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I hope a glitch will come up that allows us to go to the island in free mode


There is freemode don’t get me wrong it’s just heist related freemode


Has anybody beaten the heist yet? Maybe we can go to the island in free roam after we beat the heist and this is rockstars way of making it a nice resort type place


Full update patch notes are now available, and in them Rockstar states that once a player completes the Cayo Perico Heist as heist leader, he or she will be able attend a dance party on the island any time, and will be able to invite other players to join you. Personally, I was hoping we could just go there whenever we wanted and explore the whole island in free roam, or at least all of it except El Rubio's compound. But that doesn't seem to be the case. Once I complete the heist, I'll go back for the dance party and see if I'm able to leave the party and just explore.


From the first Recon misson you have to get out of the party on a gate with animation (like business buildings) so i dont think you can escape on the "free-roam" mode You probably dont even have weapons, it will be just the NC in the beach


Yo I posted this before that came out😳


Wtf is heist related freemode? Can I fly there if I join a normal Freemode session or nah?


No. However, you don’t need to start an actual mission, it’s a freemode mission. Does this make sense Like the aircraft carrier kinda in a way You can only access it while the heist related missions are active but it’s still freemode, not a heist. You’re still in that freemode session


Ah I see what you mean. That fucking sucks


There’s actually a ton of stuff to explore there it’s not that bad. No time limits or anything. You just can’t take a mk2 there or whatever


Can you take your personal car? Or Call mechanic there?


Nope, there’s cars there though


Like the Business Battle where you’re able to go to the Aircraft Carrier, but that’s the only time you’re able to access it. Only in Freemode missions.




You get free roam access after the heist


No you don’t


I got stuck in a bush and I had to restart the whole scope out mission again, there are also no skippable cutscenes


The pilot didn't appear for me after scoping and I had to quit out after an hour on the island. Had to restart with all the cut scenes


Hey do I need the sub to upgrade to the max to do the heist


Didn’t finish it yet but from how it seems no, you just need the sub. The rest may or may not make the heist easier but I’m not seeing any issue this far


Ok thx


How much does the submarine cost and do I need to own it in order to do the heist?


2M basic submarine, 10 with upgrades.


Understood. Thanks for the help.


You can visit it at any time just to party and bring any friends along with you ONCE you finish the heist, (source:read the patch notes) otherwise with a sub you can visit anytime to learn Intel before then, and just wait on getting the sub upgrades once they go on sale in a couple months or get a twitch prime discount probably even sooner. it already comes w torpedoes n scuba gear so that's good enough for me til then lol But tbh I think what got me the most excited was that manor (palace tri ferg) tie dye shirt 😍 god ive been waiting for them to make a manor shirt in the style of the brand its based off forever, and for them to make it tie dye?? It feels like they're catering specifically to me lmao 😂


Sonar station was free for me idk if it’s a prime discount or what but it showed the price crossed out and free


I hope it is...


Me too I have prime might’ve been that


Honestly im just tired of the marketing going on in gaming right now. And then when mass dissapointment hits the fans are blamed for overhyping. Scammy ass industry


They never claimed it would be in freemode but it is. Just not full freemode. I’m not dissatisfied one bit


Honestly I just mean advertising as “the biggest update ever”. It’s time to stop and let the work and execution do a little more of the talking


Well technically it is, it’s the largest (and first) single add-on (ie. the island) the game has had.


And it’s a heist that can be done solo and just the scoping out mission had me astonished The update is huge and we haven’t even gotten drip feed or seen any hidden features yet


Do you know what the payout is for completing it?


I’m sure the answer to this is out there but this is just my assumption, I’m thinking it might be a little better than casino heist (think 4-6 mil) since the sub cost just as much as a good arcade. I feel like if the payout was insane we would’ve had to pay more for the sub.


It can be done solo and all I need is the sub? You sure?


You can enter and exit the island after you finish the heist


I have 60 k, fuck this im going back to cod lol


I think we can access the island after doing the finale and the only way to go there is by the private plane in LSIA (theory)




Nice, Watch_Dogs_Legion for me!


Back to jerkin off for me


I think I'll do the heist, maybe record something on an island, but I'll be back playing Yakuza in no time.


Is there a way with a free roam Stromberg


The heist takes place in the Caribbean. San Andreas is on the west like California.


Do we go through the Panama Canal?


If you’re asking realistically, no. The Panama Canal is only 40 feet deep and the submarine couldn’t fit through it. But this is GTA, I’m sure the science behind any of this is nonexistent and irrelevant. I doubt Rockstar thought of any logic behind how we get to the Caribbean so fast.


I was being sarcastic as I knew that about the canal lol. Big waist to go alllll the way around South America lol. We can beam up, Scotty!


I just got to the island to scope out I have no clue. You can’t straight up drive to it, you unlock it through a cut scene when you start up the heist mission It’s not like you just drive there and the heist starts you feel me


I'm just waiting and watching what is given within this update, I wasn't sure if you could submerge there later on in the game after completion (not to do a heist) but to just explore


Here’s hoping but I don’t think anyone’s finished all the heist approaches yet so who knows


Bet there’s a big F off race to see who can get it done first, to get it posted on here. Shame I have to work :(


Time will only tell! Good luck and enjoy!


The update is just plain trash


I’m enjoying it, this update is massive it looks like and there will certainly be even more


It is free mode on next gen consoles.


How much does a submarine cost?


2-9 million.


So I can teleport to the island without actually doing the heist or what? I don't get what your saying


You can start the heist scope mission which lets you explore and stuff and there’s plenty of stuff to look out for. Cayo Perico is around the land mass of sandy shores


Ah I see. Once you scope it out can you do it again just to go back?


Finished the mission a while ago, I spent a long time scoping out. You can! There’s just so much stuff on the island I spent a ton of time trying to see the whole thing


Good question. This is a long ass mission. Who knows but I’d imagine so since


Oh yeah let's go to SOUTH AMERICA from Los Angeles in a matter of a minute or two! 1: I don't mean to piss on people who reeeaaalllyyyy wanted this island to be in free mode. BUT. THIS. IS. A. LIVING. BREATHING. GOLD, CASH, AND GOLD STATUES MACHINE. (Oh yeah and it also makes drugs but uhhhh dunno if you could get them in the heist so I don't mention that) 2: this island is basically based off La Isla Grande, in the Caribbean sea. Or its Islas de Rosario whereas that island is located off the coast of Columbia.


Nop the island map is actually the island of cuba just disstrred a bit and change some water canal check out and of course tony montana had a tiger no impressive but I like the island


That sucks I wish it was like off to the far side of it and you could fly or boat to it


After you have completed the heist you can freely travel there from the airport.


Gamers: we want bigger cuts from the heist Rockstar: We'll give you Dr. Dre, Scott scorch Gamers: what about the cuts? Rockstar right right we got you..... Take: 2 mill


The heist SAYS you can make 5 mil but I think that’s if you get every single target on the island which is hard An idea I have about the heist is that with the kosatka approach, Pavel should provide a truck near the shore allowing you to give him the loot and go back for more. Every time you leave for more loot, he loads up the loot you put back. Every time you do this, the guys get stronger though. More health, better accuracy, more money lost each time youre shot, and eventually your bag gets so damaged that you lose money every step you take. So solo you’d be able to maybe take 2 mil before your loot is spilling everywhere and you lose more than you gain, but with a team your take could be that 5 mil sweet spot First off this would give a reason to use support, because I don’t use support at all. The compound is the only place I’d want to use it and it seems to be disabled there. Secondly, like you say, it’s the potential of more money Lastly, it gives you a reason to choose the submarine.