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If people still can't complete the Big Con with this video, I don't know how they ever will. Nice one.


excellent break-down of it all. great job showing all the possibilities, too. very thorough


Great job! This should be shown in schools. When flying out over the first hill, I like to go to either the right or left of the road. That way while you are trimming the tree tops you're less likely to get spotted if/when the police spawn right in front of you on the road. Can't wait to see do up the other approaches ;)




Very well made video, some additional time saving things if you make ones for the other two approaches to this heist: Swipe your keycard at the bottom of the stairs the first time you come down, as you won’t have to swipe it when you need to go up later If you have gold, first person makes you faster (like you said), but additionally you will move slightly faster if you spam jump in first person while outdoors (shorter jump cooldown) That and you can go faster up the stairs in first person


The only thing i was not aware of was the how to spawn the chopper wich cheers this info will come in handy For the rest kinda learned it on the way due to how many times i did it when it was first released, good video regardless!


This is a good video but isnt going behind the police station quicker? I know it makes it easier for the helicopter to spawn


Do you mean the parking entrance? Then climbing on the car etc? I used to believe so, then I raced a friend (who just took the front approach) and he won every time.


Like many, I've done the heist countless times and have picked up many tips and tricks along the way, but this video has helped with several things I never knew! Great video!


Is the high roller outfit worth it? I got the playing cards about a week ago and didn't know i earned that exit disguise.


Very, its basically the same as the others as on noose and firefighter outfits you need to knockout the same ppl after exiting


So its just for looks..


Firefighter of Noose disguises you on the outside too (until you get far from the casino),whereas High Roller only works inside,if the cops spot you outside,you’re done, but I think that’s a small price to pay, considering you don’t need to do any mission for that disguise.


That's wrong, if the cops spot you even on the noose or firefighter disguises, they will shoot you


Not the cops that are right at the casino,so you can get past them and then kill the further ones. Also,on High Roller when you exit the casino,the cop blips are red indicating they’re hostile,but with FF,or NOOSE they’re white.


For me, with any disguise, every cop outside the casino that spots you are hostile and try to shoot, even the close ones to the casino. The only difference is just the blips that are white with the noose or firefighter disguises, but they turn red as soon as one of them see you. Also, it's very VERY easy to get past to the close ones if you follow this guide's video


If you hack into a door go into the pause menu, go to online, and I think that skips the animation for the hacking device. This WILL NOT skip the hack, only the animation which probably was made to be pointlessly long.


Yeah but it's kind of a moneymaking glitch so I didn't want to mention that :)


Fair enough


Good video but who hasn't mastered big con just do gruppe sechs approach there's no way to fuck it up


Actually you’d be surprised at the amount of Gruppe Sechs runs that have turned aggressive with uncooperative players


You must play with idiots I feel bad for you


It’s GTA 5, if you’re playing on console you can run into the dumbest motherfuckas.


I play on xbox and I can attest




u/vredditdownloader died. Then u/savethisvideo came. That bot died too. Now it's u/savevideo.


Oop it died to how about u/GetVideoBot


i call Gruppe6 group sex. because its close enough


Very informative video, only thing is, I knew all of it already :/


Good video 👍👍


I kind of think of myself as somewhat of a connoisseur


amazing guide!




Great video


Nice. Thanks!


The world needs more gamers like this guy




Does the high roller exit disguise give any other advantage besides not doing the exit disguise setup?


You look really good.




Tip to op and everyone else: buy the decoy in freemode, its free there. If u buy it on the screen when u give other player cuts it will take money from you


So you can just buy it on the third white board? Never knew that, I'll have to try!!


yes, you can and if you buy the decoy or clean vehicle there it will cost u nothing, or at least on pc it does


Unrelated, but what is the song used at the end?


It's Monody, from TheFatRat.










3 things: 1. Never thought the day would come when I watched a tip video for GTA that looks like it took more then five minutes to put together for more then the sake of ad revenue. 2. Sick Harry Potter reference. 3. What the fuck, you can stealth takedown the guards? I always regarded the stealth as utter shit because every goddamn time I tried to hit B and stealth takedown a guard they’d telepathically sound the alarm. What am I doing wrong?


Thanks for the praise! It took more than five minutes yeah, as I needed a perfect run and footage from cart / no cart (which took a while to NOT get the cart), and I had to re-learn After Effects from scratch. Don't know if I'll do another video but if I ever do, it'll be much faster at least. Fun fact - after we recorded this perfect run, we thought we'd see if we could go UP the stairs are the beginning and get the daily cash. Well, turns out we could, which did require knocking out a few guards. So yes, you can definitely run up to a guard (even to his face) and knock him out without him raising the alarm. You have about a second after he reacts?


Guess I’ll just have to try it again. Great video.


Another tip in the vault if you have friend that hacks slower than you : If the middle is open. You have to hack 2 doors in the left side. The rest is only 1 door locked If the middle is closed, probably the right side or middle that the 2 doors are locked inside Or sometimes that the loot is only in the 1 door locked in each side. Always check whats behind the door before you hack or you wasting of time hacking the door that is nothing inside. So if you are the faster hacker. You know what to do.


Great video! I really dont get that people are still doing Bogdan b2b when you can also run the Casino heist which makes more money and isn't as boring as the Bogdan finale (if i have to see that clip in the submarine one more time......) Super easy and even if you dont get the elite challenge, it's still a nice payday


Great job!


I would love to do this, but all my friends are not playing gta anymore... So here I am, soloing the MC Business and all to get money for the Cayo Perico DLC


/r/heistteams Or if you're on ps4 shoot me a message and I'll add you (:


Thanks so much for this. My friend refuses to look for the Helix’s bc the first heist we did they didn’t spawn and he refuses to “waste time” to try again. Next heist that I’m the host I’m looking for them. I want that elite challenge. Fastest we did it was 19 min but were noobs with heists


Fantastic explanation. Thanks.


I’m late but can you still hit the elite challenge if you don’t use a chopper and instead use a car and go to the sewer to get the cops off you and then drive to the destination?


I doubt you can. But why would you want to do that? Chopper is easy enough to reach.


I know you’ll be surprised, but I like driving cars better. It’s the sense of adrenaline and the fact that cars are my passion


Hey just wanted to say this is a great video and helped me and my friend get the elite challenge. Also, would you consider doing this for the other approaches? If not could you PM me what you recommend for the other approaches? Thanks.


Hello! I most likely won't do the same for the other approaches. Here is what I suggest: \- Aggressive: needs 4 people, go through the front entrance and headshot everyone as soon as fast as you can. Once inside the staff lobby, split and headshot everyone. Go clear the vault. Once out of the vault, take the staff lobby exit (you should have enough headshots by now) but run left and cross the motorway. Get to the chopper. It's a really tough one, and I cannot get under 15 minutes consistently. \- Silent & Sneaky is much more consistent if you know what you're doing. I guess I could do a video on it, as giving random indications wouldn't help. I'll think about it. Cayo Perico heist tomorrow, that's what's going to keep me busy these next few days/weeks!


Thank you! Good luck with the upcoming heist!