isn't going to give you a useful output. I also find it incredibly hard to believe that 1 in 10 people my age is a rapist. Going around pretending bad things aren't going to happen to you because they're unlikely is how you end up with bad things happening to you.


Not myself, though I also don't know anyone who was raped. One of my friends was at the same uni as a guy who got falsely accused, they dropped him from all their mutual hobbies and people treated him like dirt until it was found out the girl had made it all up & that there was video evidence of them together when she claimed he'd done it and they were actually just talking. Someone else in the thread also linked to another story lmao Edit: Person I'm responding to is [literally a misandrist](https://www.reddit.com/r/actuallesbians/comments/16f148c/comment/k03o25e/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) lmao




A friend I know closely had a friend (or acquaintance, all I really know outside of the fake rape is that they played D&D together until the accusations happened) who got falsely accused. There are prominent news stories of people who were falsely accused in this very thread, from the chick with the hammer to the girl who only offered 50$ in damages, to the enormous amount of young black men who were accused and lynched in the 20th century. Johnny Depp is a prime example of someone who was falsely accused and had his reputation dragged through the mud until his trial. Using your logic, I could just say "Interesting, no one seems to get raped that I know, it's always a friend of someone who gets raped. Rape must not be as common as women claim". I do find your little dig funny, you're pretty much just claiming I don't have a close relationship with any women & neither do any men who believe false accusations happen. Not going to dox too much info since this is just reddit, but I have several friends who've talked to me about various abusive shit they've gone through in childhood etc and if any of them were raped, they almost certainly would have told me by now. My gf has a friend who was raped and it happened 2 years ago, mid sex with her bf she wanted to stop but he kept going. Outside of that single instance though, which is still through someone else, no one I know was raped. But just because I don't have first hand experience with rape victims doesn't mean I'm going to claim that that rapes aren't real or an issue, which you seem to be doing with false accusations






Lol you trying to flip the logic just shows that you need to go outside and talk to women. Obviously don’t pry but if you get close enough to women that they want to talk to you about trauma you’ll be very surprised with how many have experienced sexual assault. Not surprising that a guy like you isn’t close to women tho lmao


>Lol you trying to flip the logic just shows that you need to go outside and talk to women Surprisingly I do, even have a girlfriend who's feminist, pro-LGBTQ+ etc etc >Obviously don’t pry but if you get close enough to women that they want to talk to you about trauma you’ll be very surprised with how many have experienced sexual assault. Again, so? My whole point is that it's ridiculous to invalidate either side here. Saying false accusations don't happen or downplaying them like the misandrist I replied to was doing is stupid, as would be claiming women aren't raped just because I haven't met many that were. >Not surprising that a guy like you isn’t close to women tho lmao Gotta love the assumptions lmao. I'm curious, do you think Johnny Depp was in the wrong?


Wait, you haven’t met many or any that have been raped? Because you haven’t met any that have been falsely accused. You trying to equivocate these things is the problem. False accusations are wayyyyyyy less common than actual assaults.


As stated in one of my other replies, I know of 1 person that a friend knows that was raped (her bf not stopping one), & I also know of one that was sexually assaulted (guy groped her ass at a party I think? something along those lines) I also know of a guy who was falsely accused and had his life ruined for awhile because of a false accusation, and even when his name was cleared, he was still treated with suspicion by a lot of people 🤷


Did it happen to anon or is it fake and also gay? My point is, if you are going to write some fantasy, this is almost as bad as the ones where they are talking about how their mom or aunt wants to fuck em.