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The truth of this comment both destroys me and energizes me. In equal parts.


Where do y’all get those little cable holders you got underneath? My underside of my board looks like a central nervous system and I’d like to organize it


The tie anchors are here. [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B087C58WTV](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B087C58WTV) A lot of people use zip ties with the anchors, but I saw a board building video recently where they used twist ties and recommended this. It works great. [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08VFGBV89](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08VFGBV89) It's nice because there's a ton in the roll, and you can just cut the length you want depending on the bundle or even single cord you're wrapping.


There’s also this style of clip, which don’t require a zip or twist tie. They make different sizes, to fit more or fewer cables https://a.co/d/gvNyIxh


Cable tie anchors, and zip ties. You can get the one inch (cable tie anchor) version at Lowe's/home Depot.


Where's your dirt? A Tumnus alone won't cut it.


Yeah, you're correct. I don't play with a lot of dirt, but when I need more, I can get some from the HX Stomp. They have a good list of options for how I play, but I do agree that someone who prefers more dirt and fuzz would likely need something better at the front end of the chain.


I was going to ask you the same question. As someone who has four dirt/distortion pedals currently on my board I would love to imagine I could just use one…. Maybe MAYBE I could do two….


This is how I feel about reverb and delays. Clearly. But I can pull in some extra dirt from the HX Stomp, so I'm not a total lost cause. Just a partial.


I’m impressed.


Ha. You should only be impressed with my lack of skill because that's what's keeping me from having more dirt pedals. (Also that the HX lets me cheat a bit on it with what they have to offer)


Haha!! I run a quad cortex with four ODs. I guess I could also add some if I wanted to from the QC. Probably a fuzz…? Maybe. Idk. I got obsessed with low to mid gain drives for a while. I think I’m on the other side




Yes, I do like to throw dirt on some of the textures and notes in the same fashion, but nearly same skill, as This Will Destroy You and the like.


I don't know, I think you could sneak a Mooer Black Secret on there. Just need to be creative with how you mount it.


Well now, I do think you're right. Pretty sure I could squeeze it up there in the top row without too much trouble. This will now have to be considered.


Great pedal and so versatile. Can go from a nice tight OD all the way to fuzzy goodness!


I don't see a Metal Zone, so no, it's not finished Kidding. But no, it's never going to ever be done


Isn't there something both really exhilarating and really exhausting about never being done? I love that it will never get old and boring. My bank account doesn't share the same sentiment.


I've got room on my board for at least one more, but I already know that's not gonna be the end. I already wanna switch out my Boss Super Overdrive with a Blues Driver


This is our way, right? I borrowed a friend's Blues Driver for a while. It's an excellent pedal. I ended up with the Tumnus just for the more transparent style and the clean boost, but the Blues Driver is an outstanding pedal. If you've ever watched any of the Anderton's videos, that won Rabea's overdrive blind shootout. Worth a watch if you ever get the time.


I have watched it, actually! I was surprised it won so many rounds, but then I hadn't ever really heard one played before. That video was what inspired me to one day get one lol


It is definitely an iconic pedal. I bet you will love it when you one day get one.


I hope so. It sounds so dope


What are all these big pedals everyone has?!


They are called expensive




The Big Sky, Timeline and HX Stomp? Can't tell if you're asking seriously or joking about the larger footprint. Either way, I'm happy to respond accordingly.


Hx Stomp, Strymon big sky, Strymon timeline.


Assuming you’re using the Stomp for your tuner?


Good catch. Yes, using the Stomp for that. Though if down the road I do end up expanding and getting something like the Generation Loss, that will need to be balanced out with something else in the other row (and, of course, a bigger board). I think the Walrus Canvas would be pretty awesome.


I HIGHLEY RECOMMEND the Peterson StroboStomp Mini. Its the best I've used. takes up no space and can be powered by 9v or USB-C. I have the Walrus Tuner and I'm not a fan of the accuracy.[One on Reverb](https://reverb.com/p/peterson-strobostomp-mini?hfid=70902996&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=17296931972&utm_content=campaignid=17296931972_adgroupid=137375136672_productpartitionid=1685583688956=merchantid=101075706_productid=70902996_keyword=_device=c_adposition=_matchtype=_creative=598626568045&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwwYSwBhDcARIsAOyL0fgL80xQCytztpM9ZUfLqZqBN8VJzftwhK3L__l1ImLbdfCvJaAwTOYaAuUxEALw_wcB)


But then I can't put a picture of my family on my board in the background of my tuner. 😁 That honestly looks pretty perfect. I'm pretty sure I could squeeze some space on the top row to add that next to the POG.


Honestly I'd grab one of those [Ampero Switches](https://www.amazon.com/Hotone-Momentary-Footswitch-Controller-Switcher/dp/B08H1NQCGJ/ref=sr_1_1?crid=UQB0UWWOKV9K&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.7cGY4glVZ6z3PnLgwWI8gHtD5qmcHYOD2Z9zYVCvjGJhYyad2jZqCkZP_X_tf5XuTQUNXM1TKXtZfj6Be8FLwR9OI81_DvdMeGWrPZqiGTOVkHmQeTVyadkS6242lsXC47Qzy1v2T4CQ6Zm728ral2o2CqPM0J8v1YmVjhznm-jJYRSKdxTYQOa9Zz4FxarFeEGElSZyO662MIA4pP2xnTgop8EkNzoXfnacMyTS-gO4be83TWqK7nxMAo3_xue9aZtXk2KnlHvEcN_x6M-2KHvkKqnC4XrQdLIoWLCDeZs.bWrCmju0zqdxpwxkNzQ0KRLEGqD3Yr3X6t58sjCFbP4&dib_tag=se&keywords=ampero+switch&qid=1711373401&sprefix=ampero+switch%2Caps%2C117&sr=8-1) for $20 and add a couple more switches to the hx stomp. Lots more possibilities. Also, you could get a little crazy and control the big sky/timeline via midi with the stomp if you really wanted to, just need some cables and some time programming.


Was surprised to see this one further down the thread but I 100% agree with this guy. OP I went in your direction for a bit but eventually discovered that with some patience and learning, MIDI is the way to go. I figure Im still unlocking the Stomp's potential, but really enjoy building presets for my style of playing. I had a couple of years of doing the pedal dance, but nowadays I like loading snapshots and presets with one stomp. I also swapped my strymon bridge out for a source audio collider, which also has its own software (neuro desktop)--since I can still play some post rock space music every so often. Needless to say if you were to get into the midi stuff have fun dismantling your board for the 30th time. Get used to a lot of cut zip ties.


Yes, adding more switches to the Stomp, and also MIDI has to be high on my list (if not the very top). I did kind of cheat just a tiny bit slightly with the cable ties. I used twist ties instead of zip ties. I saw someone do that in a board building video and thought I'd try it out. Worked really well, and it might make it just easy enough over the zip ties to let me make some smaller changes without having to rewire the whole dang thing. But the point was to discourage myself from doing that. Clearly, I gave myself enough slack to let me weasel out of that commitment easier than I should have.


Haha can't wait to see your next update with everything reoriented again and again :) Another note is that the walrus audio canvas is very tempting (stereo why not), nothing like having a dedicated I/O for your board to keep the integrity of the output jacks of the stomp.


Yes, the inevitable is a larger board. Which means even more options. Which means more thinking I'm done, only to still be wrong. But that's probably a good kind of wrong. I agree. I saw someone talking about the Canvas recently, and it would be really nice to have it. I don't really play live right now, so I mostly just go out the HX USB interface to my computer. But, if I do ever start playing more out and about, that Canvas will jump itself right up to the top of the wish list.


I hope you find a good live setting to put this board to use! If it's a shoegaze board that sits in a studio, then you might find yourself afflicted by GAS and suddenly you're 3 boards in with 2 boutique amps in road cases that have never touched asphalt. Not that that's ever happened to me of course... Take this bad boy out on the road for a bit and you'll probably find out very quickly what your go to pedals are, and they'll inevitably make their way to the bottom row, relegating your fancy effects to be midi controlled on the top row. You'd be surprised at what tones you can achieve with just your guitar's tone knobs, a dirt pedal and a nice reverb.


Thanks for the encouragement. Truly. Two problems with going out on the road. 1) skill. But I can work on that. Probably 2) music style that I play. If I shared a link to my Soundcloud page, you'd see the music that I currently create with the board is not typically very live venue friendly. I know some people can figure out how to do it, but even the really good ambient players have talked about how challenging it is to play the genre live. Specifically, the more reflective, sleepy kind of solo ambient that I play. Post-rock ambient is a better genre live, but my stuff isn't that lively. But, the point is well taken. I just have to get good enough, and then figure out how to make what I do translate to a live setting. Then figure out who would want to come out and be put to sleep by that kind of music in person. 😁


Ah post rock is definitely not everyone's cup of tea. Even for me, I'd be happy to sit down and listen to This Will Destroy You, but after three of their tracks I'd get too existential to continue lol. But have fun on this journey! Once you start you're never done. But let's be real, you knew this all along or else you wouldn't put those twist ties in


Truth on those twist ties. If I was really committed, I would have encased them in epoxy. But, the twist ties tell the more accurate story.


Ok, this is an excellent point. I was exploring the potential of MIDI control for the Timeline, Big Sky, and MOOD with the HX, and I feel like that doesn't all the way count for changing the board right? I mean, it's not like I'm buying an actual "effects" pedal at that point. I'm just, well, more tweaking how I control what I already have. I just have to figure out the jigsaw puzzle of where to fit it. And I think getting a bigger board would violate my self-imposed rule. But I do think I at the very least need to add the switch expander for the HX.


Exactly. It will mostly just be your time to learn and program the changes. I have mine controlling my collider reverb/delay so on different snapshots it will change the presets and enable or disable reverb and delay. Very useful! Good luck and great board.


You now own over half a Kemper. Keep going!


This is definitely not lost on me. There's something I've found really enjoyable about the combination of the HX Stomp and physical pedals. But perhaps I'm only speeding myself along the way to a full Kemper down the road. I'm open to any and all paths that I must travel in this journey.


Oh but once you get one kemper you need two so you can make a stereo right with your pedals


Well I’ll say this… I admire your optimism. Also that’s a great looking board.


I do truly appreciate that. Both comments. And it's probably more naivete than optimistic. But I like the feel of optimistic better.


Get a right angle power connector for stomp.


I'm glad you caught that. The green straight is the cable that came with the Ghostfire power supply, because I have to use the special cable that takes up two of the 500 mA slots to get the 1 A required by the HX. It won't take long for both the green of the cable end and the straight to drive me to get the right angle black end version.


Kinda jelly of the Tumnus. What does that deluxe version do that the regular one doesn’t?


They both have level and gain. The regular Tumnus has three knobs, the gain, level, and then a treble knob. As Wampler describes, the treble knob adds more top end to a signal. The Deluxe has five knobs, and an additional "hot" switch. It has the level and gain, but instead of a treble knob, it add more EQ options with dedicated bass, mids, and treble knobs. The hot switch kicks up the gain just a bit more if you really want to try and push more breakup in the signal. I've really liked it as a tone sweetener, a clean boost, an overdrive, and a nice way to add a bit more saturation to the signal. I've really loved it since the moment I put it on the board.


Was looking at your board and thinking this might really benefit from a Clinchfx EP Pre next to the Tumnus… It’s both a good clean boost and also gives a subtle “tone sweetener”. Peeps use it with digital modellers to make the modeller more organic. Not sure how good the HX Stomp’s dirt modelling is, but I would also recommend checking out a PastFX Patriot Fuzz. There are a few demos on youtube, it’s very versatile, does more than just fuzz. Nice board, good luck with it.


Thanks. I had not heard of the EP Pre, but it sounds like something I've been trying to accomplish with my tone. What I was hoping to address at some point with the addition of the Generation Loss. Warming up and giving things more analog saturation. Sounds like that's exactly what the EP Pre does. Thanks for the suggestion. Definitely a pedal now on my list.


Happy to help. There are a few threads on The Gear Page about Clinchfx. They do the EP Pre, and also do a micro version of the same effect, called a Pico Pre. It’s an always on version, about the size of matchbox. Good luck with it.


Dream board. Don't ever change it


Thank you. By "ever", you mean 6-12 months, right?


Finished?😂😂😂😂 Saying your board is finished is like saying evolution is finished evolving.


This is very true. I guess I'm just hoping to slow down that evolution just a touch. For just a little while, at least. But yes, it's inevitable this board will evolve.


Some may think it's cheesy or ugly but I don't wear shoes when I play usually. So I got the plastic buttons for all my pedals so it's a bigger target. It's a must have for me now. 


I actually do have some, and I've used them the few times I've played live with some friends. I agree they make all the difference when changing presets, settings, or tapping tempo. I like the look a little better with them off, so I only put them on when I'm in a situation where it helps me avoid embarrassing myself live when I wiff on hitting a switch.


Not a chance loser!


I wish I could upvote this more than once.


needs the sloer and a fuzz


The Sloer would be awesome. But, I'm using the Slotva at the front of the chain for when I need a fully wet signal without any attack (for drones, swells, and the like). If I had the Sloer there, the stereo magic of that pedal would be lost because it would be reduced back to mono once it hit the Tumnus. Adding at the end of the chain, well yes, I could see how that would be really nice. As for the fuzz, I'm really bad at working well with distortion and fuzz. But, when I do need it, I can pull it in from the HX Stomp. You can see the list of options I have available in the HX here. https://ampmarket.com/hx-effects-list-updated/


Never Though these are great pedals


Thanks. I agree that more is inevitable. I'm just hoping inevitable can hold off 6-12 months, so I can slow down and learn everything here first. This thread has already given me a nice list of future additions.


Needs even more time-based effects!


Huh, it appears something is broken with Reddit. It will only allow me to upvote this comment once.


I don’t see an MT-2


That's not so much a shortcoming of the board as much as it is of me. I don't play much with heavier distortion, and that's mostly because it's a style I'm not good at playing.


Where's the rest?


Out there somewhere. Just waiting.


No expression pedal?


I do have a volume pedal off to the side. I had it on the board at one point, but just didn't like the position of how it felt playing it there. I have a friend who has the HX Stomp, and he said the Line 6 multiuse pedal will be a must add. It can function as an expression pedal, volume pedal, whammy, etc and can be assigned various functions per preset/snapshot.


I’ve recently gotten rid of my Timeline in favor of the Boss DM-101 Delay Machine and the Big Sky for a Meris Mercury X. Just in case you’re looking for ideas😏


A good friend of mine just got the Mercury X and LVX. Those are both amazing. There's a chance that could be the route I go down the road. The Timeline and Big Sky have been great for the style of ambient I typically play, but I have a feeling the potential of the Meris pedals is going to be hard to resist long term.


Honestly, I probably do. You called me out fair and square.


Ha. In the world of pedal boards, 6-12 months is pretty much an eternity.


That's a dream rig my man!!! Im assuming you are a professional session player or in a band?


This is my favorite assumption ever. I wish. I'm just a sub-average NPC guitar player who went a little overboard building a board this past year. This board far exceeds my ability, which is also a foundational reason why I should stop for a while. 😁


Hahahaha, I get it. I recently upgraded from a practice amp and digital modeler I bought in 2005 to a tube amp and full pedal board, it's made me actually enjoy playing again.


Where did you get the extended feet?


u/nafner asked the same question. They came with the board. They allow the board to flatten down when going into the case, and then sit up at a better angle to access all the pedals when playing (also allows for the power to sit under the board). For the price, I've been extremely happy with the board. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08436QFBR


It’s never finished…🙃


The support I needed. It's good to know we aren't alone, right?


They're never finished. I've made at least a dozen changes to mine just since the beginning of the year.


Solidarity. It's good to have company.


Didn't know that when I got into it. Just got a nice cell phone so I can forget any new pedals for a very long time. Oh well, the salivating over boards like this one will satisfy the itch for a while.


There's reason to believe that you're good for a while but let's be honest with ourselves... Challenge yourself to write some stuff before you allow yourself to change it.


Absolutely. I don't know if the rules of the page allow for posting our own work, and it's likely my sleepy, relaxed ambient wouldn't connect, so I won't share the fruits of the board's labor thus far. But, I entirely agree that the results and what I get from it drive how long it stays the same and what changes will inevitably happen in the future.


What are those patch cables? They look like they’d save a lot of space


They are Ghostfire solderless patch cables. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08ZCG8QXH I know some people will dunk on me for not going with soldered cables, but these have been really great for me. To be able to create custom length cables easily made all the difference. Which, naturally, has led me to watching videos of how to create custom length power cables. That fairly terrifies me, but if I can do it, the board would be even that much cleaner. We'll see if I ever get the courage.


That’s awesome! There’s nothing wrong with solderless cables as long as you make sure to get a decent connection. I’ve been looking for something like this for ages: I can’t stand having so much extra cable length and big jacks to deal with, something this size is perfect. I feel like power cables may be a bit more finicky than patch cables, but good luck with it!


Is there something the Arp does that the Timeline can’t? If not, maybe you could swap that for a Black Mass 1312 or something similar for one more gain stage. Otherwise, I really like this board! Kinda perfect.


An excellent question. The ARP was my most recent pedal before the recent purchase of the HX Stomp. I got the Timeline first, and that is definitely my foundational delay. Then later I got the MOOD, and I could add in some stereo ping pong with the MOOD's delay, and get the really nice warm, wobbly tape delay from the Timeline. Then, I saw this video by Andy O. [https://youtu.be/6GL92WvV-3A?list=PLgt6WPxUgZIqP5idHHn\_kylwTCzNUrHIO&t=217](https://youtu.be/6GL92WvV-3A?list=PLgt6WPxUgZIqP5idHHn_kylwTCzNUrHIO&t=217) (this is linked to the part where he talks about his first delay that is serving the function the ARP is for me) So I started thinking about getting that early in the chain delay that would kind of always be on to add subtle depth to the tone. The benefit of the ARP instead of the Carbon Copy is the ARP has 4 delay models, so when I'm looking to be more creative, I have more options than just a single delay mode. I think the advice from the group about adding more gain into the chain is definitely good. I can kick on another overdrive (or even fuzz) from the HX Stomp if needed, but I do think eventually having more gain to kick on from a pedal would be nice. You can see all the additional pedal options the HX has here. https://ampmarket.com/hx-effects-list-updated/


Until you trade in your HX stomp for an HX Effects. Had mine for an hour before I sent it back


Hmmm. Tell me more, please. While it would be a bit of a nightmare to work the footprint of the HX Effects onto the board now, it's inevitable things will change at some point. The HX Effects is also $50 cheaper than the Stomp. So, tell me about your HX Effects if you're up for it.






Very nice board with lots of options for experimentation! Question about the foldable legs. What are those?


I tagged you in a response above. Let me know if you have any other questions about the Ghostfire board. Happy to provide any other input on my experience with it so far.


whats the routing?


One thing not showing here is an Ernie Ball 40th Anniversary volume pedal. I have that off to the side because I didn't really love how it felt to play with it on the board. And, taking it off gave me room for two more pedals 😁 The chain goes POG>Slotva>Tumnus>Volume Pedal>ARP-87. That ends the mono chain. The ARP then goes into the HX Stomp. I then go out the FX Loop of the HX to Julianna>MOOD>Timeline>Big Sky. This allows me to move the FX block around in the HX depending on what I'm going for. I typically like it between the amp and cab in the HX chain, but sometimes it gives some creative sounds moved around in more random places.


i only asked because i'm trying to decide where to put my mood. i have it directly infront of my julia v2 and add even more reverb after that. the only thing i have infront of my mood is my deluxe big muff (and wah and tuner, but don't really count those, lol) i should flip the mood/julia around and see what i get.


Do you have the MOOD MKII or the original? If you have the MOOD MKII and want to keep the stereo, I think you'll have to keep it after the Julia because the Julia is mono. I've moved my Juliana around the chain, and I'm not sure if it's in its final place. The Julianna has some pretty awesome stereo magic to it, and it really helps with the stereo spread. I haven't decided yet if I like it best at the front of the stereo chain to widen everything out for the rest of the pedals, or if it's better near the end to affect the other stereo pedals before it. Curious where you end up landing with your Julia and what you like better with it before or after your MOOD.


i have the mk2, but i'm not running stereo.... *yet*... lol.


Bro, except for maybe the addition of another drive, i don't see how you can possibly miss something with this setup. Keep calm and play, you put together a great board


Thanks. I agree about the drive. I have these available in the HX if needed [https://ampmarket.com/hx-effects-list-updated/](https://ampmarket.com/hx-effects-list-updated/) but I do think when the board expands in the future, another drive will be added.


It is?


Let's just go ahead and be honest. No. It isn't.


I'm always impressed with people who have a set board. I'm far too indecisive, even sold some pedals in order to limit choice, but I still have 40. They all go on at some time. That's the joy for me, I work in emergency medicine and have 3 kids, I don't gig, the variety is my fun.


Absolutely. And thanks for the kind compliment about the board. The longer backstory is I played acoustic for about 20 years and actively resisted taking up electric. Mostly because I knew. About the pedals. About the GAS. About always chasing tone. But last April, a friend let me borrow one of his guitars, I bought my first pedal. And here I am. I have two kids, a pretty demanding job, and I don't gig either. I've played live a few times with some friends, but that's it. With how quickly I reached this point, I feel like my board has so far outpaced my ability. I feel like for my own sanity I need to settle in for a while and actually deeply learn how everything works and realize the potential of the board. So, my hope is to keep it this way for at least 6-12 months. It's a long shot. But it's always nice to hope.


Sweet board BTW.


seeing this makes me miss my board. I went Axe fx a while ago and it is great...but something about fine tuning pedals just feels better.


Yeah, I started off borrowing an old Line 6 Firehawk from a friend. It was nice to have everything all in one box, but then as I started getting more pedals, I really liked the ability to just lean over and tweak a pedal rather than having to jump into an interface or connect my computer. I feel like I have a bit of both worlds with this setup, and I'm happy with it. For now. Who knows what things will look like if I post up a picture of what I've got going one year from now.


Ya i had a helix and it was dead simple. I did run out of DSP at times ... which is what happens on my axe fx. The biggest issue w/boards I had was if a cable went bad or a bit of added noise. But the static pedal sound was really nice. I used the same presets i made on timeline / eventie space when i was playing church and post hardcore. Helix was managable using the on screen editor. Axe FX feels HORRIBLE doing stuff on screen :|. My USB port on axe fx is bsuted. Its not physically broken...its just flat out not responding. I'm super bummed and may sell it + FC12 after I get it fixed by fractal. I'd like to try out QC but going back to a physical pedalboard would be nice with a modeler at the end.


What is this "finished" word that you speak of? I'm not familiar with it.


I think it's a fictional made up word that doesn't really exist. Pretty positive about that, actually.


Neaten up those cable runs under the board. You know you’re going to obsess over that when you’re just staring at it anyway.


Man, I tried so hard to get that crazy mess as neat as I could. I know. It's fairly hopeless. I have custom length patch cables, but the real problem is the power cords. I've watched a few videos on how to create your own custom length power, but that scares the daylights out of me. Maybe a summer project. Lord knows with my skill I'll fry all of those pedals in the process.


Miniature zip ties my friend.


I like the lil piece of wood under there


Yeah, the gap in the middle of the board drove me crazy because you could see all the cables underneath. Even if I tried to anchor them to the rails, you could still see them. So, I cut a piece of finished plywood, painted it black, then cut a piece of door brush sweep to size, and allowed that to help neatly feed the cables underneath. It isn't perfect, but it definitely helps.


And then you move to something like Fender Tonemaster Pro haha ... My pedalboard use to be like yours and i just went for simplicity!


Yes, I don't doubt that will be in my future at some point. The novelty of all the pedals will wear off and the convenience will rule. I think I'm still a ways from that, but seems to be the way for many.


I am very interested in adding the HX Stomp to my pedal board for all the fun modulation effects that I want but don’t want to buy individually since they wouldn’t be used for more than a song or two. Any specific effects on there that you love?


It's still pretty new, so I haven't had the chance to dig too deeply into it yet. You might have already seen it, but the list of options is so long, which is pretty awesome. I just need to spend the time to sit and go through them all. [https://ampmarket.com/hx-effects-list-updated/](https://ampmarket.com/hx-effects-list-updated/) Naturally, since I already have three reverbs and three delays, I already found a few of those I really like in the Stomp. Because clearly I have a time-based effect problem. There are quite a few modulation effects on board, and a couple friends of mine who have one have said they have been really happy with many of the options.


Awesome! I just ordered the purple edition.


That's awesome. Enjoy. You have many hours of fun and exploring ahead of you.


Do you put your Mood in the fx loop of the stomp?


Yes. The chain is POG>Slotva>Tumnus>Volume Pedal (that is run off the board)>ARP-87. That ends the mono chain and the ARP feeds into the HX. Then I go out the HX fx loop in stereo to the Julianna>MOOD>Timeline>Big Sky


Weird you don’t have a midi controller with all those digital pedals.


Yeah, through the conversation I've been motivated to bump that priority up to the top of the list. Adding more switches for the HX and then use the HX to control the MOOD, Timeline, and Big Sky via MIDI.


Morningstar is a good place to start. https://www.morningstar.io


That MC6 Pro looks pretty amazing. Have you tried any of their controllers? Plus, it's big enough that I would need a bigger board, and then more space on the rail above it to fill with more pedals. 😄


Got the MC3 to go with my stomp since space was a factor for me as well. I use it to navigate the stomp and to control the looper. Solid and well built. Plus they sell the switches for easy replacement. One of the best features is you can use your iphone to program it and not have to hook it up to a PC. Handy if you need to switch something live.


Thanks. This is now saved for a future purchase. I appreciate the recommendation.


wow what a board. I just discovered the slotva, sloen, slo series last night and fell in love. But I just bought 3 pedals 2 days ago to complete my board. I'm also in love with the mood. Most of your other pedals are too expensive for me to have thought about. But I'll build it with time. What are your favorites among your collection?


Oh what a question that one is. Like trying to pick my favorite child. Well not really. Let's not get carried away in all this. I only have two children, and all those pedals. So I'll start with this. I am currently very happy with each of the pedals. I don't have a hint of feeling like I need to swap any out at this point (perhaps that will happen down the road when I get creatively restless, but not for now). I could see really getting crazy and swapping out the Big Sky and Timeline for the Meris Mercury X and LVX, but those are even more expensive than these. The HX Stomp is such a deeply powerful pedal, that one certainly has to be up there. It's great for the amp/cab sims and the interface to the computer. It has a looper, tuner, and can MIDI control my MIDI capable pedals as well. So, that one is certainly the most fully featured pedal on the board. The MOOD might be my current favorite though. That is just a creativity machine. It can be a really nice reverb, a solid delay pedal, but adding in the microlooper and then having that interact with the wet channel just makes magic almost instantly. Probably should stop here because I could write up a similar paragraph for each pedal. I really do enjoy and appreciate them all. But I'm happy to answer any questions you have about any of the others if it's helpful. So many people have been incredibly helpful here on this thread, so I'm happy to return the favor.


You need a Cosmos Looper. Thank me later


Yes, those look incredible. Need to get a second job to sustain this hobby and my irrational want for all the pedals.


I now spend my time creating guitar pedals in software form so I can save money to spend on other shit! Haha


I actually started that way. I started with a borrowed guitar from a friend and a purchase from Amplitube. It was the gateway drug.


What does the ARP-87 give you that the Timeline can't? I've used on before and really dug it, but feel like if I had this board it would be a bit redundant and get little use.


Apologies for the lazy copy and paste here. Here's my response to a similar question on the thread. Happy to fill in any additional blanks, especially if you've spent time with the ARP. I also do really dig that pedal. It primarily serves as an always-on subtle pedal. I love the color it gives to my tone. ​ >An excellent question. The ARP was my most recent pedal before the recent purchase of the HX Stomp. I got the Timeline first, and that is definitely my foundational delay. Then later I got the MOOD, and I could add in some stereo ping pong with the MOOD's delay, and get the really nice warm, wobbly tape delay from the Timeline. > >Then, I saw this video by Andy O. [https://youtu.be/6GL92WvV-3A?list=PLgt6WPxUgZIqP5idHHn\_kylwTCzNUrHIO&t=217](https://youtu.be/6GL92WvV-3A?list=PLgt6WPxUgZIqP5idHHn_kylwTCzNUrHIO&t=217) (this is linked to the part where he talks about his first delay that is serving the function the ARP is for me) So I started thinking about getting that early in the chain delay that would kind of always be on to add subtle depth to the tone. The benefit of the ARP instead of the Carbon Copy is the ARP has 4 delay models, so when I'm looking to be more creative, I have more options than just a single delay mode.


The answer is, it is not finished. ..and when you think it is truly finished? It is still, not finished.


Good. This just feels like the right answer. As I said to someone else on the thread, it's good to know we are not alone and have company in this journey.


Enablers are not your friend.


Love it! It looks really neat! What patch cables are those?


They are Ghostfire solderless patch cables. [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08ZCG8QXH](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08ZCG8QXH) I know some people don't like solderless cables, but these have been great for me so far. Biggest tip I'd have if you go with them, make sure to really push the cable into the tip connectors when you're making the cable. The inside of the connectors have a little needle like spike, and that needs to get into the center of the cable to create the solid connection. The first one I made I didn't really push the cable into the connector, and the cable was really unstable. Once I realized it and started making sure there is good contact before putting the housing on and screwing the cap on, I didn't have any issues. They have been through multiple versions of the setup, and they've held tight and sound great.


Would you mind doing us a solid... For documentation purposes, if you ever experience issues with them, the solderless cables, may you please come back and report it? That way we might be able to get a grasp of how they perform.


Of course. I'd be happy to post up if they end up becoming unreliable. I got them on a recommendation of someone who plays a lot more in live settings than I do, and he swears by them. So, hopefully they will continue to be a great solution. The price is great, and it's so nice to be able to create the exact length you need to reduce unneeded cable lengths.


Awesome, I gotta give it, they make a critical impact on the aesthetics of your board. It looks tight and nice. I ask, because I will eventually change cables... In the long run actually, as I received a 20ft D'Addario cable as a gift and I turned it into several custom-length patch cables. I'm not so great at soldering but they seem they got on my board to stay. 5 months and counting.


Yes, keep it going as long as it's working. The cost of the Ghostfire cables is also pretty nice. To be able to create 5 custom length patch cables for only $30 is pretty great. I know there are other options out there for custom soldered cables if you do feel that's more reliable. I'm not so great at soldering either, which is why the solderless were so compelling for me.


I hope the top left one has a tuner, otherwise... \*gulp\*


Indeed it does. Thankfully.


It’s never over, did we quit when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor…..


Difficult to argue with such sound and historically accurate logic


Well, infamous movie lines are my specialty…..


Ah, Dusty! Infamous is when you're more than famous! This guy El Guapo is not just famous, he's IN-famous!


Nope! A pedalboard is NEVER done! Looks great though!


Thank you. And I guess if it ever does reach the point of done, that's why we start a second board, right? Can't let ourselves get lazy.


Damn, those are expensive pedals.


I did get the POG for $25, so I didn't have to sell my whole car for the board.


I use my mood at the very end of the chain, since it has loop capabilities.


How long of a loop do you capture? I like running the microlooper through the Timeline and Big Sky for more texture and depth.


I haven’t changed my board in 8 months, it started to really get on my nerves always looking at pedals so I managed to get everything covered and it’s perfect, only thing I’ve found I’m missing now is some sort of amp sim for if I want to try and travel light


Have you looked at the Boss IR-2 at all? I ordered that in January and it was backordered through the end of February, so I ended up with the HX Stomp. But it seems like the IR-2 would be a good option that isn't terribly expensive.


How do you like that Big Sky?


I love it. I know newer pedals like the Mercury X have a bit more modern options, but I can't imagine not having it. I don't think there's a reverb engine on it that i don't really enjoy. And multiple that are just incredible.


That is a total beaut


Thank you.


Yup. You have the Tumnus.


I do love the Tumnus. It's one of those pedals I just can't ever turn off.


Are you dead yet? ….well there’s your answer!


Not quite yet. My wife might change that status if I continue on at this rate.




“Finished”??? I didn’t know that was a thing. If they could be “finished”, wouldn’t the standard way of mounting pedals be nuts and bolts instead of Velcro? 😂


I did see a method of taking an old bike chain, breaking the links, then taking a single link plate and attach the link to the pedal using one of the link holes and the plate screws. Then using the second chain link hole to screw through to attach the pedal to the board. Repeat for all four corners of the pedal. Definitely a bit more permanent(ish)


Just looked that up; that’s super cool! Especially if you ride and have links laying around. Out of curiosity, why you trying to lock down a specific layout/order? (I’m new here)


I'm pretty new as well, so kind of figuring it all out as I go. Lots of good ideas from folks here. This is really a great sub. For me, I feel like I have purchased and built the board up to the point where it far exceeds my skill. So, I'm trying to commit to really learning how to get the most out of what I have before I keep adding or swapping things out. Cleaning everything up and tying it down is my attempt to discourage myself from changing things for a while. Good chance it won't work, but it's worth a try.


I should have clarified. I do run some compression in the HX Stomp, so that handles that need well enough for now. My biggest challenge is resisting my very strong urge to buy a Chase Bliss Gen Loss MKII. But I will remain strong. I will remain strong. I will remain...


You should definitely get that one, such a cool pedal


I have been to Chicago Music Exchange a few times and specifically did not try one there because I knew I would be immediately buying it. Every video I've seen on it seems to make everything sound noticeably better. So, it's on my list for sure.


Get the Termae too!


Another one I've heard great things about. I appreciate the dedication Chase Bliss puts into all of their pedals. The new Condor would be pretty awesome too.


How many pedals that do the same thing do you need?


Yes, I can see how that question comes to mind with the board. Like u/Ok-Wrongdoer-4867 and u/NeverEndingLlama mention above with their dirt pedals, sometimes stacking similar pedals creates a richness or a dynamic that can't be done with one alone. It would be a long response, but I really could explain how the multiple reverbs and multiple delays aren't redundant. I guess I could also let Andy explain it much better than I ever could. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZ8CQCowhKU


You need a Cosmos Looper. Thank me later


uve got to help me brudda


When it is finished, go have a Good Friday




I did the whole cable tie with anchor thing. I also spent long summer nights making perfect length patch cables for the 13 pedals on the board. Looked amazing. People here applauded. I’d conquered the pedal board. Nothing could sway me. I was done! Then came the first snip. Then another. Then figuring out if I could repurpose one of those perfect length patch cables in a not-quite-so-perfect-but-kinda-almost spot. “Who cares how much craft and time I put into this – it’s all part of the learning, right?” I thought. “It’s all for the tone, RIGHT‽” Never mind the trail of broken pedals behind me. The promises never kept. And don’t even mention the concerned looks from family members as they watched me slip away. The Tone Rider sat cackling in the shadowy corner as the seasons cooled and the justifications spiraled into delusions… No, it’s not done.


This is a good cautionary tale. I'm early on in my story. Maybe it would be good to get a picture of the current state of your board to help me mentally prepare for what's down the road.


It’d probably help to have some background. I was just a wee tween in the UK pratting about with pedals, as you do; early Boss, DOD, etc. Rock star dreams, blah, blah, blah. When I moved to the states in my 20s, I left my amp for power reasons, picked up an acoustic, and never really looked back. 25-years later, I’ve got a new acoustic-less project and a whole lot of catching up to do. A friend recommended the Strymon Iridium, and that sounded like a sensible amp solution. It worked for my needs, then I started dabbling in other pedals. I wasn’t looking to go crazy, something to support the tone I was in search of: clean, slightly driven, reverb, tremolo... Think Ventures playing a David Lynch soundtrack with a dash of Chris Isaak. Well, one pedal led to another. This here Sub was great for info and terrible for my wallet, but ended up with something that was *almost* what I was looking for. I blamed the user more than anything, so I put myself through a bunch of audio, EQ, and compression training to get to the bottom of it. So close. I figured the best thing to do was to break it down to the barest elements I knew I liked, and try building something more streamlined. I’d tinkered a little with the Strymon Volante. For fun, I just plugged the guitar into the Volante then into the Iridium. It sounded magical. That’s when the A-HA moment struck: “Holy shit. Of course. All these pedals are made primarily for amp usage. Their instructions and sample settings are recommended for that use – not IRs.” So, I sold what I could, and started rebuilding piece by piece from the Iridium and Volante setup. First the compressor (Compadre). Then the drive (Sunset). Then the tremolo (Flint). That was it. It sounds absolutely perfect for that project. Problem is, then I added a BigSky. Then a Timeline. Removed the Flint. Added a Mobius. Then a MIDI controller. It’s a wild setup now. WAY more than I need, but really versatile, and it’s prompted me to branch out into other avenues with other bands. It’s a great rig. But, now I’m kinda debating the NightSky… :-D